There is talk that dolphins all can talk.
Si soen Delfinen, si soen!

There is talk that they can truly talk.
Si soen, si soen wierklech!

Their backs flash the sun's reflection;
Wéi hir Réck an der Sonn blénken,

There they swim, in our direction.
Et sinn d'Delfinen, Déi op eis schwammen,

Listen, we'll now hear the dolphins talk!
Elo fänken se un ze schwätzen.

But these ones were silent - not a word they gave,
Mee mir koumen op stille Delfinen.

Only smiled at us as they surfed on a wave.
Si hunn eis roueg vun der Welle gelaacht.

And we smiled right back, I'm certain, But they never did determine
Mir hunn hinnen och gelaacht, Awer si hunn et net geduecht.

That they were supposed to start to talk... screenplay L. Los, director Rozaliya Zelma art directors T. Abalakina, Rozaliya Zelma camera V. Milovanov, music Eduard Artemyev lyrics A. Kondratyev, sound O. Solomonov animators V. Vyshegorodtsev, V. Sporyhin A. Levchik, S. Sichkar, N. Gracheva, M. Pershin
Wat se sollen iwwer schwätzen.



The servants held the manor but they had no strength against the invaders.
D'Dénger hunn d'Häerenhaus ofgehalen awer si hu keng Kraaft géint den Eruewerer.

Your house has been a ruin since..
Äert Haus war zënter eng Ruine ..

Where are the people?
Wou sinn d'Leit?

A great sickness has come to the land.
Eng grouss Krankheet ass an d'Land komm.

Both our families are dead.
Souwuel eis Famillje sinn dout.

I'm going back to the wall.
Ech ginn zréck op d'Mauer.


Do not touch them.
Touch se net.

They have the sickness.
Si hunn d'Krankheet.

Leave me Anselm.
Loosst mech den Anselm.

I will find these raiders.
Ech wäert dës Raiders fannen.


Stay your hand Lord Death.
Bleift Är Hand Lord Death.

Take me instead.
Huelt mech amplaz.

Who are you?
Ween bass du?

What makes you want to die child?
Wat mécht Iech Loscht Kand ze stierwen?

I am bound to the Black Angel.
Ech sinn un de Black Angel gebonnen.


We must save this maiden.
Mir mussen dës Jongfra retten.

I owe her my life.
Ech hunn hir mäi Liewen schëlleg.

Go back.
Géi zréck.

Where's the maiden?
Wou ass d'Meedchen?

You will not see her alive again.
Dir wäert hatt net erëm lieweg gesinn.

Where is she?
Wou ass hatt?

She's bound as a servant to the Black Angel.
Si ass als Dénger vum Schwaarzen Engel gebonnen.

Who is this black knight, old man?
Wien ass dee schwaarze Ritter, ale Mann?

Lead me to him.
Féiert mech bei hien.

We'll see how strong he is.
Mir kucken wéi staark hien ass.

You are full of courage young warrior.
Dir sidd voller Courage jonke Krieger.

Take me to him.
Huelt mech bei hien.

I owe this child my life.
Ech sinn dësem Kand mengem Liewen schëlleg.

I'm honor bound to fight him.
Ech sinn Éier gebonnen him ze kämpfen.

Follow me.
Komm mir no.

Follow Me
Komm mir no


Where are you?
Wou bass du?

Come here.
Komm hei.

Spare the child.
Erspuert d'Kand.

Take my life instead.
Huelt mäi Liewen amplaz.