# af/0MC8JyNLkhLO.xml.gz
# en/0MC8JyNLkhLO.xml.gz

(src)="1"> HOO Iz you ! ¶ someonEE Hoo LOAthes U , biTch
(trg)="1"> Who are you !

(src)="2"> NOOOOOO sTand UHp AN´ rhyme iii Onli Thawedd U Outii $o Ah Cud Beat YO´ A$$ Uh $EConD tyme rOAr Diggg Chewbacca ,
(trg)="2"> Someone who loathes you , b& amp; tch

(src)="3"> The VoiCe Of MufaSa i 'm Awn da LeAduh O " Yo´ LImp DicKedd lUfwAffE . i stRIke Bakkk HArd AgAINSt Uhhhh NaZi brAin To$$ Yo´ A$$$$$ Ynn DAAAA AiR .
(trg)="3"> Now stand up and rhyme
(trg)="4"> I only thawed you out so I could beat your @ ss a second time
(trg)="5"> Roar like Chewbacca , the voice of Mufasa

(src)="4"> Yahtzee ! askk IndIaNa JoNes Hoo Daa Fuk Ah am
(trg)="6"> I 'm on the leader of your limp d^cked Lufwaffe .

(src)="5"> IIIII $Pitt $icKK $hit $o FOcuSed i Break YO´ cONCeNtRasHuN CAMP i 'm UH ceRtifieD $IThh Lord , UU Runt sO $uck AWn deEz aaah , DeS Wut $iR ?
(trg)="7"> I strike back hard against a Nazi
(trg)="8"> Brain toss your @ ss in the air .
(trg)="9"> Yahtzee !

(src)="6"> Deez Robottt NUTs ! ~
(trg)="13"> I 'm a certified Sith Lord , you runt

(src)="7"> I' MMM Gonnn enjoAyy WatChin U DiE $o lEtt mE Do ITT witt Mahh Own EyEs . you Peep $TreSsed Vaduh UUU appear 2 BBBB yN PAin ,,, u need uh VAcasHUn ,, hErE ,
(trg)="14"> So suck on deez
(trg)="15"> Aaah , these what sir ?

(src)="8"> TAKe Uhhhh TriP Awn mahhhh Train i Meann UU LeAdInnn Uh ArMayY O " white- a$$$$ men ?
(trg)="16"> Deez robot nuts ! ~
(trg)="17"> I 'm gonna enjoy watching you die so let me do it with my own eyes .

(src)="9"> DIsgrAceFuL ! eVenn Yo´ MIcc $killssss $tIlL Aren 'tt FUlLEe opeRationAl . yOUt Gott 11 BIATch PREGurz Than GavE Itt 2 da H8 ,, nww yoU 're 6" 66 An " Black buT CaN 't COP Uh Date .
(trg)="18"> You look stressed Vader you appear to be in pain , you need a vacation , here , take a trip on my train
(trg)="19"> I mean you leading an army of white men ?
(trg)="20"> Disgraceful !

(src)="12"> US $Um O " ´ Yo " Force 2 fix YO´ F& amp; CkIn respiRATor . yoU TYnk you 'Re PoweRFul WIt Yo´ fiNguh NEck PiNCHes ?
(trg)="21"> Even your mic skills still aren 't fully operational .
(trg)="22"> Yout got one b^tch pregnant then gave it to the hate , now you 're 6" 6 and black but can 't get a date .

(src)="13"> You couldN 't Evnn Copppp yO´ OwN $onn NToo Da FamilEE BUsINeSs ! everytHIN UU DO Iz Uhh ePic fail ,,,, Nw $tAnddd at AttENShun AN´ $ieggg F& amp; ckin HeiL !
(trg)="23"> Lightsaber ?
(trg)="24"> You need a LlFE SAVER !
(trg)="25"> Use some of your force to fix your f& amp; cking respirator .

(src)="14"> WHAt 'SS waCK Ani ?
(trg)="26"> You think you 're powerful with your finger neck pinches ?

(src)="15"> Can 'tt TaYk Anymore ? not $URPriSINN Comin Frm daaaa EmPerOR 's HOochIE .
(trg)="27"> You couldn 't even get your own son into the family business !
(trg)="28"> Everything you do is an epic fail , now stand at attention and Sieg F& amp; cking Heil !
(trg)="29"> What 's wrong Ani ?

