# ko/html/about.generate.html.gz
# nl/html/about.generate.html.gz

# ko/html/about.howtohelp.html.gz
# nl/html/about.howtohelp.html.gz

# ko/html/about.html.gz
# nl/html/about.html.gz

(src)="s.1">The PHP manual is provided in several formats. These formats can be divided into two groups: online readable formats, and downloadable packages.

(src)="s7.1"> 참고: If you do not already have a program capable of viewing PDF format files, you may need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader .
(trg)="s12.1"> Opmerking :

(src)="s10.1"> 참고: A Visual Basic for Linux project is in the planning stage, which will include the development of a CHM Creator and Viewer for Linux. See their SourceForge.net page if you are interested in the progress.
(trg)="s17.1"> Volgende

# ko/html/about.more.html.gz
# nl/html/about.more.html.gz

# ko/html/about.notes.html.gz
# nl/html/about.notes.html.gz

# ko/html/aliases.html.gz
# nl/html/aliases.html.gz

(src)="s2.1">This list is consistent with PHP 4.0.6.
(trg)="s7.1"> Tabel F-1 .