- You want to call your daddy?
Boš poklicala očka?

- Yeah, I want to tell him I'm okay. Okay.
-Rada bi mu povedala, da sem v redu.

Lizzy... Be careful of your husband.
Lizzy, pazi se moža.

I can only lead you to the truth. I can't make you believe it.
Lahko te samo pripeljem do resnice, verjeti boš morala sama.

She's calling herself Jolene Parker.
Uporablja ime Jolene Parker.

You have been threatening to tell me the truth about my husband since the day we met, and I'm ready to listen.
Vseskozi groziš, da mi boš povedal resnico o možu.

Right now, the only thing that matters is the immediate threat...
Poslušam. Trenutno je pomembna neposredna grožnja, torej tvoj mož.

Finding out who he is and who he works for.
Ugotoviti morava, kdo je in za koga dela.

The rest will come. I promise you.
Ostalo bo že sledilo.


Kaj je narobe? -Proč od nje! Pokličite rešilca.


Asset on board. En route.
Tarča na poti.

12 cc epinephrine. Clear.
-12 cm3 adrenalina.

Umaknite se. Gremo, hitro!

- 45 seconds.
Pohitite! 45 sekund.

-Prosim, odpeljite. Kaj je narobe? -Ustavite.

-Povečaj in ponovno predvajaj. Kaj je to?

Kaj iščete? -Razumem.

Ven! Odprite vrata!

We need more adrenaline.
Še malo adrenalina.

Cover her mouth.
-Pokrij ji usta.

Shh! It's okay. You're okay.
-Vse je v redu z vami.

You'll be in America by morning.
Jutri boste že v Ameriki.

We're taking you to Washington, D.C.
Peljemo vas v Washington.

Do you know where the prisoner was transported to?
KRALJEVO, SRBIJA Veste, kam so zapornico prepeljali?

Uh, Washington. Okay.
V Washington?

Yes, we'll take care of it.
Prav. Ja, uredili bomo.

Since when did Jolene Parker's case go from missing person to murder investigation?
Od kdaj smrt Jolene Parker preiskujejo kot umor?

- And have you seen my keys? - It's crazy, right?
Si videla moje ključe?

Yeah, what, uh...
-Noro, kaj.

The police say they have a person of interest. Really?
Policija ima menda osumljenca.

Who is it?

What do they...
Kdo pa je?

They're not sure.
-Nič določenega.

Isn't it possible that she just left town like she said? Moved to Dayton?
Kaj, če se je res preselila v Dayton?

They found blood... Matches hers.
Našli so njeno kri.

You see this stuff every day... You know, people getting hurt and killed... and...
Vsak dan vidiš, kako se ljudem kaj zgodi.

I don't. It freaks me out. Just the thought of that happening to you, you know...
Kar groza me je, da se ti kaj zgodi.

Just promise me you're as careful as you can be when you're at work.
Obljubi mi, da boš v službi čim bolj previdna.

- The desk. - Hmm? By the computer...
Na mizi zraven računalnika sem videla tvoje ključe.

I'm gonna be so late.
Pozen bom.

I'm gonna give myself a tardy slip.
Napisal si bom kazen.

They were under the newspaper.
Pod časopisom so bili.

I got to run.

Uh, tonight for dinner, let's check out that new thai place.
Pojdiva nocoj v tajsko restavracijo.

He knows something's off. What makes you say that?
Ve, da je nekaj narobe.

I can feel it.
-Zakaj? Tak občutek imam.

Tom is on his heels. He's behaving erratically.
Tom je stisnjen v kot.

He killed Jolene Parker. Yes.
Ubil je Jolene Parker.