# en/en-sw.0001.xml.gz
# sw/en-sw.0001.xml.gz
(src)="1"> 1 .
(src)="2"> We have all sinned and are therefore separated from God ( Romans 3 : 23 ) .
(trg)="1"> • Wote tumetenda dhambi na kwa hivyo tumetenganishwa na Mungu ( Warumi 3 : 23 ) .
(src)="3"> Schools emphasize statistics , business analytics , accounting , operations management , and finance .
(src)="4"> The required core is so large that students often only have room for one class per semester that isn ’ t related to business .
(trg)="2"> Shule kusisitiza takwimu , analytics biashara , uhasibu , usimamizi wa shughuli , na fedha. msingi zinazohitajika ni kubwa kwamba wanafunzi mara nyingi tu kuwa na chumba kwa ajili ya darasa moja kwa kila muhula kwamba si kuhusiana na biashara .
(src)="5"> - The efforts of others to save us through candle-burning and other donations to the Catholic church , will not affect our salvation at all .
(src)="6"> " They that trust in their wealth ... none of them can by any means redeem his brother , nor give to God a ransom for him ... that he should still live for ever " ( Ps .
(src)="7"> 49 : 6-9 ) .
(src)="8"> BACK HOME NEXT
(trg)="3"> Juhudi ya wengine kutuokoa kwa kuwasha mishumaa na michango mingine ya pesa kwa kanisa la katoliki , haita geuza wokovu wetu kabisa . "
(trg)="4"> Hao wanaozitumainia mali zao … … hakuna mtu waezaye kumkomboa ndugu yake , wala kumpa Mungu fidia kwa ajili yake … .. ili aishi siku zote asilione kaburi " ( Zab .
(trg)="5"> 49 : 6-9 ) .
(src)="9"> The challenge is to do it safely , in their lifetime , capture a portion of the value , and escape the wrath of an angry and violent mob in the process .
(trg)="6"> Changamoto ni kufanya hivyo kwa usalama , katika maisha yao , kukamata sehemu ya thamani , na kuepuka ghadhabu ya hasira na vurugu kundi la watu katika mchakato .
(src)="10"> 1 .
(src)="11"> Does absolute truth exist ?
(trg)="7"> 1 .
(trg)="8"> Je , kweli kabisa ipo ?
(src)="12"> Learning more about the way God constructed our universe helps all of mankind appreciate the wonder of creation .
(trg)="9"> Kusoma mengi zaidi jinsi vile Mungu aliiumba ulimwengu inamsadia mwanadamu wote kutika maajabu ya uumbaji .
(src)="13"> 3 Then Jonathan and David made a covenant , because he loved him as his own soul .
(trg)="10"> 3 Nao Yonathani na Daudi wakaahidiana , kwa kuwa alimpenda kama roho yake mwenyewe .
(src)="14"> ( The Daily Al-Fadhl , Qadian , 23 Februlry , 1932 , ( cited from Qadiani Mazhab ) , ) He nominated Mirza Basbiruddin Mahmood , the eldest son of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad , to be his successor and Khalifah .
(src)="15"> Temperament -
(trg)="11"> Uasherati wa Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud ( mtoto wa Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani na Khalifa wa Pili wa Jumuiya ya Ahmadiya ) na jaribio la kuyadhuru maisha ya Bashir Masri
(src)="16"> 6 Thy right hand , O LORD , is become glorious in power : thy right hand , O LORD , hath dashed in pieces the enemy .
(trg)="12"> 6 Bwana , mkono wako wa kuume umepata fahari ya uwezo , Bwana , mkono wako wa kuume wawaseta-seta adui .
(src)="17"> 12 February 2013 : : Twaweza.org home
(trg)="13"> Afrika mashariki : : Twaweza.org
(src)="18"> 10 February 2010 : : Twaweza.org home
(trg)="14"> Afrika mashariki : : Twaweza.org
(src)="19"> Overview The RETScreen Clean Energy Project Analysis Software is the world ’ s leading clean energy decision-making software .
(src)="20"> It is provided completely free-of-charge by the Government of Canada as part of Canada ’ s recognition of the need to take an integrated approach in addressing climate change and reducing pollution .
(src)="21"> RETScreen is a proven enabler of clean energy projects worldwide .
(trg)="15"> Softweya ya RETSreen ya Uchunguzi wa Projekti ya Nguvu Safi ni softweya inayo ongoza ulimwenguni ya-kuafikia maamuzi ya nguvu safi .
(trg)="16"> Inatolewa bila malipo yoyote na Serikali ya Canada kama sehemu ya utambuzi wa Canada wa mahitaji ya kuchukua hatua za kuunganisha ili kushughulikia mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa na kupunguza uchafu .
(trg)="17"> RETScreen ni thibitisho kinachowezesha miradi ya nguvu safi ulimwenguni kote .
