# ko/html/about.generate.html.gz
# tr/html/about.generate.html.gz
(src)="s.1">This manual is written in XML using the DocBook XML DTD , using DSSSL (Document Style and Semantics Specification Language) for formatting, and experimentaly the XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) for maintenance and formatting.
(trg)="sabout.generate.1"> How we generate the formats
# ko/html/about.howtohelp.html.gz
# tr/html/about.howtohelp.html.gz
(src)="s.1">There are two ways you can help to improve this documentation.
(trg)="sabout.howtohelp.1"> How to help improve the documentation
(trg)="s5.1"> There are two ways you can help to improve this documentation .
# ko/html/about.html.gz
# tr/html/about.html.gz
(src)="s.1">The PHP manual is provided in several formats. These formats can be divided into two groups: online readable formats, and downloadable packages.
(src)="s1.1"> 참고: Some publishers have made available printed versions of this manual. We cannot recommend any of those, as they tend to become out-of-date very quickly.
(trg)="s7.1"> You can read the manual online at http : / /www.php.net / and on the numerous mirror sites .
(src)="s10.1"> 참고: A Visual Basic for Linux project is in the planning stage, which will include the development of a CHM Creator and Viewer for Linux. See their SourceForge.net page if you are interested in the progress.
(trg)="s15.2"> A Visual Basic for Linux project is in the planning stage , which will include the development of a CHM Creator and Viewer for Linux .
(trg)="s15.3"> See their SourceForge.net page if you are interested in the progress .
# ko/html/about.more.html.gz
# tr/html/about.more.html.gz
(src)="s.1">This manual does not attempt to provide instruction about general programming practices. If you are a first-time, or even just a beginning, programmer, you may find it difficult to learn how to program in PHP using just this manual. You may want to seek out a text more oriented towards beginners. You can find a list of PHP-related books at http://www.php.net/books.php .
# ko/html/about.notes.html.gz
# tr/html/about.notes.html.gz
(src)="s1.1"> 참고: The user-contributed notes are not moderated before they appear online, so the quality of the writing or code examples, and even the veracity of the contribution, cannot be guaranteed. (Not that there is any guarantee of the quality or accuracy of the manual text itself.)
(trg)="s7.1"> Önceki
# ko/html/aliases.html.gz
# tr/html/aliases.html.gz
(src)="s.1">Here is the aliases list. All aliases are listed here. It is usually a bad idea to use aliases, are they may be bound to obsolescence or renaming, which will lead to unportable script. This list is provided to help those who want to upgrade their old scripts to newer syntax.
(trg)="s4.3"> It is usually a bad idea to use aliases , are they may be bound to obsolescence or renaming , which will lead to unportable script .