- السيد دوكاس ، من فضلك.
- Monsieur dukas, please. - Go away, I am busy.
فخامة الرئيس من فضلك الغريب يريد أن يراك.
Excellency, please, the stranger, he wants to see you. - Go away.
- يبتعد.
- He's got a big gold watch.
إنه يتبرع بالمال.
He's giving money away. Money? Halt!
Stop the eulogy!
صاحب السعادة ، من سوء الحظ أن تتوقف.
Excellency, it is bad luck to stop. Sheik nuwas, our guest of honor, is in no hurry.
الشيخ نواس ، ضيف الشرف لدينا ، ليس في عجلة من أمره.
Where is the stranger? This way, come!
أنا أناتول دوكاس ، محافظ المدينة.
I am anatole dukas, the prefect of the city. It is my honor to welcome you to our Metropolis.
اسمي بول بونارد.
My name is Paul bonnard. I was at your office when the ladies volunteered to help me find you.
لقد أبليت بلاء حسناً ، أيها الأطفال الأعزاء.
You did well, dear children. If it is lodging you seek, or you wish money to exchange I am at your service, monsieur.
شكراً جزيلاً.
Thank you very much. I was hoping you would be able to recommend me a guide.
A guide?
في الصحراء الكبرى.
Into the Sahara desert. Wonderful! I have the perfect man for you and I myself will supply the equipment.
أنا لا أحب أن أفرض.
I dislike to impose. It is an honor to be of service.
إذا أتيت إلى مكتبي بعد الدفن سأقدم لك أفضل دليل.
If you come to my office after the burial I'll present to you the most superb guide. - At what time? - 5:00.
حرج عليك!
Shame on you!
- اعطني اياه.
- Give it to me. - Wait.
Huh? You'll pay for this crime.
عار على تمبكتو.
Disgrace to timbuktu.
عفواً ، لكني لا أفضّل توجيه تهم إلى الشابة.
Pardon me, but I am preferring no charges against the young woman. But a crime has been committed.
ربما يكون دفع الغرامة يرضي الضمير المدني.
Perhaps the payment of a fine would satisfy the civic conscience. Monsieur, you show an example of extreme nobility.
البلدية تطلق سراحك.
The municipality releases you. You are free. You can thank this gentleman.
شكرا لك سيدي.
Thank you, sir. I am extremely embarrassed.
إذا عفوتني ، يجب أن أعود إلى دفن الشيخ نواس.
If you pardon me, I must go back to the burial of sheik nuwas. - At 5:00 in my office.
- الساعة 5:
- At 5:00.
من فضلك ، لا تتبرع بأي نقود في غيابي.
Please, don't give any money away in my absence. All right, come.
حسنًا ، تعال.
Everybody, go.
- لماذا سرقتها؟
- Why did you steal it?
إذا أردت ذلك فلماذا لم تطلبها؟
If you wanted it, why didn't you ask for it? You can have it.
- حقًا؟
- Really? - Of course.
شكرًا لك.
Thank you.
إنه ليس هنا الليلة يا سيد دوكاس.
He is not here tonight, monsieur dukas.
جو ، جو يناير.
Joe, Joe January.
هل ترى شيئًا يعجبك؟
You see something you like? Hardly. Do these women live here?
سيدي ، هم أبناء المدينة.
Monsieur, they are the children of the city.
سيدي بونارد ، من فضلك ، هذه السيدة الشابة ستعتني بك لبضع لحظات.
Monsieur bonnard, please, this young lady will take care of you for a few moments. I have a little errand of an official nature to accomplish.
احفظ ضيفنا جيدًا.
Guard our guest well.
- معالي الوزير.
- Excellency. - Is Joe January here?
- انتقل للعيش فيها.
- He has moved in.
- نعم مع كل شيء.
- Yes, with everything.
- جو ، أنت متوعك؟
- Joe, you are indisposed? - Go away.
هل يمكننا الذهاب إلى مكان آخر؟
Could we go somewhere else?
أنا في السجن.
I happen to be in jail. - But Joe, the door is open.
- لكن جو ، الباب مفتوح.
- Not interested.
ماذا جرى؟
What's the matter? Have you lost your head?
فجأة تم وضعني في السجن ، أتتذكر؟
I was suddenly put in jail, remember? Getting drunk and breaking chairs was bad enough, but bombs, Joe!