(src)="22"> LK 10 : 30 Jesus answered , " A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho , and he fell among robbers , who both stripped him and beat him , and departed , leaving him half dead .
(trg)="18"> 10 : 30 Yesu akamjibu , " Mtu mmoja alikuwa anashuka kutoka Yerusalemu kwenda Yeriko .
(trg)="19"> Alipokuwa njiani , alivamiwa na majambazi , wakamnyang 'anya mali yake na kumpiga , wakamwacha amelala pale nusu mfu .
(src)="23"> Citizens are significantly misinformed about the potential of the country ’ s gas deposits .
(trg)="20"> Wananchi wengi hawana taarifa sahihi kuhusu gesi asilia iliyogundulika hivi karibuni nchini Tanzania .
(src)="24"> The natural man does not recognize the advice implicit in Christ ’ s love .
(src)="25"> He opens the treasuries of heaven to us and sends us out to serve the lost and the upbuilding of our brothers ; he grants us the ability to realize his plans for us .
(src)="26"> His commands are not burdensome or impossible since the joy of the Spirit impels us , and the Spirit of truth stirs us to confess every vile or deceitful act we have committed .
(trg)="21"> Maagizo yake siyo ya kutukandamiza au kutushinda , kwa vile furaha ya Roho inatusukuma , na Roho wa kweli inatugusa kuungama kila tendo baya au iliyo na hatia tuliyoifanya .
(src)="27"> I hope I can put this mod back on the company blog and you will correct this in all future updates .
(trg)="22"> Natumaini unaweza kuweka hii Mod nyuma blog kampuni na wewe sahihi hii katika siku zijazo updates .
(src)="28"> I hope I can put this mod back on the company blog and you will correct this in all future updates .
(trg)="23"> Natumaini unaweza kuweka hii Mod nyuma blog kampuni na wewe sahihi hii katika siku zijazo updates .
(src)="29"> COL 4 : 1 Masters , render unto your servants that which is just and equal ; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven .
(trg)="24"> 4 : 1 Nanyi wakuu , watendeeni watumwa wenu kwa uadilifu na haki , mkikumbuka kwamba nanyi pia mnaye Bwana mbinguni .
(src)="30"> And the people rejoiced for all the glories things that were done by Him .
(src)="31"> Mk 2 : 12 Lk.13 : 17 .
(trg)="25"> Na watu wakashangilia kwa ajili ya matendo matakatifu yalifanywa naye .
(trg)="26"> Mariko 2 : 12 , Luke 13-17 .
(src)="32"> Maymuna had been divorced once , and widowed before marrying Mohammed. al-Tabari vol.39 p.185 .
(trg)="27"> Maymuna alikuwa ameachika mara moja na kufiwa kabla ya kuolewa na Muhammad. al-Tabari juzuu ya 39 uk.185 .
(src)="33"> Your allegiance is to I , YAHUVEH , not to the laws of a man .
(src)="34"> If they do not line up with what I say throw them away .
(trg)="28"> Utii wako ni kwangu MIMI , YAHUVEH , sio kwa sheria za binadamu .
(trg)="29"> Kama hazisikizani na kile Ninachosema zitupe mbali .
(src)="35"> Be bold and pray to God by grace , boldness and thanksgiving .
(trg)="30"> Usisite kumwomba Mungu kwa neema , ushujaa na shukrani .
(src)="36"> - The possibility of rapid evolution .
(trg)="31"> - Uwezekano wa mageuzi ya haraka .
(src)="37"> When I was listening to music while running , I didn ’ t mind having news notifications blending in .
(trg)="32"> Wakati mimi nilikuwa kusikiliza muziki wakati mbio , mimi hakuwa na nia ya kuwa na kuarifiwa habari kuchanganya katika .
(src)="38"> Chapters 8-10 describe the consecration of Aaron and his sons to the priesthood .
(trg)="33"> Sura 8-10 inaelezea wakfu wa Haruni na wanawe kwa ukuhani .
(src)="39"> Very little is spoken of how God has already judged the sins of America with the judgment that fell on Christ ( Isaiah 53 : 5-6 ) .
(trg)="34"> Machache mno yanasemwa sana kuhusu Mungu tayari asha hukumu dhambi za Amerika na hukumu iliyo anguka juu ya Kristo ( Isaiah 53 : 5-6 )
(src)="40"> ROM 1 : 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel : for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth ; to the Jew first , and also to the Greek .
(trg)="35"> 1 : 16 Sioni aibu kutangaza Habari Njema ; yenyewe ni nguvu ya Mungu inayowaokoa wote wanaoamini : Wayahudi kwanza , na wasio Wayahudi pia .
(src)="41"> Candidate benefit from our quick revision booklets which are comprehensive and how to tackle examination question methods .
(trg)="36"> Viunganishi vya masharti Viunganishi vya uteuzi Kiunganishi cha asili ya kibantu Kusoma kwa Mapana Utandawazi
(src)="42"> 26 " For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words , the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory , and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels .
