- Podívejte, co jste udělal.
Oops! Now look what you've done! No harm done, ma'am.
Nic se nestalo, madam.
It's only an egg.
- Jenom vajíčko?
Only an egg!
Jenom staré dobré vajíčko.
Yes, ma'am, just a little old egg, that's all. Isupposeitnever occurred to you that this egg is somebody's child.
- Ne, madam.
That it once had a mother.
- Ano, madam.
And a father. Yes, ma'am.
Vy jste jedním z těch, kdo si myslí, že slepice snáší vejce sama od sebe.
You're one of those people, no doubt, who thinks a chicken lays an egg all by herself. Yes, ma'am.
Snáší vajíčka za pomoci druhých.
Well, she doesn't. She lays it with help, and I ought to know because I helped her.
- Já to vím, protože jsem slepicím pomáhala.
Yes, ma'am.
Mně povídejte o vejcích.
Telling me about eggs.
A vsadím se, že si myslíte, že vejce je něco, co si občas objednáte k snídani, když vás nic jiného nenapadne.
And I'll bet you think an egg is something you casually order for breakfast when you can't think of anything else. Well, so did I once.
Ale to bylo ještě před Vejcem a já.
But that was before the egg and I.
- Betty?
Víš, jak jsme kdysi mluvili o tom, že bychom jednou mohli mít farmu?
Remember, once, we talked about maybe having a farm someday? Uh-huh.
- Přemýšlelas o tom od té doby?
You thought about it since? Uh-uh.
Betty, myslelas někdy na to, jak strávíme zbytek našeho života?
I have. Betty, you ever think how we're gonna spend the rest of our lives?
Cokoli můj manžel zvolí, je pro mě to pravé.
Whatever my husband chooses to do, it's all rightwith me. The question is, are we going to trod the old paths or break new roads into the wilderness?
I don't know. Which?
Víš, Betty, když ležíš v krytu v Okinawě... máš spoustu času na přemýšlení.
You know, Betty, when you're lying in a foxhole in okinawa, you got plenty of time to think things out. You know what I said to myself?
Co s tím vším mají společného Saddle, Finch, Tanner, Pease a Stuck?
I said, "just exactly what have saddle, Finch, Tanner, pease and stuck "to do with all this?" And you know what the answer was? Uh-uh.
Nic, vůbec nic.
Proto se tam už nevrátím, byl bych jen pouhým hostem... ve firmě Saddle, Finch, Tanner, Pease a Stuck.
And that's why I'm not going back to being a mere customer's man at saddle, Finch, Tanner, pease and stuck. Aren't you?
I am not!
Včera jsem dal firmě Saddle, Finch, Tanner, Pease a Stuck výpověď.
I resigned yesterday. Hang saddle, Finch, Tanner, pease and stuck.
No, určitě najdeš něco jiného, to jsem si jistá.
Well, you'll find something else, I'm sure. We'll talk about it in the morning.
- Víš, na co člověk myslí... když leží tam daleko, v blátě...
Betty, do you know what a fellow thinks about when he's lying out there in the mud with the shells bursting all around him?
- Já bych myslela na tebe.
I'd be thinking about you.
Myslí na základní věci..
He thinks about the fundamental things.
Na věci, které mají skutečný význam.
The things that really count, the basic things. He thinks about love and food and babies and things growing out of the ground.
Na to, co vyrůstá ze země.
He thinks about cows and horses...
- O čem, miláčku?
Tell me, darling. About chickens.
- O slepicích?
- Představ si to, Betty, jen ty a já, pouze my dva, s tisíci a tisíci slepic.
Can't you just picture it, Betty? Just you and me, all by ourselves with thousands and thousands of chickens. Every one of them laying eggs all day long.
- Co bychom dělali s tolika vajíčky?
What on earth would we do with that many eggs?
- Budeme je prodávat!
We sell them.
- Kromě těch, která necháme líhnout.
Those that we don't keep for incubating, of course. Incubafing?
- Miláčku, koupil jsem slepičí farmu.
Darling, I bought a chicken farm. A chicken farm? It's the most wonderful place you can possibly imagine!
Nahoře v horách.
It's situated high up in the mountains, miles from everywhere.
Na míle daleko odkudkoli, 40 nádherných akrů.
Forty beautiful fertile acres.
Budeme tam jezdit na víkendy.
Well, that sounds fine. We'll go there every weekend.
Zlato, my tam budeme žít!
Every weekend? Honey, we're gonna live there all the time. We're gonna raise chickens.
- To si piš.
Are we?
Nemáš ponětí, jací jsou to fascinující malí ďáblíci.
Betty, you have no idea what a fascinating little devil a chicken can be. It's unbelievable.
Australorp, Dorking.
Australorps, dorkings, leghorns, 12 different kinds of them.
červená newhampshirská, červená rhodeislandská.
The New Hampshire red, the Rhode Island red, the light brahma, the black sumatra, the Jersey white giant, the Plymouth rock, the barred rock. There are millions of them.
Vezmi si takovou průměrnou bílou leghornku, ta snáší 150 až 250 vajec ročně.
Now you take the average white leghorn that lays, say, 150 to 250 eggs a year, and we'll say that she costs between $2.25 and $2.50 to raise.
Jsou všichni vzadu v pořádku?
They all right back there?
They're fine.
Samozřejmě, náš zisk bude záležet... na procentu kohoutků, to je určující pro stanovení ceny mladé slepice.
Of course, our profit will vary depending on the percentage of cockerels. The percentage of cockerels is a vital factor in determining the cost of each pullet. So, you've got to keep watching for those little combs to break out of the shells.
Oddělíš je, vykrmuješ, ošetřuješ a pak jdou na trh.
Then you separate them and fatten them up and dress them and off to market they go. Oh, my hat! Oh, god!