# en/en-ga.0001.xml.gz
# ga/en-ga.0001.xml.gz

(src)="1"> End of conversation New conversation William Ruby @ Bill _ Ruby 23h23 hours ago
(trg)="1"> Deireadh an chomhrá Comhrá nua William Ruby @ Bill _ Ruby 23 u23 uair an chloig ó shin

(src)="2"> [ GA ] ( b ) is established for the benefit of individuals engaged in or connected with a particular occupation ( or one or other of a group of occupations ) , and for the purpose of providing retirement annuities for them , with or without subsidiary benefits for their families or dependants , and
(trg)="2"> [ EN ] ( b ) gur bunaíodh an scéim nó an chuid réamhráite den scéim ar mhaithe le pearsana aonair a bhíonn ag gabhail do shlí bheatha áirithe , nó ag a bhfuil baint le slí bheatha áirithe ( nó an ceann seo nó an ceann siúd de ghrúpa slite beatha ) , agus chun blianachtaí scoir a sholáthar dóibh , i dteannta nó d 'éagmais foshochar dá dteaghlaigh nó dá gcleithiúnaithe , agus

(src)="3"> You must complete the application form giving us the details of your event .
(trg)="3"> Ní mór duit an fhoirm iarratais a líonadh le sonraí a thabhairt dúinn faoi d ’ imeacht .

(src)="4"> Changes related to " Scarlett Johansson "
(trg)="4"> Athruithe gaolmhara le " Scarlett Johansson "

(src)="5"> End of conversation New conversation NICK @ nickstanovi2900 24 Jul 2015
(trg)="5"> Deireadh an chomhrá Comhrá nua NICK @ nickstanovi2900 24 Iúil 2015

(src)="6"> Media You blocked @ ConservativeCh6 Are you sure you want to view these Tweets ?
(trg)="6"> Meáin Chuir tú cosc ar @ ConservativeCh6 An bhfuil tú cinnte gur mhaith leat breathnú ar na Tweetanna seo ?

(src)="7"> the dog becomes naughty and nervous .
(trg)="7"> thiocfaidh an madra go dona agus neirbhíseach .

(src)="8"> [ GA ] ( e ) to any other person specified for that purpose by order of the High Court .
(trg)="8"> [ EN ] ( e ) chuig aon duine eile a bheidh sonraithe chun na críche sin le hordú ón Ard-Chúirt .

(src)="9"> ( 4 ) Where a member of the Commission becomes a member of either House of the Oireachtas , he shall , upon his becoming entitled under the Standing Orders of that House to sit therein , cease to be a member of the Commission .
(trg)="9"> ( 4 ) Má thagann comhalta den Choimisiún chun bheith ina chomhalta de cheachtar Tigh den Oireachtas , ansin , ar é a theacht , faoi Bhuan-Orduithe an Tí sin , i dteideal suí sa Tigh sin , scoirfidh sé de bheith ina chomhalta den Choimisiún .

(src)="10"> As a token of the high esteem and affection in which he is held in this City .
(trg)="10"> Mar Léiri ´ u ar an ard mheas agus gean dó sa Chathair seo .

(src)="11"> • A charge can only be paid in a company name if it does not have penalty points
(trg)="11"> • Ní féidir muirear a íoc ach faoi ainm cuideachta mura ngearrann an muirear pointí pionóis

(src)="12"> Developing our Tourism Sector Strategic Projects
(trg)="12"> An Earnáil Turasóireachta a fhorbairt Tograí Straitéiseacha

(src)="13"> Follow Follow @ CDLeganes Following follow request from @ CDLeganes Cancel Cancel your follow request to @ CDLeganes More Copy link to Tweet
(trg)="13"> Lean Lean Díchoisc @ CDLeganes _ en Ar Feitheamh Iarratas leanúna ó @ CDLeganes _ en ar feitheamh Cuir ar ceal Cealaigh d 'iarratas leanúna do @ CDLeganes _ en Tuilleadh

(src)="14"> Media You blocked @ takamiya _ kahi Are you sure you want to view these Tweets ?
(trg)="14"> Meáin Chuir tú cosc ar @ irodori2237 An bhfuil tú cinnte gur mhaith leat breathnú ar na Tweetanna seo ?

