# xml/ca/1971/66921/3160289.xml.gz
# xml/ze_en/1971/66921/5935460.xml.gz

(src)="3"> És a dir , Àlex i els meus tres droogs .
(trg)="1"> There was me .
(trg)="2"> That is , Alex , and my three droogs .

(src)="4"> Que eren Pete , Georgie i Dim .
(trg)="3"> That is , Pete , Georgie and Dim .

(src)="5"> I ens asseiem al bar de llet Korova mirant de decidir amb les nostres rassoodocks què fer aquella nit .
(trg)="4"> And we sat in the Korova Milk Bar ...
(trg)="5"> ... trying to make up our rassoodocks ...
(trg)="6"> ... what to do with the evening .

(src)="6"> La font de llet Korova venia llet-amb .
(trg)="7"> The Korova Milk Bar sold milk plus .

(src)="7"> Llet amb vellocina , o sintemescina o drencromina que era el que estàvem bevent .
(trg)="8"> Milk plus vellocet
(trg)="9"> or synthemesc or drencrom ...
(trg)="10"> ... which is what we were drinking .

(src)="8"> Et posa bé i llest per a una mica d ' ultra-violència .
(trg)="11"> This would sharpen you up ...
(trg)="12"> ... and make you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence .

(src)="9"> A la bella ciutat de Dublín .
(trg)="13"> In Dublin ' s fair city

(src)="10"> On les noies son tan boniques
(trg)="14"> Where the girls are so pretty

(src)="11"> Vaig veure per primer cop
(trg)="15"> I first set my eyes

(src)="12"> La Molly Malone
(trg)="16"> On sweet Molly Malone

(src)="13"> Mentre estirava el seu carretó
(trg)="17"> As she wheeled her wheelbarrow

(src)="14"> Per carrers estrets i petits .
(trg)="18"> Through streets broad and narrow

(src)="15"> Pregonant cargols i marisc viu , oh .
(trg)="19"> Crying cockles
(trg)="20"> And mussels ... .

(src)="16"> Una cosa que mai he pogut tolerar ... és veure a un vell borratxo i brut ... udolant les cançons dels seus pares ... mentre eructa com si ...
(trg)="21"> One thing I could never stand ...
(trg)="22"> ... was to see a filthy , dirty old drunkie ...
(trg)="23"> ... howling away at the filthy songs of his fathers ...

(src)="17"> Mai he pogut veure a ningú així , tingués l ' edat que tingués .
(trg)="26"> I could never stand to see anyone like that , whatever his age .

(src)="18"> Però especialment quan son tan vells com aquest .
(trg)="27"> But more especially when he was real old , like this one was .

(src)="19"> Podeu donar-me alguna cosa , germans ?
(trg)="28"> Can you spare some cutter , me brothers ?

(src)="20"> Vinga , me la podeu fotre , bastards .
(trg)="29"> Go on !

(src)="21"> Ja no m ' importa viure en un mon tan fastigós com aquest !
(trg)="31"> I don 't want to live anyway .
(trg)="32"> Not in a stinking world like this .

(src)="22"> I perquè és fastigós ?
(trg)="33"> And what 's so stinking about it ?

(src)="23"> És un mon fastigós perquè ja no hi ha llei ni ordre !
(trg)="34"> It 's a stinking world because there 's no law and order anymore !

(src)="24"> Perquè deixa que els joves abusin dels vells com feu vosaltres ... com feu vosaltres .
(trg)="35"> It stinks because it lets the young get onto the old ...
(trg)="36"> ... Like you done !

(src)="25"> Oh , Ja no és un mon per a un vell .
(trg)="37"> It 's no world for an old man any longer .

(src)="26"> Quina classe de mon és ?
(trg)="38"> What kind of a world is it at all ?

(src)="27"> Homes a la lluna ... i homes girant al voltant de la Terra ... i ja no es posa atenció a la llei i ordre terrenals .
(trg)="39"> Men on the moon .
(trg)="40"> Men spinning around the earth .
(trg)="41"> And there 's not no attention paid ...

