# xml/sl/1967/61512/4498307.xml.gz
# xml/zh_en/1967/61512/5944668.xml.gz

(src)="3"> Samo porezal sem ...
(src)="4"> Pridi z nama .
(trg)="3"> I just cut these .

(src)="6"> VOZITE POČASI
(src)="7"> - DELO NA CESTI
(trg)="4"> You better come along with us .

(src)="8"> Si lahko slečem srajco , šef ?
(trg)="5"> Taking it off here , Boss .

(src)="9"> Ja , lahko , Lojtra .
(src)="10"> - Se lahko obrišem , šef ?
(trg)="6"> Yeah , take it off , Dragline .

(src)="11"> - V redu , Koko , lahko .
(trg)="8"> - All right , Koko , wipe it off .

(src)="12"> Lahko pijem , šef ?
(trg)="9"> Drinking it up here , Boss .

(src)="13"> V redu , pij , Kockar .
(src)="14"> Rabbitt , odnesi mu vodo .
(src)="15"> - Dobro , končajte !
(trg)="10"> All right , drink it up , Gambler .

(src)="17"> Buljiš vame , Gnada ?
(trg)="11"> You eyeballing there , Society ?

(src)="18"> Svoj jojo gledam , šef .
(src)="19"> Lojtra , avtobus z novinci .
(trg)="12"> Checking my yo-yo , Boss .

(src)="20"> Poln je .
(trg)="14"> Bunch .

(src)="21"> Kakih pol ducata jih mora biti .
(src)="22"> - Največ pet , stavim za hladno pijačo.-Velja.
(trg)="15"> Must be half a dozen new-meat .

(src)="23"> Babalugats , stavo imamo .
(src)="24"> Dobro , vsi v vrsto .
(trg)="16"> No more than five , for a cold drink .

(src)="25"> Psar , utišaj pse .
(trg)="18"> Dogboy , shut them dogs up .

(src)="26"> Samo sveže meso vohajo , šef .
(src)="27"> Kaj so nam danes pripeljali ?
(trg)="19"> They just smell new-meat , s 'all , Boss .

(src)="28"> Pridi , Blue .
(trg)="20"> What did they bring us today ?

(src)="29"> " Gibson , 507 .
(src)="30"> Uboj . "
(trg)="21"> Gibson , 507 manslaughter .

(src)="31"> Dober za dve leti .
(trg)="22"> Good for a two spot .

(src)="32"> Po nesreči je bilo .
(trg)="23"> It was an accident .

(src)="33"> Nikoli nisem zašel v težave .
(trg)="24"> I 've never been in trouble before .

(src)="35"> " Edgar Potter , 302 in upiranje aretaciji . "
(trg)="26"> Edgar Potter , 302 and resisting arrest .

(src)="36"> " Eno leto . "
(trg)="27"> One year .

(src)="37"> Hotel sem se umakniti pred dežjem .
(src)="38"> Umij si ušesa .
(trg)="28"> I was trying to keep in out of the rain .

(src)="40"> Ja , gospod .
(src)="41"> Nam drugim pa " šef " , jasno ?
(src)="42"> Ja , šef .
(trg)="31"> And you call the rest of us " Boss , " you hear ?

(src)="43"> Na tega bomo še ponosni , g .
(src)="44"> Hunnicutt .
(trg)="32"> This man is going to make us proud of him , Mr. Hunnicutt .

(src)="45"> " Raymond Pratt . "
(trg)="33"> Raymond Pratt .

(src)="46"> Ja , načelnik .
(trg)="34"> Yes , Captain .

(src)="47"> " Vlom , vdor in napad . "
(trg)="35"> Breaking , entering , and assault .

(src)="48"> Pet let .
(trg)="36"> Five spot .

(src)="49"> In to pomorščak .
(trg)="37"> And a seaman .

(src)="50"> Tu nam bo prišel še kako prav , načelnik .
(trg)="38"> 'Spect that should come in real handy around here , Captain .

