¿Sentisti eso?
Did you hear that?
Diéron-y al reactor principal.
They shut down the main reactor.
Van destruyinos, de xuru.
We'll be destroyed for sure.
¡Qué llocura!
This is madness.
Ye la fin.
We're doomed.
Esta vegada, la princesa nun pue escapar.
There'll be no escape for the princess this time.
¿Qué foi eso?
What's that?
R2 -D2, ¿ónde tas?
R2-D2, where are you?
¡Menos mal!
At last!
¿Ónde fuisti?
Where have you been?
Vienen per esta direición.
They're heading in this direction.
¿Qué fadremos?
What are we going to do?
Van llevanos pa les mines de Kessel o pa fundir.
We'll be sent to the spice mines of Kessel, or smashed into who knows what!
Espera. ¿Ónde vas?
Wait a minute. Where are you going?
Los planos de la Estrella de la Muerte nun tán nel ordenador central.
The Death Star plans are not in the main computer.
¿Ónde tán eses tresmisiones qu'interceutareis?
Where are those transmissions you intercepted?
¿Qué ficistis con esos planos?
– What have you done with those plans?
¡Nun interceutemos tresmisión nenguna!
– We intercepted no transmissions.
Esta ye una nave consular...
This is a consular ship.
en misión diplomática.
We're on a diplomatic mission.
Si esta ye una nave consular, ¿ónde ta l'embaxador?
If this is a consular ship, where is the ambassador?
Comandante, rexistre esta nave dafechu hasta qu'alcuentre esos planos. Y tráigame a los pasaxeros.
Commander, tear this ship apart until you've found those plans and bring me the passengers!
¡Quiérolos vivos!
I want them alive!
Ehí hai una.
There's one.
Fueu non lletal.
Set for stun.
Pondráse bien.
She'll be all right.
Informa a Lord Vader de que tenemos una prisionera.
Inform Lord Vader we have a prisoner.
Oyi, ehí nun podemos entrar.
Hey! You're not permitted in there.
Ye zona prohibida.
It's restricted.
Van desactivate, verás.
You'll be deactivated for sure.
¡Nun me llames filósofu babayu, cachu grasa!
Don't you call me a mindless philosopher, you overweight glob of grease!
Sal enantes de que te vea dalguién.
Now come out before somebody sees you.
¿Misión secreta?
"Secret mission"? What plans?
¿Qué planos? ¿Qué dices?
What are you talking about?
Yo nun entro ehí.
I'm not getting in there.
Sé que voi arrepentime d'esto.
I'm going to regret this.
Ehí va otra.
– There goes another one.
Nun dispares.
– Hold your fire.
Nun deteuto formes de vida.
There's no life forms.
Será un curtiucircuitu.
It must have short-circuited.
Qué cosa.
That's funny.
Los daños nun paecen tan graves dende equí.
The damage doesn't look as bad from out here.
¿Tas seguru de que tamos protexíos equí?
Are you sure this thing is safe?
Darth Vader.
Darth Vader.
Namás usté podría ser tan ardizosu.
Only you could be so bold.
El Senáu Imperial nun va tolerar esto.
The Imperial Senate will not sit still for this.
Atacó una nave diplomática...
When they hear you've attacked a diplomatic—
Nun finxáis sorpresa, alteza.
Don't act so surprised, Your Highness.
Esta vegada nun dibeis en misión de paz.
You weren't on any mercy mission this time.
Esta nave recibió delles tresmisiones de los espíes rebeldes.
Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by rebel spies.