(trg)="37"> 9 : 26 Mtu akinionea aibu mimi na mafundisho yangu , Mwana wa Mtu atamwonea aibu mtu huyo wakati atakapokuja katika utukufu wake na wa Baba na wa malaika watakatifu .
(src)="43"> They made an independent nation of themselves refusing to pray or intermarry with Muslims .
(trg)="38"> Walijiundia jamii ya peke yao wakikataa kusali au kuowana na Waislamu .
(src)="44"> A marriage may not be as unified and joyous as a couple wishes it to be .
(src)="45"> A husband and wife may not have the physical , emotional , and spiritual unity that they desire .
(trg)="39"> Mume na mke huenda wasiwe na , mhemuko , na umoja wa kiroho ambao wakethamani .
(src)="46"> 5 But when Silas and Timothy came down from Macedonia , Paul began devoting himself completely to the word , solemnly testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ .
(trg)="40"> 18 : 5 Baada ya Sila na Timotheo kuwasili kutoka Makedonia , Paulo alianza kutumia wakati wake wote kwa ajili ya kuhubiri , akawathibitishia Wayahudi kwamba Yesu ndiye Kristo .
(src)="47"> As , they are a hot commodity you must never be nervous while purchasing them from the online vendors .
(trg)="41"> Kama wao ni wa bidhaa moto lazima kamwe neva wakati wa kununua yao kutoka kwa wauzaji wa mtandao .
(src)="48"> Confirm by Google Webmaster Tools – Crawl stats that when i use W3TC , Time spent downloading a page increase to 2000ms from < 200ms , now it reduce when i switched to Quick Cache .
(src)="49"> For me this plugin suitable with Transposh .
(trg)="42"> Kuthibitisha kwa Google Webmaster Vyombo vya – Kutambaa stats kwamba wakati i kutumia W3TC , Alitumia muda kushusha ongezeko ukurasa kwa 2000ms kutoka < 200 ms , sasa ni kupunguza wakati i switched Cache Quick .
(trg)="43"> Kwangu mimi hii Plugin kufaa na Transposh .
(src)="50"> Liverpool 4 - 0 Stoke Liverpool made amends for their opening day Premier League defeat at Tottenham with an emphatic victory against Stoke .
(src)="51"> Fernando Torres gave the Reds the early lead when he stroked in Steven Gerrard 's cross from 10 yards .
(src)="52"> Glen Johnson then scored his first goal for the club with an acrobatic finish just before the interval .
(trg)="44"> Hali ilikuwa ngumu tangu mwanzo wa mchezo , maana Belous katika pambano hilo la uzito wa kilo 69 , alimshindilia ngumi mfululizo Mtanzania wetu , na mapema tu alikuwa ameshajipatia pointi 26 .
(src)="53"> 3 .
(src)="54"> Even in Old Testament times , polygamy was not necessarily the norm .
(trg)="45"> 3 .
(trg)="46"> Hata katika nyakati za Agano Jipya , kuoa wake wengi hakukuwa kwa kawaida sana .
(src)="55"> Mtangazaji wa Clouds Fm 88.4 Kapt G habash ( kwa niaba ya Clouds Entertainment ) akimkabidhi rasmi kitita cha shilingi milioni moja na laki tano mshindi wa shindano la The Sexiet Man in Dar , Moracka leo jioni mjengoni hapo , Mikocheni jijini Dar.Shindano hilo lilikuwa likiendeshwa na kipindi cha Ala Za Roho kikiongozwa na Loveness Love a.k.a Diva kirushwacho usiku na redio ya Clouds Fm.Moracka amewabwaga wenzake hawa hapa
(trg)="47"> Watangazaji wa redio ya Coconut Fm 88.2 ya Zanzibar , wakiwa mjengoni Clouds Media Group wakipigwa msasa na Meneja Vipindi wa Clouds Fm Sebastian Maganga jioni hii , msasa huo unafanyika kwa ajili ya maandalizi yao ya ushindani mkubwa dhidi ya wapinzani wao kwa mwaka 2010
(src)="56"> Holders of Principal pass at “ C ” grade or higher in Chemistry , Biology or Physics , provided that the other two passes are not below “ D ” at ADVANCED level .
(src)="57"> Preference will be given to applicants with " C " grade or higher in Chemistry or Biology in that order.Consideration will also be given to applicants with Principal passes at C grade on higher in Chemistry and a ‘ D ’ grade or higher in Biology or Physics .
(src)="58"> [ C , D ( 5 points from 2 subjects ) ]
(trg)="48"> * Kusanya maganda ya ndizi , magogo ya mipapai , maganda ya mbegu za kakao , kausha vitu hivi kwenye jiko la jua hadi vikauke , kama huna jiko la jua vikaushe juani .
