"So they set off up the hill arm in arm, the knight, the dragon, and the boy.
"Então partiram pela colina de braço dado,
"The lights in the little village began to go out one by one."
"As luzes na pequena aldeia começaram a apagar-se, uma a uma."
"But there were stars and a late moon as they climbed the downs together." Robert, please.
"Mas tinham a luz das estrelas e da lua enquanto subiam juntos..."
Go on, I can hear in any position.
Ouço em qualquer posição.
"And as they turned the last corner and disappeared from view, "snatches of an old song were born back on the night breeze.
"Quando viraram a última esquina e desapareceram da vista,
"I can't be certain which of them was singing, "but I think it was the dragon." Go on. I'm listening.
"Não sei qual deles estava a cantar, mas acho que era o dragão."
That's the end, and a very lovely end, too. Yeah, tell me, tell me.
É o fim, e um bonito fim.
It's funny, no matter which way I aim, I always hit the same duck. Robert, I have a wonderful idea. We'll sell this book to Walt Disney.
Tem graça, não importa como aponto, acerto sempre no mesmo pato.
It kind of belongs to your nephew.
- É do teu sobrinho.
So does this, too. I wonder what he'd take for it.
Isto também.
I mean, the idea for a movie. I'm sure if you went to his studio and suggested it to him, he'd jump at it.
A ideia para um filme.
Me suggest a story to Walt Disney?
Sugerir uma história ao Walt Disney?
Why, I hardly know him. Well, you hardly knew me when you suggested marriage. Yeah, look at the trouble I got now.
Bem, mal me conhecias quando me sugeriste casarmos.
He can't listen to every crackpot with a wild idea. You might be the exception.
Ele não pode ouvir qualquer maluco com uma ideia.
All you would have to do would be go to his studio and show him the book. I wouldn't dream of it.
Só tens de ir ao estúdio e mostrar-lhe o livro.
They're always open to new ideas. Get your things on and stop shilly-shallying.
- Estão sempre abertos a novas ideias.
I am not shillying, and I am not shallying.
Não estou a hesitar de maneira nenhuma.
But once and for all, I will not go to the studio.
Mas, de uma vez por todas, não vou ao estúdio.
I will not make myself ridiculous.
Não vou fazer uma figura ridícula.
And that's final.
E acabou.
It's a wild goose chase, that's what it is.
É uma caça aos gambozinos.
Don't imagine he's out here in the first place.
O mais certo é ele não estar lá.
Where else would he be?
Onde mais estaria?
You know these movie producers.
Sabes como são os produtores de filmes.
New York, Saratoga, Palm Beach.
Nova Iorque, Saratoga, Palm Beach.
Well, now we're arrested.
Agora somos detidos.
Really wasn't anything, officer.
Não foi nada, agente.
I just happened to be driving by...
Estava só de passagem...
We want to see Mr. Disney. Did you have an appointment?
- Queremos ver o Sr. Disney.
Yes, but no, not actually an appointment but...
Não, uma marcação exactamente, não, mas...
Come on, let's be getting on.
Vá, vamos embora.
The name, please?
- Nome, por favor?
The Reluctant...
- O Dragão Relu...
That's the name of the... You can read it.
Já leu?
My wife seems to think it's pretty funny. The name is Benchley.
- A minha mulher acha-a engraçada.
Capital B-E-N-C-H-L-E...
Tell him not to bother if he's busy.
Não o incomode.
Thank you.
Um momento, por favor.
Well, you better get out.
Bem, é melhor saíres.
Get out? What for? You can't drive into his office.
- Não podes ir de carro até ao gabinete.
Why don't we get the appointment and come back tomorrow? Get the appointment and come back tomorrow.
E se fizermos a marcação e voltarmos amanhã?
You'd think you were going to the dentist.
Até parece que vais ao dentista.
Well, I almost would rather.
Bem, quase preferia.
You can park over there, I'm afraid.
Infelizmente, podes estacionar ali.
Oh, no, I have some shopping to do. I'll come back for you later.
Depois venho buscar-te.
You're not coming in with me?
- Não vens comigo?
No. Where'd you get that idea?
Onde foste buscar essa ideia?
- Here's a pass for you, sir.
- Aqui tem um passe.
How do you like that?
Quem diria?