When is your plane, darling? I wish you weren't going.
Hvenær fer flugiđ ūitt?
What about our vacation? Our board members are expecting me.
Ég vildi ađ ūú færir ekki.
Tomorrow morning in New York.
Ég veit.
Oh, I know. I still wish you didn't have to go. Yeah, I gotta see that old bastard too.
Bara ađ ūú ūyrftir ekki ađ fara.
When I get back, we'll take a trip down the coast.
Tökum okkur frí ūegar ég kem aftur.
- Isn't he a beauty? - You're a beauty.
- Er hann ekki fallegur?
No, no, no.
Ég ætla ekki á bak.
You got it.
Jay Wagner, you are under arrest for the murder of Enrique cordoza. Ann!
Ūú ert handtekinn fyrir morđiđ á Enrique Cordoza.
- Enrique...? - Arrestenlo.
- What do you mean, Enrique cordoza?
Hvađ meinarđu?
- He's alive!
Um hvađ eruđ ūiđ ađ tala?
The frame-up is complete.
Samsæriđ tķkst.
Your grandson was arrested in Santiago, extradited to Mexico City. He'll be tried and convicted within the month.
Sonarsonur ūinn var handtekinn í Santiago og framseldur til Mexíkķ.
What sentence? We've asked for between 25 and 30 years.
- Hver verđur dķmurinn?
I gather you, er... resent my interference in this matter, mr cable? We have a standard procedure, mr Wagner, for someone on the wrong side.
Ūér mislíka afskipti mín af málinu.
No. There's their side and our side.
Ūeir á mķti okkur.
He's been supporting interests which could hurt us.
Hann styđur andstæđinga okkar.
You mean he threatened CIA interests and my stockholders? Well, who was the man you had murdered?
Ķgnađi hann hagsmunum CIA og mínum hluthöfum?
No-one of any importance.
- Engan mikilvægan.
I don't want my grandson to suffer the same fate. - Is that clear, mr cable? - Yes.
Ég vil ekki ađ sonarsonur minn hljķti sömu örlög.
Your grandson will try to escape. It's a pity, at my age...
Hann mun reyna ađ flũja.
Falling victim to a cliché. I don't know what you mean.
Ūađ er synd á mínum aldri, ađ falla fyrir klisju.
Because of a distant link between his chromosomes and mine, my grandson shall remain alive. I still say it's a mistake.
Vegna erfđafræđilegra tengsla milli hans og mín heldur hann lífi.
25 to 30 years.
25-30 ár.
There's no conceivable way that the accused could have left Santiago, flown to Mexico City, and returned to Santiago at the time you so carefully documented. Nonetheless, it is therefore the decision of this court that you, Jay Louis Wagner, are guilty as charged.
Ūađ er útilokađ ađ ákærđi hefđi getađ flogiđ frá Santiago til Mexíkķ-borgar og til baka aftur á ūessum tíma.
You shall serve a term not less than 28 years in the federal penitentiary. And you will be allowed the same privileges as all other prisoners, including conjugal visits by your wife every two weeks.
Ūú dæmist til 28 ára fangelsisvistar.
This judgement is final.
Ūessi úrskurđur er endanlegur.
Goddamn sonofabitches!
Fjandans drullusokkar!
Hey, hey, wait. What did they do to you?
Huh? Put their filthy hands all over me.
Ūeir káfuđu á mér međ skítugum krumlunum.
Who's supposed to boost whose morale up?
Hver á ađ hressa hvern viđ?
Oh, Jay, what are they doing to you?
Jay, hvađ eru ūeir ađ gera ūér?
Well, it's not exactly the ritz. But, er...
Ūetta er ekki beint Ritz-hķteliđ.
Well, it is pretty bad.
Ūetta er bũsna slæmt.
It really is. Where's the money?
Hvar eru peningarnir?
It's in the back of the radio.
Innan í útvarpinu.
I'm going to talk to your grandfather.
- Ég tala viđ afa ūinn.
- No, absolutely not. You are not.
- Kemur ekki til greina.
I'm not gonna kiss his ass and crawl to him.
- Ég sleiki hann ekki upp.
This is all we need.
Ūetta er allt sem ég ūarf.
You can buy anything, and they'll sell you anything.
Ūađ er allt falt.
Jay, I really think you must do it legally. Sanchez has already filed an appeal.
Ūú verđur ađ fara ađ lögum.
I can't wait that long.
Ég get ekki beđiđ svo lengi.
See, last week there was a guy was pushing drugs. He was in for 20 years. He walked away from a work detail, and they're not even looking for him, because he paid his way off.
Í síđustu viku tķku ūeir dķpsmyglara.
That's it. I... I still think we should...
Ég held samt ađ viđ ættum...
Look at this place.
Sjáđu ūennan stađ, hvađ ūeir eru ađ gera mér.
The day that we're reduced to making love in here is...
Ef viđ elskumst hér inni, ūũđir ūađ... ađ ég hef gefist upp.
Don't worry, darling. I have a plan. And this money will do it.
Ég er međ hugmynd.
What's going on? Let me out!
Hleypiđ mér út!