Now beat it!
Acum, cară-te!
All right, I'll leave, if that's the way you feel about it. But I'll leave like a gentleman.
Bine, o să plec, dacă aşa crezi tu că e mai bine.
Quiet, everybody! Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please! You're about to take your last look at Mr. Thornton's handsome, smiling face.
Doamnelor şi domnilor, fiţi atenţi, vă rog!
So make the most of it, you weasels!
Aşa că folosiţi-vă de asta, nevăstuicilor!
But, as a last insane gesture, Mr. Thornton wants you all to step up to the bar and have a drink with him!
Dar ca un ultim gest nebun,
Are you ready?
Să mergem!
There you are!
Hiya, Tex.
Salut, Tex.
Hiya, dude. The boys're telling me you're going home. Yep.
Mi-au spus băieţii că pleci acasă.
Catching tomorrow's boat.
O să iau barca de mâine.
Well, there's no use in wishing you luck.
Atunci, nu are rost să îţi urez noroc.
Give me Michigan Avenue on a hot afternoon and you can have all the yellow dust this side of Seattle. I guess we all feel the same way, kid.
Dă-mi Michigan Avenue într-o după-amiază călduroasă... şi poţi avea în loc, tot praful galben din partea asta de Seattle.
It seems that all the homesick guys in the world came up here. Put this away for me.
S-ar părea că toţi cei cu dor de casă din lume s-au adunat aici.
It's wearing me down.
Mă încetineşte.
- Ah, they been kinda running against you. - Yeah.
- S-ar părea că joacă împotriva d-voastră.
Give us a couple more stacks. Here's where I'm apt to earn my fare back to Seattle. There you are.
Aici e momentul să văd cum îmi câştig tariful înapoi la Seattle.
Did I say Seattle?
Ai spus Seattle?
You'd better quit while you still have the price of a pick and shovel, dude. What's the matter? You want your grave dug?
Mai bine ai renunţa cât încă mai ai bani pentru târnăcop şi lopată, amice.
Give us some action! I'm buying!
Hai cu ceva acţiune!
Well, the hot seat went cold, eh?
Ei, locul cald a ajuns loc rece, nu?
Better luck next time, dude.
Mai mult noroc data viitoare, amice.
Yeah. Yeah, I hope so.
Ei, adio, amicilor.
- So long.
- La revedere, amice.
Russ, my stomach wants to know how my credit is. Well, if your stomach's as good as your credit, you'll live to be 100.
Russ, stomacul meu vrea să afle cum stau cu creditul.
Thanks. Did I ever tell you about my grandpa? Died when he was 106.
Ţi-am povestit vreodată despre bunicul meu?
- What interrupted his youth? - He quit drinking.
- S-a lăsat de băut.
So they cleaned you out, eh?
Deci te-au curăţat, nu?
That's tough. Ah, there's a lot more where that came from.
- Eh, mai e multă acolo de unde vine.
What's the matter, Mr. Thornton? Ain't you speakin' to your pals since you got rich?
Nu mai vorbeşti cu vechii prieteni de când te-ai îmbogăţit?
Well, hello, shorty! How are ya?
Salutare, Shorty!
- Have a stimulant. - Thanks.
- Mulţumesc.
- When'd you get out?
- În după-amiaza asta.
These bastilles up here ain't as cozy as them stirs down in little ol' New York. The finestjailhouse I ever seen was the coney island precinct.
Puşcăriile astea mici de pe aici nu sunt aşa de liniştite precum cele din micul New York.
They sent you up for opening the mails, didn't they? Shh! Shh!
- Te-au trimis să deschizi poşta, nu?
That was a miscarriage of justice.
Aia a fost o scăpare a justiţiei.
All I did on that mail route was peek in a couple of those bill o' dues. It gets darned lonesome on the trail there.
Tot ce am făcut pe ruta aia de poştă a fost să trag cu ochiul prin câteva facturi întârziate.
I was as innocent-like as if I was sittin' in the New York public library. Letters are supposed to be private, even up here.
Am fost atât de inocent ca şi cum aş fi fost în biblioteca publică din New York.
Well, if I wasn't honest trying to seal it up, I wouldn't have got caught. - That's too bad.
Păi, dacă nu aş fi fost cinstit să încerc să le sigilez la loc, nu aş fi fost prins.
- Well, I wouldn't say that. - That letter I opened was very interesting.
- Ei, nu aş spune chiar aşa.
- Yeah?
Scrisoarea aia pe care am deschis-o a fost foarte interesantă.
Yeah. If you'd have saved a bit of your bankroll, I'd have cut you in on somethin'. - Oh.
Mda. dacă ai fi păstrat ceva din bănuţii tăi, poate îţi făceam şi ţie parte.
More mail?
- Oh, mai multe scrisori?
That letter I opened was worth about a million bucks.
Scrisoarea aia care am deschis-o valora cam un milion de dolari.
Thanks very much for the snort-ola.
Mulţumesc foarte mult pentru trataţie.
See ya around sometime.
Ne mai vedem pe aici.
Hey, shorty! Shorty!
Let me hear a little more about that pipe dream of yours.
Spune-mi mai multe despre visul tău.