# xml/en/1922/13257/3127909.xml.gz
# xml/eu/1922/13257/6681404.xml.gz

(src)="1"> A presentation from a cultural and historical point of view in 7 chapters of moving pictures .
(trg)="1"> SORGINA
(trg)="2"> Zinema-emanaldi historiko-kultural bat , zazpi zatitan .

(src)="2"> BENJAMIN CHRISTENSEN wrote the script and produced this film between the years of 1919 and 1921 .
(trg)="3"> Benjamin Christensek idatzi eta egin zuen film hau 1919-1921ean .

(src)="3"> For the photography I am grateful to Mr. Johan Ankerstjerne and to Mr. Richard Louw for the art direction .
(trg)="4"> Eskerrak ematen dizkiot Johan Ankerstjerne-ri argazkiagatik eta Richard Louw jaunari eszenaratzeagatik .

(src)="4"> My main sources are mentioned in the theatre 's playbill .
(trg)="5"> Nire informazio-iturri nagusiak antzokiko egitarauan aipatzen dira .

(src)="5"> Let us look into the history of mysticism and try to explain the mysterious chapter known as the Witch .
(trg)="6"> Bila dezagun mistizismoaren historian eta saia gaitezen Sorgina deitzen den kapitulu misteriotsua agertzen .

(src)="6"> The belief in sorcery and witchcraft is probably as old as mankind .
(trg)="7"> Sorginkerian sinestea giza arraza bezain zaharra izango da .

(src)="7"> When primitive man is confronted with something incomprehensible , the explanation is always sorcery and evil spirits .
(trg)="8"> Antzinako gizakiak ulertzen ez zuen zerbaiti aurre egin behar zionean hau zen beti haren azalpena :
(trg)="9"> sorginkeria eta espiritu gaiztoak .

(src)="8"> In Persia , the imaginary creatures depicted in the following picture were thus believed to be the cause of diseases .
(trg)="10"> Hurrengo irudietako fantasiek gaixotasunak eragiten zituztela uste zuten Pertsian .

(src)="9"> The English scientist Rawlinson and French scientist Maspero show us pictures of evil spirits , believed to have resided amongst the first civilizations .
(trg)="11"> Rawlinson ingelesak eta Maspero frantsesak erakutsi zizkiguten antzinako zibilizaziorik zaharreneko espiritu gaiztoak .

(src)="10"> The belief in evil spirits , sorcery and witchcraft is the result of naive notions about the mystery of the universe .
(trg)="12"> Espiritu gaiztoetan eta sorginkerian sinesteak munduaren mistizismoari buruzko ume-sinesteekin zerikusia du .

(src)="11"> Here we see how the Egyptians perceived the shape of the world
(src)="12"> ( according to Maspero ) .
(trg)="13"> Hemen ikusten da nola ikusten zuten egiptoarrek lurraren forma .

(src)="13"> The ancient Egyptians believed that high mountains surrounded land and water on all sides .
(trg)="14"> Egiptoarrek ezagutzen zituzten lurralde eta itsaso guztiak mendi handiz inguratuta zeuden , nonbait .

(src)="14"> The sky was made of steel and supported by strong pillars that stood on the high mountains .
(trg)="15"> Zerua altzairuz egina zegoen eta mendi handitan sartutako zutabe handiek eusten zioten .

(src)="15"> The stars , like lamps , hung from the sky on ropes .
(trg)="16"> Izarrak lanparak ziren , ilara sendoetan zerutik zintzilikatuak .

(src)="16"> According to the beliefs of other ancient civilizations , the sky was vaulted and the earth shaped into terraces .
(trg)="17"> Antzinako beste sineste batzuen arabera zerua ganga bat zen , eta lurra terrazatan zegoen .

(src)="17"> The evil spirits of ancient times changed in the medieval folklore to devils , sneaking around and tempting children .
(trg)="18"> Historiaurreko garaiko espiritu gaiztoak umeak tentatzen zituzten deabru bihurtu ziren Erdi Aroan .

(src)="18"> The devils lived in the earth 's core .
(trg)="19"> Deabruak Lurraren barruan bizi ziren .

