Cassidy, FBI.
-Cassidy, FBI.
Lieutenant, they're here!
-Tenientea, hemen daude.
You in charge?
-Zu al zara arduraduna?
Yeah. Lieutenant Tom Green, Homicide.
-Tom Green tenientea, Hilketak.
What happened?
-Zer gertatu da?
A fishing trawler found her floating off Boca Raton a couple of hours ago.
-Arrantza ontzi batek aurkitu ditu.
-The tugs pulled her in. -Any witnesses?
-Atoiontziak ekarri ditu.
Well, the Coastguard said she was on a routine smuggling-prevention patrol off the Keys near Cuba, the last time they made radio contact. Who's been on board?
Kostazainak kontrabandoaren aurkako errutinazko patruilan ari ziren irratiz hitz egin duten azken aldian.
Oh, half a dozen of my men.. Coastguard brass. And a reporter.
-Nire gizonak, kostazainak eta kazetari bat.
She got here before we did. -Did she touch anything? -I don't think so.
Gu iritsi aurretik etorri da.
-Where is she?
-Non dago neska hori?
Why don't you go find --? Check her out.
-Iker ezazu neska.
I haven't done anything wrong!
-Ez dut ezer txarrik egin!
Let me go!
Utz nazazu bakean!
Take it easy.
-Lasai egon.
Look, these two bozos have been holding me for almost an hour, while those bastards are scooping me on my story. Okay, fellas, we'll take it from here.
Bi hauek hemen eduki nauten artean, horiek erreportajea lapurtu didate.
Who do you work for, Miss McGuire?
Norentzat lan egiten duzu, McGuire andereƱoa?
I work for me. What's it to you?
Niretzat lan egiten dut.
-How'd you get here before the police? -I drive faster.
-Nola iritsi zara gu baino lehen?
Actually, I've got a police-band radio in my car.
Eta polizia-irratia dut autoan.
You realize you had no authority to board?
-Ez duzu ontziratzeko baimenik.
I was covering a story!
-Erreportaje bat egiten ari naiz.
-Did you take any photographs? -Of course I took photographs.
-Argazkirik atera duzu?
That's how I make my living. So you're gonna forget about the trespassing for now, but you've got to take a look at my film.
Hori da nire bizibidea.
Didn't you bastards ever hear about the First Amendment?
Entzun al duzue inoiz, putakumeak, Lehenengo Eranskina zer den?
This is it.
Hemen da.
-Got him. I got him.
Harrapatu dut.
Are you sure this is how your granddaddy used to do it?
-Zure aitonak hau egiten zuen?
Are you kidding?
-Txantxetan ari al zara?
There you go. -Get down.
Jaitsi ezazu.
None of this Tonto kind of bullshit.
Akabo Tontoren ergelkeria hauek.
Ondo da.
Impress me.
Zirrara egidazu.
Get out of here.
Ospa hemendik.
We're ready to rock and roll here. You get that greaser on the phone.
Hemen prest gaude rock and rollerako.
It's all here.
Dena hemen dago.
You go for it, babe.
Har ezazu, panpoxa.
Let him have it.
Utziozue hori hartzen.
It's been a pleasure doing business with you.
Atsegin handia izan da zurekin negozioa egitea.
The pleasure is all mine.
Atsegina nirea da guztiz.
I don't know, John Eagle.
Ez dakit, John Eagle.
-He don't look too good. -They all look like that.
-Ez du itxura onik.
-Then, how come he looks so tired?
-Zergatik dirudi hain nekatua?
Matt, wanna give us a hand loading this sucker?
Matt, lagunduko al didazu babo hau kargatzen?
Tell me something, John... What are you gonna do when the Social Security people find out you've been moonlighting? Ain't found out about my airboat business.
Lan bat baino gehiago egiten duzula jakingo dute azkenean agintariek.
Been doing it for 40 years.
Ez didate aerolabangailuen negozioa aurkituko. 40 urte daramatzat eta.