People talk about Billy the Kid, or Wes Hardin, or Sam Bass. They're tough and they're bad, but there aren't any as bad as Frank Slayton.
Ljudi pričaju o Billyju Kidu, Wesu Hardinu ili Samu Bassu.

Sandwich, Miss Ballard?
Hoćete sendvič, gđice Ballard?

No, thank you. I'll wait till Rodger's Station. - Mr. Hampton?
Čekat ću do postaje Rodgers.

- No, thanks.
G. Hampton?

Three weeks ago, he and his gang rode into Taos. Murdered four people.
Prije tri tjedna ujahao je s bandom u Taos, ubio četvero ljudi, spalio i opljačkao selo i oteo dvije Indijanke.

Is that why they sent these soldiers along?
Zato su poslali vojnike s nama?

You see the strongbox we're carrying?
Jeste li vidjeli kasu koju prevozimo?

- Frightened, Mr. Weatherby? - Yes, sir.

Why don't you stay out of this part of the country?
Pa zašto onda ne izbjegavate ovo područje?

I can't. I'm a bones buyer.
Trgujem bizonskim kostima, za gnojivo.

I sell them for fertilizer.
Ali, g.

But, Mr. Hampton, what are you doing out this way?
Hampton, što vi radite ovdje?

- You're a Southerner, aren't you? - Yes. An unreconstructed Southerner.
Da, nepatvoreni južnjak.

I saw my home, Richmond, after Grant and his men got through with it. I know how you feel.
Vidio sam kako je moj dom, Richmond, izgledao nakon što su Grant i njegovi ljudi prošli kroz njega.

My home was in Atlanta.
Znam kako se osjećate.

My sympathies, Miss Ballard.
Suosjećam s vama, gđice Ballard.

Intending to stay out here in the West? Yes. The man I'm going to marry is meeting me in Haynesville.
Želite ostati ovdje na Zapadu?

- San Francisco? - Oh, no.
-Ne, on ima ranč.

- Ever lived on a ranch?
Ne, ali sigurna sam da će mi se svidjeti.

Better wake up, Mr. Burgess, we're pulling into Rodger's Station.

Harris, take your men back to Fort Grant for replacements.
Harris, odvedite vaše ljude u Fort Grant i dovedite zamjenu.

Perhaps you'll join me for dinner, Miss Ballard. That's kind of you, but I'm afraid that I can't.
Biste li mi se pridružili na večeri, gđice Ballard?

He's not meeting you here, the man you're going to marry?
Vaš zaručnik vas ne čeka ovdje?

- Ne, nego sutra u Haynesvilleu.

Then I can't permit you to refuse.
Onda me ne možete odbiti.

I'm quite flattered, Mr. Hampton. But you'll have to permit me to refuse.
Laskate mi, g.

Don't worry about it, Mr. Hampton. I'll eat with you.

If I'd known that, Mr. Burgess, I wouldn't have asked the lady.
Da sam to znao, ne bih pitao ovu damu.

Hurry up with that strongbox.
Brže s tom kasom!

We don't get many Southern ladies coming through the station.
Ne viđamo mnogo južnjačkih dama da prolaze ovuda.

Say, that's beautiful.
Oh, pa to je predivno.

It's a wedding present from my family.
Poklon za vjenčanje od moje obitelji.

There's a fine minister in Haynesville, Mr. Midgely.
U Haynesvilleu živi jako dobar svećenik, g.

- Are you going to be married in the church? - Yes, of course.
Hoćete li se udati u crkvi?

That's the only way to do it.
To je jedini pravi način.

I'll go and fix you a cup of tea.
Skuhat ću vam čaj.

And I'll bring you some of my biscuits. I baked them myself.
I donijeti moje kekse.

She's quite a woman, isn't she?
Zgodna žena, zar ne?

As far as I'm concerned, all women are alike.
Što se mene tiče, sve su žene iste.

They just got different faces so you can tell them apart.
Samo imaju različita lica.

To a man without taste, I suppose all things are alike.
Čovjeku bez ukusa sve stvari izgledaju iste.

She's as different from other women as cognac is from corn liquor. You get the same kind of headache from either one.
Razlikuje se od drugih žena kao konjak od domaće rakije.

She can smile without making it a simper.
I lijepo se smije, bez prenemaganja.

That's a rare quality in a woman, Jess.
To je rijetka vrlina kod žena, Jess.

She's also getting married at the next stop. Remember? Yes, to a grubby dirt farmer.
Ali i udaje se na sljedećoj postaji, sjećaš se?

What'll she look like a year from now?
Kako li će izgledati za godinu dana?

What difference does it make to you?
Što se to tebe tiče?

A sad thought. Don't you think so? Stay away from her.
Kako tužna pomisao, zar ne?

- What did you say?
Što si rekao?

My private affairs are private. Don't ever forget it again.
To je moja privatna stvar.