# en/en-sl.0001.xml.gz
# sl/en-sl.0001.xml.gz

(src)="1"> A large range of organisation systems and desk space savers will give you the overview you require in the office .
(trg)="1"> Z veliko izbiro urejevalnih sistemov in elementov za dodatni prostor na pisalni mizi boste ustvarili potreben pregled v pisarni .

(src)="2"> The application areas of titanium welded tubes are constantly expanding .
(trg)="2"> Nanosna področja titanijevih varjenih cevi se nenehno širijo .

(src)="3"> Maribor - Lent with the Old Vine House in Ptuj Castle
(trg)="3"> Maribor Lent s hišo Stare trte v Mariboru

(src)="4"> China Gel battery for motorcycle motorbike 12N9-BS Manufacturer and Supplier | SongLi
(trg)="4"> Kitajska gelska baterija za motorno kolo 12N9-BS Proizvajalec in dobavitelj | SongLi Domov

(src)="5"> Vegetarians will enjoy a vegetable kebab or grilled fresh vegetable with thyme and honey .
(trg)="5"> Vegetarjancem bo teknilo zelenjavno nabodalo ali pa sveža zelenjava na žaru s timijanom in medom .

(src)="6"> Expenses exceeded income which is reasonable due to the growing number of members and activities .
(trg)="6"> Stroški so bili logično večji od prihodkov , saj se povečujejo aktivnosti in število članov .

(src)="7"> The proposal would increase consistency among national rules on crimes and penalties .
(trg)="7"> Predlog bi povečal usklajenost nacionalnih pravil o kaznivih dejanjih in kaznih zanje .

(src)="8"> 10-Finger Multitouch Screen
(trg)="8"> 10-točkovni večdotični zaslon

(src)="9"> Year of manufacture : 2013 , Available number : 4 Stk . , normal tyres , Tyre Size : 710 / 70R38 , Tyre Size : 600 / 65R28
(trg)="9"> Letnica izdelave : 2009 , Razpoložljiva številka : 4 Stk . , Kmetijsko kolo , Velikost pnevmatik : 300 / 95R46 , Velikost gum : 270 / 95R32

(src)="10"> CALCIUM CARBONATE : calcium is extremely effective in keeping healthy and balanced weight .
(trg)="10"> Kalcijev karbonat : kalcija je zelo učinkovita pri ohranjanju zdrave telesne teže .

(src)="11"> Bed & breakfasts & hotels in Salvador
(trg)="11"> Penzionov in hotelov v Jaipur

(src)="12"> In addition , point light sources are used , which are placed around the perimeter of the room on the ceiling and on top of the furniture .
(trg)="12"> Poleg tega se uporabljajo točkovni viri svetlobe , ki se nahajajo po obodu prostora na stropu in na vrhu pohištva .

(src)="13"> Intended for : weight loss support , body shaping and fatty tissue elimination .
(trg)="13"> Namenjeno za : izgubo telesne teže , oblikovanju telesa in odstranjevanju maščobnega tkiva .

(src)="14"> Theoretical Component : Who chooses ?
(trg)="14"> Strokovni program : Kdo bere ?

(src)="15"> All samples were coated with 3 different surface coats ( 2-compound polyurethane and urethane-alkyd varnish , 33.7 % propolis solution in ethanol ) , and exposed to the same equilibrium process as mentioned above .
(trg)="15"> Zatem smo vse vzorce premazali s 3 različnimi premaznimi sredstvi ( z 2-komponentnim poliuretanskim in uretansko-alkidnim lakom ter s 33,7 % raztopino propolisa v etanolu ) ter ponovili postopek uravnovešanja pri navedenih pogojih .

(src)="16"> Tubes / hoses ( 19 ) Carrot harvester ( 17 )
(trg)="16"> Cevi / gumijaste cevi ( 18 ) Stroj za izkop korenja ( 18 )

(src)="17"> App usage statistics : list of installed apps , launching apps , opening recommendations , use of the app drawer , etc .
(trg)="17"> Statistika uporabe aplikacij : seznam nameščenih aplikacij , zaganjanje aplikacij , priporočila za odpiranje , uporaba predala za aplikacije itd.

