I believe in America. America has made my fortune...
난 미국을 믿소

and I raised my daughter in the American fashion. I give her freedom,
딸애도 미국식으로 키웠죠

but I taught her never to dishonor her family.
그 애에게 자유를 주면서 가족의 명예를 가르쳤소

She found a boyfriend. Not an Italian. She went to the movies with him.
이태리인이 아닌 남자 친구를 만나

with another boyfriend. They made her drink whiskey...
두 달 전 그 애는 두 녀석과 함께 드라이브를 했소

She resisted.She kept her honor.
겁탈하려 했소

When I went to the hospital, her nose was broken... her jaw was shattered...
병원에 가보니 그 애는 코가 부러지고

held together by wire. She couldn't even weep because of the pain.
턱은 으스러져 철사로 봉합시켜 놓았소

But I wept. Why did I weep? She was the light of my life.
난 울었소 왜 그랬겠소?

Beautiful girl.

Now she will never be beautiful again.
그런데 이젠 추하게 돼버린 거요


I went to the police like a good American. These two boys were brought to trial.
난 경찰서에 가서 놈들을 고소했소

Ajudge sentence them to three years in prison...and suspend their sentence.
기가 막히게 3년형에

Suspended sentence. They went free that very day.

I stood in the courtroom like a fool. And those two bastard, they smiled at me.
난 법정에 멍하게 서있었고

Then I said to my wife, "For justice we must go to Don Corleone."
그때 난 돈 꼴레오네 씨께 가야겠다고 결심했죠

Why did you go to the police? Why didn't you come to me first? What do you want of me?
왜 내게 먼저 안 오고 경찰서에 갔나?

Tell me anything, but do what I beg you to do. What is that?
원하는 건 뭐든 드릴테니 부탁을 들어주십시오

That I cannot do. I'll give you anything you ask.
그건 할 수 없소

We've known each other many years, but this is the first time you ever came to me for counsel or for help. I can't remember the last time that you invited me... to your house for a cup of coffee...
자네는 생전 처음으로 내게 도움을 청하러 왔어

even though my wife is godmother to your only child. But let's be frank.
내 처가 외동딸의 대모인데 말이야

You never wanted my friendship... and you were afraid to be in my debt.
솔직해지지 자네는 상납이 싫어서

I didn't want to get into trouble. I understand.
말썽에 연루될까봐 그랬죠

You had a good trade, made a good living. Police protected you, and there were courts of law. So you didn't need a friend like me.
민중의 지팡이인 경찰과 정의를 지키는 법원이 있으니

But now you come to me and you say... "Don Corleone, give me justice."
그런데 지금은

But you don't ask with respect. You don't offer friendship.
존경심을 보이거나

You don't even think to call me "Godfather."
우정을 구하긴 커녕 날 대부라고 부르지 조차 않으면서

Instead, you come into my house... on the day my daughter is to be married... and you ask me to do murder for money. I ask you for justice.
딸애의 결혼식날 돈을 준다며 살인을 요청하고 있지

That is not justice. Your daughter is still alive. They must suffer then as she suffers.
정의는 그런 게 아냐 자네 딸은 살아있어

How much shall I pay you?
얼마면 되겠습니까?

then the scum that ruined your daughter...would be suffering this very day. And if, by chance... an honest man like yourself should make enemies...
놈들은 당장 죽어 없어질 거다

then they would become my enemies.
자네에게 적이 있다면 바로 나의 적이 될 테니

And then they would fear you.
자네를 건들지 못 하지

Be my friend?
친구가 돼주십시오


Someday, and that day may never come... I'll call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day...
언젠가 자네가 필요한 일이 생기면 부르겠네

accept this justice as a gift on my daughter's wedding day. Grazie, Godfather.
이 정의를 내 딸의 결혼 선물로 치지

I want reliable people... people that aren't going to be carried away. I mean, we're not murderers... in spite of what this undertaker says.
매끄럽게 처리할 믿음직한 사람이 필요해

-Where's Michael? -What?
- 마이클은 어디 있지?

We're not taking it. We're not taking the picture without Michael.
마이클이 없으면 사진 안 찍는다

-What's the matter, Sonny? -It's Michael.
- 왜 그러시는 거지?

Don Barzini.
어서 오게

Hey, Paulie!
이봐, 폴리!

Paulie! More wine.
술 갖고 오라니까!

You look "terrif" on the floor.
- 춤 솜씨가 대단하시네요

Go take a walk around the neighborhood. Do your job.
- 일 안 하고 남 춤추는 것만 봤어?

Sandra, come on.
산드라, 애들 좀 잘 봐 까불고 다니지 못 하게 해

Twenty or thirty grand. In small bills, cash. In that little silk purse.
봉투 하나 하나에 2천, 3천이라...

If this was somebody else's wedding. Hey, Paulie! I got two gobbagool... gabagol and a prosciutto.
우리 같은 사람들은 꿈도 못 꿀 일이지