(src)="15"> It shall without delay submit a draft decision to the other supervisory authorities concerned for their opinion and take due account of their views .
(src)="16"> 3.stanoviska .
(trg)="15"> Cuirfidh sé dréachtchinneadh faoi bhráid na n-údarás maoirseachta eile lena mbaineann gan mhoill chun a dtuairimí a fháil agus tabharfaidh sé aird chuí ar na tuairimí atá acu .

(src)="17"> NSF – supports board oversight committees in the Republic of Ireland and supervisory committees in Northern Ireland .
(trg)="16"> NSF – tugann an Fóram Náisiúnta Maoirseoirí tacaíocht do choistí formhaoirseachta boird i bPoblacht na hÉireann agus do choistí maoirseachta i dTuaisceart Éireann .

(src)="18"> Media You blocked @ Perfume _ 9121 Are you sure you want to view these Tweets ?
(trg)="17"> Meáin Chuir tú cosc ar @ Giccky An bhfuil tú cinnte gur mhaith leat breathnú ar na Tweetanna seo ?

(src)="19"> Gaeláras Mhic Ardghail : ' Cultural Transformation and Committee
(trg)="18"> Gaeláras Mhic Ardghail : ' Claochlú Cultúir agus an Conradh '

(src)="20"> View the definition , word type , pronunciation , meanings , synonyms , antonym of steamier in turkmen language .
(trg)="19"> Féach ar an sainmhíniú , cineál focal , fuaimniú , bríonna , comhchiallaigh , fhrithchiallach ar steamier i nGaeilge .

(src)="21"> working collaboratively with all stakeholders to achieve the policy objectives
(trg)="20"> Obair i gcomhar le gach geallsealbhóir chun na cuspóirí beartais a bhaint amach .

(src)="22"> ( 4 ) Where an insured person is not paid wages or other money payments by his employer or any other person , the employer shall be liable to pay the weekly contributions payable both by himself and such insured person and shall not be entitled to recover any part thereof from such insured person .
(trg)="21"> ( 4 ) I gcás gan págh ná íocaíochta eile airgid d 'íoc le duine árachuithe ag a fhostóir no ag duine ar bith eile , dlighfidh an fostóir na síntiúis seachtainiúla is iníoctha aige féin agus ag an duine árachuithe sin d 'íoc agus ní bheidh sé i dteideal aon chuid díobh do bhaint den duine árachuithe sin .

(src)="23"> EB on Twitter : " Classic . … "
(trg)="22"> EB ar Twitter : “ Classic . … ”

(src)="24"> The warranty terms of JOBO E-bikes are as below :
(trg)="23"> Is iad seo a leanas téarmaí bharánta E-rothair JOBO :

(src)="25"> ( b ) A statement prepared in pursuance of paragraph ( a ) of this subsection shall if necessary be revised from time to time .
(trg)="24"> ( b ) Déanfar , más gá , ráiteas a ullmhaíodh de bhun mhír ( a ) den fho-alt seo a athbhreithniú ó am go ham .

(src)="26"> It is estimated they will need to double food output .
(trg)="25"> Meastar go gcaithfidh siad a gcuid táirgeachta bia a dhúbailt .

(src)="27"> The aliens from different planets constantly invade our precincts .
(trg)="26"> An eachtrannaigh ó pláinéid éagsúla invade i gcónaí ar ár maighne .

(src)="28"> Links of London bonbon
(trg)="27"> Naisc de Londain Bangles

(src)="29"> Fatal Accidents and Workmen 's Compensation Acts .
(trg)="28"> Na Fatal Accidents Acts agus na hAchta um Chúiteamh do Lucht Oibre .

(src)="30"> From capitation grants to Convent and Monastery Schools and Fosterage Schools — seven per cent .
(trg)="29"> De dheontaisí ceann-tsraithe a híoctar le Scoileanna Coinbhinte agus Mainistreach agus le Scoileanna Altranais — seacht per cent .

(src)="31"> The Marshall ProjectVerified account @ MarshallProj Apr 20
(trg)="30"> The Marshall ProjectCuntas deimhnithe @ MarshallProj 8 u8 n-uaire an chloig ó shin

(src)="32"> At the present time , doctors have not yet studied the reasons for which mild polyhydramnios appear during pregnancy .
(trg)="31"> Ag an am i láthair , níl na dochtúirí staidéar déanta fós ar na cúiseanna a bhfuil polahydramnios éadrom le feiceáil le linn toirchis .