(trg)="49"> Hatua ya 2 * Vichome hadi kupata jivu , pia unaweza kutumia jivu la kuni au karatasi ambazo hazijaandikwa na sii jivu la plastiki au vitu visivyo vya asili .
(src)="59"> 9 .
(src)="60"> It is a memorial of creation .
(trg)="50"> 9 .
(trg)="51"> Ni kumbukumbu ya uumbaji .
(src)="61"> I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven : and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven ; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven .
(trg)="52"> Nami nitakupa wewe funguo za ufalme wa mbinguni ; na lo lote utakalolifunga duniani , litakuwa limefungwa mbinguni ; na lo lote utakalolifungua duniani , litakuwa limefunguliwa mbinguni .
(src)="62"> The Israelites had to wash in order to cleanse themselves from certain uncleannesses ( e.g. Deut .
(src)="63"> 23 : 11 ) , which were representative of sin .
(trg)="53"> Israel iliwabidi kuoga wenyewe ili wawe safi kutokana na unajisi fulani ( K.m Kumb 23 : 11 ) , ambao ulikuwa ni mfano wa dhambi .
(src)="64"> Calculation of excavation works for the well
(trg)="54"> Mahesabu ya excavation kwa ajili ya mitaro
(src)="65"> Some of the most important differences are summarized below :
(trg)="55"> Baadhi ya tofauti za muhimu zaidi ni muhtasari hapa chini .
(src)="66"> 30 / 11 / -0001 : Great Valentine 's Day evening at the restaurant of the hotel Memling PAPAGENO
(trg)="56"> 30 / 11 / -0001 : Siku kuu ya wapendanao jioni katika mgahawa wa hoteli Memling PAPAGENO
(src)="67"> After a few more years the third meeting was organised , where photographs were examined mainly from recent years .
(src)="68"> The final report was again altered .
(trg)="57"> Baada ya miaka michache zaidi mkutano wa tatu alikuwa umeandaliwa , ambapo picha walitahiniwa Hasa kutoka miaka ya karibuni. ripoti ya mwisho alikuwa tena ilibadilika .
(src)="69"> Command injection in ImageMagick : Update all your GNU / Linux servers or you could hack it with an image – ElLadoDelMal
(trg)="58"> Sindano ya amri katika ImageMagick : Kusasisha seva zako wote wa GNU / Linux au inaweza hack na taswira – ElLadoDelMal
(src)="70"> Of which the high priest will be a witness , and all the rulers , from whom I had letters to the brothers ; and I went into Damascus , to take those who were there as prisoners to Jerusalem for punishment .
(trg)="59"> Kutoka kwao nilipokea barua walioandikiwa wale ndugu Wayahudi waliokuwa huko Damasko .
(trg)="60"> Nilikwenda Damasko ili niwatie nguvuni watu hao na kuwaleta wamefungwa mpaka Yerusalemu ili waadhibiwe .
(src)="71"> Hence He did many a hard day ’ s work on Sunday .
(src)="72"> 11 .
(src)="73"> The apostles worked upon it during the same time .
(trg)="61"> 11 .
(trg)="62"> Mitume walifanya kazi katika siku hii wakati wa kipindi hiki hiki .
(src)="74"> ACTS 26 : 11 Punishing them often in all the synagogues , I tried to make them blaspheme .
(trg)="63"> 26 : 11 Mara nyingi niliwafanya waadhibiwe katika masunagogi yote nikiwashurutisha waikane imani yao .
(src)="75"> A climate analysis shows the energy efficiency of the cave – Tendencias21
(trg)="64"> Uchambuzi wa hali ya hewa inaonyesha ufanisi wa nishati ya pango – Tendencias21
(src)="76"> Delivery and transport of liquids is uninterrupted , and some their parts may exhibit metabolism for some time yet .
(trg)="65"> Utoaji na usafiri wa vimiminika ni uninterrupted , na baadhi ya sehemu yaweza kuonyesha kimetaboliki yao kwa muda bado .
(src)="77"> Didn 't Moses give you the law , and yet none of you keeps the law ?
(src)="78"> Why do you seek to kill me ? '
(trg)="66"> Je , Mose hakuwapeni Sheria ?
(trg)="67"> Hata hivyo , hakuna hata mmoja wenu anayeishika Sheria .
(trg)="68"> Kwa nini mnataka kuniua ? "
(src)="79"> 7 : 19Didn 't Moses give you the law , and yet none of you keeps the law ?
(src)="80"> Why do you seek to kill me ? "
(trg)="69"> 7 : 19Je , Mose hakuwapeni Sheria ?
(trg)="70"> Hata hivyo , hakuna hata mmoja wenu anayeishika Sheria .
(trg)="71"> Kwa nini mnataka kuniua ? "
(src)="81"> 55 And nothing prevents men from believing when the guidance comes to them , and from asking forgiveness of their Lord , except that what happened to the ancients should overtake them , or that the chastisement should come face to face with them .