(src)="18"> Many fish experience what is called an ' oxygen squeeze ' : their need goes up and supply goes down .
(trg)="18"> Veliko rib tako izkusi tako imenovano „ kisikovo stisko “ : njihova potreba se povečuje , oskrba pa se zmanjšuje .

(src)="19"> One of the advantages of Arizer Extreme Q over its little brother in the series - the Arizer V-Tower - is the balloon fill system .
(trg)="19"> Ena izmed prednosti Arizer Extreme Q pred mlajšim bratom v seriji Arizer V-Tower - je sistem balonov za polnilo .

(src)="20"> Customer information
(trg)="20"> Podatki o stranki

(src)="21"> The result is a 12.000 x 8.000 pixel RAW-file bursting with information .
(trg)="21"> Rezultat je datoteka RAW z 12.000 x 8.000 slikovnimi pikami , iz katere informacije kar derejo .

(src)="22"> High-intensity interval training , as the name indicates , is a training system that varies between the low and high-intensity workout .
(trg)="22"> Visokointenzivnostne intervalne vadbe , kot kaže ime , je sistem usposabljanja , ki se razlikuje med nizko in visoko intenzivnostjo vadbe .

(src)="23"> Anders Tenstam from Volvo Trucks is pleased that a new and flexible aerodynamic package for long-haul customers can now be introduced to the market .
(trg)="23"> Anders Tenstam iz podjetja Volvo Trucks je zadovoljen , da lahko nov in prilagodljiv aerodinamični paket za vlačilce za dolge razdalje predstavijo na trgu .

(src)="24"> The combination of these inter-governmental and non-governmental streams created a river of change that swept away the foundations of communism and a polarized European security system .
(trg)="24"> Kombinacija delovanja nevladnih in vladnih tokov je ustvarila tok sprememb , ki je odpljusknil komunizem in polariziral evropski varnostni sistem .

(src)="25"> * Commission Implementing Decision of 11 June 2012 amending Decision 2011 / 163 / EU on the approval of plans submitted by third countries in accordance with Article 29 of Council Directive 96 / 23 / EC ( notified under document C ( 2012 ) 3723 ) ( 1 )
(trg)="25"> * Izvedbeni sklep Komisije z dne 11 . junija 2012 o spremembi Sklepa 2011 / 163 / EU o odobritvi načrtov , ki so jih predložile tretje države v skladu s členom 29 Direktive Sveta 96 / 23 / ES ( notificirano pod dokumentarno številko C ( 2012 ) 3723 ) ( 1 )

(src)="26"> ≈ $ 2 1 to receive new ads from this section
(trg)="26"> Referenčna številka : Naročite se za prejemanje novih oglasov iz te rubrike

(src)="27"> THE MAIN RELIGION IN THAILAND Which is the main religion in Thailand ?
(trg)="27"> GLAVNA RELIGIJA V KIRIBATI Ki je glavna religija v Kiribati ?

(src)="28"> To load it on the T-34 in terms of Parking , had wasted to drive the main engine .
(trg)="28"> Če ga želite naložiti na T-34 glede na parkiranje , ste zapravili za vožnjo glavnega motorja .

(src)="29"> If they vote “ No ” , or if the result of the vote is “ No opinion ” ( no qualified majority either in favour or against is expressed ) , the Commission may submit the draft decision to another body representing the Member States at a higher level : the Appeal Committee .
(trg)="29"> Če glasujejo proti ali če ne izglasujejo stališča ( kvalificirana večina ni dosežena niti v prid niti proti predlogu ) , lahko Komisija osnutek sklepa predloži drugemu organu , ki zastopa države članice na višji ravni , in sicer odboru za pritožbe .

(src)="30"> Translate Original Recommend : Yes , I would recommend this product to a friend
(trg)="30"> Priporočilo : Da , ta izdelek bi Priporočilo : Da , ta izdelek bi priporočil prijatelju .

(src)="31"> Toys , Kids & Baby Products ( 998 )
(trg)="31"> Igrače in izdelki za otroke in dojenčke ( 998 )

(src)="32"> Actions for damages can be brought both by those who purchased goods or services from the infringer and by purchasers further down the supply chain .
(trg)="32"> Odškodninske tožbe lahko vložijo osebe , ki so kupile blago ali storitve od kršitelja , ter kupci z nižjih stopenj dobavne verige .

