This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman.
Nke a bu ohere-ugbọ mmiri... ..ndi gbara ọsọ ndu Asgard Onye ọchichi.
We are under assault.
A na-awakpọ anyị.
I repeat, we are under assault.
A na m ekwughachi, A na-awakpọ anyi.
The engines are dead, life support failing.
Igwe ọru anyi anwuọla, ndu nkwado... ada.
Requesting aid from any vessel within range.
Anyi na-ariọ enyemaka na ohere-ugbọ... ...mmiri nọ nso.
We are 22 jump points out of Asgard.
Anyi nọ 22 n'igbabiga oge uzọ abuọ puọ na Asgard.
Our crew is made up of Asgardian families.
Ndi ọru ibe anyi bu ezinulọ bi na Asgard.
We have very few soldiers here.
Ndi Agha anyi nọ ole na ole.
This is not a warcraft.
Nke a abughi nka agha.
I repeat, this is not a warcraft.
A na m ekwughachi, Nke a abughi nka agha.
Hear me and rejoice.
Gee mụ ntị ma ṅụrịakwa Ọṅụ.
You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan.
Ụnụ enwela ùgwù ibu ndi nna-ukwu anyi zọputara.
You may think this is suffering.
Inwere ike iche na nka bu ata'm ahuhu.
It is salvation.
Ọbu nzọputa.
Universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice.
Eluigwe na ala adila n'otu maka àjà ụdụ ụnụ.
Nwe obi utọ.
For even in death, you have become Children of Thanos.
Ọnwu agaghi egbochi unu, maka unu aghọla umu Thanos.
I know what it's like to lose.
A ma m otu ọ di ibu onye emeriri emeri.
To feel so desperately that you're right... yet to fail, nonetheless.
Mgbe ichere na imere nke ọma... ma mecha daa. N'agbanyeghi.
It's frightening.
Ọ na atu egwu.
Turns the legs to jelly.
N'agukwa ike.
But I ask you, to what end?
M na-ju gi, olee mgbe iga akwusi?
Dread it, run from it... destiny arrives all the same.
Iga agbara ya ọsọ, tuọla ya egwu... A dighi agbara akaraka mmadu ọsọ
And now, it's here.
Ma ugbu a, ọ di ebe a.
Or should I say...
Ma ọ bu m ga ekwu...
I am.
A bụm ya.
You talk too much.
Ì na ekwu ọtutu uka.
The Tesseract.
Nyem Tesseract ahu.
Or your brother's head.
Ma ọ bu isi nwanne gi.
I assume you have a preference.
Ìnwere mmasi ichebara ya echiche.
I do.
Ọọya, enwere m.
Kill away.
Gbuo ọsọsọ.
All right, stop!
Nkwa kwusi!
We don't have the Tesseract.
Anyi enweghi Tesseract ahu.
It was destroyed on Asgard.
Ebibiri ya na Asgard.
You really are the worst brother.
E chekwam na ịga aghọta nwanne.
I assure you, brother... the sun will shine on us again.
Obi sie gi ike, nwanne... Anyi ga emecha buru ndi ama-ama.
Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian.
Onye Asgard, nchekube unu ezighi ezi.
Well, for one thing, I'm not Asgardian.
Ìgwa gi eziokwu, a bughi m onye Asgard.
And for another... we have a Hulk.
Nke ọzọ bu... Anyi nwere Ėgbe Ike.
Let him have his fun.
Hapu ya ka ogosi ike ya.
Allfathers... let the dark magic flow through me one last... time.
Nna nile... Nyem ike Iji nyere onye a aka... ugbu a.
That was a mistake.
Ihiere uzọ.
You're going to die for that.
Iga anwu n' ihe a imere
My humble personage... bows before your grandeur.
Eji m idi umeala n'obi m... na-akpọrọ ebube gi isiala.
No other being has ever had the might... nay, the nobility... to wield not one, but two Infinity Stones.
Ọdighi onye ọbula nwere ike... ọdighi, n'ejide onwe-dike... ga-eji ọbughi nani otu nkume, ma abuọ.
The universe lies within your grasp.
Eluigwe na uwa dum nọ n'aka gi.
There are two more stones on Earth.
Nkume abuọ nọ n'ime uwa.
Find them, my children, and bring them to me on Titan.
Umu m, ga chọọ ha, weterem ha na Titan.
Father, we will not fail you.
Nna, anyi agaghi ada gi.