# af/xcqrvZruQLJz.xml.gz
# tir/xcqrvZruQLJz.xml.gz

(src)="22"> Vural 's mind isn 't clear .
(trg)="1"> ፈጥማጌል

(src)="26"> He will go to England soon , anyway ... ... and by sthen , things will be calming down already .
(trg)="2"> መልታም , ህጽዪቲ ናይ ሰሊም ያሸራን .

(src)="29"> Then after a while , you can sit and talk to him .
(src)="30"> When he is cooled .
(src)="31"> And we shouldn 't see each other for a while .
(trg)="3"> ቅድም ንሕና ተራኪብና ኔርና , ንስኪ ትሰርሒ ኒርኪ ኣብ ናትና ናይ ከብቲ ሕርሻ - ይፈልጥ , - ክንዛረብ ደልያ ኔረ