Muit bien!
All right, everyone!

Esto ye un atraco!
This... is a stick-up!

Que dengún no se mueva!
Don't anybody move!

A escape, vueda ixa caixa fuerte!
Now, empty that safe!

Diners, diners, diners!
Money, money, money!

Prou, prou, trunfa dolenta!
Stop it! Stop it, you mean, old potato!

Silencio, Bo Peep, u atropellaré a las tuyas uellas!
Quiet, Bo Peep, or your sheep get run over!



No pas as mías uellas!
Help us! Oh, no, not my sheep!

Que belún faiga bella cosa!
Somebody do something!

Debanta as mans! Oh, no!
Reach for the sky!

O sheriff Woody!
Oh, no! Sheriff Woody!

He veniu a detener-te, Bart o Uercho.
I'm here to stop you, One-Eyed Bart.

Cómo sabebas que yera yo?
How'd you know it was me?

T'entregarás de buen implaz?
Are you gonna come quietly?

No puetz tocar-me, Sheriff!
You can't touch me, Sheriff!

He traito o mío can de presa, con campo de fuerza incorporau.
I brought my attack dog with the built-in force field.

Pos yo he traito o mío dinosaurio que mincha cans con campo de fuerza.
Well, I brought my dinosaur who eats force-field dogs.

Te'n vas t'a garchola, Bart!
Yipe, yipe, yipe, yipe! You're going to jail, Bart!

Di-le adiós a la muller y a las trunfetas.
Say goodbye to the wife and Tater Tots.

Has tornau a salvar o día, Woody.
You saved the day again, Woody.

Yes o mío aduyant favorito.
You're my favourite deputy.

Imos a achuntar o bestiar.
Come on, let's wrangle up the cattle.

Rodeya-los, vaquero.
Round 'em up, cowboy!

Recuerda lo que te dició o tuyo viello compai
Just remember what your old pal said


Ei, vaquero!
Hey, cowboy!

Mas grans y mas fuertes tamién
Big and stronger too

Vienga, Woody.
Come on, Woody.

Os anyos tombarán
And as the years go by Whoa!

A nuestra amistanza nunca no morirá
Whoa! Our friendship will never die

Ya lo veyerás. Ye o nuestro destín
You're gonna see It's our destiny

All right!


Tiens un amigo en yo Fote!
You got a friend in me

Wow! Cool!

-Qué te pareixe?
-What do you think?

-Oh, de primera, mama!
-Oh, this looks great, Mom!

Bien, cumpleanyero
Okay, birthday boy...

Lo veyiemos en a botiga y te lo demandé.
We saw that at the store! I asked you for it!

Espero que bi haiga prous sillas.
-I hope I have enough places. -Wow, look at that!

-Sí, estoi que ne b'habrá prou.
Four. -Oh, my gosh, you got...

-Lo deixaremos meso dica que nos mudemos?
-Yeah, I think that's gonna be enough. -Could we leave this up 'til we move?

-Prou que sí!
-Well, sure!

. -Bien!
We can leave it up.

Ves a por Molly.
-Yeah! Now go get Molly.

Os tuyos amigos arribarán luego.
Your friends are gonna be here any minute. Okay.

Ye a hora d'a fiesta, Woody.
It's party? time, Woody.

Ola, sinyoreta.
Howdy, little lady.