# ab/EUt8iipEIEuA.xml.gz
# pnb/EUt8iipEIEuA.xml.gz

(src)="1"> - I loved my job .
(trg)="1"> - I loved my job .

(src)="2"> I did .
(trg)="2"> I did .

(src)="3"> When I retired ,
(trg)="3"> When I retired ,

(src)="4"> It was time to come to terms with myself .
(trg)="4"> It was time to come to terms with myself .

(src)="5"> I had to get rid of all these clients .
(trg)="5"> I had to get rid of all these clients .

(src)="6"> The tears .
(trg)="6"> The tears .

(src)="7"> Inside these folders .
(trg)="7"> Inside these folders .

(src)="8"> It moved me .
(trg)="8"> It moved me .

(src)="9"> I went too far .
(trg)="9"> I went too far .

(src)="10"> Oslo Private Investigation Agency .
(trg)="10"> Oslo Private Investigation Agency .

(src)="11"> - I am a problem solver .
(trg)="11"> - I am a problem solver .

(src)="12"> And I have solved thousands of cases .
(trg)="12"> And I have solved thousands of cases .

(src)="13"> But now it 's about time I address my own life .
(trg)="13"> But now it 's about time I address my own life .

(src)="14"> I had to be an actor my whole life .
(trg)="14"> I had to be an actor my whole life .

(src)="15"> Through my work , I have had hundreds of roles .
(trg)="15"> Through my work , I have had hundreds of roles .

(src)="16"> So the best way to tell about it is to act it out .
(trg)="16"> So the best way to tell about it is to act it out .

(src)="17"> - Hello , hello , - Hi .
(trg)="17"> - Hello , hello , - Hi .

(src)="18"> - Fun to meet you .
(trg)="18"> - Fun to meet you .

(src)="19"> - Yes , very nice .
(trg)="19"> - Yes , very nice .

(src)="20"> My name is Tuva .
(trg)="20"> My name is Tuva .

(src)="21"> This is tremendous .
(trg)="21"> This is tremendous .

(src)="22"> Very nice .
(trg)="22"> Very nice .

(src)="23"> - Here is your office .
(trg)="23"> - Here is your office .

(src)="24"> - Yes .
(trg)="24"> - Yes .

(src)="25"> - What a fantastic job .
(trg)="25"> - What a fantastic job .

(src)="26"> It is very strange .
(trg)="26"> It is very strange .

(src)="27"> I can 't say it 's painful .
(trg)="27"> I can 't say it 's painful .

(src)="28"> But it 's completely fantastic .
(trg)="28"> But it 's completely fantastic .

(src)="29"> - But could this have been your office ?
(trg)="29"> - But could this have been your office ?

(src)="30"> - Oh , absolutely .
(trg)="30"> - Oh , absolutely .

(src)="31"> I almost want to go back .
(trg)="31"> I almost want to go back .

(src)="32"> It 's like I am going backwards into the past .
(trg)="32"> It 's like I am going backwards into the past .

(src)="33"> Oslo Private Investigation Agency .
(trg)="33"> Oslo Private Investigation Agency .

(src)="34"> I 'm calling because I am a bit worried about my husband .
(trg)="34"> I 'm calling because I am a bit worried about my husband .

(src)="35"> There were all types of people .
(trg)="35"> There were all types of people .

(src)="36"> People who needed help with something they could not solve themselves .
(trg)="36"> People who needed help with something they could not solve themselves .

(src)="37"> - But how long has he been gone ?
(trg)="37"> - But how long has he been gone ?

(src)="38"> Just a day or ... ?
(trg)="38"> Just a day or ... ?

(src)="39"> - " He has been away for a while , and I 'm worried . "
(trg)="39"> - " He has been away for a while , and I 'm worried . "

(src)="40"> There were business thefts .
(trg)="40"> There were business thefts .

(src)="41"> There was fraud .
(trg)="41"> There was fraud .

(src)="42"> There were incredibly many things .
(trg)="42"> There were incredibly many things .

(src)="43"> And after a while -
(trg)="43"> And after a while -

(src)="44"> - word had gone around town that I was good at it .
(trg)="44"> - word had gone around town that I was good at it .

(src)="45"> Because it was what I lived for , eventually .
(trg)="45"> Because it was what I lived for , eventually .

(src)="46"> I understand .
(trg)="46"> I understand .

(src)="47"> Just talk to us and then we can find out if ...
(trg)="47"> Just talk to us and then we can find out if ...

(src)="48"> You have no information .
(trg)="48"> You have no information .

(src)="49"> I need to talk to someone .
(trg)="49"> I need to talk to someone .

(src)="50"> Some people were almost out of their minds .
(trg)="50"> Some people were almost out of their minds .

(src)="51"> Some came and said , " Have I gone mad ? "
(trg)="51"> Some came and said , " Have I gone mad ? "

(src)="52"> " I can 't think about anything else . "
(trg)="52"> " I can 't think about anything else . "

(src)="53"> They had to know .
(trg)="53"> They had to know .

