It was good... ...that you called us.

I don't know what happened. We were at the bar...

drinking... having fun... I don't even know...
私たちはバーにいた... ... の...

Come on, come on. She's been under too long. You're the only one who can help me.

Come on... come on, tell me what I need to know. Come on.
あなたが私を助けることができる唯一の一つである。 ...さあ、さあ は

They'll kill me.
- 私が知っておくべきことを教えてください。

You asked for my help.

Come on.

The contact in Minsk... The name, pal.

Give us the name. Dimitri...


What now?
-今 何

Now we drink.
-今 、私たちは飲む

За Друзей.
友達に 。

Get rid of that scum.

Did we get it? We got it.
- 我々はそれを入手しましたか?

Would you like to watch a movie, Mr. Rosen? No, thank you.
あなたは映画、氏ローゼンを見て たいですか?

Would you like to watch a movie, Mr. Phelps? No, I prefer the theater.
- 映画、氏フェルプスを見るためにケア?

Would you consider the cinema of the Ukraine? Perhaps you'll choose one for me.
あなたは、ウクライナの映画 考慮しませんか?

Thank you.

Good morning, Mr. Phelps. The man you're looking at is Alexander Golitsyn... An attache' at our embassy in Prague.
おはようございます、ミスターフェルプス これはアレキサンダーゴリーツィン、です。

He is also a traitor.
-私 たちの大使館アタッシェ プラハの。

He has stolen one half of a CIA NOC list... A record of all our deep- cover agents working in eastern Europe.
彼が盗まれた半分の CIANOCリストの-

For security reasons, the NOC list is divided in two. The portion that Golitsyn already has contains code names
セキュリティ上の理由から、 NOCリストが二つに分割されている。

but this half is useless without its mate which matches the code names with their true names. It is this half which Golitsyn plans to steal from the embassy
それはそのチームメイト、なしで役に立たない 真の名前でコードが一致する。

during a reception tomorrow night. Your mission, Jim, should you choose to accept it
ゴリーツィン明日大使館のレセプションで 盗むことを計画し、この半分である。

is to obtain photographic proof of the theft, shadow Golitsyn to his buyer, and apprehend them both.
あなたの使命は、あなたが それを受け入れることを選択する必要があり、盗難の証拠を得ることである。

I've already dispatched a team, selected from your usual group. Sarah Davies is already undercover.
私がチームを派遣してきた あなたの群から選択。

Jack Harmon can hack into any security system. Hannah Williams will handle surveillance.
ジャック ハーモンがシステムに侵入することができます。

Your wife, Claire, will cover transport, and Ethan Hunt will be your point man, as usual.

He is now in Kiev and will rendezvous in Prague at a safe house of your choosing. As always,
彼はキエフになりましたし、 プラハであなたとランデブーします。

should you or any member of your IM Force be caught or killed, the secretary will disavow all knowledge of your actions.
あなたのIM力の任意のメンバーが キャッチまたは殺されるべきです -

This tape will self- destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim.
このテープであろう自己破壊 5秒インチ。

A very straightforward objective. We photograph Golitsyn stealing the NOC list,

follow him to his buyer, apprehend both of them.
私たちは、彼の買い手に彼に従う、ゴリーツィンは NOCリストを盗む撮影します -

Now here's the plot. Ethan, you're going into the embassy in character,

during a party, hide in plain sight, highest possible profile. - You game? - Wouldn't have it any other way.
あなたはパーティー中に文字大使館に入ります、 ありふれた風景の中に隠れます。

Sarah, you're at the party already as the embassy's Washington visitor liaison. Make contact with Ethan.
サラ、あなたは大使館の ワシントン訪問者の連絡役があります。

You'll run the game together. I haven't a thing to wear.

Well, I'm sure you'll work it out.
- まあ、私はあなたがそれをうまくいくと確信しています。

You'll mark Golitsyn, hand him off to Hannah. Hannah, you'll have him for the duration of the interior. - Find yourself a perch and stay on him.
マークゴリーツィンとハンナに 彼を引き渡します。

- No problem. - Jack? - Yeah?

Fingerprint security, there's access through the elevator shaft here. So I guess I'm not wearing my tux.
ジャック、指紋のセキュリティはここでエレベーターシャフトを介し アクセスされます。

Open, close, get out. Zero residual presence.
- だから、私私のタキシードを着用しておりませんと思います。

- Claire... - Mmm- hmm. You're cover outside in the vehicle.

Hannah will join you as Golitsyn goes exterior, - you two stay on him from there. - Okay.
ゴリーツィン 外装行くようハンナはあなたに参加します。

Anything goes wrong, I call abort. Everybody walk away immediately. Regroup here at 4:00 A.M. That's 0400.
私は「中止」を呼び出す場合は、 誰もがすぐに立ち去ります。

Any questions? Yeah.

Can we get a cappuccino machine in here?

'Cause I don't know what you call this. I call it cruel and unusual.