(src)="19"> In the latter part of the Middle Ages the earth was considered to be a stationary sphere in the middle of the universe .
(trg)="20"> Eta Lurra , haientzat , esfera geldi bat zen unibertsoaren erdian .

(src)="20"> Above the earth and its waters -
(src)="21"> - the medieval man first imagined a layer of air -
(src)="22"> - then a layer of fire -
(trg)="21"> Lurretik eta hango uretatik kanpo Erdi Aroko gizakiak aire-geruza bat irudikatzen zuen , aurrenik eta , gero , su-geruza bat .

(src)="23"> - and outside the fire were the planets , moving celestial bodies .
(trg)="22"> Eta , sutik harago , planetak imajinatzen zituen , geldirik .

(src)="24"> Each planet was attached to its transparent , movable sphere .
(trg)="23"> Planeta bakoitza bere esfera garden , mugikorrari atxikia zegoen .

(src)="25"> And outside the planetary spheres were the fixed stars arranged in a sky of their own .
(trg)="24"> Eta planeta-zeruetatik harago izar finkoak zeuden , beren zeruan .

(src)="26"> Above it all , in the tenth crystal sphere , sits the Almighty surrounded by nine choirs of angels and He is the One keeping the spheres revolving .
(trg)="25"> Guztiaren gainetik , hamargarren kristalezko zeruan Ahalguztiduna eserita dago , 9 aingeru-abesbatzaz inguratua eta Hark ibilarazten du munduaren makineria .

(src)="27"> Deep down in the earth 's core lies Hell , where those tempted by the Devil shall suffer forever .
(trg)="26"> Lurraren sakonenean infernua dago , eta han oinazetzen dira betierean deabruak tentatutako haiek .

(src)="28"> In the upper part of the following picture
(src)="29"> ( from the French historian Lacroix )
(src)="30"> The devils are stuffing the damned into large pots .
(trg)="27"> Hurrengo irudiaren goialdean deabruak ikusten dira kondenatuak pertz handitan ipintzen .

(src)="31"> A sinner is thrown straight into the fire burning under one of the cauldrons .
(trg)="28"> Bekatari bat sutara bota dute pertzetako baten azpira .

(src)="32"> A devil pours the nasty sulfur oozing from a horn down a man 's throat .
(trg)="29"> Deabru batek adar baten barruko sufre ikaragarria isurtzen dio eztarritik gizon bati .

(src)="33"> Two monsters torment some of the damned with their sharp teeth .
(trg)="30"> Bi munstrok bi kondenatu torturatzen dituzte beren hortz zorrotzekin .

(src)="34"> I have found a strange old mechanical presentation of Hell , which offers a good understanding of the beliefs in the Middle Ages .
(trg)="31"> Infernuaren deskribapen bitxi , zahar eta mekaniko bat aurkitu dut Erdi Aroko sinesteak ondo erakusten dizkiguna .

(src)="35"> Observe the eagerness with which the devils tend to the fire under the cauldrons !
(trg)="32"> Begira zer-nolako grinaz zaintzen duten deabruek pertz azpiko sua !

(src)="36"> During the Middle Ages , devils and Hell were considered real and constantly feared .
(trg)="33"> Deabru hauek eta infernu hau kezka larria ziren Erdi Arokoentzat .

(src)="37"> Witches were thought to have signed an unlawful pact with the Devil , and therefore they were burned at the stake .
(trg)="34"> Sorginek itun kriminal bat sinatu omen zuten deabruarekin eta horregatik erretzen zituzten .

(src)="38"> The floating figure is a devil coming to get the witch by lifting her up into the air .
(trg)="35"> Irudiaren goialdean airean dagoen izakia deabru bat da sorgina hartu , eta airean eramango du .

(src)="39"> This picture of a pyre as well as the following one are from " German Life in the Past in Pictures . "
(trg)="36"> Irudi hau , eta hurrengo batzuk , " Deutsches Leben der Vergangenheit in Bildern " liburuan aurkitu ditut .

(src)="40"> In this image a witch is milking an ax handle .
(trg)="37"> Irudi honetan , sorgin bat aizkora baten kirtena jezten ari da .