(src)="33"> However , if the property is sold within the two years , we will assess the income from the sale as means at that stage .
(trg)="32"> Má dhíoltar an mhaoin laistigh den dá bhliain , áfach , measúnóimid an t-ioncam ón díolachán mar acmhainn ag an tráth sin .

(src)="34"> Retrograde hand displays : day at 12 o 'clock , date on the right hand side of the dial , small second at 6 o 'clock , and 24 hours second time zone on the left hand side of the dial .
(trg)="33"> Taispeántais retrograde láimhe : lá ag 12 a chlog , dáta ar thaobh na láimhe deise den dhiailiú , an dara beag ag 6 a chlog , agus 24 uair an chloig crios dara huair ar thaobh na láimhe clé den dhiailiú .

(src)="35"> To this end , the Minister noted
(trg)="34"> Mar fhocal scoir , dúirt an tAire :

(src)="36"> Students will not send or receive any material that is illegal , obscene , defamatory or that is intended to annoy or intimidate another person .
(trg)="35"> Ní sheolfaidh agus ní bhfaighidh daltaí aon ábhar a bheidh mídhleathach , graostacht ná míchlúiteach nó a bhfuil sé i gceist leis cur as do dhuine eile no imeaglú a dhéanamh air .

(src)="37"> To insert the game Police car 7 differences on your website , copy the code and paste in the html code of your site .
(trg)="36"> A chur isteach ar an cluiche Highway Chasing 2 ar do láithreán gréasáin , a chóipeáil an cód agus greamaigh an cód html de do shuíomh .

(src)="38"> Tuesday , 10 November 2015
(trg)="37"> Dé Máirt , 17 MFómh 2019

(src)="39"> Media You blocked @ watch _ SITV Are you sure you want to view these Tweets ?
(trg)="38"> Meáin Chuir tú cosc ar @ williamfleitch An bhfuil tú cinnte gur mhaith leat breathnú ar na Tweetanna seo ?

(src)="40"> ( c ) Where the Board grants a permission in accordance with paragraph ( b ) , the Board shall , in addition to the requirements of section 34 ( 10 ) , indicate in its decision the main reasons and considerations for contravening materially the development plan .
(trg)="39"> ( c ) I gcás ina ndeonóidh an Bord cead de réir mhír ( b ) , déanfaidh an Bord , i dteannta cheanglais alt 34 ( 10 ) , na príomhchúiseanna agus na príomhchúinsí a bhaineann le sárú ábhartha a dhéanamh ar an bplean forbartha a chur in iúl ina chinneadh .

(src)="41"> 14-07-2009 / 31-01-2012 : Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance - Vice-Chair
(trg)="40"> 20-07-1999 / 07-01-2002 : An Grúpa Glas / Grúpa na Saor-Comhghuaillíochta Eorpaí - Comhalta

(src)="42"> On the " Night Journey " Burak , ( the heavenly white winged mount ) was brought for the Prophet to ride and Anas tells us that it became frisky upon seeing the Prophet whereupon Gabriel said to Burak , " Would you do this to Muhammad ?
(trg)="41"> Ar an " Oíche Turas " Burak , ( na sciathán bán heavenly mount ) tugadh chun an Prophet a thiomána agus Anas insíonn dúinn go raibh sé frisky ar féachaint ar an Prophet agus air sin dúirt Gabriel go Burak , " Ar mhaith a dhéanann tú seo a Muhammad ?

(src)="43"> Roman MarsVerified account @ romanmars Feb 20 More Copy link to Tweet
(trg)="42"> Roman MarsCuntas deimhnithe @ romanmars 21 Feabh Tuilleadh Cóipeáil nasc leis an tweet

(src)="44"> The court will grant this order only if satisfied that failing to give it would cause irreparable loss to the creditor that would not otherwise occur and that no other creditor to whom notice of the protective certificate has been given would be unfairly prejudiced .
(trg)="43"> Ní dheonóidh an chúirt an t-ordú seo ach amháin má tá siad sásta go mbeadh an creidiúnaí thíos le caillteanas dóréitithe dá bharr , nach dtarlódh murach sin , agus nach ndéanfar difear éagórach d ’ aon chreidiúnaí eile ar tugadh fógra dóibh faoin deimhniú cosanta .

