# ab/NZIbIEo9Q88T.xml.gz
# efi/NZIbIEo9Q88T.xml.gz

(src)="1"> When the rebellion against Gaddafi started , I left my home in Norway to get to Misrata , the military frontier of the Libyan Revolution .
(trg)="1"> When the rebellion against Gaddafi started , I left my home in Norway to get to Misrata , the military frontier of the Libyan revolution .

(src)="2"> I wanted to join a local militia .
(src)="3"> To get to know the people behind the rebellion .
(trg)="2"> I wanted to join a local militia , to get to know the people behind the rebellion .

(src)="4"> A man holding this pack of cigarettes is a boss .
(trg)="3"> A man holding this pack of cigarettes is a boss .

(src)="5"> A man holding this pack is a poor guy belonging to the frontline .
(trg)="4"> A man holding this pack is a poor guy belonging to the frontline .

(src)="6"> May God help him !
(trg)="5"> May God help him !

(src)="7"> We are coming straight home to you Gaddafi !
(trg)="6"> We are coming straight home to you Gaddafi !

(src)="8"> So you can look me in the eyes !
(trg)="7"> So you can look me in the eyes !

(src)="9"> Do you have a gun with you , Haj Sadiq ?
(trg)="8"> Do you have a gun with you , Haj Siddiq ?

(src)="10"> In Misrata , I met Haj Sadiq , who became a rebel at the age of 52 .
(trg)="9"> In Misrata , I met Haj Siddiq , who became a rebel at the age of 52 .

(src)="11"> A father of five , and head of a local tribe in the city .
(trg)="10"> A father of five , and head of a local tribe in the city .

(src)="12"> - Aren 't you gonna bring one for me ?
(trg)="11"> - Aren 't you gonna bring one for me ?

(src)="13"> - No, no, no !
(trg)="12"> - No, no, no !

(src)="14"> You are not a fighter .
(trg)="13"> You are not a fighter .

(src)="15"> Get in .
(trg)="14"> Get in .

(src)="16"> Armed with my small camera , I wanted to contribute in building a new democracy .
(trg)="15"> Armed with my small camera , I wanted to contribute in building a new democracy .

(src)="17"> And after a year of heavy fighting , we managed to remove the dictator .
(trg)="16"> And after a year of heavy fighting , we managed to remove the dictator .

(src)="18"> Fresh air , with no Gaddafi smell !
(trg)="17"> Fresh air , with no Gaddafi smell !

(src)="19"> But will the rebels " idea of freedom be the same as mine ?
(trg)="18"> But would the rebelsĀ“ idea of freedom be the same as mine ?
(trg)="19"> This is my diary from the Libyan revolution .

(src)="20"> This is my diary from the Libyan revolution .
(src)="21"> And the challenge of shaping a new Libya in the absence of the dictator .
(trg)="20"> And the challenge of shaping a new Libya in the absence of the dictator .

(src)="22"> Fucking hell , it 's been raining for three days straight now .
(trg)="21"> Fucking hell , it 's been raining for three days straight now .

(src)="23"> Leaving Oslo , it was more than ten years since I was in my home country , Libya .
(trg)="22"> When I left Oslo , it was more than ten years since I was in my home country , Libya .

(src)="24"> I don 't know why I 'm going there .
(trg)="23"> I don 't know why I 'm going there .

(src)="25"> I don 't know what I 'm up for .
(trg)="24"> I don 't know what I 'm up for .

(src)="26"> I just know that I can 't sit here watching , not being part of it .
(trg)="25"> I just know that I can 't sit here watching , not being part of it .

(src)="27"> - How do you feel ?
(trg)="26"> - How do you feel ?

(src)="28"> - Scared .
(trg)="27"> - Scared .

(src)="29"> Are you scared ?
(trg)="28"> Are you scared ?

(src)="30"> Why ?
(trg)="29"> Why ?

(src)="31"> Because you 're going down to war .
(trg)="30"> Because you 're going down to war .

(src)="32"> Civil war .
(trg)="31"> Civil war .

(src)="33"> Every little thing is gonna be alright ...
(trg)="32"> " Every little thing is gonna be all right ... "

(src)="34"> I was reluctant to leave my safe home in Norway .
(trg)="33"> I was reluctant to leave my safe home in Norway .