(src)="51"> Mogoče .
(trg)="39"> Maybe .

(src)="52"> " Lucas Jackson . "
(trg)="40"> Lucas Jackson .

(src)="53"> Tukaj , načelnik .
(trg)="41"> Here , Captain .

(src)="54"> " Zlonamerno uničevanje mestne lastnine v alkoholiziranem stanju . "
(trg)="42"> Maliciously destroying municipal property while under the influence .

(src)="55"> Kaj je bilo to ?
(trg)="43"> What was that ?

(src)="56"> Parkirnim uram sem rezal glave , načelnik .
(src)="57"> Tega pa še nismo imeli .
(trg)="44"> Cutting the heads off parking meters , Captain .

(src)="58"> Kam , misliš , te bo to pripeljalo ?
(trg)="46"> Where do you think that 's going to get you ?

(src)="59"> Lahko bi rekli , da nisem razmišljal , načelnik .
(trg)="47"> I guess you could say I wasn 't thinking , Captain .

(src)="60"> Tu piše , da si se med vojno zelo izkazal .
(trg)="48"> It says here that you did real good in the war .

(src)="61"> Srebrna zvezda , bronasta zvezda , dve škrlatni srci ...
(trg)="49"> A Silver Star , Bronze Star , couple of Purple Hearts ...

(src)="62"> Narednik .
(trg)="50"> ... Sergeant .

(src)="63"> Končal pa si tako , kot si začel .
(trg)="51"> Then came out the same way you went in .

(src)="64"> Kot navaden vojak .
(trg)="52"> Buck Private .

(src)="65"> Samo čas sem preganjal , načelnik .
(trg)="53"> Like I was just passing time , Captain .

(src)="66"> No , zdaj imaš nekaj časa .
(src)="67"> " Dve leti . "
(src)="68"> Saj to ni dolgo .
(trg)="54"> Well , you got yourself some time now ... two years .

(src)="69"> Tu imamo nekaj takih , ki služijo 20 let .
(trg)="56"> We got a couple of men here doing 20 spots .

(src)="70"> Eden celo dosmrtno .
(trg)="57"> We got one that 's got all of it .

(src)="71"> Imamo jih vseh sort in lepo se boš vklopil .
(trg)="58"> We got all kinds , and you 're going to fit in real good .

(src)="72"> Seveda , če te bo prijelo , da bi jo ucvrl , in se odločiš , da bi šel domov , ti kazen podaljšamo in ti še noge vklenemo v verige , da te malo upočasnijo .
(trg)="59"> Of course , in case you get rabbit in your blood ...
(trg)="60"> ... and you decide to take off for home , you get a bonus of some time ...
(trg)="61"> ... and a set of leg chains to keep you slowed down just a little bit .

(src)="73"> Koristilo ti bo , če se boš naučil pravila .
(trg)="62"> For your own good , you 'll learn the rules .

(src)="74"> Vse je odvisno od vas .
(trg)="63"> It 's all up to you .

(src)="75"> Lahko sem prijeten človek , lahko pa sem prav hudoben pesjan .
(src)="76"> Odvisno je od vas .
(trg)="64"> Now I can be a good guy or I can be one real mean son of a bitch .

(src)="77"> Gremo .
(trg)="66"> All right , let 's move it .

(src)="79"> Eden po eden .
(src)="80"> Gremo !
(trg)="67"> One at a time .

(src)="81"> Obleke imajo številke za pralnico .
(trg)="68"> Move it !
(trg)="69"> Them clothes got laundry numbers on them .

(src)="82"> Zapomnite si svojo in vedno oblecite obleko z vašo številko .
(trg)="70"> You remember your number and always wear the ones that has your number .

(src)="83"> Kdor pozabi številko , preživi noč v samici .
(trg)="71"> Any man forgets his number spends a night in the box .

(src)="84"> Te žlice imejte pri sebi .
(trg)="72"> These here spoons you keep with you .

