{\move(10,10,190,230,100,400)\fad(0,1000)\fscx25\fscy25\t(0,6000,\fscx125\fscy125)\cH000000\3cH00FFFF}anoXmous RASHOMON Produced by JINGO MINOURA.
سنڌيڪار قربان علي چنا

I don't understand.
سمجھ ۾ نه ٿو اچي.

I just don't understand.
ڪجھ به سمجھ ۾ نه ٿو اچي.

I don't understand it at all.
مونکي قطعي سمجھ ۾ نه ٿو اچي.

I just don't understand.
ڇا ڪجي؟

What don't you understand?
توکي ڇا سمجھ ۾ نه ٿو اچي؟

I've never heard such a strange story.
مان اهڙي عجيب ڪهاڻي ڪڏهن ناهي ٻُڌي.

Why don't you tell me about it?
تون ڪجھ ٻُڌائين ڇو نه پيو؟

We happen to have a wise priest in our midst.
اسان جي درميان هڪ عقلمند پادري موجود آهي.

No, not even the renowned, wise priest from Kiyomizu Temple has heard a story as strange as this.
ان کان علاوه "ڪيوميزو" مندر جي ناليواري پادريءَ به ان جهڙي هڪ عجيب ڪهاڻي ٻُڌي آهي.

So you know something about this strange story?
ڇا توکي ان "عجيب ڪهاڻي" جي ڪا خبر آهي؟

This man and I have just seen it and heard it ourselves.
هن شخص ۽ مون سڀ ڏٺو ۽ ٻُڌو آهي.


In the courthouse garden.
ڪچهري واري باغ ۾.

The courthouse?
ڪچهري واري باغ ۾؟

A man was murdered.
اتي هڪ قتل ٿيل ماڻهو مليو.

Just one?
هڪڙو ماڻهو؟

So what?
پوء ڇا ٿيو؟

On top of this gate, you'll ñnd at least ñve or six unclaimed bodies.
هن گيٽ جي مٿان ئي توکي ستن کان اٺ لاوارث ماڻهن جا لاش ملندا.

You're right.
تون ٺيڪ پيو چئين.

War, earthquake, winds, ñre, famine, the plague...
جنگ، زلزلو، هوائون، بُک، بيماري...

Year after year, it's been nothing but disasters.
ڏينهون ڏينهن رڳو نيون مصيبتون.

And bandits descend upon us every night.
ڪا رات ڌاڙيلن کان خالي ناهي.

I've seen so many men getting killed like insects,
مون بيشمار ماڻهو ڪِيڙن جيان مرندي ڏٺا آهن.

but even I have never heard a story as horrible as this.
پر مون هن جهڙي ڀيانڪ ڪهاڻي ڪڏهن ناهي ٻُڌي.

Yes. So horrible.
سڀ کان ڀيانڪ.

This time,

I may ñnally lose my faith in the human soul.
مونکي انسان جي روح تي به ويساھ ناهي رهيو... .

It's worse than bandits, the plague, famine, ñre, or war.
اهو سڀ ڌاڙيلن، بيمارين، بک، باھ ۽ جنگ کان به بدتر آهي.

Look here, priest.
پادري هيڏي ڏس.

Enough with the sermon.
تبليغ کي ختم ڪر.

It sounded interesting, at least while I kept out of the rain.
مان بارش ۾ بيٺل هجان ها ته ڪهاڻي مزو ڏئي ها.

But if it's a sermon, I'd sooner listen to the rain.
ها، جيڪڏهن بارش ختم ٿي ته مان تنهنجي تبليغ ٻڌندس.

Hear me out.
ڳاله ٻُڌ.

Maybe you can tell me what it means.
ٿي سگھي ٿو تون ان جو مطلب سمجھائي سگھين.

I don't understand any of those three.
مونکي اهي ٽئي ڳالهيون سمجھ ۾ نه ٿيون اچن.

- Which three?
ڪهڙيون ٽي؟

- Well -
– ها –.

I'll tell you about them.
مان توکي ٻڌايان ٿو.

Calm down and tell me slowly.
صبر ڪر، آرام سان ٻُڌاء.

The rain's not going to stop any time soon.
لڳي ٿو بارش جلدي ختم نه ٿيندي.


It was three days ago.
ٽي ڏينهن اڳي جي ڳاله آ.

I went into the mountains to get wood.
مان جبلن ڏانهن ڪاٺيون ڪرڻ لاء ويس.

Iran as: Fast as I could to tell the pol/ce.
مان تيز ڊوڙيس ته جيئن جلدي پوليس کي ٻڌائي سگھان.

Then, three days later, today, I was cal/ed to test/ac.
ٽن ڏينهن کان پوء، اتي مونکي گواهي ڏيڻ لاء گھرايو ويو.

Yes, that's right.
ها، اهو درست آهي.

I was the one who ñrst found the body.
مان ئي اهو پهريون ماڻهو آهيان جنهن لاش ڏٺو.

Did I see a sword or something?
مطلب مونکي ڪا تلوار يا اهڙي شيءِ نظر آئي؟

No, nothing at all.
نه، مون اهڙو ڪجھ نه ڏٺو.