(src)="33"> Mushrooms may be kept warm in a 250 oven .
(trg)="33"> Svaljke shranimo v vroči pečici .

(src)="34"> Pages in category " 1877 in Denmark "
(trg)="34"> Strani v kategoriji » Športne prireditve , ustanovljene leta 1877 «

(src)="35"> Appartementen in Madrid , Spanje .
(trg)="35"> Možnost najema v mestu Madrid , Španija .

(src)="36"> All this will be discussed in the next article .
(trg)="36"> Vse to bo obravnavano v naslednjem članku .

(src)="37"> Midi files : : Slovenia : : Werner -
(trg)="37"> Midi datoteke : : Slovenija : : Werner -

(src)="38"> The cabin is designed in a loft spirit and offers a pure and light-filled ambience along with materials that enhance the perception of quality and well-being .
(trg)="38"> Potniški prostor je bil zamišljen v duhu lofta , tako da ponuja izčiščen in svetel ambient ter materiale , ki dodatno poudarijo občutek kakovosti in dobrega počutja .

(src)="39"> View the previous page ( when Fit To Window is selected )
(trg)="39"> Ogled prejšnje strani ( ko je izbrano Prilagodi oknu )

(src)="40"> After you have told the software that you have received your token , you need to tell the software to start requiring its use during login .
(trg)="40"> Ko boš programu povedal , da si prejel žeton , boš moral programu povedati še , da naj ga začne zahtevati ob prijavi .

(src)="41"> The Gothenburg European Council of 15 and 16 June 2001 agreed the Union 's Strategy for Sustainable Development to ensure that economic growth , social inclusion and environmental protection go hand in hand .
(trg)="41"> Evropski svet se je 15 . in 16 . junija 2001 v Göteborgu sporazumel o strategiji Unije za trajnostni razvoj , da se zagotovi skupni razvoj gospodarske rasti , socialne vključenosti in varstva okolja .

(src)="42"> ( i ) with respect to taxes levied on the basis of a taxable year , for taxes for any taxable years beginning on or after 1 January in the calendar year next following that in which the notice is given ; and
(trg)="42"> ( i ) v zvezi z davki , obračunanimi za davčno leto , za davke , obračunane za katero koli davčno leto , ki se začne 1 . januarja v koledarskem letu po letu , v katerem je dano obvestilo o odpovedi , ali po njem , in

(src)="43"> We make it easy to keep your maps and software up to date now that the Garmin DriveLuxe navigator features built-in Wi-Fi .
(trg)="43"> Ohranjanje posodobljenih zemljevidov in programske opreme je zdaj povsem preprosto , saj ima naprava Garmin DriveLuxe vgrajeno tehnologijo Wi-Fi .

(src)="44"> When almost circumscribed Donačko the mountain come to a crossroads but the way in which we continue up the left .
(trg)="44"> Ko že skoraj obkrožimo Donačko goro pa pridemo na razpotje poti , kjer nadaljujemo levo navzgor .

(src)="45"> It is quite possible that you feel very attracted to work with strength and compassion .
(trg)="45"> Močno je , da se počutite zelo privlačni za delo z močjo in sočutjem .

(src)="46"> Israel Magazine via the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs .
(trg)="46"> Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Izrael .

(src)="47"> At the Terme Zreče Health Care Centre , you can also identify modified bone density ( osteopeny / osteoporosis ) and body tissue composition .
(trg)="47"> Zdravstvo Terme Zreče nudi možnost ugotavljanja spremenjene kostne gostote ( osteopenije / osteoporoze ) in sestave telesnih tkiv .

(src)="48"> Group Developer Bisitahin ang website Email vidal @ vdggroup.com Patakaran sa Privacy
(trg)="48"> VDG Group Razvijalec Obisk spletnega mesta Pišite na vidal @ vdggroup.com Pravilnik o zasebnosti

(src)="49"> Flamingo Hotel & Casino er ditt et stops mål for innkvartering i Las Vegas ( NV ) .
(trg)="49"> Ne glede na namen obiska Las Vegas ( NV ) , je Imperial Palace Hotel odlična izbira .