(trg)="72"> Lakini mwanaadamu amezidi kuliko kila kitu kwa ubishi .
(trg)="73"> 55 Na hapana kilicho wazuia watu kuamini ulipo wajia uwongofu na wakaomba maghfira kwa Mola wao Mlezi , isipo kuwa yawafikie ya wale wa zamani , au iwafikie adhabu jahara .
(src)="82"> Bunnahabhain ( pronounced boo-na-ha-venn ) comes from the Gaelic and means something like " Flussmünding " .
(trg)="74"> Bunnahabhain ( hutamkwa boo-Rangi-ha-venn ) linatokana na Gaelic na maana yake ni kitu kama " Flussmünding " .
(src)="83"> That paragraphs above looked a little like describing forming of crop circles only , or some other similar , only ordinary and symmetrical figures .
(trg)="75"> Hiyo aya hapo juu inaonekana kidogo kama kuelezea kutengeneza mazao ya duru tu , au baadhi Similary nyingine , tu takwimu za kawaida na linganifu .
(src)="84"> DTB is offering Current Account at competitive pricing including opening balance of only TZS 50,000 with a monthly ledger fee of just TZS 12,000 .
(src)="85"> Customers who open Current Account during the Chakarika Campaign period shall automatically win “ point of entry gifts ” .
(trg)="76"> Sasa DTB inakuwa benki ya nane ( 8 ) ya kibiashara kufungua tawi katika Manispaa ya Mtwara huku ikitoa huduma kikamilifu za kibenki kwa wananchi wa Mtwara , na wakati huo huo ikiwa na mikakati ya kuelekeza nguvu zake kwa wafanyabiashara ndogondogo na wajasiriamali .
(src)="86"> Pilate again asked them , ' What then should I do to him whom you call the King of the Jews ? '
(trg)="77"> Pilato akawauliza tena , " Basi , sasa mwataka nifanye nini na mtu huyu mnayemwita Mfalme wa Wayahudi ? "
(src)="87"> 15 : 12Pilate again asked them , " What then should I do to him whom you call the King of the Jews ? "
(trg)="78"> 15 : 12Pilato akawauliza tena , " Basi , sasa mwataka nifanye nini na mtu huyu mnayemwita Mfalme wa Wayahudi ? "
(src)="88"> Also , the Genesis account clearly says that birds were created with sea creatures on day five while land animals were not created until day six .
(trg)="79"> Pia , hesabu ya Mwanzo inasema wazi wazi kwamba ndege waliumbwa na viumbe baharini katika siku tano huku wanyama wa ardhi hawakuumbwa mpaka siku ya sita .
(src)="89"> It could be anywhere , where corn does not grow .
(src)="90"> Otherwise , the aliens were concerned for their creations straw enough at home and were not flying on their UFO 's such a long distance .
(trg)="80"> Ni Inaweza kuwa mahali popote , ambapo nafaka haina kukua .
(trg)="81"> Vinginevyo , wageni walikuwa na wasiwasi kwa majani yao ubunifu wa kutosha nyumbani na walikuwa si anaruka kwa ukame UFO yao na umbali mrefu .
(src)="91"> ' Behold , we are going up to Jerusalem .
(src)="92"> The Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests and the scribes .
(src)="93"> They will condemn him to death , and will deliver him to the Gentiles .
(trg)="82"> " Sikilizeni !
(trg)="83"> Tunakwenda Yerusalemu , na huko Mwana wa Mtu atakabidhiwa kwa makuhani wakuu na walimu wa Sheria , nao watamhukumu auawe na kumkabidhi kwa watu wa mataifa .
(src)="94"> 10 : 33 " Behold , we are going up to Jerusalem .
(src)="95"> The Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests and the scribes .
(src)="96"> They will condemn him to death , and will deliver him to the Gentiles .
(trg)="84"> 10 : 33 " Sikilizeni !
(trg)="85"> Tunakwenda Yerusalemu , na huko Mwana wa Mtu atakabidhiwa kwa makuhani wakuu na walimu wa Sheria , nao watamhukumu auawe na kumkabidhi kwa watu wa mataifa .
(src)="97"> 10 : 33 Behold , we are going up to Jerusalem .
(src)="98"> The Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests and the scribes .
(src)="99"> They will condemn him to death , and will deliver him to the Gentiles .
(trg)="86"> 10 : 33 " Sikilizeni !
(trg)="87"> Tunakwenda Yerusalemu , na huko Mwana wa Mtu atakabidhiwa kwa makuhani wakuu na walimu wa Sheria , nao watamhukumu auawe na kumkabidhi kwa watu wa mataifa .
(src)="100"> 17163 views | 1513 clicks | website | Posted by Stephanie McDonald
(trg)="88"> 9819 Maoni | 934 bonyeza / bofya | tovuti Kuhusu mtunzi Evarist
(src)="101"> • The number of viruses doubles every 9 months .
