# aa/8SUTo67wopbX.xml.gz
# en/8SUTo67wopbX.xml.gz

(src)="4"> Perkthimi u soll tek ju nga ERI PANCI
(src)="5"> Nese me vret dhe shkon ne burg , atehere une jam fituesi .
(trg)="1"> I 'll be victorious , if you kill me and go to prison .

(src)="6"> Ti do kalosh gjithe jeten ne burg .
(trg)="2"> You 'll rot in prison .

(src)="7"> Cfare deshe nga vellai im ? Problemi yt isha une .
(trg)="3"> What did you want from my brother ?

(src)="8"> Jemi baraz .
(trg)="4"> - It was between you and me . - Now we 're even .

(src)="9"> Cfare deshe nga Aliu ?
(trg)="5"> What did you want from Ali ?

(src)="10"> Sepse per shkakun tend vrava gruan qe desha .
(trg)="6"> I killed the woman I loved because of you .

(src)="11"> Nje nga ty , nje nga une .
(trg)="7"> You lost a loved one . As did I.

(src)="12"> E qellove Aliun ne zemer .
(trg)="8"> Did you shoot Ali in the heart ?

(src)="13"> He ?
(trg)="9"> Huh ?

(src)="14"> Mos .
(trg)="10"> Don 't do it .

(src)="15"> Ty nuk te pelqen te humasesh .
(trg)="11"> You don 't like defeats .

(src)="17"> Po te marr hakun , vella .
(trg)="12"> I 'm taking your revenge , brother ...

(src)="18"> Batumi - GJEORGJI
(trg)="13"> Batumi - GEORGlA

(src)="19"> Jemi vone , ai njeriu do te iki pa na pritur .
(trg)="14"> We 're late . He won 't wait for us .

(src)="20"> Deri sa e vedosem takimi , desh vdiqa .
(trg)="15"> It wasn 't easy to arrange this meeting .

(src)="21"> Dhe sa do qe te arrijme ?
(trg)="16"> How long till we get there ?

(src)="22"> Rruga , po them rruga . Dhe sa do qe te arrijme ?
(trg)="17"> The place ...
(trg)="18"> How far is it ?

(src)="23"> Do te arrijme shume shpejt .
(trg)="19"> Not that far . We 're almost there .

(src)="24"> Vella ... ( Vellai i madh )
(trg)="20"> Abi . ..

(src)="25"> Une ...
(src)="26"> Ne kete ferr ku po jetoj ...
(src)="27"> Nuk kam cfare te te them .
(trg)="21"> I have ... ... no words to describe ... ... the hell burning inside me .

(src)="28"> Nuk ka asnje fjale qe mund ta ktheje vellain tim Kuzei .
(trg)="22"> No words can bring my brother back , Kuzey .

(src)="29"> Mund t 'a ktheje kjo ate ?
(trg)="23"> Can it ?

(src)="30"> Nuk mund ta ktheje vella .
(trg)="24"> No , abi ...

(src)="31"> Nuk mundet .
(trg)="25"> It can 't .

(src)="32"> Mbaje kete .
(trg)="26"> You keep it .

(src)="33"> Mbaje ti qe tani e tutje .
(trg)="27"> You keep it from now on .

(src)="34"> Ky numer nuk eshte i arritshem per momentinJu lutem lini nje mesazh pas sinjalit .
(trg)="28"> " ... cannot be reached at the moment . You can leave your message after the tone . "

(src)="35"> Ckemi , e dashur Demet ...
(trg)="29"> Hello , Demet ciğim .

(src)="36"> Te telefonova , por besoj se je ne aeroplan .
(trg)="30"> I called you , I guess it was during your flight .

(src)="37"> Nuk mundja te beja asgje . Nuk te kapa dot te teefon .
(trg)="31"> I couldn 't ... couldn 't reach you .

(src)="38"> Desha te them ... Nese te degjoj zerin ...
(trg)="32"> Well , I just called ... I thought I 'd hear your voice .

(src)="39"> Jam jashte qytetit .
(src)="40"> Nuk u ktheva dot .
(trg)="33"> I 'm still outside the city . I couldn 't come back yet .

(src)="41"> Te thashe me perpara qe puna do te zgjatej .
(trg)="34"> As I told you , Makara business, took longer than expected .

(src)="42"> Mora qe ta thoja kete dhe te degjoja zerinSidoqofte ...
(trg)="35"> I wanted to let you knowand hear your voice .
(trg)="36"> Anyway ...