(trg)="50"> CITY NAME ( poštni naslov ) : ATTLEBORO

(src)="51"> Our justified interest lies in the processing of establishing contact .
(trg)="51"> Naš upravičen interese je obdelava vzpostavitve stika .

(src)="52"> Priority 1 : The knowledge economy and innovation [ approx .
(src)="53"> 24 % of total investment ]
(trg)="52"> Prednostna naloga 1 : povečanje inovacijskih zmogljivosti [ približno 30 % celotnega financiranja ]

(src)="54"> Camp Imperial has one sanitary object with arranged toilets , showers , laundry , chem toilet .
(src)="55"> They also have bathroom adapted for children and one for disabled .
(trg)="53"> V kampu Imperial imajo en sanitarni objekt z urejenimi wc-ji , tuši , pralnico posode in oblek , kemičnim wc-jem , imajo pa tudi posebno kopalnico za umivanje otrok in še eno za invalide .

(src)="56"> Selection and preparation of planting material
(trg)="54"> Izbira in priprava sadilnega materiala

(src)="57"> Sanitary napkins generally consist of a surface layer , an absorbent layer and a bottom layer , which are considered from the materials and functions of the three parts .
(trg)="55"> Sanitarni vložki so na splošno sestavljeni iz površinskega sloja , vpojne plasti in spodnjega sloja , ki se štejejo iz materialov in funkcij treh delov .

(src)="58"> Be careful with the creatures that move across the sky .
(trg)="56"> Bodite previdni z bitji , ki letijo po nebu .

(src)="59"> Your search results on « Real estate , business and industrial - developers and agencies » : 2599 companies Filters Norway
(trg)="57"> Rezultati vašega iskanja o « Poslovne in industrijske nepremičnine - podjetja in posredniki » : 2599 podjetja Filtri Norveška

(src)="60"> Cheating ( 7997 )
(trg)="58"> STRIPPER Varanje ( 7997 )

(src)="61"> HR2099 / 90 Find similar products
(trg)="59"> BRL170 / 00 Najdi podobne izdelke

(src)="62"> Save the query and keep it open for use in the next steps .
(trg)="60"> Shranite poizvedbo in ostane odprta za uporabo v naslednjih korakih .

(src)="63"> Functional CV reference sheet
(trg)="61"> Seznam referenc za funkcionalen življenjepis

(src)="64"> Valentine Warners " Eat Now !
(trg)="62"> Valentine Warners " Jejte zdaj !

(src)="65"> Department of Education
(trg)="63"> Oddelek za izobraževanje in animacijo

(src)="66"> In the early days , environmental data reporting consisted of printed material mailed , or , later on , faxed to the Agency .
(trg)="64"> Na začetku so okoljske podatke sporočali s tiskanim gradivom , poslanim agenciji po pošti , pozneje pa po telefaksu .

(src)="67"> Such obstruction includes , but is not limited to , the removal of documents and prevention of physical access by the ECB or the national central bank which is necessary for them to carry out their verification task or compulsory collection .
(trg)="65"> Tako oviranje vključuje , vendar ni omejeno na odstranitev dokumentov in preprečitev fizičnega dostopa ECB ali nacionalni centralni banki , ki je potreben za izvedbo njune verifikacijske naloge ali obveznega zbiranja .

(src)="68"> Perhitungan jarak Cayenne ( France ) Bahasa Indonesia English
(trg)="66"> Izračun razdalje Guéret ( France ) Slovenščina

(src)="69"> Reviews – Hotel Il Castagno Official Site | Hotels in Mugena
(trg)="67"> Hotel Il Castagno – uradna stran | Hoteli v mestu Mugena

(src)="70"> Hotel All material herein © 2005 – 2017 Agoda Company Pte .
(trg)="68"> Ves material je last © 2005 – 2017 Agoda Company Pte .

(src)="71"> A highly flexible interior with folding passenger seat backrest and variable rear seat offers space for bulky objects such as skis or bicycles .
(trg)="69"> Zelo fleksibilna notranjost z zložljivim naslonjalom sovoznikovega sedeža in spremenljivo zadnjo klopjo nudi prostor za nepraktično prtljago , kot so smuči ali kolesa .

