I grew up on a steady diet of science fiction . In high school I took a bus to school an hour each way every day . And I was always absorbed in a book , science fiction book , which took my mind to other worlds , and satisfied , in a narrative form , this insatiable sense of curiosity that I had . And you know that curiosity also manifested itself in the fact that whenever I wasn 't in school I was out in the woods , hiking and taking " samples , " frogs and snakes and bugs and pond water , and bringing it back , looking at it under the microscope . You know , I was a real science geek . But it was all about trying to understand the world , understand the limits of possibility . And my love of science fiction actually seemed to mirrored in the world around me , because what was happening , this was in the late ' 60s , we were going to the moon , we were exploring the deep oceans . Jacques Cousteau was coming into our living rooms with his amazing specials that showed us animals and places and a wondrous world that we could never really have previously imagined . So , that seemed to resonate with the whole science fiction part of it . And I was an artist . I could draw . I could paint . And I found that because there weren 't video games and this saturation of CG movies and all of this imagery in the media landscape , I had to create these images in my head . You know , we all did , as kids having to read a book , and through the author 's description put something on the movie screen in our heads . And so , my response to this was to paint , to draw alien creatures , alien worlds , robots , spaceships , all that stuff . I was endlessly getting busted in math class doodling behind the textbook . That was , the creativity had to find its outlet somehow . And an interesting thing happened , the Jacques Cousteau shows actually got me very excited about the fact that there was an alien world right here on Earth . I might not really go to an alien world on a spaceship someday . That seemed pretty darn unlikely . But that was a world I could really go to , right here on Earth , that was as rich and exotic as anything that I had imagined from reading these books . So , I decided I was going to become a scuba diver at the age of 15 . And the only problem with that was that I lived in a little village in Canada , 600 miles from the nearest ocean . But I didn 't let that daunt me . I pestered my father until he finally found a scuba class in Buffalo , New York , right across the border from where we live . And I actually got certified in a pool in a YMCA in the dead of winter in Buffalo , New York . And I didn 't see the ocean , a real ocean , for another two years , until we moved to California . Since then , in the intervening 40 years , I 've spent about 3,000 hours underwater , And 500 hours of that was in submersibles . And I 've learned that that deep ocean environment , and even the shallow oceans , are so rich with amazing life that really is beyond our imagination . Nature 's imagination is so boundless compared to our own meager human imagination . I still , to this day , stand in absolute awe of what I see when I make these dives . And my love affair with the ocean is ongoing , and just as strong as it ever was . But , when I chose a career , as an adult , it was film making . And that seemed to be the best way to reconcile this urge I had to tell stories , with my urges to create images . And I was , as a kid , constantly drawing comic books , and so on . So , film making was the way to put pictures and stories together . And that made sense . And of course the stories that I chose to tell were science fiction stories : " Terminator , " " Aliens , " and " The Abyss . " And with " The Abyss , " I was putting together my love of underwater and diving , with film making . So , you know , merging the two passions . Something interesting came out of " The Abyss , " which was that to solve a specific narrative problem on that film , which was to create this kind of liquid water creature , we actually embraced computer generated animation , CG . And this resulted in the first soft-surface character , CG animation that was ever in a movie . And even though the film didn 't make any money , barely broke even , I should say , I witnessed something amazing , which is that the audience , the global audience , was mesmerized by this apparent magic . You know , it 's Arthur Clarke 's law that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic . They were seeing something magical . And so that got me very excited . And I thought , " Wow , this is something that needs to be embraced into the cinematic art . " So , with " Terminator 2 , " which was my next film , we took that much farther . Working with ILM , we created the liquid metal dude in that film. the success hung in the balance on whether that effect would work . And it did . And we created magic again . And we had the same result with an audience . Although we did make a little more money on that one . So , drawing a line through those two dots of experience , came to , this is going to be a whole new world , this was a whole new world of creativity for film artists . So , I started a company with Stan Winston , my good friend Stan Winston , who is the premier make-up and creature designer at that time , and it was called Digital Domain . And the concept of the company was that we would leap-frog past the analog processes of optical printers and so on , and we would go right to digital production . And we actually did that and it gave us a competitive advantage for a while . But we found ourselves lagging in the mid ' 90s in the creature and character design stuff that we had actually founded the company to do . So , I wrote this piece called " Avatar , " which was meant to absolutely push the envelope of visual effects , of CG effects , beyond , with realistic human emotive characters generated in CG And the main characters would all be in CG And the world would be in CG And the envelope pushed back . And I was told by the folks at my company that we weren 't going to be able to do this for a while . So , I shelved it , and I made this other movie about a big ship that sinks . You know , I went and pitched it to the studio as " ' Romeo and Juliet ' on a ship . " It 's going to be this epic romance , passionate film . Secretly , what I wanted to do was I wanted to dive to the real wreck of " Titanic . " And that 's why I made the movie . And that 's the truth . Now , the studio didn 't know that . But I convinced them . I said , " We 're going to dive to the wreck . We 're going to film it for real . We 'll be using it in the opening of the film . It will be really important . It will be a great marketing hook . " And I talked them into funding an expedition . Sounds crazy . But this goes back to that theme about about your imagination creating a reality . Because we actually created a reality where six months later I find myself in a Russian submersible two and a half miles down in the north Atlantic , looking at the real Titanic through a view port , not a movie , not HD , for real . Now , that blew my mind . And it took a lot of preparation , we had to build cameras and lights and all kinds of things . But , it struck me how much this dive , these deep dives was like a space mission . You know , where it was highly technical , and it required enormous planning . You get in this capsule , you go down to this dark hostile environment where there is no hope of rescue if you can 't get back by yourself . And I thought like , " Wow . I am like living in a science fiction movie . This is really cool . " And so , I really got bitten by the bug of deep ocean exploration . Of