(src)="43"> Do te telefonoj me vone , moter .
(trg)="37"> I 'll call you later sister .

(src)="44"> Kujdesu per vetem . Do flasim me vone .
(trg)="38"> Take care of yourself . Talk to you later .

(src)="45"> Pafshim .
(trg)="39"> See you canım .

(src)="46"> Cfare doni te pini ? - Leng portokalli .
(trg)="40"> - What would you like to drink ? - Orange juice .

(src)="47"> Cfare doni te pini ?
(trg)="42"> What would you like as a drink ?
(trg)="43"> Coffee .

(src)="49"> Me qumesht apo sheqer ? - Beje te zeze .
(trg)="44"> - Sugar and milk ? - Just plain .

(src)="50"> Faleminderit .
(trg)="45"> Thank you .

(src)="51"> Cfare doni te pini ?
(trg)="46"> What would you like as a drink ?

(src)="52"> Leng domate , te lutem .
(trg)="47"> - Tomato juice please . - Ice ?

(src)="53"> Akull ? - Jo faleminderit . Vetem pak kripe dhe nje picete .
(trg)="48"> No thanks .
(trg)="49"> Just salt and pepper .

(src)="54"> Si eshte babai im ?
(src)="55"> Eshte mire , mos u shqeteso . Me thuaj te verteten .
(trg)="50"> - How is my father ? - He 's good , don 't worry .

(src)="56"> Me te vertete eshte mire .
(trg)="51"> - Tell me the truth . - I swear to God , he is fine .

(src)="57"> Ka ndonje gje serioze ? Si shkoi operacioni ?
(trg)="52"> Nothing important ? How did the surgery go ?

(src)="58"> Ishte operiacion per apandesitin . Nese nuk do ta kishim cuar me shpejt ne spital gjendja e tij do te ishte me keq por fale zotit ne ishim aty me mamane timkur stomaku i tij filloi t 'i dhimbte .
(trg)="53"> It 's an appendicitis operation . It 's only dangerous when you 're late .
(trg)="54"> But thank God me and my mom was with him .

(src)="59"> Oh zot ...
(trg)="55"> Oh God ...

(src)="60"> Desh ( plasi ) , por doktoret u kujdesen per te .
(trg)="56"> It was almost about to explode . But the doctors stopped it .

(src)="61"> Por sic te thashe ne telefon nuk ka asgje serioze . Nuk ka gje per t 'u shqtesuar .
(trg)="57"> But as I told on the phone, there 's nothing to worry about now .

(src)="62"> Shpresoj te jete keshtu . Shpresoj te jete vetem apandesit .
(trg)="58"> I hope you 're right . I hope it 's just the appendicitis .

(src)="63"> Do t 'a shohesh .
(src)="64"> Nese do te ishte seriozedo te flisja une kaq qete ?
(trg)="59"> You 'll see when we get there ... ... would I be speaking like thisif it was something worse ?

(src)="65"> Me ke munguar .
(trg)="60"> You made yourself missed .

(src)="66"> Edhe ti .
(trg)="61"> I missed you guys too .

(src)="67"> Je mire ?
(trg)="62"> Are you all right ?

(src)="68"> Mire .
(trg)="63"> I guess I am .

(src)="69"> Po ti ?
(trg)="64"> You ?

(src)="70"> Kane kaluar 3 muaj .
(trg)="65"> It 's almost been three months .

(src)="71"> Vdekja e Aliut na ka ndryshuar te gjitheve .
(trg)="66"> Ali 's death changed us a lot .

(src)="72"> Do te shkojme direkt per spital , mire ?
(src)="73"> Po , po .
(src)="74"> Do te shkojme direkt per ne spital .
(trg)="67"> - Directly to the hospital , right ? - Yes , to the hospital right away .

(src)="75"> Nuk shkove ne pune prej meje ?
(trg)="68"> Did you skip work because of me ?

(src)="76"> Te perdora si nje justifikim .
(src)="77"> Pervecse , po kerkoja nje vend ku te largohesha .
(trg)="69"> You gave me a good excuse, which I look for often these days .

(src)="78"> Ku do te shkojme ?
(src)="79"> Uskudar .
(trg)="70"> - Which way are we going ? - To Üsküdar .

(src)="80"> Perseri , mire se u ktheve .
(trg)="71"> Welcome again .

(src)="81"> Si shkojne gjerat me Banun ?
(trg)="72"> How 're things with Banu ?

