♪ Holy night ♪ ♪ Silent night, holy night ♪

♪ Shining where ♪ ♪ the mother mild ♪ ♪ Watches over the holy child ♪
Igrajo še

♪ Silent night ♪ ♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells ♪

Hey, who left the goddamn front door open?
Kdo je pustil vhodna vrata odprta?

We were there this afternoon, Barb. A likely story.
Popoldne sva bila tam, Barb.

- How's it look?
Kako je videti?

Have you got your Santa Claus suit ready? Yeah. What time the little bastards arrive?
Imaš svoj kostum Božička?

- At one o'clock.
Ob enih.

Hello? Pardon?


Barb, it's for you. Long distance.
Barb, zate je.

Oh, great. Hang on, I'll take it in the other room.

Could you guys shut up in there?
Bodite malo tiho!

Hello? Mom, hang on, I can't hear you.

Operator, I can't hear... what's coming from the other end. Can you...?
G. telefonist, ne slišim sogovorke.

Yeah. All right, let's see.
Ali lahko ...?

Party's over! Come on, all the men out!
Zabave je konec!

Come on! Bye-bye!

Hi, Mommy!
Živjo, mami!

No, we're just having a little party.
Ne, imeli smo zabavo.

No, I've had a couple. Oh. come on, I'm not drunk.
Ne, malo sem spila.

No, no. Um, I have some stuff to do in the afternoon, and then I was just gonna get the seven twenty train into the city.
Popoldne imam nekaj opravkov.

Goodnight! Bye!
Lahko noč!

Oh, come on.
Saj ne misliš resno.

Why can't I come, too?
Zakaj ne smem zraven?

Well, who the hell is he? Good night.
Kdo pa je on?

You're a real gold-plated whore, Mother, - You know that?
Prava pozlačena vlačuga si, mama.

Hey, call before you come. I'm gonna have to get my parents used to that.
Pokliči, preden prideš.

I'll just get a couple of my friends and we'll go, uh, skiing.
Starše bom morala privaditi.

Put the Christmas music back on.
Zavrti božično glasbo.

Anyone want to go skiing for a few days?
Bi kdo šel smučat za nekaj dni?

Yeah, sure, Barb. My mother's taking a place up at Mount Holly's.
Seveda, Barb.

Anyone else want to come? - Yeah, sounds like fun. - Great.
Moja mama bo najela kočo v Mount Hollyju.

How 'bout you, Clare?

Uh, no thanks, Barb.
Ne, hvala, Barb.

I'll get it.
Bom jaz.

Hey, quiet!

It's him again!
Spet je stokajoči tip!

He's expanded his act. Could that be one person?
Razširil je repertoar.

No, Clare, that's the Mormon Tabernacle Choir doing their annual obscene phone call.
Ne, Clare, to je Tabernakeljski zbor s svojim letnim opolzkim klicem.

Let me lick it! Let me stick my tongue on it and lick it!
Daj, da jo poližem!

You pig cunt!
Ti ... ti prasica!

Yeah, you pig cunt! You pig cunt!
Da, ti pujsa!

Let me lick it! Lick it! Lick it!
Naj jo poližem!

Let me lick your pretty piggy cunt!
Naj poližem tvojo lepo prašičjo pičko!

Pretty pig cunt!
Lepa prašičja pička!

I'll lick your pretty pig clit. I'm like a tuna farm, baby! Mmm, not bad.
Polizal bom tvojo prašičjo češpljo!

Suck on my juicy cock! I'll come over.
Potegni mi sočnega tiča!

I'll come over and you can... You can suck it.
Prišel bom in mi ga lahko povlečeš!

Listen, you pervert! Why don't you go over to Lambda Chi?
Poslušaj, pokvarjenec!