(src)="16"> Yaa YaH - TAyk That ! what 'ss uH MattEr ? whErE Izz DA D . J . ? whayYYY iz U LAughing ?
(trg)="30"> Can 't take anymore ?
(trg)="31"> Not surprising coming from the Emperor 's whore .
(trg)="32"> Ya yah - take that !

(src)="17"> Because you 're standing over the rancor Pit .
(trg)="33"> What 's a matter ?

(src)="18"> Made by ; Baptiste Piguet
(trg)="34"> Where is the D. J. ?

(src)="19"> Made by ; Baptiste Piguet
(trg)="35"> Why are you laughing ?

(src)="20"> Made by ; Baptiste Piguet
(trg)="36"> Because you 're standing over the Rancor Pit .

# af/0S9GOQGUOfPh.xml.gz
# en/0S9GOQGUOfPh.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Jesus word gevra in Matteus 22 om die " groot bevel " van die Wet op te som , en Hy doen dit !
(trg)="1"> Jesus is asked in Matthew 22 to sum up the " great command " of the Law , and He does !

(src)="2"> In verse 37- 39 , Hy gee ons twee bevele , die eerste is die ´groot´ bevel --
(trg)="2"> In verses 37- 39 , He gives us two commands , the first of which being the 'great ' command --

(src)="3"> Om , " die Here jou God lief hê met jou hele hart , en met jou hele siel , en met jou hele verstand . "
(trg)="3"> To , " love the Lord your God with all your heart , with all your soul , and with all your mind . "

(src)="4"> In essensie moet alles wat ons is vir God glorie gee en Hom aanbid .
(trg)="4"> Essentially , everything we are needs to glorify and worship God .

(src)="5"> Mag die gebed van ons harte en die rigting van ons lewens dieselfde wees as die Psalmskrywer in Psalm 103 , wanneer hy sê , " Seën die Here , O my siel : en alles wat in my is , seën Sy heilige Naam . "
(trg)="5"> May the prayer of our hearts and the direction of our lives be the same as the Psalmist in Psalm 103 , when he says , " Bless the LORD , O my soul , and all that is within me , bless His holy Name . "

(src)="6"> Ek wil met jou vandag praat oor afgodery , en eintlik , afgod afbreking -- om die dinge wat God se plek in jou lewe vat uit die weg te ruim .
(trg)="6"> I want to talk to you today about idolatry , and really , idol smashing -- getting the things that stand in God 's rightful place out of there .

(src)="7"> Die Bybel sê oor afgodery -- Ons is veronderstel om daarvan weg te bly , die vlug daarvan en om dit dood te maak in ons lewens .
(trg)="7"> The Bible says about idolatry -- We 're supposed to keep away from it , flee from it , and put it to death in our own lives .

(src)="8"> Het jy vir Jesus lief ?
(trg)="8"> Do you love Jesus ?

(src)="9"> Hy het jou onmeetbaar lief .
(trg)="9"> He loves you immeasurably .

(src)="10"> Maak nie saak hoeveel keer jy struikel of val nie ,
(trg)="10"> No matter how many times you stumble or fall ,

(src)="11"> Hy is daar om jou op te tel , om jou te seën , om jou aan te moedig , en te help groei in hierdie lang marathon .
(trg)="11"> He is there to pick you up , to bless you , to encourage you , and to help you grow in this long marathon .

(src)="12"> So ek bid hierdie is ´n seën !
(trg)="12"> So I pray that this is a blessing !

(src)="13"> 1 Johannes -- Ek is gefassineer deur die einde van hierdie brief .
(trg)="13"> 1 John -- I 'm very intrigued by the ending of this epistle .

(src)="14"> In Hoofstuk 5 , verse 20- 21 , het ons ´n kort einde ...
(trg)="14"> In Chapter 5 , verses 20- 21 , we have an abrupt ending ...

(src)="15"> Dit lees , " Ons weet ook dan dat die Seun van God gekom het en dat Hy vir ons ´n verstandhouding gegee het , sodat ons Hom wie waar is , mag ken , en dat ons in Hom is wie waar is , selfs in Sy Seun , Jesus Christus .
(trg)="15"> It reads , " We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding , so that we may know Him who is true , and we are in Him who is true , even in His Son , Jesus Christ .

(src)="16"> Die is die Ware God en ewige lewe .
(trg)="16"> He is the True God and eternal life .

(src)="17"> Liewe kinders , weerhou jouself van afgode . " ... en dit is dit !
(trg)="17"> Dear children , keep yourselves from idols . " ... and that 's it !

