Got very, very chummy with His Majesty, King Lou. The people disapproved of her in no uncertain tone.
Fit ami-ami avec Sa Majesté, Ie roi Louis

Still, they'd agree that Madam D.
Les gens ne se cachaient pas pour Ia décrier

was a power behind the throne. Behind her back, they called her names.
Mais iIs étaient d'accord Madame Du Barry régnait

On that we will not tarry.
Derrière son dos, Ies insuItes pIeuvaient

But to her face, with elegant grace, they said...
Nous ne rapporterons pas ces raiIIeries

* Madame, Madame *
IIs I'appeIaient Madame Du Barry

* But there's one thing we positively absolutely know *
Peut-être était-eIIe une beIIe petite dévergondée de Bordeaux

* Du Barry was a lady, the fairest gal of her day *
Quoi qu'iIs aient pu dire

* She had to pull no strings for the King's blessing *
La pIus beIIe de I'époque

* He fell in love with her French dressing *
Le roi était à ses pieds sans qu'eIIe ait à Ie piéger

* To marry this Du Barry was every nobleman's goal * * And put them all together, they'd fill the Hollywood Bowl *
Épouser Ia Du Barry était Ie but de tous Ies nobIes

* I couldn't tell you how, but she got along *
Prenez n'importe queIIe saIIe eIIe aurait été combIe

* And if she was no lady *
ImpossibIe de vous I'expIiquer mais eIIe s'est débrouiIIée

* 50 million Frenchmen were wrong * * Though she started out in squalor *
Et si ce n'était pas une dame eIIe aurait dupé tous Ies Français

* And though her past was shady *
Oui, eIIe a commencé par vivre dans Ia misère

* Du Barry * * Du Barry was a lady *
La Du Barry

Oh, Rami, isn't she wonderful? Just another female woman.
Oh, Rami, n'est-eIIe pas merveiIIeuse ?

Take away her eyes, her nose, her mouth, and her ears, and what have you got?
Ce n'est qu'une femme féminine.

A blank expression.
EnIève-Iui ses yeux, son nez, sa bouche et ses oreiIIes, et qu'est-ce qui reste ?

Ah, she's wonderful.
EIIe est merveiIIeuse.

You never look at me like that. You never look like that.
- Tu ne me regardes jamais comme ça.

Oh, you could never be happy here.
Pas après Ia soirée d'hier soir.

Please marry me and let me take you away from all this.
Oh, tu ne seras jamais heureux ici.

And after we're married and settled down in our little love nest, maybe the stork would come to our house and bring us a lot of little...
Je t'en prie, épouse-moi, et je t'emmènerai Ioin de ce miIieu.

* The last time I saw Paris * * With wealthy knights she was chummy... *
Les hommes étaient toujours fous d'eIIe Ia dernière fois que j'ai vu Paris

Please be very careful with this.
A vec Ies riches chevaIiers eIIe faisait ami-ami...

It's kolinsky.
VeuiIIez en prendre grand soin.

May Daly.
- Qui donc ?

That's May Daly. * It doesn't matter now how she got along *
C'est May DaIy.

* Du Barry was okay *
Qu'eIIe ait eu pIusieurs amants

* And if her life was shady *
On aimait Ia Du Barry

* Well, who are we to say? * * But if she was no lady, maybe 20 *
Qui sommes-nous pour Ia juger ?

* 30, 40, 50 million Frenchmen were wrong *
- Trente

Not too young, not too old.
Madame, vous êtes sur Ie point de rencontrer un beI homme.

About my age?
- Ni trop jeune ni trop vieux.

But I've got to polish up the crystal ball.
Vous vous rencontrerez dans un night-cIub romantique et écIairé par Ia Iune.

Have you got a soft, slightly used $5 bill? Do you think this will be soft enough?
Auriez-vous un biIIet de 5 $ modérément usé et bien Iisse ?

It will have to do.
- Est-ce que ceci fera I'affaire ?

You will meet this man. He will be wearing a tuxedo, eyeglasses, and some hair.
Vous rencontrerez cet homme.

Marry him, madam, and you marry her.
Épousez-Ie, madame.

$5 please. That's a good one on you, Swami.
Cinq doIIars, je vous prie.

We were married last night. Weren't we, Mr. McGeehan?
On s'est mariés hier soir.

- Pas vrai, M. McGeehan ?

Oh, yeah. McGowan.
Oh, oui.

Marry Mr. McQuinn. He is so charming, so debonair.
Épousez M. McQuinn.

He reminds me of that well known actor. You know, the one who makes love to beautiful girls like Hedy Lamarr.
II me rappeIIe cet acteur connu.

You know who I mean.
Vous voyez de qui je parIe.


My name is Pepe le Coco. And I come from the casbah, Hedy, the casbah.
Je m'appeIIe Pépé Ie Coco.

You know what is the casbah? It is right next to the delicatessen.
Tu sais ce que c'est, Ia casbah ?