(trg)="89"> â € ¢ idadi ya virusi mara mbili kila baada ya miezi 9 .
(src)="102"> Keywords : citizens East African Community regional integration Sauti za Wananchi
(trg)="90"> maneno muhimu : Benki ya Dunia Utashi wa Wananchi
(src)="103"> This peace and true spiritual joy more than balances out the pain and difficulty of openly associating ourselves with the crucified Christ : " For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us , so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ " ( 2 Cor .
(src)="104"> 1 : 5 ) .
(trg)="91"> Hii amani na furaha kweli ni zaidi ya kusawazisha toka uchungu na shida zilizo wazi kwa kuungana wenyewe na Kristo msulubiwa : " Kwa kuwa kama vile mateso ya Kristo yanavyozidi kwetu vivyo hivyo faraja inazidi kwa njia ya Kristo " ( 2 Kor 1 : 5 ) .
(src)="105"> When we come to Jesus without anything of our own , the floodgates of His mercy and love open wide to us .
(trg)="92"> Tunapo kuja kwa Yesu bila chochote chetu , malongo yaliyo furika na rehema Yake na Upendo inafunguka wazi kwetu .
(src)="106"> It provides larger food volumes for increasing satiety ( the sensation of fullness ) while minimizing calorie consumption .
(trg)="93"> Ni hutoa kiasi kubwa ya chakula kwa ajili ya kuongeza satiety ( hisia za ukamilifu ) wakati kupunguza matumizi ya calorie .
(src)="107"> Safety in Numbers
(trg)="94"> Usalama katika Hesabu
(src)="108"> Attach supporting documents ( Clinic card , Baptismal certificate if applicable , Letter from relevant government authorities such as Ward Executive Officer ( WEO ) , Village Executive Officer ) , for proof of date birth , place of birth and nationality of parents .
(trg)="95"> Ambatanisha nyaraka za kuunga mkono maelezo yako kwenye fomu.nyaraka hizi ni : -passipoti , cheti cha kumaliza elimu ya msingi , sekondari , kadi ya kliniki , cheti cha ubatizo ( kama unahusika ) , barua kutoka ofisi za serikali zinazohusika kama ofisi ya mtendaji wa kata ; mtendaji wa kijiji .
(src)="109"> “ Education for Business ” Department
(trg)="96"> " Elimu kwa biashara " Idara
(src)="110"> “ United Nations , New York – For 30 years Mohammad Nabi has been delivering aid to his vulnerable countrymen and women in central Afghanistan , risking his life to help others get " better health and education " .
(trg)="97"> Mataifa 59 ambayo ni wanachama wa Umoja wa Mataifa yamehaidi kutoa kiasi cha dola milioni 358 kwa ajili kutunisha mfuko wa dharura unaotumika kukabili majanga CERF .
(trg)="98"> 15 / 12 / 2010 | Jamii : Taarifa maalumu | Kusoma Zaidi »
(src)="111"> 13 He winketh with his eyes , he speaketh with his feet , he teacheth with his fingers ;
(trg)="99"> 13 Hukonyeza kwa macho , hunena kwa miguu , Huwaashiria watu kwa vidole vyake .
(src)="112"> 13 : 35By this everyone will know that you are my disciples , if you have love for one another . "
(trg)="100"> 13 : 35Mkipendana , watu wote watajua kwamba ninyi ni wanafunzi wangu . "
(src)="113"> JN 21 : 15 So when they had eaten their breakfast , Jesus said to Simon Peter , " Simon , son of Jonah , do you love me more than these ? "
(src)="114"> He said to him , " Yes , Lord ; you know that I have affection for you . "
(src)="115"> He said to him , " Feed my lambs . "
(trg)="101"> 21 : 15 Walipokwisha kula , Yesu alimwuliza Simoni Petro , " Simoni , mwana wa Yohane !
(trg)="102"> Je , wanipenda mimi zaidi kuliko hawa ? "
(trg)="103"> Naye akajibu , " Naam , Bwana ; wajua kwamba mimi nakupenda . "
(src)="116"> She said Zari was helping her family reunite with her deadbeat father Abdul Juma .
(src)="117"> Darleen further stated that her father was a very bitter man .
(trg)="104"> Hivi karibuni Queen Darlene alifanya mahojiano na kituo kimoja na katika maongezi yake kuhusu wifi yake Zari , alimuingiza baba yake mzazi Mzee Abdul ambapo alisema :
(src)="118"> Just 3 out of 10 children in Class 3 can solve a Class 2 division problem .
(trg)="105"> Watoto 3 kati ya 10 wa darasa la 3 ( 31 % ) wanaweza kufanya kwa usahihi hesabu ya kuzidisha za darasa la 2 .
(src)="119"> Lakshmi , who was married to Swamy 7 years ago , was being constantly ill-treated by her husband who had turned into an alcoholic two years ago .