(src)="18"> Dit is die einde van die boek -- Liewe kinders , weerhou julleself van afgode !
(trg)="18"> That 's the end of the book -- Dear children , keep yourselves from idols !

(src)="19"> Johannes praat met meer as een ouderdomsgroep regdeur hierdie brief , en hier het ons kinders , wat die mees basiese dinge nodige het -- die melk van die Woord en die standvastige integriteit wat groei en opbou ondersteun , en hier het ons -- " Weerhou julleself van afgode . " Baie basies , maar ons moet dit doen !
(trg)="19"> John speaks to various age groups throughout this letter , and here we have children , who need the most basic things -- the milk of the Word and the structural integrity that supports growth and building up , and we have here -- " Keep yourselves from idols . " Very basic , but yet we need to do it !

(src)="20"> 1 Korintiërs 10 sê ook ( blaai soontoe ) in verse 13- 14 dat ons moet vlug van afgodery .
(trg)="20"> 1 Corinthians 10 also states ( flip over there ) in verses 13- 14 that we need to flee from idolatry .

(src)="21"> " Daar het geen beproewing jou bygeval , behalwe dit wat algemeen bekend is aan die mens : maar God is getrou ,
(trg)="21"> " No temptation has seized you except that which is common to man , and God is faithful ,

(src)="22"> Wie julle nie sal laat beproef bo dit wat julle kan hanteer nie ; maar sal saam met die beproewing ook ´n weg maak om te ontsnap , dat jy dit kan bassraak .
(trg)="22"> He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear , but when you are tempted , He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it .

(src)="23"> Daarom , my geliefdes , vlug van afgodery . "
(trg)="23"> Therefore , my dear friends , flee from idolatry . "

(src)="24"> En ons nie veronderstel om dit te ignoreer nie , te verstoot , apatie te hê teenoor dit , dit selfs probeer verskoon of probeer regverdig nie .
(trg)="24"> And we 're not supposed to ignore it , shun it , have apathy toward it , or even excuse and justify it .

(src)="25"> Ons moet VLUG van dit !
(trg)="25"> We 're supposed to FLEE from it !

(src)="26"> Gelukkig het God vir ons ´n weg uit voorsien sodat ons daarvan kan vlug ,
(trg)="26"> Thankfully God has provided a way out so that we can flee from it ,

(src)="27"> Maar dit is op ons eie verantwoordelikheid om te besluit of ons van afgodery gaan vlug en of ons gaan besluit om sonde te geniet .
(trg)="27"> But it 's on our own responsibility as to whether we decide to flee from idolatry or whether we decide to indulge in sin .

(src)="28"> In Korinte was daar baie dinge wat mens kon verstrengel in sonde -- wellus , dronkenskap , ongepaste verhoudings , afgodery en afgodsfeeste .
(trg)="28"> In Corinth , there were so many things that could ensnare people in sin -- lust , drinking to excess , improper relationships , idol worship and idol feasts .

(src)="29"> In ons eie lewens het ons unieke temptasies .
(trg)="29"> In our own lives , we have unique temptations .

(src)="30"> God is getrou en voorsien vir jou ´n pad uit -- en Hy doen !
(trg)="30"> God is faithful , though , and He can provide you a way out -- and He does !

(src)="31"> Ons moet in Hom vertrou en daardie pad kies sodat ons van afgodery kan vlug .
(trg)="31"> We need to trust in Him and choose that path so that we flee from idolatry .

(src)="32"> Kom daaruit !
(trg)="32"> Get out of there !

(src)="33"> Afgodery is een van die " dade van die flees , " soos Galasiërs 5 : 20 sê , en in Kolossense 3 : 5- 6 , ons is veronderstel om dit " dood te maak " -- en ek wil hierdie verse in Kolossense vir jou lees :
(trg)="33"> Idolatry is one of the " acts of the sinful nature , " as Galatians 5 : 20 states , and in Colossians 3 : 5- 6 , we 're supposed to " put it to death " -- and I want to read these verses for you in Colossians :

(src)="34"> " Maak jou fleeslede dood wat hier op aarde is ; hoerery , onreinheid , hartstog , slegte begeertes en gierigheid , wat afgodediens is : weens hierdie dinge toorn die wraak van God oor die kinders van die ongehoorsaamheid : "
(trg)="34"> " Put to death , therefore , what belongs to your earthly nature : sexual immorality , impurity , lust , evil desires and greed , which is idolatry .
(trg)="35"> Because of these , the wrath of God is coming . "

(src)="35"> Wanneer ons sonde oor God kies , is dit afgodery .
(trg)="36"> When we choose the sin over God , that 's idolatry .