(src)="85"> Kdor izgubi svojo žlico , preživi noč v samici .
(trg)="73"> Any man loses his spoon spends a night in the box .

(src)="86"> Nobenega šlatanja ali pretepov v stavbi .
(trg)="74"> There 's no playing grab-ass or fighting in the building .

(src)="87"> Če imata dva spor , se stepeta v soboto popoldne .
(trg)="75"> You got a grudge against another man , you fight him Saturday afternoon .

(src)="88"> Kdor bo šlatal ali se tepel v stavbi , preživi noč v samici .
(trg)="76"> Any man playing grab-ass or fighting in the building spends a night in the box .

(src)="89"> Prvi zvonec je pet minut do osmih in takrat se spravite v posteljo .
(trg)="77"> First bell 's at five minutes of eight when you will get in your bunk .

(src)="90"> Zadnji je ob osmih .
(trg)="78"> Last bell is at eight .

(src)="91"> Kdor ob osmih ne bo v postelji , bo preživel noč v samici .
(trg)="79"> Any man not in his bunk at eight spends the night in the box .

(src)="92"> Kajenje leže v postelji ni dovoljeno .
(trg)="80"> There is no smoking in the prone position in bed .

(src)="93"> Če kadite , morate imeti obe nogi čez rob postelje .
(trg)="81"> To smoke you must have both legs over the side of your bunk .

(src)="94"> Kdor bo kadil leže v postelji , bo preživel noč v samici .
(trg)="82"> Any man caught smoking prone in bed ...
(trg)="83"> ... spends a night in the box .

(src)="95"> Dobite dve rjuhi .
(trg)="84"> You get two sheets .

(src)="96"> Vsako soboto daste čisto rjuho na vrh , vrhnjo rjuho spodaj , spodnjo pa daste fantu iz pralnice .
(trg)="85"> Every Saturday , you put the clean sheet on the top ...
(trg)="86"> ... the top sheet on the bottom ...
(trg)="87"> ... the bottom sheet you turn in to the laundry boy .

(src)="97"> Kdor bo dal napačno rjuho , bo noč preživel v samici .
(trg)="88"> Any man turns in the wrong sheet spends a night in the box .

(src)="98"> Ne smete sedeti na postelji z umazanimi hlačami .
(trg)="89"> No one 'll sit in the bunks with dirty pants on .

(src)="99"> Kdor bo sedel na postelji z umazanimi hlačami , bo noč preživel v samici .
(trg)="90"> Any man with dirty pants on sitting on the bunks spends a night in the box .

(src)="100"> Kdor ne vrne prazne steklenice , preživi noč v samici .
(trg)="91"> Any man don 't bring back his empty pop bottle spends a night in the box .

(src)="101"> Kdor govori glasno , preživi noč v samici .
(trg)="92"> Any man loud talking spends a night in the box .

(src)="102"> Če imate vprašanja , se obrnite name .
(trg)="93"> You got questions , you come to me .

(src)="103"> Jaz sem redar Carr .
(trg)="94"> I 'm Carr , the floor walker .

(src)="104"> Tu sem odgovoren za red .
(trg)="95"> I 'm responsible for order in here .

(src)="105"> Kdor se ga ne bo držal , bo preživel noč v ... samici .
(trg)="96"> Any man don 't keep order spends a night in ...
(trg)="97"> ... the box .

(src)="106"> Upam , da ne boš delal težav .
(src)="107"> Samo štirje so .
(trg)="98"> I hope you ain 't going to be a hard case .

(src)="108"> Kaj sem ti rekel ?
(trg)="99"> Ain 't but four .
(trg)="100"> What did I tell you ?

(src)="109"> Dolguješ mi pijačo .
(trg)="101"> You owe me a cold drink .

(src)="110"> Dolgujem ti , dolgujem .
(src)="111"> Gremo .
(trg)="102"> I owe you .