# tr/html/about.generate.html.gz
# zh/html/about.generate.html.gz

(src)="s4.1"> Sonraki
(src)="sabout.generate.1"> How we generate the formats
(trg)="s.1">PHP ʖ²ἯTH


(src)="s9.1"> Önceki

(src)="s11.1"> Sonraki

# tr/html/about.howtohelp.html.gz
# zh/html/about.howtohelp.html.gz

(src)="s1.1"> PHP Kullanım Kılavuzu
(src)="s2.1"> Önceki
(trg)="s.1">PHP ʖ²ἯTH

(src)="s4.1"> Sonraki

(src)="sabout.howtohelp.1"> How to help improve the documentation
(src)="s5.1"> There are two ways you can help to improve this documentation .
(trg)="s2.1">¸½¼ K. ¹ؓڱ¾ʖ²ἯTD

(src)="s7.1"> Not :

(src)="s9.1"> Önceki

# tr/html/about.html.gz
# zh/html/about.html.gz

(src)="s7.1"> You can read the manual online at http : / /www.php.net / and on the numerous mirror sites .
(trg)="s.1">PHP ʖ²ἯTH

# tr/html/about.more.html.gz
# zh/html/about.more.html.gz

(src)="s1.1"> PHP Kullanım Kılavuzu
(src)="s2.1"> Önceki
(trg)="s.1">PHP ʖ²ἯTH

(src)="s4.1"> Sonraki

(src)="sabout.more.1"> How to find more information about PHP
(trg)="s2.1">¸½¼ K. ¹ؓڱ¾ʖ²ἯTD

(src)="s7.1"> Önceki
(trg)="s5.1">±¾ʖ²ᖐ˹ɦ¼°µĠPHP °汾

(src)="s11.1"> Yukarý

# tr/html/about.notes.html.gz
# zh/html/about.notes.html.gz

(src)="s1.1"> PHP Kullanım Kılavuzu
(src)="s2.1"> Önceki
(trg)="s.1">PHP ʖ²ἯTH

(src)="s3.1"> Ek J .

(src)="s4.1"> Sonraki
(src)="sabout.notes.1"> About user notes
(trg)="s2.1">¸½¼ K. ¹ؓڱ¾ʖ²ἯTD

(trg)="sabout.notes.1"> ¹ؓړû§עʍ

(src)="s6.1"> Not :

(src)="s7.1"> Önceki
(src)="s8.1"> Baþlangýç

(src)="s9.1"> Sonraki

(src)="s11.1"> Yukarý
(src)="s12.1"> How to find more information about PHP
(trg)="s7.1"> ȧºΔĶz¯ʽµĶ¨ҥ£¨º¯ʽԭЍ£©

# tr/html/aliases.html.gz
# zh/html/aliases.html.gz

(src)="s1.1"> PHP Kullanım Kılavuzu
(trg)="s.1">PHP ʖ²ἯTH

(src)="s2.1"> Önceki
(src)="s3.1"> Sonraki

(src)="saliases.1"> Ek G .

(src)="saliases.2"> List of Function Aliases


(src)="s4.3"> It is usually a bad idea to use aliases , are they may be bound to obsolescence or renaming , which will lead to unportable script .
(trg)="s8.1"> gettext()

(src)="s351.1"> msql_affected_rows( )
(trg)="s350.1"> msql_create_db()

(src)="s648.1"> satellite_caught_exception( )
(trg)="s632.1"> ociwritetemporarylob()

(src)="s651.1"> satellite_exception_id( )

(src)="s654.1"> satellite_exception_value( )
(trg)="s638.1"> odbc_exec()

(src)="s657.1"> satellite_get_repository_id( )
(trg)="s641.1"> odbc_field_len()

(src)="s660.1"> satellite_load_idl( )
(trg)="s644.1"> swfmovie_output()

(src)="s661.1"> Satellite
(trg)="s645.1">Ming (flash)

(src)="s863.1"> swfbutton_keypress
(trg)="s839.1"> swfbitmap_init()

(src)="s864.1"> swfbutton_keypress( )
(trg)="s840.1">Ming (flash)

(src)="s896.1"> xpath_eval
(trg)="s866.1"> swftext_init()

(src)="s897.1"> xpath_eval( )
(trg)="s867.1">Ming (flash)

(src)="s900.1"> xpath_eval_expression( )
(trg)="s869.1"> swftextfield_init()

(src)="s902.1"> xpath_init
(trg)="s870.1">Ming (flash)

(src)="s905.1"> xpath_new_context
(trg)="s872.1"> domxml_unlink_node()

(src)="s911.1"> Önceki
(src)="s912.1"> Baþlangýç

(src)="s913.1"> Sonraki

# tr/html/appendixes.html.gz
# zh/html/appendixes.html.gz

(src)="s1.1"> PHP Kullanım Kılavuzu
(trg)="s.1">PHP 忒聊

(src)="s2.1"> Önceki

(src)="s3.1"> Sonraki

(src)="s4.1"> VII .
(src)="s4.2"> Ekler
(trg)="s4.1">VII. 蜇翹

(src)="s6.1"> Önceki
(trg)="s5.1"> 醴翹 A. PHP 摯む眈壽馱最腔盪妢 B. 植 PHP 3 痄眵善 PHP 4 C. 植 PHP/FI 2 痄眵善 PHP 3 D. 齬壺 PHP 最唗腔渣昫 E. 孺桯 PHP F. 滲杅梗靡蹈桶 G. 悵隱趼蹈桶 H. 訧埭濬倰蹈桶 I. 盓厥腔衪祜ㄞ猾蚾衪祜蹈桶 J. 賤昴ん測瘍蹈桶 K. 壽衾掛忒聊 L. 硃喃佽隴

(src)="s7.1"> Baþlangýç

(src)="s8.1"> Sonraki

# tr/html/calling-user-functions.html.gz
# zh/html/calling-user-functions.html.gz

(src)="s1.1"> PHP Kullanım Kılavuzu
(trg)="s.1">PHP 忒聊

(src)="s2.1"> Önceki

(src)="s3.1"> Ek F .
(src)="s3.2"> Extending PHP 3
(trg)="s2.1">蜇翹 E. 孺桯 PHP

(src)="s4.1"> Sonraki

(src)="scalling-user-functions.1"> Calling User Functions
(trg)="scalling-user-functions.1">Calling User Functions

(trg)="s4.1"> To call user functions from an internal function, you should use the call_user_function() function.