(src)="30"> Va ser prop del vell Casino on vam trobar Billyboy ... i els seus quatre droogs .
(trg)="45"> It was at the derelict casino that we came across Billy-boy ...
(trg)="46"> ... and his four droogs .

(src)="31"> Es preparaven per a practicar una mica del vell ... dins-fora , dins-fora amb una devotxka plorosa que tenien allí .
(trg)="47"> They were about to perform a little of the old ...
(trg)="48"> ... in-out , in-out on a weepy young devotchka they had there .

(src)="32"> Però si és el fastigós ...
(trg)="49"> Well , if it isn 't ...

(src)="33"> Billyboy Billyboy .
(trg)="50"> ... fat , stinking ...
(trg)="51"> ... Billy goat Billy-boy in poison .

(src)="35"> Fastigós sac de greix barat ?
(trg)="52"> How are thou ...
(trg)="53"> ... thou globby bottle of cheap , stinking chip-oil ?

(src)="36"> Vine i et fotre un cop als iarbles ... si és que tens iarbles ... eunuc gelatinós .
(trg)="54"> Come and get one in the yarbles ...
(trg)="55"> ... if you have any yarbles ...
(trg)="56"> ... you eunuch jelly , thou .

(src)="39"> Vinga , marxem !
(trg)="58"> The police !
(trg)="59"> Come on .
(trg)="60"> Let 's go !

(src)="40"> El Durango-95 roncava com un monstre .
(trg)="61"> The Durango 95 purred away real horrorshow .

(src)="41"> Un sentiment excitant i calent corria pels nostres guttiwuts .
(trg)="62"> A nice warm vibratey feeling all through your guttiwuts .

(src)="42"> Aviat només quedaven arbres i foscor , germans ...
(trg)="63"> Soon it was trees and dark , my brothers ...

(src)="44"> Vam fer el tonto una estona amb altres viatgers de la nit ...
(trg)="65"> We fillied around with other travelers of the night ...

(src)="47"> Buscant un lloc on realitzar la vella visita sorpresa .
(trg)="67"> Then we headed west .
(trg)="68"> What we were after now was the old surprise visit .

(src)="48"> Això si que era un punt ... i bo per riure i practicar l ' ultra-violència .
(trg)="69"> That was a real kick ...
(trg)="70"> ... and good for laughs and lashing of the old ultra-violent .

(src)="53"> Perdoni , Sra. Ens pot ajudar ?
(trg)="73"> Yes , who is it ?

(src)="54"> Hi ha hagut un accident terrible !
(trg)="74"> Excuse me , can you please help ?

(src)="56"> Puc trucar a una ambulància ?
(trg)="76"> My friend 's bleeding to death !

(src)="58"> Vagi a un altre lloc .
(trg)="78"> We don 't have a telephone .

(src)="60"> Qui és ?
(trg)="80"> But , missus , it 's a matter of life and death !

(src)="62"> Diu que hi ha hagut un accident .
(trg)="81"> Who is it , dear ?
(trg)="82"> A young man .
(trg)="83"> He says there 's been an accident .

(src)="67"> Normalment no deixem entrar a estranys de nit ...
(trg)="87"> I ' m sorry , but we don 't usually let strangers in- -

(src)="72"> Quin gloriós sentiment !
(trg)="92"> Just singing in the rain
(trg)="93"> What a glorious feeling

(src)="74"> Me ' n ric dels núvols ...
(trg)="94"> I 'm happy again
(trg)="95"> I 'm laughing at clouds

(src)="76"> El sol és al meu cor ...
(trg)="96"> So dark up above

(src)="77"> I estic llest per estimar .
(trg)="97"> The sun 's in my heart
(trg)="98"> And I 'm ready for love

(src)="78"> Que la turmenta faci fugir ... a tothom d ' aquí .
(trg)="99"> Let the stormy clouds chase
(trg)="100"> Everyone from the place