(src)="120"> Swamy , who owns a chicken stall in Bharathi Nagar , is said to have been assaulting Lakshmi and two children almost everyday .
(trg)="106"> Akizungumza kwa Kiswahili kidogo huku akichanganya na Kisukuma , bibi wa watoto hao , Maria , alidai kuwa amekuwa akiishi na kuwatunza watoto hao tangu miaka miwili baada ya baba mzazi wa watoto hao aitwaye Kwangulija Kapela kumtelekeza mama wa watoto hao na kwenda kuishi Urambo , Tabora .
(src)="121"> Jehovah is the personal name of God , as found in the Bible .
(src)="122"> ( Exodus 6 : 3 ; Psalm 83 : 18 ) A witness is a person who proclaims views or truths of which he is convinced .
(trg)="107"> Kwa Nini Mnaitwa Mashahidi wa Yehova ?
(trg)="108"> Yehova ndilo jina la Mungu , linalopatikana katika Biblia .
(trg)="109"> ( Kutoka 6 : 3 ; Zaburi 83 : 18 ) Shahidi ni mtu ambaye hutangaza maoni au kweli ambazo amesadiki .
(src)="123"> Concept and Aspects of Globalization
(trg)="110"> Sura na mwelekeo mpya wa elimu Tanzania
(src)="124"> Nardi wines from Tuscany in Italy
(trg)="111"> Nardi vin kutoka Toscana katika Italia
(src)="125"> 1 : 5The light shines in the darkness , and the darkness hasn 't overcome it .
(trg)="112"> 1 : 5Na mwanga huo huangaza gizani , nalo giza halikuweza kuushinda .
(src)="126"> Is a data structure that holds the rows returned by a query ( sometimes referred to as the active set ) .
(trg)="113"> Ni muundo wa data kwamba ana safu akarudi na swala ( wakati mwingine hujulikana kama seti kazi ) .
(src)="127"> Those who hold this view believe that man ’ s spiritual condition is as one who has violated God ’ s moral law and that the meaning of Christ ’ s death was to be a substitute for the penalty of sin .
(trg)="114"> Wale wanaoshikilia mtazamo huu huamini kwamba hali ya kiroho ya mwanadamu ni kama ya mtu ambaye amevunja sheria ya Mungu ya maadili na kwamba maana ya kifo cha Kristo kilikuwa mbadala kwa ajili ya adhabu ya dhambi .
(src)="128"> 6 .
(src)="129"> The Roman Empire .
(trg)="115"> 6 .
(trg)="116"> Milki ya kiRumi .
(src)="130"> And there was given them to each one a white robe ; and it was said unto them , that they should rest yet for a little time , until their fellow-servants also and their brethren , who should be killed even as they were , should have fulfilled [ their course ] .
(trg)="117"> Wakapewa kila mmoja vazi refu jeupe , wakaambiwa wazidi kusubiri kwa muda mfupi , mpaka itakapotimia idadi ya watumishi wenzao na ndugu ambao watawaua kama wao wenyewe walivyouawa .
(src)="131"> Alan : It 's M-A-C-O-N and I think they 're using the French spelling or writing of MASON .
(src)="132"> That 's what it looks like to me .
(src)="133"> That 's how it is , M-A-C-O-N .
(src)="134"> U.S.S. Macon ( the son 's of light ) .
(trg)="118"> Hivyo ndiyo iko , M-A-C-O-N .
(trg)="119"> U.S.S. Macon ( wana wa taa ) .
(src)="135"> Bolton Wanderers say their midfielder Fabrice Muamba is critically ill in hospital after collapsing during his side ’ s FA Cup quarterfinal with Tottenham Hotspur on Saturday .
(src)="136"> The 23-year-old fell to the ground four minutes from half-time in the match and after 10 minutes of treatment on the pitch , was rushed to hospital .
(src)="137"> “ Bolton Wanderers can confirm that Fabrice Muamba has been admitted to the Heart Attack Centre at the London Chest Hospital where he is currently in a critically ill condition in intensive care , ” Bolton said in a statement .
(src)="138"> “ No further information will be issued at this stage .
(src)="139"> The club has requested the media to respect his family ’ s privacy at this time . ”
(trg)="120"> Katibu Mkuu wa Chama cha Mapinduzi Ndugu Abdulrahman Kinana akipata maelezo kutoka kwa Mhandisi wa ujenzi wa Daraja la Mbutu kata ya Butu Wilayani Igunga Bw Christopher Makoye wakati alipokagua ujenzi wa daraja hilo ambalo limekuwa kero kwa muda mrefu kwa wananchi wanaounganishwa na kuptia daraja hilo , Abdulrahman Kinana yuko katika ziara ya mikoa mitatu ya Tabora , Manyara na Singida akikagua utekelezaji wa miradi mbalimbali na kusikiliza kero za wananchi ili kuzipatia ufumbuzi , Ujenzi wa daraja hilo unagharimu jumla ya shilingi Bilioni 13 za Tanzania linatarajiwa kukamilika hivi karibuni , Wa pili kutoka kushoto ni Nape Nnauye Katibu wa NEC Itikadi , Siasa na Uenezi na katikati ni Mwenyekiti wa CCM mkoa wa Tabora Bw .