(src)="45"> Nick Kennedy @ NickKennedy1986 15h15 hours ago More Copy link to Tweet
(trg)="44"> Nick Kennedy @ NickKennedy1986 15 u15 uair an chloig ó shin Tuilleadh Cóipeáil nasc leis an tweet

(src)="46"> Evolution of the price of the currency Canadian Dollar compared with the currency price New Turkish Lira
(trg)="45"> Éabhlóid an praghas ar an airgeadra Lira Nua Tuircis i gcomparáid leis an bpraghas airgeadra Yen

(src)="47"> [ GA ] ( ii ) that place has been both visited by an inspector and inspected by him in exercise of the powers conferred on him by this Act .
(trg)="46"> [ EN ] ( ii ) go dtí go mbeidh cuairt tugtha ag cigire ar an áit sin agus go mbeidh sí scrúdaithe aige i bhfeidhmiú na gcumhachtaí a thugtar dó leis an Acht seo .

(src)="48"> Bilberry ( Vaccinium Myrtillus L. ) is a kind of perennial deciduous or evergreen fruit shrubs , mainly found in subarctic regions of the world as in Sweden , Finland and Ukraine , etc .
(src)="49"> Bilberries contain dense levels of anthocyanin pigments , which was said popularly to have been used by World War II RAF pilots to sharpen night vision .
(trg)="47"> Is Fraochán ( Vaccinium myrtillus L. ) ar chineál an duillsilteach nó torthaí toir síorghlas ilbhliantúil , le fáil den chuid is mó i réigiúin subarctic an domhain mar atá sa tSualainn , san Fhionlainn agus an Úcráin , etc Go bhfuil Bilberries leibhéil dlúth na líocha anthocyanin , dúradh a popularly a bheith acu úsáid ag píolótaí Dara Cogadh Domhanda RAF a ghéarú fís oíche .

(src)="50"> View the definition , word type , pronunciation , meanings , synonyms , antonym of decants in french language .
(trg)="48"> Féach ar an sainmhíniú , cineál focal , fuaimniú , bríonna , comhchiallaigh , fhrithchiallach ar decants i nGaeilge .

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(src)="53"> What this means for homeowners is that their quartz countertops won ’ t easily crack , chip , scratch , or burn if cared for properly .
(trg)="51"> Cad é a chiallaíonn sé seo d ’ úinéirí tí ná nach n-éireoidh a gcuid countertops Grianchloch , slis , scratch , nó sruthán go héasca má thugann siad aire cheart dóibh .

(src)="54"> Media You blocked @ LepC _ OuestA Are you sure you want to view these Tweets ?
(trg)="52"> Meáin Chuir tú cosc ar @ MEDEF44 An bhfuil tú cinnte gur mhaith leat breathnú ar na Tweetanna seo ?

(src)="55"> Contact Now Best USB Aroma Essential Oil Nebulizing Diffuser
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(src)="56"> There is nothing between . ” ”
(trg)="54"> Níl aon rud idir . ” ”

(src)="57"> View the definition , word type , pronunciation , meanings , synonyms , antonym of frijolillo in georgian language .
(trg)="55"> Féach ar an sainmhíniú , cineál focal , fuaimniú , bríonna , comhchiallaigh , fhrithchiallach ar frijolillo i nGaeilge .

(src)="58"> Or , you can use it in a Parental Control way , knowing your kids have turned on the TV and game console during finals weeks , and turn them off remotely from your office .
(trg)="56"> Nó , is féidir leat é a úsáid ar bhealach Rialúcháin do Thuismitheoirí , a fhios agam go ndearna do pháistí iompú ar an teilifís agus ar an gconsól cluiche i rith seachtaine na gcluichí ceannais , agus iad a aistriú go cianda ó d 'oifig .

