Long ago... in the early years of the Second Age... the great Elven-smiths forged Rings of Power.
O chionn fhada ... anns na bliadhnaichean tràtha den Dàrna Linn ... chruthaich na fàilidhean mòra Elven-gobha Cearcaill Cumhachd.
Nine for mortal Men.
Naoi airson fir bàsmhor.
Seven for the Dwarf-lords.
Seachd airson na Morairean Dwarf.
Three for the tall Elf-kings.
Trì airson na rìghrean àrda Elf.
But then, the Dark Lord learned the craft of ring making... and made the Master Ring.
Ach an uairsin, dh 'ionnsaich an Tighearna Dorcha a' cheàird a bhith a 'dèanamh fhàinneachan ... agus rinn e am Maighstir Cearcall.
The One Ring to rule them all.
An aon chearcall gus an riaghladh uile.
With the One Ring, Middle-earth is his, and he cannot be overcome.
Leis an aon chearcall, is e an Talamh Meadhanach a th 'ann, agus chan urrainnear faighinn seachad air.
As the last alliance of Men and Elves fell beneath his power... he did not notice the heroic shadow who slipped in.
Mar a thuit an caidreachas mu dheireadh de Men and Elves fo a chumhachd ... cha do mhothaich e don sgàil ghaisgeil a shleamhnaich a-steach.
It was Prince Isildur... of the mighty kings from across the sea... who took the Ring.
B 'e am Prionnsa Isildur ... de na rìghrean cumhachdach bho air feadh na mara ... a ghlac am fàinne.
But because he did not destroy it, the spirit of the Dark Lord lived on... and began to take shape, and grow again.
Ach leis nach do sgrios e e, bha spiorad an Tighearna Dorcha beò air ... agus thòisich e air cumadh a ghabhail, agus a 'fàs a-rithist.
But the Ring had a will of its own, and a way of slipping from one hand... to be found by another, so that it might at last get back to its master.
Ach bha tiomnadh fhèin aig an Fhàinne, agus dòigh air sleamhnachadh bho aon làimh ... ri lorg le fear eile, gus am faigheadh e mu dheireadh faighinn air ais gu a mhaighstir.
And there the Ring lay, at the bottom of the great river Anduin... for thousands of years.
Agus an sin bha an Cearcall na laighe, aig bonn abhainn mhòr Anduin ... airson mìltean de bhliadhnaichean.
During those years... the Dark Lord captured the nine rings that were made for Men... and turned their owners into the Ringwraiths:
Anns na bliadhnaichean sin ... ghlac an Tighearna Dorcha na naoi fàinneachan a chaidh a dhèanamh dha na fir ... agus thionndaidh iad an luchd-seilbh gu na Ringwraiths:
Terrible shadows under his great shadow... who roamed the world, searching for the One Ring.
Faileas uamhasach fo a sgàil mhòr ... a bha a 'siubhal an t-saoghail, a' lorg an Aon Fhàinne.
In time, the Ring was found.
Le ùine, chaidh an Cearcall a lorg.
Two friends were fishing in the Great River one day.
Bha dithis charaidean ag iasgach san Abhainn Mhòr aon latha.
- Give us that, Déagol, my love.
- Thoir dhuinn sin, Déagol, mo ghaol.
- Why, Sméagol?
- Carson, Sméagol?
Because it's my birthday, my love, and I wants it.
Leis gur e mo cho-là-breith, mo ghaol, agus tha mi ga iarraidh.
I have already given you more than I could afford.
Tha mi mu thràth air barrachd a thoirt dhut na b 'urrainn dhomh a phàigheadh.
- I found this, and I'm going to keep it!
Lorg mi seo, agus tha mi a 'dol a chumail!
- Oh?
Are you indeed, my love?
A bheil thu gu dearbh, a ghràidh?
He used the Ring for thieving, and to find out secrets.
Chleachd e an Cearcall airson mèirle, agus airson faighinn a-mach dìomhaireachdan.
His own people began to despise the wretched creature... and to call him Gollum.
Thòisich na daoine aige fhèin a 'dèanamh tàir air a' chreutair thruagh ... agus Gollum a ghairm dheth.
Tortured and driven by the Ring, he hid in dark caves... under deep mountains.
Air a thortachadh agus air a stiùireadh leis an Fhàinne, chaidh e am falach ann an uaimhean dorcha ... fo bheanntan domhainn.
But the Ring slipped off Gollum's finger too.
Ach shleamhnaich an Cearcall far mheur Gollum cuideachd.
And so it was that Bilbo found it, during his travels with the Dwarves.
Agus is ann mar sin a lorg Bilbo e, nuair a bha e a 'siubhal leis na Dwarves.
Thief, Baggins.
Mèirleach, Baggins.
It stole our precious, our precious...
Ghoid e ar luachmhor, ar ...
Our birthday present.
An tiodhlac co-là-breith againn.
We hates it forever.
Tha gràin againn air gu bràth.
It was Bilbo Baggins, the Hobbit... who took the Ring back to the Shire, his home.
B 'e Bilbo Baggins, an Hàbad ... a thug an Cearcall air ais don t -Siorrachd, a dhachaigh.
Years later...
Bliadhnaichean às deidh sin ...
Gandalf the Wizard visited Bilbo on his going-away birthday party.
Thadhail Gandalf an Draoidh air Bilbo air a 'phàrtaidh co-latha-breith aige.
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like... and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
Chan eil mi eòlach air leth de do leth cho math agus bu chòir dhomh ... agus is toil leam nas lugha na leth dhuibh leth cho math 's a tha thu airidh air.
Well, heh, heh, Frodo, I can see your Uncle Bilbo hasn't changed much.
Uill, heh, heh, Frodo, chì mi nach eil do Uncle Bilbo air atharrachadh mòran.
And though 111 years is far too short a time... to live among such admirable Bagginses and Boffinses, Grubbs...
Agus ged a tha 111 bliadhna fada ro ghoirid ... a bhith a 'fuireach am measg Bagginses agus Boffinses, Grubbs ...
Chubbs, Bracegirdles, Goodbodies...
Chubbs, Bracegirdles, Goodbodies ...
- Bolgers, Hornblowers and Proudfoots...
- Bolgers, Hornblowers agus Proudfoots ...
- Proudfeet.
- Proudfeet.
I regret to announce that this is the end.
Tha mi duilich ainmeachadh gur e seo deireadh.
I'm going away.
Tha mi a 'falbh.
I'm leaving.
Tha mi a 'falbh.
Where did he go?
Càit an deach e?
Have you left the Ring for Frodo, as we agreed?
A bheil thu air an fhàinne fhàgail airson Frodo, mar a dh 'aontaich sinn?
It's mine, I tell you.
Is leamsa e, tha mi ag innse dhut.
It's my own.
Is ann leam fhìn a tha e.
It's mine now, and I shall keep it.
Tha e agam a-nis, agus cumaidh mi e.