Recuerdo esa tuena.
On a night like this, you came into the world.
Tolos perros en Desembarcu'l Rei agullaron tola nueche.
I remember that storm. All the dogs in King's Landing
Prestaríame poder facer alcordanza d'ello.
howled through the night.
Siempres pensé qu'esto sedría un regresu a casa.
I wish I could remember it. I always thought this would be a homecoming.
Nun taremos muncho tiempu en Rocadragón.
Doesn't feel like home. We won't stay on Dragonstone for long.
Cersei controla menos de la métá de los Siete Reinos.
Not so many lions. Cersei controls fewer than half the Seven Kingdoms.
Entá enantes de la so llegada, conspiraben escontra ella.
The lords of Westeros despise her. Even before your arrival, they plotted against her.
- ¿Piden al altu la lleva pola so verdadera reina?
- Now...
La xente avezaba dici-y esi tipu coses al mio hermanu, y foi fatu abondo como pa les creyer.
They drink secret toasts to my health? People used to tell my brother that sort of thing,
Si Viserys tuviere trés dragones, y un exércitu que lu sofitare, yá invadiere Desembarcu'l Rei.
If Viserys had three dragons and an army at his back, he'd have invaded King's Landing already.
Pero nun ta equí pa ser la reina de les cenices.
Conquering Westeros would be easy for you. But you're not here to be queen of the ashes.
Podemos tomar los Siete Reinos ensin convertilos nun mataderu.
No. We can take the Seven Kingdoms without turning it into a slaughterhouse.
Si les grandes cases sofiten el so reclamu escontra Cersei, el xuegu ta ganáu.
If the great houses support your claim against Cersei, the game is won.
Col exércitu de los Tyrell y del Dorne de la nuesa parte, tenemos aliaos poderosos nel sur.
With the Tyrell army and the Dornish on our side, we have powerful allies in the south.
Xuniérones a la nuesa causa, mio reina, porque creen en vos.
I never properly thanked you for that. They joined our side, my queen, because they believe in you.
Tuve d'escoyer, So Maxestá... servir a Robert Baratheon o enfrentame al hachu.
I did. And then you served the man who overthrew him. I had a choice, Your Grace--
Pero nun-y serviste por muncho tiempu.
serve Robert Baratheon or face the headman's axe. But you didn't serve him long.
Robert de xuru foi una meyoría en rellación a so padre.
Robert was an improvement on your father, to be sure.
Esistieron pocos gobernantes na hestoria tan bederres como'l Rei Llocu.
There have been few rulers in history as cruel as the Mad King.
Cenciellamente nun-y interesaba ser rei.
Robert was neither mad nor cruel. He simply had no interest in being king.
So Maxestá, cuando taba preparáu pa chumame dafechu y morrer nel intre,
So you took it upon yourself to find a better one. Your Grace, when I was ready to drink myself into a small coffin,
Enantes de que yo llegare al poder, favoreciste al mio hermanu.
Lord Varys told me about a queen in the east who-- Before I came to power, you favored my brother.
Tolos tos espíes, tolos tos paxarinos,
All your spies, your little birds,
¿Dixéronte que Viserys yera bederre, fatu y feble?
did they tell you Viserys was cruel, stupid, and weak?
¿Eses cualidaes yeren d'un bon rei na to sabia opinión?
Would those qualities have made for a good king in your learned opinion?
Hasta'l so casoriu con Khal Drogo, So Maxestá, nun sabía na de vos, salvo la so esistencia y que se dicía que yera formosa.
Until your marriage to Khal Drogo, Your Grace, I knew nothing about you, save your existence and that you were said to be beautiful.
Asina que tu y los tos collacios comerciaron conmigo, como si fuere un caballu colos dothraki.
So you and your friends traded me like a prized horse to the Dothraki.
¿Quién dio la orde de matame?
Which you turned to your advantage. Who gave the order to kill me?
¿Quién contrató a los asesinos?
King Robert. Who hired the assassins?
¿Quién unvió'l mensaxe a Essos d'asesinar a Daenerys Targaryen?
Who sent word to Essos
So Maxestá, fixe lo que se tenía de facer...
to murder Daenerys Targaryen? Your Grace, I did what had to be done to-- -
Lord Varys amosó ser un sirviente lleal.
To keep yourself alive.
¿Amosó ser lleal?
Lord Varys has proven himself a loyal servant.
Si un monarca nun-y agrada, conspira pa coronar al que venga darréu.
Proven himself loyal? Quite the opposite. If he dislikes one monarch, he conspires to crown the next one.
El que necesita'l reinu.
What kind of a servant is that? The kind the realm needs.
La incompetencia nun debe ser premiada con llealtá ciega.
Incompetence should not be rewarded with blind loyalty.
Demientres tenga güeyos, los usaré.
As long as I have my eyes, I'll use them.
Fui vendíu como esclavu y mutiláu pa una ufrienda.
I came from nothing. I was sold as a slave and carved up as an offering.
Cuando yera guah.e, viví en caleyones, alcantarielles, cases abandonaes.
When I was a child, I lived in alleys, gutters, abandoned houses.
Non con dengún rei o reina, sinón cola xente.
You wish to know where my true loyalties lie? Not with any king or queen, but with the people.
La xente que sofre polos déspotes y prospera con gobiernos xustos.
The people who suffer under despots
La xente cuyos corales vos aspira ganar.
and prosper under just rule. The people whose hearts you aim to win.
Si desixe llealtá ciega, respeto'l so pruyir.
If you demand blind allegiance, I respect your wishes.
Merucu Buxu pue decapitame o los sos dragones puen devorame.
Grey Worm can behead me or your dragons can devour me.
Dedicaréme a vela na Trona Fierro porque yo la escoyí.
But if you let me live, I will serve you well. I will dedicate myself to seeing you on the Iron Throne because I choose you.
Porque sé que la xente nun tien una meyor oportunidá que vos.
Because I know the people have no better chance than you.
Si dalguna vez pienses que-y toi fallando a la xente, nun conspirarás al mio llombu.
If you ever think I'm failing the people, you won't conspire behind my back.
Mirarásme a los güeyos como fixiste güei, y me dirás cómo-yos toi fallando.
You'll look me in the eye as you have done today, and you'll tell me how I'm failing them.
Y yo xuro esto... si dalguna vez me traiciones, amburaréte vivu.
And I swear this-- if you ever betray me, I'll burn you alive.
Nun espero menos de la Ma de Dragones.
I would expect nothing less from the Mother of Dragons.