(src)="41"> In the following image a witch has bewitched a man 's shoe .
(trg)="38"> Hurrengo irudian , sorgin batek gizon baten zapata sorgindu du .

(src)="42"> Witches usually meet in councils .
(trg)="39"> Sorginek elkarrekin biltzeko ohitura zuten .

(src)="43"> And after the gathering they might , for instance , sneak into a barn and bewitch a cow .
(trg)="40"> Bileraren ondoren , batzuetan ukuilu batean ezkutuan sartu eta behi bat sorgintzen zuten .

(src)="44"> The small angular symbol , noticeable under the drawing , was usually carved into the barn door as protection against witches .
(trg)="41"> Marrazki azpian ageri den markatxoa atean grabatzen zuten sorginen aurkako babes gisa .

(src)="45"> In this old naive drawing , a sorcerer and a witch are casting spells , setting a village on fire .
(trg)="42"> Marrazki zahar eta baldar honetan , azti bat eta sorgin bat arao egiten ari dira herri bati su emateko .

(src)="46"> Witches were believed to curse people with diseases with the help of sorcerer 's powder and magic potions .
(trg)="43"> Sorgin-hautsen eta edabe magikoen bidez sorginek gaixotasunak eragiten omen zituzten .

(src)="47"> Notice how the sick person is laying naked in bed .
(trg)="44"> Erreparatu gaixoa biluzik datzala ohean .
(trg)="45"> Hori zen ohitura garai zaharretan .

(src)="49"> It was a general belief that the witch was naked when , at night , during the so-called Witch Sabbath , she danced with the devils .
(trg)="46"> Sorgina biluzik omen zegoen deabruekin dantzatzen zenean " Sorginen Sabbath " deitzen zitzaion hartan .

(src)="50"> Women who wanted to participate in the " Sabbath "
(src)="51"> sneaked away to the sorcerer where they could have their backs smeared with " witch ointment " .
(trg)="47"> " Sabbath " era joan nahi zuten emakumeak ezkutuan joaten ziren sorginarengana " sorginaren ukendua " lepoan igurztera .

(src)="52"> The witchcraft of the ointment would allow them to fly through the air .
(trg)="48"> Ukenduaren indar magikoaz airean hegan egin zezaketen .

(src)="53"> The French doctors Bourneville and Teinturier gave me the following pictures of the Witch Sabbath a secret satanic rite to which thousands of women asserted their participation .
(trg)="49"> Bourneville eta Teinturier frantses medikuen laneko irudi hauek " Sorginen Sabbath " agertzen dute , deabruzko festa misteriotsua milaka emakumek joan nahi izaten duena .

(src)="54"> At the Sabbath witches and sorcerers first desecrate the Church 's holy cross .
(trg)="50"> Sabbathen , aztiek eta sorginek barre egiten diote gurutze santuari .

(src)="55"> Satan gives all the participants devils ' names .
(trg)="51"> Deabru-izenez bataiatzen du deabruak parte-hartzaile bakoitza .

(src)="56"> And a ceremonial banquet is held .
(trg)="52"> Gero , otordu zeremoniatsu bat egiten dute .

(src)="57"> The Sabbath food was often prepared from corpses from the gallows .
(trg)="53"> Sabbatheko otordua urkatuen gorpuekin prestatzen zen maiz .

(src)="58"> All witches had to show the Devil their respect by kissing his behind .
(trg)="54"> Atzealdean musu emanez , begirunez agurtu behar zuten sorginek deabrua .

(src)="59"> After a merry dance with the devils , the witches fly home at the first crow of the cock .
(trg)="55"> Deabruekin dantza alai bat egin ondoren sorginak hegan etxeratzen ziren egunsentian .

(src)="60"> These scenes are often found on famous Witch Sabbath pictures from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance .
(trg)="56"> Erdi Aroko eta Berpizkundeko margolan ospetsu askotan eszena hauek ageri dira .

(src)="61"> To be continued .
(trg)="57"> Jarraituko du .
(trg)="58"> SORGINA 2. zatia

(src)="62"> THE WITCH Chapter 2 .
(src)="63"> We go now to the underground home of a sorceress in the year of the Lord 1488 .
(trg)="59"> Goazen orain irudimenez sorgin baten lur azpiko bizilekura , 1488an .