(src)="59"> Mature naked singers of the band
(trg)="57"> Aibí naked amhránaithe an bhanna

(src)="60"> Behold , I have given the land to you , go and possess the land
(trg)="58"> Féuch , tá mé mar gheall ar an talamh duit , téigh agus a bhfuil acu an talamh

(src)="61"> Free video chat Alagoinha in which you can do the following things :
(trg)="59"> Saor in aisce físeán comhrá a dhéanamh Marsciano inar féidir leat na nithe seo leanas :

(src)="62"> This girl is extremely dominating the motorcycle driving by obstacles .
(trg)="60"> Tá an cailín dominating an-an gluaisrothar ag tiomáint trí na bacainní .

(src)="63"> Grammar and Language .
(trg)="61"> Leabharlann Teanga agus Foclóireachta

(src)="64"> Recalling that the participants in the multi-party negotiations pledged that they would in good faith work to ensure the success of each and every one of the arrangements to be established under the Multi-Party Agreement , and that it was accepted that “ all of the institutional and constitutional arrangements — an Assembly in Northern Ireland , a North / South Ministerial Council , implementation bodies , a British-Irish Council , and a British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference and any amendments to British Acts of Parliament and the Constitution of Ireland — are interlocking and interdependent and that in particular the functions of the Assembly and the North / South Council are so closely inter-related that the success of each depends on that of the other ” ;
(trg)="62"> Ag meabhrú dóibh gur gheall na rannpháirtithe sna caibidlí ilpháirtí go n-oibreoidís , de mheon macánta , chun a chinntiú go n-éireodh le gach uile cheann de na socruithe atá le bunú faoin gComhaontú Ilpháirtí , agus gur glacadh leis “ maidir leis na socruithe institiúideacha agus bunreachtúla go léir — Tionól i dTuaisceart Éireann , Comhairle Aireachta Thuaidh / Theas , comhlachtaí forfheidhmithe , Comhairle na Breataine-na hÉireann , agus Comhdháil Idir-Rialtasach na Breataine-na hÉireann agus aon leasuithe ar Achtanna Parlaiminte na Breataine agus ar Bhunreacht na hÉireann — go bhfuil siad cónasctha agus idirspleách agus go háirithe go bhfuil gaol chomh dlúth sin idir feidhmiú an Tionóil agus feidhmiú na Comhairle Thuaidh / Theas go bhfuil rath ceann acu ag brath ar rath an chinn eile ” ;

(src)="65"> The battle for Stalingrad is one of the crucial events in the Second World War .
(trg)="63"> Is é an cath do Stalingrad ceann de na himeachtaí ríthábhachtacha sa Dara Cogadh Domhanda .

(src)="66"> During the general cleaning of the apartment , you were stumped at the question : " How do stretch ceilings wash ? "
(trg)="64"> Le linn an árasán a ghlanadh go ginearálta , bhí tú ag stumped ag an gceist : " Cén chaoi a n-éireoidh le huasteorainneacha stráice ? "

(src)="67"> are aged between 18 and 66 years old and
(trg)="65"> tá tú idir 18 agus 66 bliana d ’ aois agus

(src)="68"> “ ( 2 ) ( a ) Subject to this section , where a company raises any amount through the issue of eligible shares on or after the 3rd day of December , 1997 , ( in this section referred to as ‘ the relevant issue ’ ) , relief shall not be given in respect of the excess of the amount so raised over the amount determined by the formula —
(trg)="66"> “ ( 2 ) ( a ) Faoi réir an ailt seo , i gcás ina gcruinneoidh cuideachta aon mhéid trí scaireanna cáilithe a eisiúint an 3ú lá de Nollaig , 1997 , nó dá éis ( dá ngairtear ‘ an eisiúint iomchuí ’ san alt seo ) , ní thabharfar faoiseamh maidir leis an mbreis a bheidh ag an méid a chruinneofar amhlaidh ar an méid a chinnfear de réir na foirmle —

(src)="69"> Financial corrections shall be recorded in the accounts by the managing authority for the accounting year in which the cancellation is decided .
(trg)="67"> Déanfaidh an t-údarás bainistíochta ceartuithe airgeadais a thaifeadadh sna cuntais le haghaidh na bliana cuntasaíochta ina gcinntear an cealú .

(src)="70"> He need only visit where the games online , racing for the boys , and you can start playing .
(trg)="68"> Ní mór sé ach cuairt a thabhairt inar féidir leis an cluichí ar líne , rásaíocht do na buachaillí , agus tú tús a imirt .

