Aquí el Servei de Radiodifusió Australià.
This is the Australian
Broadcasting Commission. And now the news.
Forces japoneses continuen atacant les Filipines i les Índies Orientals Holandeses.
Japanese forces continue their heavy attack on the Philippines and Dutch East Indies.
L'ocupació de Manila ara és completa.
Occupation of Manila is now complete.
Les forces nord-americanes i filipines, sota el comandament del general MacArthur, es retiren a la península de Bataan.
With American and Philippine forces, under the command of General MacArthur, withdrawing to the Bataan peninsula.
Les forces de Sa Majestat realitzen una evacuació disciplinada de la costa de Nova Guinea, en preparació per a la defensa de Port Moresby i el sud de...
His Majesty's forces are carrying out an orderly evacuation of the New Guinea coast, in preparation
On penses que vas amb això, eh?
Where do you think you're going with those, hmm?
Do you know who I am?
No exactament, no.
Ho deixarem passar aquesta vegada.
not exactly, no. Well, we'll let it go this time.
Salamaua estarà evacuada el migdia, com a molt tard.
Yes, sir, I understand. Salamaua will be cleared by noon, the latest.
Senyor, hi ha un individu a fora que...
Nothing left that the Japanese will be able to use, sir. Sir, there's a chap outside who...
Puc recordar respectuosament a l'almirall que he fet de director d'aquest port gairebé 20 anys?
- May I respectfully remind the admiral that I was harbor master here for nearly 20 years?
Si vaig ajudar a construir els dics, hauria de poder volar-los.
I helped put the docks together, so I should certainly be able to blow them apart.
Hi ha un individu a fora que pispa benzina.
Sir, there's a chap outside, sir,
Tots els punts de vigilància de la costa estan assignats, excepte...
who's pinching our petrol. - Yes, sir, all our coastal watching stations are assigned, except.
No he trobat substitut per a Anderson.
Except Matalava, sir. I haven't been able to find a replacement for Anderson.
No deu quedar cap civil a tota la costa nord.
I don't believe there's a civilian left
Podríem haver transferit George Dickens de l'interior si no hagués deixat que se'l mengessin.
on the entire north coast. We could have transferred George Dickens from the interior if he hadn't got himself eaten that way.
No ho digui com si ho fes per fugir de la feina, Stebbings.
- You needn't make him sound such a shirker, Stebbings.
Per falta d'un clau, la guerra es va perdre.
What's that, sir? For want of a nail, the war was.
Sí, n'estic al corrent, senyor.
Yes, I'm well aware of that, sir.
Alça, alça, alça!
Hello, hello, hello.
Em sembla que he trobat el clau, senyor.
I think I may have found our nail, sir.
Rovellat, ho admeto, senyor, però no n'hi ha de més punxeguts.
A rusty one, I grant you, sir, but they don't come any sharper.
Qui és, senyor, algú que hauria de conèixer?
- Who is he, sir, is he someone I should know?
Coneix aquestes illes com la palma de la mà.
His name's Walter Eckland, an American. He knows these islands like the back of his hand.
Ara que Estats Units està en guerra, probablement torna per allistar-se.
Oh. Oh well, now that America's in the war he's probably on his way back to enlist.
L'Eckland no va enlloc, Stebbings.
- Eckland's not on his way anywhere, Stebbings.
Ets tu el d'allà dins, Frank?
Què has fet?
That you inside there, Frank?
Hi ha guerra, Walter.
What have you done to yourself?
Tothom ho diu.
There's a war on, Walter.
En aquest moment, la perdem.
Everybody's saying that. At the moment, we're losing it.
No pertany al vell Vanderhoeven?
- That's quite a boat you have there, Walter. Doesn't it belong to old Van Der Hoeven?
Com és?
Whose is it, then? Mine.
Vaig comprar-la al vell Vanderhoeven.
How did you get it? I bought it from old Van Der Hoeven.
Dòlars nord-americans.
What with?
No has tingut mai més de 200 dòlars d'ençà que et conec, Walter.
American dollars. You've never had more than $200 at one time since I've known you, Walter.
No pots dir-me que et va vendre una llanxa de 18.000 dòlars per 200.
You can't tell me that Van Der Hoeven sold you an $18,000 launch for $200.
No, it cost me $400. $400?
Li vaig dir que me la podia vendre o deixar que els japonesos se la quedessin.
- You know, that's exactly the way he said it. Only, I pointed out to him he might as well sell it to me as let the Japanese have it for free.
El que em sorprèn, Walter, és que tinguessis 400 dòlars.
What impresses me, Walter, is the fact that you even had $400.
És que no els tenia, només 200, com deies tu.
- Well, I didn't, I only had 200, just as you said.
Vine, dona un cop de mà.
I owe him the rest. Well, come along, lend a hand.
L'oci és la mare de tots els vicis.
Come on. Empty hands make idle minds.
No, no, no.
Here, pick those up.
Dos, vinga.
No, no, no.
Com dius?
Coastwatching Service is, Walter?