মই আমৰককবশ্বসকৰ৷
I believe in America.
America has made my fortune.
আৰু মৰছ ৱলকআমৰক নজৱনশলৰড ঙৰদঘলকৰছ
And I raised my daughter in the American fashion.
মই তইকস্বধনতদছ,কন্তুমইত ইকএইটও শক ইছ যন জপৰ য়লৰদুৰ্নমহ'বলগয় কমনকৰব৷
I gave her freedom, but I taught her never to dishonor her family.
তইৰপ্ৰমকএজনআছ,ইট লয়ন নহয়৷
She found a boyfriend, not an Italian.
তইত ৰলগতএকলগচনম,থয় টৰচয়৷ আৰু তৰস তৰতব য়লকথ ক৷
She went to the movies with him. She stayed out late.
মই কতয়ওবধদ য়নই৷
I didn't protest.
এমহৰআগতসতৰ আন এজন সগ ৰসত গড়এখনলদূৰলফুৰবলগছ ল৷
Two months ago he took her for a drive with another boyfriend.
সহঁততইকহুইস্কওখৱইছল৷ আৰু তৰপ ছতইসহঁততইকধৰ্ষণকৰবলচষ্টকৰছল৷
They made her drink whiskey and then they tried to take advantage of her.
তইপ্ৰতবদকৰল, আমৰপৰয় লৰসন্মনবচল৷
She resisted, she kept her honor.
কন্তুত ইকসহঁতজন্তুৰদৰমৰপট কৰল ৷
So they beat her like an animal.
যতয়তইক মইহস্পট লললগছল, তইৰন কটভঙআছল৷ তইৰথুঁতৰটওলমগ ছল, কছুমনতঁৰৰলগলগইথ ৱহছল৷
When I went to the hospital, her nose was broken, her jaw was shattered, held together by wire.
তইআনককন্দবইপৰনছলপ্ৰচণ্ডবষৰব ব৷
She couldn't even weep because of the pain.
কন্তুমইকন্দছল৷মইকন্দ ছ লক য়...
But I wept. Why did I weep?
কৰণত ইয়ইমৰসৰ্বস্ব৷
She was the light of my life.
মৰআজলছৱল জন৷
Beautiful girl.
তইৰস ইধুনয়মুখখন ৰচহৰআকঘুৰইনপবগ ৷
Now she will never be beautiful again.
বয়নপ ব।
মই পুলচৰওচৰলওগছল এজনআমৰ কনসুনগৰকৰদৰ৷
I went to the police, like a good American.
সইল 'ৰদুজনককৰয়ত্বকৰকচকৰ হ'ল ৷
These two boys were brought to trial.
বচৰপতয়তওঁল ককতনবছৰজ ইলতৰখৰহুকুমদল৷ কন্তুআককৰদণ্ডসময়কভৱ স্থগতও কৰল৷
The judge sentenced them to three years in prison, but suspended the sentence.
আচৰত,শ স্তস্থগতওহগ'ল৷ সই একদ ন ই!
Suspended the sentence! They went free that very day!
মই ক'ৰ্টত যনমুৰ্খএট ৰদৰথ য়হআছল৷
I stood in the courtroom like a fool.
আৰু সইজহৰদুট ই,সহঁত .. সহঁতমল চইহঁহছ ল৷
Those two bastards, they smiled at me.
ততয়ইমইম ৰপত্নক কছল, "আমন্যয়ৰববদ উতইশ্বৰকৰলয়নৰওচৰলযৱউচত৷"
Then I said to my wife, "For justice, we must go to Don Corleone. "
আপুনপুলচৰওচৰলকয়গছল ?
Why did you go to the police?
মৰওচৰলপ্ৰথমতইকয়অহন ছল?
Why didn't you come to me first?
আপুনম ৰপৰ কবচ ৰ?
What do you want of me?
কন্তুমইপ্ৰথৰ্নজনইছ ... মই যব চৰসইটআপুনকৰদ য়ক৷
Tell me anything, but do what I beg you to do.
What is that?
মই বচৰসহঁতদুটইমৰক৷
I want them dead.
সইটমই কৰ বনৱৰ ম৷
That I cannot do.
মই আপনকযল গত কইদম ৷
I'll give you anything you ask.
মই আপনকবহুদনৰ পৰইজ ন৷কন্তুএই প্ৰথমবৰৰ বব আপুনম ৰওচৰলসহয়ব চৰআহ ল৷
I've known you many years, but this is the first time you've asked for help.
মই মনত পলবপৰ নইক তয়আপুনমক একলগচহ বকফ এক পখবলমতছল ৷
I can't remember the last time you invited me for a cup of coffee.
আনকম ৰপত্নওআপনৰ একমত্ৰ ছৱলৰধৰম মতৃ৷
Even though my wife is godmother to your only child.
কন্তুমইএট কথপ নপট য়ককওঁ৷ আপুনম ৰবন্ধুত্বৰসগব চৰন ছল৷
But let's be frank here. You never wanted my friendship.
আৰু আপুনভয়খইছলমৰবন্ধুত্বতকৰণয়কবকৰ বলগহয় বুল৷
And you were afraid to be in my debt.
বন্ধুত্বৰ ববআপ নকমই কবসমস্যদমবুলভৱন ছল৷
I didn't want to get into trouble.
I understand.
আপুনআমৰকতনজৰভগ্যবচৰ পইছ৷
You found Paradise in America.
যথষ্টউপৰ্জনকৰছ ৷পুলচ আছইআপনৰ নৰপত্তৰবব আৰু ক'ৰ্ট আছইআপনকবচৰদ বৰবব৷
You made a good living, had police protection and there were courts of law.
আপনকমৰ দৰবন্ধু এজনপ্ৰয়জন নছলই৷
You didn't need a friend like me.
কন্তুএতয়আপুন মৰওচৰলআহল আৰুকছ -
But now you come to me and say,
"দউতইশ্বৰকৰলয়ন,মকন্য য়লগ ৷"
"Don Corleone, give me justice. "
কন্তুআপুনইয়ক সন্ম নৰসতখজন ই৷
But you don't ask with respect.
আপুনবন্ধুত্বপূৰ্ণভৱ খজনই ৷আনক আপুনম ক দউতইশ্বৰবুলওমনল' ববচৰ নই৷
You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to call me Godfather.
আপুনম ৰজৰ বয়ৰ দনইমৰ ওচৰলআহল আৰু মকটকৰববহত্যকৰ বলকছ৷
You come on my daughter's wedding day and ask me to murder for money.
মই আপনৰপৰ ন্য য়বচৰছ ৷
I ask you for justice.
সইটউচ তন্য য়নহয়৷ আপন ৰ জএতয়ওজ য়ই আছ৷
That is not justice. Your daughter is alive.