(src)="35"> But eager to feel what was it like to be a Libyan again .
(trg)="34"> But I was eager to remember what it was like being a Libyan again .

(src)="36"> I entered Libya from the Egyptian border .
(trg)="35"> I entered Libya from the Egyptian border .

(src)="37"> My first goal was the city of Bengazi , the rebels " stronghold in eastern Libya .
(trg)="36"> My first goal was the city of Benghazi , the rebels " stronghold in eastern Libya .

(src)="38"> - Where are you from ?
(trg)="37"> - Where are you from ?

(src)="39"> - Tripoli .
(trg)="38"> - Tripoli .

(src)="40"> We are one family .
(trg)="39"> We are one family .

(src)="41"> All of Libya is of one blood !
(trg)="40"> All of Libya is of one blood !

(src)="42"> When we get to Tripoli we will not leave it .
(trg)="41"> When we get to Tripoli we will not leave it .

(src)="43"> We will stand by our brothers there !
(trg)="42"> We will stand by our brothers there !

(src)="44"> Tripoli is our capital !
(trg)="43"> Tripoli is our capital !

(src)="45"> Whether Gaddafi wants it or not !
(trg)="44"> Whether Gaddafi wants it or not !

(src)="46"> We are the liberation army and we are too hard for you Gaddafi !
(trg)="45"> We are the liberation army and we are too hard for you Gaddafi !

(src)="47"> Grown up in Tripoli under the Gaddafi regime , I still have many friends and relatives there .
(trg)="46"> Grown up in Tripoli under the Gaddafi regime , I still have many friends and relatives there .

(src)="48"> I knew most of the people in Tripoli were against the revolution .
(trg)="47"> I knew most of the people in Tripoli were against the revolution .

(src)="49"> They were afraid that the country would descend into chaos and tribal rivalry .
(trg)="48"> They were afraid that the country would descend into chaos and tribal rivalry .

(src)="50"> But for the people of Bengazi , there was no way back now .
(trg)="49"> But for the people of Benghazi , there was no way back now .

(src)="51"> Mohammar Gaddafi is the leader of the nation .
(trg)="50"> Mohammar Gaddafi is the leader of the nation .

(src)="52"> Millions of people will defend me , .. purifying Libya inch by inch , house by house ... .. home by home , street by street , person by person ... .. until the country is clean of the dirt and the impurities !
(trg)="51"> Millions of people will defend me , .. purifying Libya inch by inch , house by house ... .. home by home , street by street , person by person ... .. until the country is clean of the dirt and the impurities !

(src)="53"> With a mission to protect civilians ,
(trg)="52"> With a mission to protect civilians ,

(src)="54"> NATO had started airstrikes against Gaddafi forces and military installations .
(trg)="53"> NATO had started airstrikes against Gaddafi 's forces and military installations .

(src)="55"> Thanks to a last minute NATO intervention , Bengazi forced Gaddafi 's troops to retreat .
(trg)="54"> Thanks to a last minute NATO intervention , Benghazi had driven back Gaddafi 's forces .

(src)="56"> And now , we were finally free to chant against the dictator .
(trg)="55"> And now , we were finally free to chant against the dictator .

(src)="57"> Sorry , Greasyhair !
(trg)="56"> Sorry , Greasyhair !

(src)="58"> Sorry , Greasyhair !
(trg)="57"> Sorry , Greasyhair !

(src)="59"> He thinks that we still need him , so we say sorry , we don 't need you !
(trg)="58"> He thinks that we still need him , so we say sorry , we don 't need you !

(src)="60"> Go away !
(trg)="59"> Go away !

(src)="61"> Go away !
(trg)="60"> Go away !

(src)="62"> Do you hear that ?
(trg)="61"> Do you hear that ?

(src)="63"> We don 't need you !
(trg)="62"> We don 't need you !

(src)="64"> We don 't need him and his sons of Islam .
(trg)="63"> We don 't need him and his sons of Islam .

(src)="65"> Libya Libya Libya !
(trg)="64"> Libya Libya Libya !

(src)="66"> Libya Libya Libya !
(trg)="65"> Libya Libya Libya !

(src)="67"> This was Libya as I have never seen it before .
(trg)="66"> This was Libya as I had never seen it before .

(src)="68"> I 'm speechless .
(trg)="67"> I 'm speechless .

