# xml/ms/1999/120689/6638862.xml.gz
# xml/ze_en/1999/120689/5938680.xml.gz

(src)="4"> Cora !
(trg)="2"> Cora !

(src)="5"> Kau sayang adik perempuan kau ?
(trg)="3"> You love your sister ?
(trg)="4"> You make any noise , you know what happens .

(src)="7"> Pagi , Estelle .
(trg)="5"> Good morning , Estelle .
(trg)="6"> How am I looking , Paul ?

(src)="8"> - Macam mana aku kelihatan , Paul ?
(trg)="7"> That 's better .

(src)="11"> Pagi , Tuan Edgecomb .
(trg)="9"> Morning , Mr. Edgecomb .
(trg)="10"> Some Danish ?

(src)="13"> Tidak , dua potong roti bakar saja , Hector .
(trg)="11"> No , just two pieces of dry toast , Hector .
(trg)="12"> Thanks .
(trg)="13"> Leftover 's fine .

(src)="16"> Kering dan dingin , seperti biasa .
(trg)="14"> Dry and cold , same as always .
(trg)="15"> Cold is better .

(src)="18"> Terutama untuk dibawa berjalan jauh .
(trg)="16"> Especially on those long walks .

(src)="19"> Betul kan ?
(trg)="17"> Am I right ?

(src)="20"> Jangan biarkan si jururawat Godzilla menangkap kamu .
(trg)="18"> Don 't let Nurse Godzilla catch you.She 'll raise holy hell .
(trg)="19"> We 're not supposed to let you wander off .

(src)="23"> Kemana kau biasa pergi tiap hari ?
(trg)="20"> Where do you go every day ?
(trg)="21"> What do you do up in those hills ?

(src)="25"> Hanya jalan-jalan .
(trg)="22"> Just walk .
(trg)="23"> I like to walk .

(src)="27"> Mudah-mudahan kau tidak tergelincir .
(trg)="24"> Try not to fall down , bust a hip .
(trg)="25"> I don 't wanna be in no damn search party .

(src)="29"> # Kau mahu lelaki ini dalam hidupmu ?
(trg)="26"> You want this man in your life ?
(trg)="27"> Explain the moral basis of that .

(src)="31"> # Aku salah . #
(trg)="28"> I 've made mistakes .
(trg)="29"> Tony doesn 't admit that he 's not a good father .

(src)="35"> Kenapa kita selalu menonton ini ?
(trg)="31"> Why do we always watch this stuff ?
(trg)="32"> It 's interesting .

(src)="37"> Menarik ?
(trg)="33"> Interesting ?

(src)="39"> yang mereka bualkan selalu tentang seks .
(trg)="35"> All they ever talk about is fucking .

(src)="40"> Apakah kau baik-baik saja ?
(trg)="36"> Are you all right ?
(trg)="37"> You look tired .
(trg)="38"> You 're not yourself .

(src)="42"> Aku tak apa-apa , aku janji .
(trg)="39"> No , I 'm fine .
(trg)="40"> I promise .
(trg)="41"> You 're wearing yourself out ...

(src)="43"> Mungkin sebab kau letih berjalan tiap hari .
(trg)="42"> ... with those walks every day , I think .
(trg)="43"> Not that you asked me .

(src)="45"> Aku cuma kurang tidur .
(trg)="44"> I just didn 't sleep well , is all .
(trg)="45"> I had a few bad dreams .
(trg)="46"> It happens .

(src)="47"> Aku akan baik-baik saja .
(trg)="47"> I 'll be fine .

(src)="48"> Sekarang , baru bagus ditengok .
(trg)="50"> Now , this here is worth a look .

(src)="49"> FRED ASTAIRE SINGS :
(trg)="51"> I 'm in heaven

(src)="51"> # And my heart beats so That I can hardly speak #
(trg)="52"> And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak
(trg)="53"> And I seem to find

(src)="53"> # The happiness I seek #
(trg)="54"> The happiness I seek
(trg)="55"> When we 're out together

(src)="55"> # Dancing cheek to cheek #
(trg)="56"> Dancing cheek to cheek
(trg)="57"> Heaven

(src)="57"> # I ' m in heaven #
(trg)="58"> I 'm in heaven
(trg)="59"> And the cares that hung around me

(src)="59"> # Through the week #
(trg)="60"> Through the week
(trg)="61"> Seem to vanish

(src)="61"> # Like a gambler ' s lucky streak #
(trg)="62"> Like a gambler 's lucky streak

(src)="62"> Paul , ada apa ?
(trg)="63"> Paul , what is it ?

(src)="63"> Ya Tuhan .
(trg)="64"> My God .

(src)="64"> Aku harus pergi cepat .
(trg)="65"> I 've got to get out of here .

(src)="65"> AKu Fikir kadang2 masa lalu selalu menghantui samaada kau menginginkannya atau tidak .
(trg)="66"> I guess sometimes the past just catches up with you
(trg)="67"> whether you want it to or not.It 's silly .
(trg)="68"> Was it the film ?

(src)="67"> Seperti dalam filem kan ?
(trg)="69"> It was , wasn 't it ?
(trg)="70"> I haven 't spoken of these things for a long time , Ellie .

(src)="69"> Lebih dari 60 tahun .
(trg)="71"> Over 60 years .
(trg)="72"> Paul , I 'm your friend .

(src)="71"> Pernahkah aku bercerita bahawa aku adalah seorang pegawai penjara ?
(trg)="73"> I ever tell you that
(trg)="74"> I was a prison guard during the Depression ?
(trg)="75"> You 've mentioned it .

(src)="73"> Ada aku cerita bahwa aku bertanggung jawab di bahagian hukuman mati ?
(trg)="76"> Did I mention I was in charge of death row ?
(trg)="77"> That I supervised all the executions ?

(src)="75"> Biasanya bahagian hukuman mati disebut , " The Last Mile . "
(trg)="78"> Usually , death row is called " The Last Mile . "
(trg)="79"> We called ours " The Green Mile . "

(src)="77"> Lantainya berwarna mangga muda .
(trg)="80"> The floor was the color of faded limes .
(trg)="81"> We had the electric chair .

(src)="79"> Namanya , " Old Sparky " .
(trg)="82"> " Old Sparky " we called it .

(src)="80"> Aku sudah hidup bertahun-tahun , Ellie Tapi pada tahun 1935 , aku dapat sesuatu .
(trg)="83"> I 've lived a lot of years , Ellie
(trg)="84"> But 1935 , that takes the prize .
(trg)="85"> That year , I had ...

(src)="81"> Tahun itu , aku dapat jangkitan saluran kencing terburuk yang pernah aku dapat .
(trg)="86"> ... the worst urinary infection of my life .
(trg)="87"> It was ... .

(src)="82"> juga ... juga tahun dimana John Coffey ,
(trg)="88"> It was also the year of ...
(trg)="89"> ... John Coffey ...
(trg)="90"> ... and the two dead girls .

(src)="84"> Aku nak ke blok-E .
(trg)="91"> Put me through to E Block .

(src)="87"> Baik .
(trg)="93"> Right .

(src)="88"> Paul ?
(trg)="94"> Paul ?

(src)="90"> Tunggu sebentar .
(trg)="96"> Christ , give me a minute .

(src)="91"> Kau baik di sana ?
(trg)="97"> You all right ?

(src)="92"> Untuk orang yang bermasalah kencing , ya .
(trg)="98"> For a man pissing razorblades , yeah .