Cas, darling.
Cas, dragi.
Oh, madge. Madge.
Oh, Madge.
Darling, what's the matter? Madge.
Dragi, šta je bilo?
What is it, sweetie? Never let me out of your sight again, please.
Šta je, dušo?
Darling, of course not. And never, never, never mention New York to me again as long as I live.
Draga, naravno da neæu.
Never. Never, never!
Nikad, nikad!
And in the third place, I have just about reached the end of my Patience. This happens to be my home, as little as a stranger might suspect it, and it is intolerable that I should be continually called on to defend myself against
I kao treæe, moje strpljenje je na kraju.
an apparently endless series of irresponsible and vulgar accusations. And now, I'm afraid I must ask you to leave.
Ovo je moj dom, i kao što stranac ne bi mogao ni da pretpostavi nije prihvatljivo da me neprestano prozivaju da se branim od neodgovornih o vulgarnih optužbi.
But, grandpa... And if I hear one more word about that blasted pig bank, I'll be down those stairs like a ton of brick and flatten that meccano set of yours. Did you hear that?
- I ako èujem samo još jednu reè o toj prokletoj kasici-prasici, ima da se sjurim niz stepenice i spljoštim tvoju igraèku.
Why, junior, what's the matter?
Juniore, šta je bilo?
Nothing, really.
Ništa, stvarno.
Don't you think we ought to wait for a more propitious moment? If he's already angry...
Zar ne misliš da bi trebalo da saèekamo povoljniji trenutak?
He's always angry since we put him on an allowance.
Ako je veæ ljut...
Come along.
Seems to me if he's already upset... You're not afraid of him, are you?
Mislio sam da ako je veæ uznemiren...
Of course not.
- Naravno da ne.
You needn't be.
Ni ne trebaš.
It's just bluff, all that grizzly-bear stuff. He really loves us very much.
Samo blefira, sa svojim medveðim nastupom.
All of us.
Stvarno nas mnogo voli.
I do not.
Ne volim.
May we come in? No.
Možemo li da uðemo?
Cas wants to talk to you, dad.
- Cas želi da razgovara s tobom, tata.
Oh, hello, cas.
Zdravo, Cas.
Hiya, j.J.
- Zdravo, J.J.
Go on in.
Hajde uði.
Yes, but not you.
Da, ali ne i ti.
I'll be downstairs.
Biæu dole.
Don't look so solemn.
To je samo formalnost.
What a revolting female she is, to be sure. Sit down, cas.
Ona je tako buntovna žena, to je sigurno.
No, no, no. Over here.
Ne, ne, ne.
Yes. Now, what can I do for you?
Šta mogu da uradim za tebe?
Well... I've missed our little talks.
They were bright spots in my life, but ever since you came back from New York... Yes, I know. Well, it's quite all right, cas.
To su mi bili trenuci radosti u životu, ali otkako si se vratio iz New Yorka...
I, uh, I've not been entirely blind to this little deadfall she's set for you. But I've never lost confidence in you, my boy.
Nije da nisam primetio ovu malu zamku koju ti je pripremila.
You're much too intelligent, much too shrewd, to be taken in by that dreary female. Well, perhaps I better make my position clear, j.
Ti si previše pametan, previše lukav, da bi naseo toj dosadnoj ženi.
J., before you say anything else.
Možda je bolje da izjasnim moje namere, J.J.
But of course, cas. By all means.
Naravno, Cas.
Well, you've known me, you've known my family for a good many years. Yes.
Vi me znate, znate moju porodicu veæ godinama.
We've never been well-to-do, or anything like that, but we've always maintained a certain respectability. Proud but poor, I suppose you might describe us.
Nikad nismo bili bogati ili približno tome, ali smo uvek održavali odreðeni ugled.
Well, of course, why not?
Naravno, zašto da ne?
If the poor can get any satisfaction out of being proud, why not? It costs nothing.
Ako siromašne može zadovoljiti to što su ponosni, zašto da ne?
As for my financial situation, my salary as professor of literature at the university isn't munificent, but it's adequate. I believe my prospects for promotion are good.
A što se tièe moje finansijske situacije, moja profesorska plata na univerzitetu nije baš velika, ali je dovoljna.
Well, that's splendid, gas, but I...
To je sjajno, Cas, ali ja...
I'm not overly susceptible to girls.
Nisam preterano podložan devojkama.
So what? The point of this whole thing seems to have eluded me somewhere. Well, I'm simply trying to tell you that I want to marry her.
Izgleda da si izgubio smisao cele prièe.
Marry madge, of course.
Madge, naravno.
Madge? Are you out of your mind? I am not.
Zar si poludeo?
But whatever on earth for?
- Ali zašto, zaboga?