# tr/html/about.generate.html.gz
# tw/html/about.generate.html.gz

(src)="s1.1"> PHP Kullanım Kılavuzu
(trg)="s.1">PHP 手冊

(src)="s2.1"> Önceki

(src)="s3.1"> Ek J .
(trg)="s2.1">附錄 K. 關於本手冊

(src)="s4.1"> Sonraki

(src)="sabout.generate.1"> How we generate the formats

(trg)="s4.1"> 本手冊使用 XML 語言編寫,同時運用了 DocBook XML DTD。我們使用了 DSSSL (Document Style and Semantics Specification Language,文檔樣式和語義規格語言)來控制格式。同時,在實驗上我們運用 XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations,可擴展樣式表語言轉換)來維護格式。

(src)="s9.1"> Önceki

(src)="s10.1"> Baþlangýç

(src)="s11.1"> Sonraki

(src)="s13.1"> Yukarý

(src)="s14.1"> missing stuff

# tr/html/about.howtohelp.html.gz
# tw/html/about.howtohelp.html.gz

(src)="s1.1"> PHP Kullanım Kılavuzu
(trg)="s.1">PHP 手冊

(src)="s2.1"> Önceki

(src)="s3.1"> Ek J .
(trg)="s2.1">附錄 K. 關於本手冊

(src)="s4.1"> Sonraki

(src)="sabout.howtohelp.1"> How to help improve the documentation

(src)="s5.1"> There are two ways you can help to improve this documentation .
(trg)="s4.1"> 您可以通過以下三種途徑來幫助改善本文檔。

(src)="s7.1"> Not :
(trg)="s6.1">注: 請勿濫用糾錯繫統來尋求幫助。如需幫助請使用前面提到的郵件列表和虛擬社區網站。

(src)="s9.1"> Önceki

(src)="s10.1"> Baþlangýç

(src)="s11.1"> Sonraki

(src)="s13.1"> Yukarý

# tr/html/about.html.gz
# tw/html/about.html.gz

(src)="s1.1"> PHP Kullanım Kılavuzu
(trg)="s.1">PHP 手冊

(src)="s2.1"> Önceki

(src)="s3.1"> Sonraki

(src)="sabout.2"> About the manual
(src)="sabout.formats.1"> Formats
(trg)="sabout.1">附錄 K. 關於本手冊

(trg)="s4.1"> 內容目錄 手冊的格式 關於用戶注釋 如何閱讀函數的定義(函數原型) 本手冊中所涉及的 PHP 版本 如何得到關於 PHP 更多的信息 如何幫助改進本文檔 如何生成手冊的各種格式 手冊譯文

(src)="s7.1"> You can read the manual online at http : / /www.php.net / and on the numerous mirror sites .
(trg)="s5.1"> 《PHP 參考手冊》提供了多種不同格式的版本,它們可以分為兩組:在線閱讀版本和可下載包。

(src)="s15.2"> A Visual Basic for Linux project is in the planning stage , which will include the development of a CHM Creator and Viewer for Linux .
(src)="s15.3"> See their SourceForge.net page if you are interested in the progress .
(trg)="s14.1"> 對於 Windows 平臺,我們利用了 Windows 的超文本幫助應用程序結合本手冊的 HTML 格式,形成了本手冊的 Windows 超文本幫助版本。該版本提供手冊的全文搜索、完整的索引以及書簽功能。很多 Windows 平臺下流行的 PHP 集成開發環境也集成了該版本的手冊,以給開發者提供最方便快捷的參考。

(src)="s16.1"> Önceki

(src)="s17.1"> Baþlangýç

(src)="s18.1"> Sonraki

(src)="s20.1"> Yukarý

# tr/html/about.more.html.gz
# tw/html/about.more.html.gz

(src)="s1.1"> PHP Kullanım Kılavuzu
(trg)="s.1">PHP 手冊

(src)="s2.1"> Önceki

(src)="s3.1"> Ek J .
(trg)="s2.1">附錄 K. 關於本手冊

(src)="s4.1"> Sonraki

(src)="sabout.more.1"> How to find more information about PHP
(trg)="sabout.more.1"> 如何得到關於 PHP 更多的信息

(trg)="s4.1"> 本手冊並不打算提供基本的編程開發指導。如果您是一個初級的程序員,甚至是第一次編程,您可能會發現利用本手冊來學習如何用 PHP 編程是一件很困難的事情。為了尋找一本更適合初學者的書,請訪問 http://www.php.net/books.php 查看 PHP 相關書籍的列表。