(src)="72"> Thanks to ASC - the highly active electronically controlled suspension - the machine is still easy to control and offers stability on all country roads .
(trg)="70"> S sistemom ASC in visokoaktivnim elektronsko krmiljenim vzmetenjem ga je mogoče zlahka obvladati , poleg tega pa ponuja odlično stabilnost na vsaki podeželski cesti .

(src)="73"> Banana Cream Flavour with sweetener .
(trg)="71"> Okus Kremna Banana s sladilom .

(src)="74"> May Contain ( + / - ) : Iron Oxides
(trg)="72"> Lahko vsebuje ( + / - ) : Iron Oxides

(src)="75"> However , we must still advise that you continue using the precautionsas you would normally to prevent and lower any risk of damage at all .
(trg)="73"> Vendar moramo vseeno svetovati , da še naprej uporabljate varnostne ukrepe , ki bi jih običajno preprečevali in sploh zmanjšali tveganje za škodo .

(src)="76"> Panoramic view of 360 degrees allows you to admire the sunrises and sunsets , without leaving the residence .
(trg)="74"> Panoramski pogled na 360 stopinj vam omogoča občudovanje sončnih zahodov in sončnih zahodov , ne da bi zapustili bivanje .

(src)="77"> Protective clothing — Electrostatic properties — Part 1 : Test method for measurement of surface resistivity
(trg)="75"> Varovalna obleka – Elektrostatične lastnosti – 1 . del : Preskusna metoda za merjenje površinske upornosti

(src)="78"> 69 Furthermore , as has been stated in paragraph 61 of this judgment , any decision on the extension of the detention of a third-country national and , thus , on the existence of the circumstances described in Article 15 ( 6 ) of Directive 2008 / 115 must be preceded by a re-examination of the substantive conditions which formed the basis for the initial decision to detain the third-country national concerned .
(trg)="76"> 59 Predložitveno sodišče s tretjim vprašanjem , točka ( c ) , sprašuje , ali je treba člen 15 ( 4 ) Direktive 2008 / 115 razlagati tako , da ni upravičeno pričakovati odstranitve , če so možnosti za podaljšanje pridržanja , določene v odstavku 6 tega člena , izčrpane , če ob sodnem pregledu pridržanja zadevne osebe ni bil sklenjen nikakršen sporazum o ponovnem sprejemu .

(src)="79"> Important details of TNHoney
(trg)="77"> Pomembne podrobnosti o CuteUKGirl

(src)="80"> They are all air-conditioned and offer cable TV , a minibar , and a bathroom with hairdryer and make-up mirror .
(trg)="78"> Vse so klimatizirane in vključujejo kabelsko TV , minibar ter lastno kopalnico s sušilcem za lase in kozmetičnim ogledalom .

(src)="81"> This triple room features a minibar , cable TV and air conditioning .
(trg)="79"> Troposteljna soba nudi pogled na vrt , klimatsko napravo , satelitsko TV in dostop do skupne kopalnice s tušem ter sušilcem za lase .

(src)="82"> If the screen is too low , lift it using books .
(src)="83"> When seated , straighten your arm .
(trg)="80"> Če je zaslon prenizko , ga dvignimo tako , da ga podložimo denimo s knjigami .

(src)="84"> Pogačarjev trg in Ljubljana every ( sunny ) Friday from 10 am to 9 pm , and in the summer months until 11 pm , vibrates in a variety of colors , flavors , and scents .
(trg)="81"> Ljubljanski Pogačarjev trg vsak ( sončni ) petek med 10 . in 21 . uro , v poletnih mesecih pa do 23 . ure , utripa v mnogoterih barvah , okusih in vonjih .

(src)="85"> You should consult an appropriate professional for specific advice tailored to your situation .
(trg)="82"> Za specifične nasvete , prilagojene vašim okoliščinam , se posvetujte s strokovnjakom .

(src)="86"> ( 4 ) if you have objected to the processing pursuant to Art. 21 ( 1 ) EUDATAP and it is not yet certain whether the legitimate reasons of the person responsible outweigh your reasons .
(trg)="83"> - če ste vložili ugovor v zvezi z obdelavo , ki temelji na zakonitih interesih podjetja , dokler se ne preveri , ali naši zakoniti razlogi prevladajo nad vašimi razlogi .

