All right, we're good to go. You got this?
You bet your ass, bubba.
- Gali užstatyt savo subinę.
Let's make some money!
Tai susižersim šlamančių!
Everyone in position.
Visi į vietas.
I thought we'd be robbing banks by now, not some gas truck in the middle of nowhere. Down here, gas is gold, bubba.
Maniau plėšime bankus, o ne benzovežius kažkur pasaulio gale.
Kill the chatter!
Baigt plepėt!
I wouldn't piss him off, guys.
Tik neerzinkit jo, vyrai.
Okay, guys, we're gonna have to hit this hard and fast.
Imam greitai ir be skrupulų.
We got four K left before the downgrade.
Iki nuolydžio liko 4 km.
Locked and loaded!
This is all you, Han.
Dabar tavo eilė, Hanai.
Liquid gold.
Skystas auksas.
We're clear.
Pas mus švaru.
Okay, T, you're up.
T, pirmyn.
Let's see if you can get it under six tries this time, huh, T?
Pasistenk įsipiešt į šešis bandymus, gerai?
it's more like three.
Tiksliau, iš trijų.
Just one K left. We're running out of road.
Kelias baigiasi.
I got it, I got it.
T, cut loose! Unhitch, unhitch!
T, atsikabink!
Spray that hitch! I don't have a hammer!
- Neturiu plaktuko!
Just do it!
Hold on! Hold on!
Hold onto something tight!
Įsitverk ko nors tvirto!
Give me your hand!
- Duok ranką!
I can't reach!
- Nepasiekiu!
You got to jump!
Teks šokti!
Letty, jump!
Lete, šok!
I've got you!
Aš tave laikau!
How you doing?
Sveikučiai, kaip reikalai?
Money, money!
Pinigai, pinigėliai!
Yo, why your stack is bigger than mine always?
Tavo krūva didesnė už mano.
I'm supersized, baby.
Aš super-didelis, mielasis.
Cops just raided our garage in Baracoa. They were real interested in you.
Policija buvo mūsų garaže Barakojoje.
Heat's on and we just sent up a flare that's gonna lead them right to us.
Įtampa auga.
I say we move out first thing in the morning.
Judėsim ryt iš ryto.
Nah, it's me they want.
Policija ieško manęs.
And if they catch me, they're throwing big numbers at anybody with me.
Jei jie sugaus mane, stambiai klius visiems, kas bus su manimi.
Han, we had a good run.
Hanai, gerai pasivažinėjome.
Time for you to go do your own thing.
Metas tau užsiimti kuo nors savarankiškai.
Heard they're doing some crazy shit in Tokyo.
Girdėjau, šėlioji Tokijuje.
Have you seen Letty?
Matei Letę?
There she is.
Štai kur ji.
I hear Rio is nice this time of year.
Girdėjau, kad Rio dabar geras oras.
The cops are getting hungrier. Then I guess we're doing our job.
Policija aršėja.
I'm a walking target.
Aš dabar esu gyvas taikinys.
I don't want you around when they catch up to me.
Nenoriu, kad būtum šalia, kai jie ateis manęs.