(src)="36"> God het vir ons gesê wat om te doen -- Hy het vir ons bevele gegee ,
(trg)="37"> God has told us what to do -- He has given us commands ,

(src)="37"> Hy het ons gemaak !
(trg)="38"> He has created us !

(src)="38"> Hy weet wat die beste vir ons is .
(trg)="39"> He knows what 's best for us .

(src)="39"> Hy weet wat sal resulteer in die meeste glorie vir Homself , en die beste resultaat vir ons , en steeds , as ons die sonde kies , is dit afgodery .
(trg)="40"> He knows what would result in the most glory for Himself , and the best result for us , and yet , if we choose the sin , that 's idolatry .

(src)="40"> Ons verhoog dit bo God .
(trg)="41"> We 're exalting that over God .

(src)="41"> Dit is so na aan God se hart vir ons om in ´n regte verhouding met Hom te staan . en om Hom as ons # 1 te hê .
(trg)="42"> It 's so dear to God 's heart for us to be in a right relationship with Him , and to have Him as our # 1 .

(src)="42"> Die Eerste Gebod van die Tien in Eksodus 20 is nogal verhalend -- Eksodus 20 : 2- 3 lees ,
(trg)="43"> The First Commandment of the Ten in Exodus 20 is quite telling -- Exodus 20 : 2- 3 reads ,

(src)="43"> Ek is die Here jou God wat jou uit die land van Egipte , uit die slawehuis , uitgelei het .
(trg)="44"> " I am the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt , out of the house of bondage .

(src)="44"> Jy mag geen ander gode voor my aangesig hê nie . "
(trg)="45"> You shall have no other gods before Me . "

(src)="45"> ' Geen ander gode . ' God is ´n jaloerse God -- Hy begeer ons toegeneentheid .
(trg)="46"> ' No other gods . ' God is a jealous God -- He desires our affection .

(src)="46"> Hy het ons so selfopofferend lief .
(trg)="47"> He loves us so sacrificially .

(src)="47"> Hy het vir ons Sy Seun Jesus as ´n offer vir ons sondes gegee sodat ons versoen en terug na Hom gebring kan word .
(trg)="48"> He provided His Son Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins , so that we could be reconciled and brought back to Him .

(src)="48"> Dit is hoeveel Hy ons lief het !
(trg)="49"> That 's how much He loves us !

(src)="49"> Enige iets in die plek van God in ons lewens -- raak ontslae daarvan !
(trg)="50"> Anything in the place of God in our lives -- get rid of it !

(src)="50"> Verskuif dit !
(trg)="51"> Readjust it !

(src)="51"> Hulle kan selfs ´goeie dinge´ wees -- ons kan selfs seëninge van God verander in afgode !
(trg)="52"> These can even be 'good things ' -- we can even reconstruct these blessings of God into idols !

(src)="52"> Ons kan gemaakte dinge aanbid in plaas van die Skepper , en dit is gevaarlik !
(trg)="53"> We can worship the created things instead of the Creator , and that 's dangerous !

(src)="53"> Ons moet fokus op die Skenker en God aanbid , want Hy gee " goeie en perfekte geskenke , " en daardie geskenke is NIE bedoel om aanbid te word nie !
(trg)="54"> We need to focus on the Gift- giver and worship God , because He gives " good and perfect gifts , " and those gifts are NOT meant to be worshiped !

(src)="54"> So weereens , Jesus moet # 1 wees .
(trg)="55"> So again , # 1 needs to be Jesus .

(src)="55"> Vat bietjie tyd en deursoek jou hart -- as daar ´n afgod daar is , of dit duidelik of latent is , jy moet daarvan ontslae raak !
(trg)="56"> Take some time and examine your heart -- if there 's an idol there , whether it 's obvious or latent , you need to get rid of it !

(src)="56"> Ons moet fokus op Jesus , Hom # 1 hou , en weereens , soos die Skrif sê --
(trg)="57"> We have to focus on Jesus , keeping Him # 1 , and again , as Scripture says --

(src)="57"> Ons is veronderstel om weg te bly van afgodery , vlug daarvan en die dood te maak in ons lewens .
(trg)="58"> We are supposed to keep away from idolatry , flee from it , and put it to death in our own lives .

