# xml/en/1191/3276470/6110896.xml.gz
# xml/fi/1191/3276470/5635558.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Previously on " The Blacklist " ...
(src)="2"> - You want to call your daddy ?
(trg)="1"> Haluatko soittaa isällesi ?

(src)="3"> - Yeah , I want to tell him I 'm okay .
(trg)="2"> - Haluan .

(src)="5"> Lizzy ...
(src)="6"> Be careful of your husband .
(trg)="3"> Varo miestäsi .

(src)="7"> I can only lead you to the truth .
(src)="8"> I can 't make you believe it .
(trg)="4"> En voi pakottaa sinua uskomaan totuuteen .

(src)="9"> She 's calling herself Jolene Parker .
(trg)="5"> Hän on Jolene Parker .

(src)="10"> Elizabeth Keen is not your wife , she 's your target .
(trg)="6"> - Elizabeth Keen on kohteesi .

(src)="11"> You have been threatening to tell me the truth about my husband since the day we met , and I 'm ready to listen .
(trg)="7"> Olet uhannut kertoa totuuden miehestäni .

(src)="12"> Right now , the only thing that matters is the immediate threat ...
(trg)="8"> Nyt merkitsee vain välitön uhka .
(trg)="9"> Miehesi .

(src)="13"> Your husband ...
(src)="14"> Finding out who he is and who he works for .
(trg)="10"> Selvitämme kuka hän on ja kenelle työskentelee .

(src)="15"> The rest will come .
(src)="16"> I promise you .
(trg)="11"> Loput selviävät myöhemmin .

(trg)="13"> Mikä on vialla ?

(trg)="14"> - Pois hänen luotaan !
(trg)="15"> Hän ei saa poistua täältä .
(trg)="16"> - Sydän pysähtyi .

(src)="19"> -
(trg)="21"> Vauhtia .

(src)="20"> Asset on board .
(src)="21"> En route .
(trg)="22"> Olemme matkalla .

(src)="22"> 12 cc epinephrine .
(trg)="23"> - Epinefriinia .

(trg)="24"> Menkää !

(src)="25"> - 45 seconds .
(trg)="25"> 45 sekuntia .

(src)="26"> -
(trg)="26"> Mikä vialla ?

(trg)="27"> - Zoomatkaa .
(trg)="28"> Mitä tuo oli ?

(src)="28"> -
(trg)="30"> Mitä etsitte ?
(trg)="31"> Ulos !

(trg)="32"> Ovi auki .

(src)="30"> We need more adrenaline .
(trg)="33"> Lisää adrenaliinia .

(src)="31"> Cover her mouth .
(trg)="34"> - Peitä suu .

(src)="32"> It 's okay .
(src)="33"> It 's okay .
(src)="34"> It 's okay .
(trg)="35"> Kaikki hyvin .

(src)="38"> You 're okay .
(src)="39"> Rest .
(src)="40"> You 'll be in America by morning .
(trg)="36"> Viemme sinut Washington DC : hin .

(src)="42"> Do you know where the prisoner was transported to ?
(trg)="37"> Minne vanki siirrettiin ?

(src)="43"> Uh , Washington .
(src)="44"> Okay .
(trg)="38"> Washingtoniin siis .

(src)="45"> Yes , we 'll take care of it .
(trg)="39"> Hoidamme hänet .

(src)="47"> -
(trg)="40"> Hizbollah saa odottaa .
(trg)="41"> Lähdemme Washingtoniin .

(src)="49"> Since when did Jolene Parker 's case go from missing person to murder investigation ?
(trg)="42"> Milloin Jolene Parkerin juttu muuttui murhatutkinnaksi ?

(src)="50"> - And have you seen my keys ?
(trg)="43"> Oletko nähnyt avaimiani ?

(src)="51"> - It 's crazy , right ?
(src)="52"> Yeah , what , uh ...
(trg)="44"> Mitä oikein tapahtui ?