(src)="64"> " Tonight the stars shine favorably over the gallows ' hill . "
(trg)="60"> " Gaurko gauean izarrek distiratzen dute urkatuen muinoan " .

(src)="65"> " Ugh , what a stench !
(trg)="61"> " A zer kiratsa !

(src)="66"> The thief 's body has been hanging too long on the gallows . "
(trg)="62"> Lapur honen gorpua denbora gehiegi egon da zintzilik " .

(src)="67"> " When such a thief 's finger is too dried out , it can no longer lend the brew any healing power . "
(trg)="63"> " Lapurraren hatza lehorregia dagoenean ezin dio sendatze-indarrik eman garagardoari " .

(src)="68"> " Hurry and open up , Karna , so that the passers-by won 't see me . "
(trg)="64"> " Azkar ireki , Karna , kaleko inork ikus ez nazan " .

(src)="69"> " Karna , can you perchance get me a love potion that has power over a pious man of the church ? "
(trg)="65"> " Karna , prestatuko didazu maitasun-edabe bat gizon elizkoi batengan boterea emango didana ? "

(src)="70"> " Here , young maiden , take a potion of cat feces and dove hearts , boiled in the moonlight . "
(trg)="66"> " Tori edabea , ilargi betean prestatua katu-kakarekin eta uso-bihotzarekin " .

(src)="71"> " A drop of this in a man 's drink will soften his heart at once . "
(trg)="67"> " Gizonaren edariari tanta bat bota , eta berehala bigunduko dio bihotza " .

(src)="72"> " Karna , can I have an even stronger potion ? "
(trg)="68"> " Emango al didazu edabe indartsuago bat ? "

(src)="73"> " If the maiden wishes to drive the man out of his wits for love ... "
(trg)="69"> " Gizona desioz erotzea nahi baduzu ...

(src)="75"> I have a potion boiled in May from a young and playful male sparrow . "
(trg)="70"> " ... tori edabe hau , maiatzean egina , txolarre ar gazte jostari batekin " .

(src)="76"> " Hold your coin , maiden !
(trg)="71"> " Tori zure txanpona , dontzeila !

(src)="77"> First smell my ointment ! "
(trg)="72"> Usaindu lehenengo nire ukendua ! "

(src)="78"> " This salve is good , should you wish to travel to Brocken , one night . "
(trg)="73"> " Ukendu ona da , gau batean Brockenera joango bazina " .

(src)="79"> " Secretly smear this salve on and the pious monk might directly come to your chamber . "
(trg)="74"> " Monje elizkoia zure gelara joango zaizu zeure burua ukendu honekin iguzten baduzu " .

(src)="80"> " You will fly together high up in the night and he will bestow upon you many hungry kisses . "
(trg)="75"> " Airean hegan elkarrekin joango zarete gauez eta musu sutsu asko emango dizkizu " .

(src)="81"> " Listen Brother , I wonder ...
(src)="82"> shouldn 't we pray before we embark in such a bold enterprise ? "
(trg)="76"> " Entzun anaia , ez al genuke otoitz egin behar ekintza sutsu honi ekin aurretik ? "

(src)="83"> " Oh Holy Mother , forgive us for cutting open a person 's dead body with a knife ! "
(trg)="77"> " Birjina Santua , barkaiguzu giza gorpu hau labanaz irekitzeagatik ! "

(src)="84"> " It is not from untimely curiosity that we so badly sin ... "
(src)="85"> " ... but so that the cause of many terrible diseases might be revealed to us . "
(trg)="78"> " Ez gaitu gehiegizko jakin-minak ekarri hildako bekatari honengana gaixotasun izugarri askoren zergatia argitu nahiak baizik " .

(src)="86"> " Help !
(src)="87"> Hurry !
(trg)="80"> Etorri azkar !

(src)="88"> The peace of the cemetery has been desecrated by two witches . "
(trg)="81"> Bi sorginek hilerriko bakea bortxatu dute " .