course , the curiosity , the science component of it . It was everything . It was adventure , It was curiosity . It was imagination . And it was an experience that Hollywood couldn 't give me . Because , you know , I could imagine a creature and we could create a visual effect for it . But I couldn 't imagine what I was seeing out that window . As we did some of our subsequent expeditions I was seeing creatures at hydrothermal vents and sometimes things that I had never seen before , sometimes things that no one had seen before , that actually were not described by science at the time that we saw them and imaged them . So , I was completely smitten by this , and had to do more . And so , I actually made a kind of curious decision . After the success of " Titanic , " I said , " Okay , I 'm going to park my day job as a Hollywood movie maker , and I 'm going to go be a full time explorer for a while . " And so , we started planning these expeditions . And we wound up going to the Bismark , and exploring it with robotic vehicles . We went back to the Titanic wreck . We took little bots that we had created that spooled a fiber optic . And the idea was to go in and do an interior survey of that ship , which had never been done . Nobody had ever looked inside the wreck . They didn 't have the means to do it , so we created technology to do it . So , you know , here I am now , on the deck of Titanic , sitting in a submersible , and looking out at planks that look much like this , where I knew that the band had played . And I 'm flying a little robotic vehicle through the corridor of the ship . When I say , I 'm operating it , but my mind is in the vehicle . I felt like I was physically present inside the shipwreck of Titanic . And it was the most surreal kind of deja vu experience I 've ever had , because I would know before I turned a corner what was going to be there before the lights of the vehicle actually revealed it , because I had walked the set for months when we were making the movie . And the set was based as an exact replica on the blueprints of the ship . So , it was this absolutely remarkable experience . And it really made me realize that the telepresense experience that you actually can have these robotic avatars , then your consciousness is injected into the vehicle , into this other form of existence . It was really really quite profound . And may be a little bit of a glimpse as to what might be happening some decades out as we start to have cyborg bodies for exploration or for other means in many sort of post-human futures that I can imagine , as a science fiction fan . So , having done these expeditions , and really beginning to appreciate what was down there , such as at the deep ocean vents where we had these amazing amazing animals . They are basically aliens right here on Earth . They live in an environment of chemosynthesis . They don 't survive on sunlight based system the way we do . And so , you 're seeing animals that are living next to a 500 degree Centigrade water plumes . You think they can 't possibly exist . At the same time I was getting very interested in space science as well , again , it 's the science fiction influence , as a kid . And I wound up getting involved with the space community , really involved with NASA , sitting on the NASA advisory board , planning actual space missions , going to Russia , going to the pre-cosmonaut biomedical protocols , and all these sorts of things , to actually go and fly to the international space station with our 3D camera systems . And this was fascinating . But what I wound up doing was bringing space scientists with us into the deep . And taking them down so that they had access astrobiologists , planetary scientists , people who were interested in these extreme environments , taking them down to the vents , and letting them see , and take samples and test instruments , and so on . So , here we were making documentary films , but actually doing science , and actually doing space science . I 'd completely closed the loop between being the science fiction fan , you know , as a kid , and doing this stuff for real . And you know , along the way in this journey of discovery , I learned a lot . I learned a lot about science . But I also learned a lot about leadership . Now you think director has got to be a leader , leader of , captain of the ship , and all that sort of thing . I didn 't really learn about leadership until I did these expeditions . Because I had to , at a certain point , say , " What am I doing out here ? Why am I doing this ? What do I get out of it ? " We don 't make money at these damn shows . We barely break even . There is no fame in it . People sort of think I went away between " Titanic " and " Avatar " and was buffing my nails someplace , sitting at the beach . Made all these films , made all these documentary films for a very limited audience . No fame , no glory , no money . What are you doing ? You 're doing it for the task itself , for the challenge -- and the ocean is the most challenging environment there is , for the thrill of discovery , and for that strange bond that happens when a small group of people form a tightly knit team . Because we would do these things with 10-12 people working for years at a time . Sometimes at sea for 2-3 months at a time . And in that bond , you realize that the most important thing is the respect that you have for them and that they have for you , that you 've done a task that you can 't explain to someone else . When you come back to the shore and you say , " We had to do this , and the fiber optic , and the attentuation , and the this and that , all the technology of it , and the difficulty , the human performance aspects of working at sea , you can 't explain it to people . It 's that thing that maybe cops have , or people in combat that have gone through something together and they know they can never explain it . Creates a bond , creates a bond of respect . So , when I came back to make my next movie , which was " Avatar , " I tried to apply that same principle of leadership which is that you respect your team , and you earn their respect in return . And it really changed the dynamic . So , here I was again with a small team , in uncharted territory doing " Avatar , " coming up with new technology that didn 't exist before . Tremendously exciting . Tremendously challenging . And we became a family , over a four and half year period . And it completely changed how I do movies . So , people have commented on how , well , you know , you brought back the ocean organisms and put them on the planet of Pandora . To me it was more of a fundamental way of doing business , the process itself , that changed as a result of that . So , what can we synthesize out of all this ? You know , what are the lessons learned ? Well , I think number one is curiosity . It 's the most powerful thing you own . Imagination is a force that can actually manifest a reality . And the respect of your team is more important than all the laurels in the world . I have young film makers come up to me and say , " Give me some advice for doing this . " And I say , " Don 't put limitations on yourself . Other people will do that for you , don 't do it to yourself , don 't bet against yourself . And take risks . " NASA has this phrase that they like : " Failure is not an option . " But failure has to be an option in art and in exploration , because it 's a leap of faith . And no important endeavor that required innovation was done without risk . You have to be willing to take those risks . So , that 's the thought I would leave you with , is that in whatever you 're doing , failure is an option , but fear is not . Thank you .