(trg)="121"> Hassan wa Kasubi .
(src)="140"> A way consists of several nodes , once you have selected one node , click again in the map view to create a second node
(trg)="122"> Njia inabeba nodes kadhaa , pale utakapochagua node moja , bofya tena kwenye ramani kuperuzi na kisha tengeneza node nyingine
(src)="141"> On his role of a team player , DJ D-Ommy has worked with International DJs , DJ Waxxy from Channel O , Dj Jaycee Official Ludacris DJ , DJ / Producer Walshy Fire from Major Lazer Group from the USA and DJ Ms Cosmo from 5FM radio in South Africa .
(trg)="123"> Ni njia muhimu .
(trg)="124"> Kama wanamuziki wengine wanavyofanya , ili ujulikane kimataifa unaweza pia kushirikiana na wasanii wengine wakubwa duniani .
(trg)="125"> Kwa bahati nzuri au mbaya , yeye hakuhitaji kwenda mbali sana nje ya Afrika Kusini ambapo kuna majina kama Hugh Masekela , Busi Mhlongo , DJ Shimza , Yvonne ChakaChaka nk .
(src)="142"> ACTS 27 : 28 They took soundings , and found twenty fathoms . { 20 fathoms = 120 feet = 36.6 meters } After a little while , they took soundings again , and found fifteen fathoms . { 15 fathoms = 90 feet = 27.4 meters } .
(trg)="126"> 27 : 28 Hivyo walitafuta kina cha bahari kwa kuteremsha kamba iliyokuwa imefungiwa kitu kizito , wakapata kina cha mita arobaini .
(trg)="127"> Baadaye wakapima tena wakapata mita thelathini .
(src)="143"> 6 .
(src)="144"> After this , the disciples were transformed from doubters into bold believers .
(trg)="128"> 6 .
(trg)="129"> Baada ya haya wakabadilishwa kutoka wenye shaka mpaka watu wenye imani kubwa na ujasiri .
(src)="145"> Overtime his successors followed this pattern , allowing the establishment of several Hindu Temples , two Cathedrals , one each for Catholics and Protestants , a Zoroastrian Funerary and Mosques for every major and minor branch of Islam , all within the same City .
(trg)="130"> Wakati huo huo akijenga furaha na imani katika dini ya mababu zake , kwa bidii zote .
(trg)="131"> Warithi wake alifuata utaratibu wa Sultani Seyyid , wakiruhusu kuanzishwa mahekalu mengi tu ya kihindi , makanisa mawili , moja la kikatoliki na kiprostanti , sehemu za kimazishi za zoroastriani na misikiti kwa kila dhehebu kuu au dogo la kiislamu ndani ya mji mmoja .
(src)="146"> 7 So Joshua came , and all the people of war with him , against them by the waters of Merom suddenly ; and they fell upon them .
(trg)="132"> 7 Basi Yoshua akaenda , na watu wote wa vita pamoja naye , ili kupigana nao hapo penye maji ya Meromu ghafula ; wakawaangukia .
(src)="147"> Lest any should say that I had baptized in my own name .
(trg)="133"> Kwa hiyo hakuna awezaye kusema amebatizwa kwa jina langu .
(src)="148"> 15 Lest any should say that I had baptized in my own name .
(trg)="134"> 1 : 15 Kwa hiyo hakuna awezaye kusema amebatizwa kwa jina langu .
(src)="149"> Co-operatives are pledging to use their " global powers " to support the internationally-agreed Sustainable Development Goals , the president of the International Co-operative Alliance said .
(src)="150"> Co-operatives or " co-ops " are businesses run for and by their members where everyone has an equal say and share in the profits .
(src)="151"> Speaking ahead of the UN International Day of Cooperatives on [ ... ]
(trg)="135"> Jopo la pande nne kwa ajili ya kusaka amani ya Mashariki ya Kati Quartet limezikaribisha Israel na Palestina kuanza tena majadiliano yenye maana , huku kukiwa na tisho kubwa la amani katika ukanda huo .
(trg)="136"> Quartet ni mjumuisho wa Umoja wa Mataifa , Marekani , Urusi na Muungano wa Ulaya na ilianzishwa ili kuwa mpatanishi wa mchakato wa [ ... ]
(src)="152"> The more it happens , the more it ’ s familiar to them , and they can go into their little world of self-pity and depression , abject depression , and get pills or whatever .
(trg)="137"> Ikiendelea kufanyika wanaendelea kuitambua , na wanaweza enda kwa dunia yao ya huruma na huzuni na wapate madawa ama zingine .