(src)="58"> As God jou seëninge gegee het , koester hulle .
(trg)="59"> If God has granted you blessings in life , cherish those .

(src)="59"> Ons is nie veronderstel om elke geskenk uit te gooi omdat dit ´n potensiële afgod kan wees nie .
(trg)="60"> We 're not supposed to cast out every gift because they 're potential idols .

(src)="60"> Ons is veronderstel om lief te wees vir en die Skenker te koester , en dankbaar wees aan Hom en vir Hom dankie sê vir die geskenke wat Hy vir ons gee , maar weer , hulle mag nie afgode in ons lewens word nie .
(trg)="61"> We 're supposed to love and cherish the Gift- giver , and appreciate and thank Him for the gifts He 's given us , but again , these can 't be idols in our lives .

(src)="61"> Mag God jou die begeerte skenk om Hom meer te ken en lief te hê ,
(trg)="62"> May God grant you the desire to know and love Him more ,

(src)="62"> Mag Hy jou oorwinning gee soos jy vlug van afgodery , mag ons op Hom vertrou vir krag -- in ons eie krag of vlees nie -- maar mag ons bevoeg word deur Sy Heilige Gees om ontsagwekkende dinge vir Sy Naam en Sy Koninkryk te doen , en mag ons meer as oorwinnaars wees deur Hom Wie ons liefgehad het , Jesus Christus .
(trg)="63"> May He grant you victory as you flee from idolatry , may we rely on Him for strength -- not in our own strength and flesh -- but may we be empowered by His Holy Spirit to do amazing things for His Name and His Kingdom , and may we be more than conquerors through Him who loved us , Jesus Christ .

(src)="63"> Weereens , moenie toelaat dat afgode jou lewe binnedring nie , en as hulle daar is , breek hulle !
(trg)="64"> Again , don 't let idols enter your life , and if they 're there , smash them !

(src)="64"> Raak ontslae van hulle , en mag ons reinheid van hart hê en fokus op Hom soos nooit te vore .
(src)="65"> God seën jou .
(trg)="65"> Get rid of them , and may we have purity of heart and focus on Him like never before .

# af/0kMzeUepq05T.xml.gz
# en/0kMzeUepq05T.xml.gz

(src)="1"> ' n Boer plant 531 tamaties en verkoop dan 176 daarvan in drie dae .
(trg)="1"> A farmer grows 531 tomatoes and is able to sell 176 of them in three days .

(src)="2"> Sy voorraad tamaties verminder dus met 176 , hoeveel tamaties het hy na drie dae oor ?
(trg)="2"> Given that his supply of tomatoes decreases by 176 , how many tomatoes does he have remaining at the end of three days ?

(src)="3"> Hy begin met 531 tamaties ,
(trg)="3"> So he starts with 531 tomatoes

(src)="4"> laat ek net ´n bietjie meer werkspasie skep , hy begin met 531 tamaties en kan 176 verkoop .
(trg)="4"> let me give myself a little more space to work with
(trg)="5"> -- he starts with 531 tomatoes and he is able to sell 176 .

(src)="5"> In wese gaan hy die 176 wat hy verkoop , aftrek .
(trg)="6"> He is essentially going to subtract the 176 that he is selling .

(src)="6"> As ons wil uitwerk hoeveel hy oorhou , dan moet ons 176 aftrek .
(trg)="7"> If we want to figure out how many he is left with , we are going to subtract 176 .

(src)="7"> Dit is hoeveel hy in drie dae verkoop .
(trg)="8"> That 's how many he sells in three days .

(src)="8"> Hulle vra van ons : hoeveel het hy aan die einde van drie dae oor ?
(trg)="9"> They 're asking us : how many does he have left at the end of three days ?

(src)="9"> Ons moet bloot die 176 aftrek van die totaal wat hy geplant het .
(trg)="10"> We just have to subtract those 176 from the amount he grew .

(src)="10"> Dit verander in ´n hierdie eenvoudige minus- som .
(trg)="11"> It turned into this straight up subtraction problem .

(src)="11"> Kom ons kyk of ons dit kan doen .
(trg)="12"> Lets see if we can do it .

(src)="12"> As ons direk na die ene se plek gaan , net hierso , wag , laat ek dit gelyktydig doen want dit mag dalk interessant wees hier .
(trg)="13"> If we go straight to the ones place right over here and actually let me do it in parallel because i think that might be interesting over here .