(src)="s7.1"> Önceki

(src)="s8.1"> Baþlangýç

(src)="s9.1"> Sonraki

(src)="s10.1"> About user notes
(trg)="s9.1">本手冊中所涉及的 PHP 版本

(src)="s11.1"> Yukarý

# tr/html/about.notes.html.gz
# tw/html/about.notes.html.gz

(src)="s1.1"> PHP Kullanım Kılavuzu
(trg)="s.1">PHP 手冊

(src)="s2.1"> Önceki

(src)="s3.1"> Ek J .
(trg)="s2.1">附錄 K. 關於本手冊

(src)="s4.1"> Sonraki

(src)="sabout.notes.1"> About user notes
(trg)="sabout.notes.1"> 關於用戶注釋

(trg)="s4.1"> 用戶注釋在本手冊的開發過程中搬演了相當重要的角色。通過允許手冊的讀者利用它們的瀏覽器提供範例、解釋和進一步的闡述,我們便能夠把這些反饋信息包含到手冊的正文中。而且,當這些注釋被包含後,讀者就可以在線通過它們被提交的格式來閱讀它們,也可以通過某些離線格式來閱讀。

(src)="s6.1"> Not :
(trg)="s5.1">注: 用戶注釋在網上出現之前並不成熟,因此這些文字和代碼的質量,甚至它們的真實性無從得到保證。(這並不是說本手冊本身的質量和準確性沒有任何的保證。)

(src)="s7.1"> Önceki

(src)="s8.1"> Baþlangýç

(src)="s9.1"> Sonraki

(src)="s11.1"> Yukarý

(src)="s12.1"> How to find more information about PHP
(trg)="s12.1"> 如何閱讀函數的定義(函數原型)

# tr/html/aliases.html.gz
# tw/html/aliases.html.gz

(src)="s1.1"> PHP Kullanım Kılavuzu
(trg)="s.1">PHP 手冊

(src)="s2.1"> Önceki

(src)="s3.1"> Sonraki

(src)="saliases.1"> Ek G .
(src)="saliases.2"> List of Function Aliases
(trg)="saliases.1">附錄 F. List of Function Aliases

(src)="s4.3"> It is usually a bad idea to use aliases , are they may be bound to obsolescence or renaming , which will lead to unportable script .
(trg)="s4.1"> Here is the aliases list. All aliases are listed here. It is usually a bad idea to use aliases, as they may be bound to obsolescence or renaming, which will lead to unportable script. This list is provided to help those who want to upgrade their old scripts to newer syntax.

(src)="s7.1"> Tablo G-1 .
(trg)="s8.1">表格 F-1. Aliases

(src)="s351.1"> msql_affected_rows( )
(trg)="s355.1"> msql_create_db()

(src)="s648.1"> satellite_caught_exception( )
(trg)="s637.1"> ociwritetemporarylob()

(src)="s651.1"> satellite_exception_id( )

(src)="s654.1"> satellite_exception_value( )
(trg)="s643.1"> odbc_exec()

(src)="s657.1"> satellite_get_repository_id( )
(trg)="s646.1"> odbc_field_len()

(src)="s660.1"> satellite_load_idl( )
(trg)="s649.1"> swfmovie_output()

(src)="s661.1"> Satellite
(trg)="s650.1">Ming (flash)

(src)="s863.1"> swfbutton_keypress
(trg)="s844.1"> swfbitmap_init()

(src)="s864.1"> swfbutton_keypress( )
(trg)="s845.1">Ming (flash)

(src)="s896.1"> xpath_eval
(trg)="s872.1">Ming (flash)

(src)="s899.1"> xpath_eval_expression
(trg)="s874.1"> swftextfield_init()

(src)="s900.1"> xpath_eval_expression( )
(trg)="s875.1">Ming (flash)

(src)="s902.1"> xpath_init
(src)="s903.1"> xpath_init( )
(trg)="s877.1"> domxml_unlink_node()

(src)="s911.1"> Önceki

# tr/html/appendixes.html.gz
# tw/html/appendixes.html.gz

(src)="s1.1"> PHP Kullanım Kılavuzu
(trg)="s.1">PHP 手冊

(src)="s2.1"> Önceki

(src)="s3.1"> Sonraki

(src)="s4.1"> VII .
(src)="s4.2"> Ekler
(trg)="s4.1">VII. 附錄

(src)="s6.1"> Önceki
(trg)="s5.1"> 內容目錄 A. History of PHP and related projects B. Migrating from PHP 3 to PHP 4 C. Migrating from PHP/FI 2 to PHP 3 D. Debugging PHP E. Extending PHP F. List of Function Aliases G. List of Reserved Words H. List of Resource Types I. List of Supported Protocols/Wrappers J. List of Parser Tokens K. 關於本手冊 L. 補充

(src)="s7.1"> Baþlangýç

(src)="s8.1"> Sonraki

# tr/html/calling-user-functions.html.gz
# tw/html/calling-user-functions.html.gz

(src)="s1.1"> PHP Kullanım Kılavuzu
(trg)="s.1">PHP 手冊

(src)="s2.1"> Önceki

(src)="s3.1"> Ek F .
(src)="s3.2"> Extending PHP 3
(trg)="s2.1">附錄 E. Extending PHP

(src)="s4.1"> Sonraki

(src)="scalling-user-functions.1"> Calling User Functions
(trg)="scalling-user-functions.1">Calling User Functions

(trg)="s4.1"> To call user functions from an internal function, you should use the call_user_function() function.