(src)="54"> You can tell if someone is lying .
(trg)="54"> You can tell if someone is lying .

(src)="55"> You can feel it .
(trg)="55"> You can feel it .

(src)="56"> It was often painful for me to break news to my clients .
(trg)="56"> It was often painful for me to break news to my clients .

(src)="57"> But you could see them blossom up .
(trg)="57"> But you could see them blossom up .

(src)="58"> Decisiveness , kind of .
(trg)="58"> Decisiveness , kind of .

(src)="59"> When they finally found out , they could make their own decisions .
(trg)="59"> When they finally found out , they could make their own decisions .

(src)="60"> They changed .
(trg)="60"> They changed .

(src)="61"> They became themselves .
(trg)="61"> They became themselves .

(src)="62"> They were not crazy .
(trg)="62"> They were not crazy .

(src)="63"> I recognized myself in my clients´ fates .
(trg)="63"> I recognized myself in my clients´ fates .

(src)="64"> There are parallels between my clients´ fates and my own life .
(trg)="64"> There are parallels between my clients´ fates and my own life .

(src)="65"> I was married to my first husband for 10 years .
(trg)="65"> I was married to my first husband for 10 years .

(src)="66"> I lived in Haslum , outside Oslo .
(trg)="66"> I lived in Haslum , outside Oslo .

(src)="67"> There was beer Saturdays and weekly magazines on Wednesdays .
(trg)="67"> There was beer Saturdays and weekly magazines on Wednesdays .

(src)="68"> I was drowning .
(trg)="68"> I was drowning .

(src)="69"> I had had enough .
(trg)="69"> I had had enough .

(src)="70"> I just wanted to escape from everything .
(trg)="70"> I just wanted to escape from everything .

(src)="71"> I wanted more .
(trg)="71"> I wanted more .

(src)="72"> I had relatives in America , so I travelled there to get away .
(trg)="72"> I had relatives in America , so I travelled there to get away .

(src)="73"> To get wind under my wings .
(trg)="73"> To get wind under my wings .

(src)="74"> And then I took the boat " Bergen 's Fjord " home .
(trg)="74"> And then I took the boat " Bergen 's Fjord " home .

(src)="75"> And that 's where I met Gunnar .
(trg)="75"> And that 's where I met Gunnar .

(src)="76"> I became very , very fond of him .
(trg)="76"> I became very , very fond of him .

(src)="77"> But he was married and I was married .
(trg)="77"> But he was married and I was married .

(src)="78"> So nothing more came of it .
(trg)="78"> So nothing more came of it .

(src)="79"> So when I came home I returned to my husband ,
(trg)="79"> So when I came home I returned to my husband ,

(src)="80"> Because I promised him that I would .
(trg)="80"> Because I promised him that I would .

(src)="81"> But after a while , I had just had to get away again .
(trg)="81"> But after a while , I had just had to get away again .

(src)="82"> I couldn 't handle it anymore .
(trg)="82"> I couldn 't handle it anymore .

(src)="83"> That part of my life was over .
(trg)="83"> That part of my life was over .

(src)="84"> And then I thought , " Oh , now I am free .
(trg)="84"> And then I thought , " Oh , now I am free .

(src)="85"> Now I am really free . "
(trg)="85"> Now I am really free . "

(src)="86"> My sister who lived in Stockholm , said " Come over . "
(trg)="86"> My sister who lived in Stockholm , said " Come over . "

(src)="87"> I arrived in Sweden and got a job as a dentist assistant .
(trg)="87"> I arrived in Sweden and got a job as a dentist assistant .

(src)="88"> I worked there for almost a year .
(trg)="88"> I worked there for almost a year .

(src)="89"> And then he just came and got me .
(trg)="89"> And then he just came and got me .

(src)="90"> With a van and everything .
(trg)="90"> With a van and everything .

(src)="91"> I didn 't know him at all .
(trg)="91"> I didn 't know him at all .

(src)="92"> Yes , I was crazy in love .
(trg)="92"> Yes , I was crazy in love .

(src)="93"> A total goner .
(trg)="93"> A total goner .

(src)="94"> How did I become a private investigator ?
(trg)="94"> How did I become a private investigator ?

(src)="95"> I didn 't really have a choice .
(trg)="95"> I didn 't really have a choice .

(src)="96"> When I arrived in Oslo , Gunnar was very excited about it .
(trg)="96"> When I arrived in Oslo , Gunnar was very excited about it .

(src)="97"> I wanted adventure , so I went along with everything .
(trg)="97"> I wanted adventure , so I went along with everything .

(src)="98"> And it sounded terribly exciting .
(trg)="98"> And it sounded terribly exciting .

(src)="99"> I cannot seem to talk about myself without talking about Gunnar .
(trg)="99"> I cannot seem to talk about myself without talking about Gunnar .

(src)="100"> And if someone was going to play Gunnar , his personality -
(trg)="100"> And if someone was going to play Gunnar , his personality -