(src)="53"> What happened ?
(src)="54"> The police say they have a person of interest .
(src)="55"> Really ?
(trg)="45"> Poliisi etsii erästä henkilöä .

(src)="56"> Who is it ?
(src)="57"> What do they ...
(src)="58"> What do they know ?
(trg)="46"> Mitä he tietävät ?

(src)="59"> They 're not sure .
(trg)="47"> - Eivät ole varmoja .

(src)="60"> Isn 't it possible that she just left town like she said ?
(trg)="48"> Eikö hänen puhumansa muutto ole mahdollista ?

(src)="61"> Moved to Dayton ?
(src)="62"> They found blood ...
(src)="63"> Matches hers .
(trg)="49"> Hänen vertansa löydettiin .

(src)="64"> You see this stuff every day ...
(src)="65"> You know , people getting hurt and killed ... and ...
(trg)="50"> Näet päivittäin tapettuja .

(src)="66"> I don 't .
(trg)="51"> Minä en .

(src)="67"> It freaks me out .
(trg)="52"> Se pelottaa minua .

(src)="68"> Just the thought of that happening to you , you know ...
(trg)="53"> Pelkkä ajatus , että sinulle kävisi niin .

(src)="69"> Just promise me you 're as careful as you can be when you 're at work .
(trg)="54"> Lupaa olla työssäsi varovainen .

(src)="70"> - The desk .
(src)="71"> - Hmm ?
(src)="72"> By the computer ...
(trg)="55"> Tietokoneen luona näin avaimesi .

(src)="73"> That 's where I saw your keys .
(src)="74"> Oh .
(src)="75"> I 'm gonna be so late .
(trg)="56"> Myöhästyn pahasti .

(src)="76"> I 'm gonna give myself a tardy slip .
(trg)="57"> Annan itselleni jälki-istuntoa .

(src)="77"> Found ' em !
(src)="78"> They were under the newspaper .
(trg)="58"> Ne olivatkin lehden alla .

(src)="79"> What would I do without you ?
(trg)="59"> Mitä tekisinkään ilman sinua ?

(src)="80"> I got to run .
(src)="81"> Uh , tonight for dinner , let 's check out that new thai place .
(trg)="60"> Syödään tänään siinä uudessa thai-ravintolassa .

(src)="82"> He knows something 's off .
(src)="83"> What makes you say that ?
(trg)="61"> Hän tietää jonkin olevan pielessä .

(src)="84"> I can feel it .
(trg)="62"> Tunnen sen .

(src)="85"> I know him .
(src)="86"> Tom is on his heels .
(src)="87"> He 's behaving erratically .
(trg)="63"> Hän on varuillaan .

(src)="88"> He killed Jolene Parker .
(trg)="64"> Hän tappoi Jolenen .

(src)="89"> Yes .
(trg)="65"> - Kyllä .

(src)="90"> You knew ?
(trg)="66"> Tiesitkö sen ?

(src)="91"> Why didn 't you tell me ?
(trg)="67"> Mikset kertonut ?

(src)="92"> I felt if I told you it would inform your behavior with him .
(trg)="68"> Olisit muuttanut käytöstäsi hänen seurassaan .

(src)="93"> I found her body , called the police , and reported a missing person .
(trg)="69"> Löysin hänen ruumiinsa ja tein katoamisilmoituksen .

(src)="94"> I was confident , in the course of their investigation , they would reach out to you and Tom , and they did .
(trg)="70"> Luotin heidän ottavan tutkiessaan yhteyttä teihin .

(src)="95"> Jolene Parker undoubtedly worked for the same organization as Tom ...
(src)="96"> In what capacity , I have no idea .
(trg)="71"> Jolene toimi samalle järjestölle kuin Tom .

(src)="97"> If they worked together , why would he murder her ?
(trg)="72"> Miksi Tom murhaisi hänet ?
(trg)="73"> - Käskystä ehkä .