(src)="69"> On that day , I felt a sudden overwhelming emotion .
(trg)="68"> On that day , I felt a sudden overwhelming emotion .

(src)="70"> A new element to my body .
(trg)="69"> A new element to my body .

(src)="71"> Something I had never experienced before .
(trg)="70"> Something I had never experienced before .

(src)="72"> Nationalism .
(trg)="71"> Nationalism .

(src)="73"> My next goal was the city of Misrata , the main frontline of the war .
(trg)="72"> My next goal was the city of Misrata , the main frontline of the war .

(src)="74"> Misrata is on the other side of the Libyan Gulf , and I needed connections in order to get there .
(trg)="73"> Misrata is on the other side of the Libyan Gulf , and I needed connections to get there .

(src)="75"> I got in touch with a man with good connections in the Military Council .
(trg)="74"> I managed to get in touch with Mohammed Al- Tajori who had good connections in the Military Council .

(src)="76"> He was more than happy to help me .
(trg)="75"> And he was more than happy to help me .

(src)="77"> Nice to meet you , you are most welcome !
(trg)="76"> Nice to meet you , you are most welcome !

(src)="78"> Go to the district of Tomina ...
(trg)="77"> Go to the district of Tomina ...

(src)="79"> I was told to contact the militia leader Haj Sadiq , once I got to Misrata .
(trg)="78"> I was told to contact the militia leader Haj Siddiq , once I got to Misrata .

(src)="80"> And I was given a passage on this old boat used to evacuate refugees from the city .
(trg)="79"> And I was given a passage on this old boat used to evacuate refugees from the city .

(src)="81"> Misrata , you know Misrata !
(trg)="80"> Misrata , you know Misrata !

(src)="82"> The city that pushed your nose in the sand !
(trg)="81"> The city that pushed your nose in the sand !

(src)="83"> I had never been in a war zone before .
(trg)="82"> I had never been in a war zone before .

(src)="84"> I was not sure if I would be able to find a quick way out if Gaddafi troops invaded the city .
(trg)="83"> I was not sure if I would be able to find a quick way out if Gaddafi troops invaded the city .

(src)="85"> Misrata was under siege and surrounded by Gaddafi forces .
(trg)="84"> Misrata was under siege and surrounded by Gaddafi 's forces .

(src)="86"> Continuous bombardment from his artillery had reduced much of the city to a ruin .
(trg)="85"> Continuous bombardment from his artillery had reduced much of the city to a ruin .

(src)="87"> The population formed unorganized militia groups in a battle for survival .
(trg)="86"> The population formed unorganized militia groups in a battle for survival .

(src)="88"> What 's happened to your house ?
(trg)="87"> What 's happened to your house ?

(src)="89"> - Tanks and Hawn missiles .
(trg)="88"> - Tanks and Hawn missiles .

(src)="90"> - Tanks ?
(trg)="89"> - Tanks ?

(src)="91"> A Hawn missile did this .
(trg)="90"> A Hawn missile did this .

(src)="92"> What more does he want after this ?
(trg)="91"> What more does he want after this ?

(src)="93"> Will he still rule ?
(trg)="92"> Will he still rule ?

(src)="94"> Satan has lived in paradise , that 's what we are gonna tell him !
(trg)="93"> Satan has lived in paradise , that 's what we are gonna tell him !

(src)="95"> There were almost 200 militia groups in the city , composed of families and tribal networks .
(trg)="94"> There were almost 200 militia groups in the city , composed of families and tribal networks .

(src)="96"> I had been given permission to visit one of them , the Al- Gabra militia .
(trg)="95"> I had been given permission to visit one of them , the Al- Gabra militia .

(src)="97"> This is one of the military bases .
(trg)="96"> This is one of the military bases .

(src)="98"> It 's called Al- Gabra Qutiba ... Qutiba Gabra .
(trg)="97"> It 's called Al- Gabra Qutiba ... Qutiba Gabra .

(src)="99"> I' ve never been that close to a ... that big arms .
(trg)="98"> I' ve never been that close to a ... that big arms .

(src)="100"> They just fix it quite easy .
(trg)="99"> They just fix it quite easy .

(src)="101"> Normal metal welding , and this is something used in cars or motorcycles .
(trg)="100"> Normal metal welding , and this is something used in cars or motorcycles .

(src)="102"> Bring your gun and come out .
(trg)="101"> Bring your gun and come out .