(src)="89"> Such were the Middle Ages , when witchcraft and the Devil 's work were sought everywhere .
(trg)="82"> Horrelakoa zen Erdi Aroa :
(trg)="83"> Sorginkeria eta deabrukeria nonahi .

(src)="90"> And that is why unusual things were believed to be true .
(trg)="84"> Eta horregatik gertatzen ziren gauza bitxiak .

(src)="91"> " Damned woman !
(src)="92"> You shall not lie here and bewitch the legs of honest people . "
(trg)="85"> " Ez ausartu jende zintzoaren hezurrak sorgintzen , emakume alua ! "

(src)="93"> " You watch out !
(trg)="86"> " Kontuz ibili !

(src)="94"> Now your filthy mouth shall remain open for eternity . "
(trg)="87"> Orain zure aho zikina zabalik egongo da betiko " .

(src)="95"> So it happens with witchcraft as with the Devil ;
(src)="96"> people 's belief in him was so strong that he became real .
(trg)="88"> Erdi Aroko jendeak hain sineste sendoa du deabruarengan non bere burua agertzen baitu bizitza errealean .

(src)="97"> The Devil is everywhere and takes all shapes .
(trg)="89"> Deabrua nonahi dago , itxura desberdinetan .

(src)="98"> He shows himself as a nightmare , a raging demon , a seducer , a lover , and a knight .
(trg)="90"> Amesgaiztoa , deabru amorratua , seduzitzailea , maitalea ...

(src)="99"> The devils ' companion can be young and beautiful , but she is more often old , poor and miserable .
(trg)="91"> Deabruaren emaztea gaztea eta ederra da batzuetan baina zaharra , behartsua eta miserablea izaten da gehienetan .

(src)="100"> Is it from the eternal fright of the pyre that you get drunk every night , you poor old woman of the Middle Ages ?
(trg)="92"> Sutan erreko ote zaituzten beldur horditzen al zara gauero edariz Erdi Aroko emakume gajoa ?

(src)="101"> When the evening bell tolls in the night and all fires in town are covered with ashes , the Devil fetches Apelone for his adventures .
(trg)="93"> Etxeratze-agindua jotzean , errautsak su guztiak estali dituenean deabrua Apeloneren bila doa abentura baterako .

(src)="102"> High up in the air is Apelone 's dream castle , and there the Devil will fulfill all her secret wishes .
(trg)="94"> Han goian dago Apeloneren amets-gaztelua .
(trg)="95"> Eta han aseko ditu deabruak haren desio sekretu guztiak .

(src)="103"> To be continued
(trg)="96"> Jarraituko du .

(src)="104"> THE WITCH Chapter 3 .
(trg)="97"> SORGINA 3. zatia

(src)="105"> In " Rites and Rights in the German Past " by Franz Heinemann , we can observe pictures of inquisition judges at work .
(trg)="98"> " Richter und Rechtspflege in der deutschen Vergangenheit " en sorgin-epaileak lanean ageri dira .

(src)="106"> A woman suspected of witchcraft is thrown into the water to find out whether she is guilty or not .
(trg)="99"> Sorgintzat susmatutako emakume bat uretara bota dute erruduna edo errugabea den frogatzeko .

(src)="107"> In " History of Customs " , Edward Fuchs shows us how the accused is tied up .
(trg)="100"> Edward Fuchs-ek " Sittengeschichte " n erakusten digu nola lotzen duten emakume akusatua .

(src)="108"> Two executioners use oars to move the accused in the water where she has no support .
(trg)="101"> Bi borrerok arraunez daramate ur sakonetara .

(src)="109"> If she floats , she will be pulled up and burned .
(trg)="102"> Flotatzen badu , uretatik atera , eta erre egingo dute .
(trg)="103"> Hondoratzen bada , epaileek Jainkoa eskertuko dute errugabea delako .

(src)="111"> I will now illustrate a trial for witchcraft from beginning to end taking place at the time when the Pope sent traveling inquisition priests out to Germany .
(trg)="104"> Sorgin-epaiketa oso bat kontatuko dut orain Aita Santuak Alemaniara sorgin - epaileak bidali zituen garaikoa .