(src)="98"> Perhaps he was ordered to .
(src)="99"> Or perhaps he 's just ...
(src)="100"> Out of control , irrational ...
(trg)="74"> Tai hän on epävakaa .

(src)="101"> Paranoid and reactionary .
(trg)="75"> Hän etsii jalansijaa .

(src)="102"> He 's scrambling for a foothold , and therein lies our opportunity to wait and to watch .
(trg)="76"> Siinä on tilaisuutemme odottaa ja katsoa .

(src)="103"> But Tom is not the reason I 'm here .
(trg)="77"> En tullut Tomin takia .

(src)="104"> I 'm afraid there 's something quite timely afoot .
(trg)="78"> On kiireellisempää asiaa .

(src)="105"> The Pavlovich brothers are back in town .
(trg)="79"> Pavlovichin veljekset ovat palanneet .

(src)="106"> You 're talking about the team from the bridge that grabbed the general 's daughter .
(trg)="82"> He sieppasivat kenraalin tyttären .

(src)="107"> They 're an extraction team ...
(src)="108"> Cut their teeth on Milosevic 's protective detail during the ethnic cleansing of the Yugoslav wars .
(trg)="83"> He hankkivat kannuksensa Jugoslavian etnisissä puhdistuksissa .

(src)="109"> We lost six of our men that day .
(trg)="84"> Menetin kuusi miestä sinä päivänä .

(src)="110"> To the best of our knowledge , the Pavlovich brothers have no political agenda .
(trg)="85"> Heillä ei ole poliittista agendaa .

(src)="111"> They specialize in snatch-and-grabs ranging from kidnap and ransom to extracting political dissidents .
(trg)="86"> He sieppaavat lunnaiden takia .
(trg)="87"> Vievät maasta toisinajattelijoita .

(src)="112"> Reddington says he has a contact .
(trg)="88"> Reddingtonilla on lähde .

(src)="113"> A money launderer sourced by the brothers claims they 're coming after a Chinese scientist named Xiaoping Li .
(trg)="89"> He tulevat kiinalaisen tiedenaisen Li Xiaopingin takia .

(src)="114"> - What do we know about her ?
(src)="115"> - 18 hours ago , the agency sent an undercover team to extract her from a clandestine labor camp in the Yunnan province .
(trg)="90"> CIA lähetti ryhmän noutamaan hänet salaiselta työleiriltä .

(src)="116"> - Break her out ?
(trg)="91"> Hän on immunologi .

(src)="117"> Why ?
(src)="118"> - She 's an immunologist ...
(src)="119"> Specializes in viral and bacterial diseases .
(trg)="92"> Tutkii virus - ja bakteeritauteja .

(src)="120"> Four months ago , she signaled to one of our assets that she had a willingness to talk about a secret weapons program .
(trg)="93"> Hän ilmoitti olevansa halukas puhumaan salaisesta aseohjelmasta .

(src)="121"> A month later , she was jailed for treason .
(trg)="94"> Sitten hänet tuomittiin maanpetoksesta .

(src)="122"> She 's scheduled to land at Andrews in an under an hour , and we have a team standing by to escort her to Langley
(trg)="95"> Hän laskeutuu tunnin päästä .
(trg)="96"> Ryhmä vie hänet Langleyyn .

(src)="123"> - for a debriefing .
(src)="124"> - We got to assume that the Pavlovich brothers already know the route .
(trg)="97"> Veljekset tietävät hänestä .

(src)="125"> Well , then we 'll reroute her .
(trg)="98"> - Tuodaan hänet tänne .

(src)="126"> Bring her here .
(src)="127"> Coordinate the adjustment with Langley .
(trg)="99"> Sopikaa Langleyn kanssa .

(src)="130"> Roger . 30 seconds to rendezvous .
(src)="131"> - This way .
(trg)="100"> Tätä tietä .