(src)="82"> Ziheni perseri ?
(trg)="73"> - Did she go berserk again ? - No , she didn 't .

(src)="83"> Jo , nuk me intereson me .
(trg)="74"> Couldn 't care less about her anyway .

(src)="84"> Pas gjithckaje qe kaluam , Banija nuk me merzit me .
(trg)="75"> After all we 've been through, she can 't bother me more than a fly .

(src)="85"> Qe tani e tutje eshte problemi i Guneit , jo i imi .
(trg)="76"> She 's now Güney 's problem , not mine .

(src)="86"> E dua punen time .
(src)="87"> Thjesht shkoj dhe punoj .
(trg)="77"> I like my job though . I go and work ...

(src)="88"> Pervecse , te dalesh balle per balle me tene zyre eshte me e veshtire per te se sa per mua .
(trg)="78"> Besides , it 's harder for her to see me in the company, than it is for me .

(src)="89"> Nuk me intereson me ajo . Une vetem punoj dhe punoj .
(trg)="79"> I don 't care about it . I focus on my job .

(src)="90"> Eshte pajtuar me Gunein ?
(trg)="80"> Did she and Güney make up ?

(src)="91"> Nuk me intereson me . Nuk e di se cfare bejne ata .
(trg)="81"> I really couldn 't care less about them . I don 't know how they are doing .

(src)="92"> Pervecse , tani ata kane nje problem te quajtur Burak Catalgali .
(trg)="82"> Now they have a problem called " Burak Çatalcalı " anyway .

(src)="93"> Ajo puna ishte e vertete , apo jo ?
(trg)="83"> So it 's true ?

(src)="94"> Njerez !
(src)="95"> Ata po dalin ! Nxitoni !
(trg)="84"> Guys , they 're out ! Come on !

(src)="96"> Kjo eshte pjesa me e veshtire .
(trg)="85"> This is the hardest part .

(src)="97"> Cfare do te thoni per kete ceshtje ? - Mund te na jepni ndonje shpjegim ?
(trg)="86"> Ebru Hanım , will you make a statement ?

(src)="98"> Mund te hapeni , ju lutem ? Na lejoni te kalojme .
(src)="99"> Znjsh Ebru , cila eshte arsyeja qe heshtni ?
(trg)="87"> - Please make way . - Ebru Hanım can you say anything about the new situation ?

(src)="101"> Prit nje minute .
(trg)="88"> A moment .

(src)="102"> Ne i kemi pastruar te gjitha pasaktesite te cilatkane ekzistuar per nje kohe te gjate me kete gjyq te sotem .
(trg)="89"> Today in this court we put an end to a years long wrong .

(src)="103"> Disa njerez ndoshta e quajne situaten si nje skandal . Por me te vertete nuk ka ndonje problem me Z Burak .
(trg)="90"> Contrary to those who call this a scandal ... ... there is no conflicts between us and Burak Bey .

(src)="104"> Nuk ka pasur asnje konfliktgjate procesit gjyqesor , gjithashtu .
(trg)="91"> Nor have there anyduring the law suit process .

(src)="105"> Jemi ketu qe t 'a mbrshtesim ate .
(trg)="92"> We are here to give him our support .

(src)="106"> Gunei , me co ne shtepi , te lutem .
(trg)="93"> Güney please take me away from here .

(src)="107"> Prit . Mos t 'a humbim performacen e mamase tende .
(src)="108"> - Z .
(src)="109"> Burak !
(trg)="94"> We can 't miss your mother 's performance .

(src)="110"> Z .
(src)="111"> Burak ! - Ka ndonje gje qe doni te thoni per kete gjyq ?
(trg)="95"> Burak Bey ... You came out victorious from the trial .

(src)="112"> - Z .
(src)="113"> Burak , mund te na jepni nje shpjegim ?
(trg)="96"> - Any words ? - Can you make a statement , Burak Bey ?

(src)="114"> Ne jemi familje dhe nuk ka probleme midis nesh . Faleminderit !
(trg)="97"> We are a family . There 's no problem between us .
(trg)="98"> Thank you guys .

(src)="115"> Kjo eshte ajo qe duhet te jete ´Ebru Sinaner ' .
(trg)="99"> This is called " being Ebru Sinaner " .

(src)="116"> Duhet te jetojme qe t 'a shohimse cfare do te ndodhe qe tani e tutje , njerez .
(trg)="100"> We 'll live and see what happens from now on guys .