People talk about Billy the Kid, or Wes Hardin, or Sam Bass. They're tough and they're bad, but there aren't any as bad as Frank Slayton.
Ľudia vravia, že to bol Billy Kid, alebo Wes Hardin, alebo Sam Bass.
Sandwich, Miss Ballard?
Dáte si slečna Ballardová?
No, thank you. I'll wait till Rodger's Station. - Mr. Hampton?
Počkám do stanice Rodgers.
- No, thanks.
Pán Hampton?
Three weeks ago, he and his gang rode into Taos. Murdered four people. Burned and looted.
Pred tromi týždňami so svojím gangom napadli Taos.
Carried off two Indian girls.
Zabili štyroch ľudí.
Is that why they sent these soldiers along?
To preto za nimi vyslali vojsko?
You see the strongbox we're carrying? Gold.
Kôli ohňovrdornej kase.
- Frightened, Mr. Weatherby? - Yes, sir.
Bojíte sa pán Weatherby?
Why don't you stay out of this part of the country?
Prečo ste nezostali mimo tohto územia.
I can't. I'm a bones buyer. Buffalo bones, that is.
Tak skupujem kosti bizonóv.
I sell them for fertilizer.
A potom ich predávam.
But, Mr. Hampton, what are you doing out this way?
Ale pán Hampton, prečo cestujete?
- You're a Southerner, aren't you? - Yes. An unreconstructed Southerner.
- Áno, plnoprávny západniar.
I saw my home, Richmond, after Grant and his men got through with it. I know how you feel.
Videl som svoj dom v Richmonde, keď tadiaľ prešli Grantoví ľudia.
My home was in Atlanta.
Mala som dom v Atlantie.
My sympathies, Miss Ballard.
Súhlasím slečna Ballardová.
Intending to stay out here in the West?
Opustila ste dmov kôli západu?
Kôli mužovi, ktorého si vezmem v Haynesville.
We'll go on to California from there.
Spoločne pôjdeme do Kalifornie.
- San Francisco? - Oh, no. He has a ranch.
- Ach, nie.
- Ever lived on a ranch? - No, but I'm sure that I'll like it.
- Nie, ale istotne si to obľúbim.
Better wake up, Mr. Burgess, we're pulling into Rodger's Station.
Zobuďte sa pán Burgess, blížime sa do stanice Rodgers.
Harris, take your men back to Fort Grant for replacements.
Harris, vezmite dvoch ľudí z Fort Grant.
Perhaps you'll join me for dinner, Miss Ballard.
Budete mi robiť spolčnosť pri obede slečna Ballardová.
That's kind of you, but I'm afraid that I can't.
To je od vás milé, ale skutočne nemôžem.
He's not meeting you here, the man you're going to marry?
Nečaká vás tu váš nastávajúci?
Then I can't permit you to refuse.
Preto nesúhlasím s odmitnutím.
I'm quite flattered, Mr. Hampton.
Je to od vás milé pán Hampton.
Don't worry about it, Mr. Hampton. I'll eat with you.
Nebuďte smutný pán Hampton.
If I'd known that, Mr. Burgess, I wouldn't have asked the lady.
Neviem pán Burgess, ale spýtam sa slečny.
Hurry up with that strongbox.
Podaj tú pancierovú kasu.
We don't get many Southern ladies coming through the station.
Na tejto stanici je zriedkavé stretnúť dámu z juhu.
Say, that's beautiful.
Skutočne, to je pekné.
It's a wedding present from my family.
To je svadobný dar od mojej rodiny.
There's a fine minister in Haynesville, Mr. Midgely.
V Haynesville je dobrý pastor, pán Midgely.
- Are you going to be married in the church? - Yes, of course.
- Obrad bude v kstole?
That's the only way to do it.
To je jediná, slušná farnosť.
I'll go and fix you a cup of tea.
Pripravím vám pohár čaju.
And I'll bring you some of my biscuits. I baked them myself.
A niekoľko mojích zákuskov.
She's quite a woman, isn't she?
Výborná žena, všakže?
As far as I'm concerned, all women are alike.
Nezaoberal by som sa tým, všetky si sú podobné.
They just got different faces so you can tell them apart.
Ó to nie, iba majú iné tváre, a podľa nich ich rozoznávme.
To a man without taste, I suppose all things are alike. She's as different from other women as cognac is from corn liquor.
Pre muža bez chuti, sú si všetky podbné.
You get the same kind of headache from either one. She can smile without making it a simper.
Od każdej je rovnaká bolesť hlavy.
That's a rare quality in a woman, Jess.
U žien je to zriedkavé, Jess.
She's also getting married at the next stop. Remember?
Na budúcej zastávke sa vydáva.
Yes, to a grubby dirt farmer.
Áno, za špinavého farmára.
What'll she look like a year from now?
A vieš ako bude vyzerať za rok?
What difference does it make to you?
Aký rozdiel?