(src)="87"> Special thanks for the new integral version of the complete music score go to copyist Gal Hartman , who was working on Kogoj ’ s original score and manuscript for more than two decades .
(trg)="84"> Celotna partitura je rezultat zahtevnega dela notografa-kopista Gala Hartmana , ki se je s Kogojevo originalno partituro ukvarjal več kot dve desetletji .

(src)="88"> The Retro line of Aeroccinos available in 3 stylish colours ( red , white and black ) .
(trg)="85"> Retro linija Aeroccino naprav je na voljo v 3 modernih barvah ( rdeča , bela in črna ) .

(src)="89"> The second – isolation layer must keep the body warm even in the worst possible conditions and at the same time transfer body moisture from the first layer to the third – outside layer .
(trg)="86"> Drugi , izolacijski sloj mora obdržati telo toplo tudi ob najslabših pogojih , seveda ob tem , da ne zadrži vlage , ki jo je prvi sloj oddal , temveč jo kar najhitreje prenese proti zunanjosti .

(src)="90"> Searching for information about ECN & STP in Iceland ?
(trg)="87"> Iskanje informacij o ECN v Iceland ?

(src)="91"> When answering correspondence , telephone calls , and e-mails , the official shall try to be as helpful as possible and shall reply as completely and accurately as possible to questions which are asked .
(trg)="88"> Pri odgovarjanju na pisma , telefonske klice in elektronsko pošto uradnik pomaga po svojih najboljših močeh , odgovori na zastavljena vprašanja pa so kar se da celoviti in natančni .

(src)="92"> Your bus stop in Postojna
(trg)="89"> Postojna : Tvoja avtobusna postaja

(src)="93"> Events and and coves
(trg)="90"> Prireditve in dogodki

(src)="95"> Expertly formulated with the intentions to support your weight loss goal , the Phedra Cut XT Hyper Burn contains a superb combination of ingredients to really make a difference .
(trg)="91"> Izdelek Phedra Cut XT Hyper Burn je bil zasnovan na način , ki posamezniku pomaga zmanjšati telesno težo s pomočjo strokovno osnovane formule , ki vsebuje učinkovito kombinacijo sestavin , ki bodo pripomogle , da bo razlika , ki jo želite doseči , res velika .

(src)="96"> Tanker trucks / silo trucks , jqt3410008 18334 Eixen , Germany
(trg)="92"> Tovornjak cisterna / silos , jqt3410008 18334 Eixen , Nemčija

(src)="97"> I can ’ t compare this cake with any other carrot cake , because it ’ s the only one I 've ever eaten in my life but it seems to me that I managed to find the best recipe .
(trg)="93"> Te torte ne morem primerjati s kakšno drugo korenčkovo torto , ker je ta edina , ki sem jo jedla v življenju ampak zdi se mi , da mi je uspelo najti najboljši recept .

(src)="98"> Rooms - Boarding house Rutar , Tolmin - Sloveniaholidays.com
(trg)="94"> Sobe - Hotel Dvorec , Tolmin - Sloveniaholidays.com

(src)="99"> Their purpose is not to connect classical painting with contemporary mediums ; the image itself is treated as an extreme modern medium .
(trg)="95"> Njegov namen ni v povezovanju klasičnega slikarstva s sodobnimi mediji , sliko že samo po sebi tretira kot skrajno sodoben medij .

(src)="100"> 1.3 Series of events
(trg)="96"> 2 Večje število dogodkov

(src)="101"> All EWR 2 devices have a closed gas control loop at disposal , reducing the deviations between set and actual of gas volume current to a minimum .
(trg)="97"> Vse enote EWR 2 imajo zaprto vezje za plin in tako zmanjšajo odstopanja med nastavljeno vrednostjo in dejansko hitrostjo pretoka plina .

(src)="102"> And because of great pigmentation , you only need a small amount .
(trg)="98"> Tekstura je malce gosta , vendar tako zagotavlja popolno prekrivnost ter potrebujete zelo majhno količino .

(src)="103"> Embassy of the Republic
(trg)="99"> Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije Tirana

(src)="104"> Can use it on phone or tablet .
(src)="105"> 1
(trg)="100"> Lahko jo uporabite na telefonu ali tabličnem računalniku .
(trg)="101"> 1