(src)="71"> Stainless Steel Coil with 2B surface and lower price : Type
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(src)="73"> It is the fairest way possible to tackle the effects that lack of schooling and other problems caused by Covid-19 have had on your Leaving Certificate .
(trg)="71"> Seo é an bealach is cothroime le dul i ngleic leis na hiarmhairtí a d ’ eascair don scrúdú Ardteistiméireachta duitse ó easpa scolaíochta agus fadhbanna eile a bhaineann le Covid-19 .

(src)="74"> Machine testing rooms are separated into two sections , single machine and production line .
(trg)="72"> Tá seomraí tástála innill scartha ina dhá chuid , líne meaisín aonair agus líne táirgeachta .

(src)="75"> DIG report for Minister for Finance
(trg)="73"> An tOchtúTuarascáil ón Aire Airgeadais ar Shaoráil Faisnéise

(src)="76"> Amanda Seyfried The Hollywood Reporter .
(trg)="74"> Reblogged this on An Tuairisceoir .

(src)="77"> With wide experience and expertise , Beall Industry Group is one of the leading stainless steel channel bar manufacturers and suppliers .
(trg)="75"> Le taithí agus saineolas leathan , tá Grúpa Tionscail Beall ar cheann de na déantúsóirí agus soláthraithe barraí cruach dhosmálta is mó le rá .

(src)="78"> To purchase the Seven Strategic Towns Local Area Plan 2018-2024 , a fee of € 35 is chargeable ( for collection ) and a fee of € 40 for delivery ) .
(trg)="76"> Chun cóip de Phlean Limistéir Áitiúil na Seacht mBaile Straitéiseacha 2018-2024 a cheannach , tá táille € 35 le híoc i gcás bailiú agus tá táille € 40 le híoc i gcás seoladh tríd an phost .

(src)="79"> While via a 6 month research , those volunteers who took in the increased levels of calcium shed more weight and also body fat ( Obesity Research study , 2004 ) .
(trg)="77"> Cé gur trí thaighde 6 mhí , siúd hoibrithe deonacha a chaitheamh na leibhéil mhéadaithe de chailciam a cailleadh níos mó meáchan agus comhlacht saill ( Otracht Taighde , 2004 ) .

(src)="80"> Special attention is also given to events organised by , or aimed at , young people or relating to disadvantaged social groups .
(trg)="78"> Tugtar aird speisialta freisin ar imeachtaí atá eagraithe ag daoine óga , nó atá dírithe ar dhaoine óga , nó a bhaineann le grúpaí atá faoi mhíbhuntáiste sóisialta .

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(src)="82"> Written Answers . - Industrial Development .
(trg)="80"> Written Answers . - Scéimeanna le Forbairt Gaeltachta .

(src)="83"> Follow Follow @ 1android _ de Following Following @ 1android _ de Unfollow Unfollow @ 1android _ de Blocked Blocked @ 1android _ de Unblock Unblock @ 1android _ de Pending Pending follow request from @ 1android _ de Cancel Cancel your follow request to @ 1Reply
(trg)="81"> Lean Lean @ 1Díchoisc @ 1android _ de Ar Feitheamh Iarratas leanúna ó @ 1android _ de ar feitheamh Cuir ar ceal Cealaigh d 'iarratas leanúna do @ 1android _ de Tuilleadh Cóipeáil nasc leis chroí

(src)="84"> Ministerial Advisers Data – Friday , 6 Sep 2019 – Parliamentary Questions ( 32nd Dáil ) – Houses of the Oireachtas
(trg)="82"> Ministerial Advisers Data – Dé Céadaoin , 31 Ean 2018 – Ceisteanna Parlaiminte ( 32nd Dáil ) – Tithe an Oireachtais

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(src)="87"> This user has advanced knowledge of English .
(trg)="85"> Tá ard-Ghaeilge ag an úsáideoir seo .

(src)="88"> Media You blocked @ DonatoBulfon Are you sure you want to view these Tweets ?
(trg)="86"> Meáin Chuir tú cosc ar @ danyalsays An bhfuil tú cinnte gur mhaith leat breathnú ar na Tweetanna seo ?

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