# OpenSubtitles2016/sl/1944/36775/5372447.xml.gz
# OpenSubtitles2016/ze_en/1944/36775/5962844.xml.gz

(src)="2"> Neff .
(trg)="1"> Why , hello there , Mr. Neff .

(src)="3"> Precej pozno ste delali .
(trg)="2"> Working pretty late , aren 't you , Mr. Neff ?

(src)="6"> Utrujeni se mi zdite .
(trg)="5"> You look kind of all in , at that .

(src)="8"> Kako kaj zavarovalništvo ?
(trg)="7"> How is the insurance business , Mr. Neff ?

(src)="11"> Pravijo , da imam slabo srce .
(trg)="9"> They wouldn 't ever sell me any .
(trg)="10"> They said I have something loose in my heart .

(src)="13"> - Ja ?
(trg)="11"> I say it 's rheumatism .

(src)="16"> Walter Neff Bartonu Keyesu , vodji zahtevkov .
(trg)="15"> Walter Neff to Barton Keyes , Claims Manager .

(src)="17"> Los Angeles , 16. julij 1938 .
(trg)="16"> Los Angeles , July 16 , 1938 .

(src)="18"> Dragi Keyes ...
(trg)="17"> Dear Keyes ...

(src)="19"> Najbrž boš temu rekel priznanje .
(trg)="18"> I suppose you 'll call this a confession when you hear it .

(src)="20"> Beseda priznanje mi ni všeč .
(trg)="19"> Well , I don 't like the word confession .

(src)="21"> Razjasnil ti bom nekaj , česar nisi videl niti tik pred nosom .
(trg)="20"> I just want to set you right about something you couldn 't see ...
(trg)="21"> because it was smack up against your nose .

(src)="22"> Misliš , da si enkraten strokovnjak za lažne zahtevke .
(trg)="22"> You think you 're such a hot potato as a Claims Manager ...
(trg)="23"> such a wolf on a phony claim .

(src)="23"> Mogoče si res , toda poglej Dietrichsonov primer .
(trg)="24"> Maybe you are , but let 's take a look at that Dietrichson claim .

(src)="24"> Nesreča in dvojna odškodnina .
(trg)="25"> Accident and double indemnity .

(src)="25"> Nekaj časa ti je šlo kar dobro .
(trg)="26"> You were pretty good in there for a while , Keyes .

(src)="26"> Rekel si , da ni bila nesreča .
(trg)="27"> You said it wasn 't an accident .

(src)="29"> Drži .
(trg)="29"> You said it wasn 't suicide .

(src)="32"> Mislil si , da imaš vse v rokah .
(trg)="33"> You thought you had it cold , didn 't you ?

(src)="33"> Da je vse lepo urejeno .
(trg)="34"> All wrapped up in tissue paper , with pink ribbons around it .

(src)="35"> Pa ni bilo , ker si naredil napako .
(trg)="36"> Except it wasn 't , because you made one mistake ...
(trg)="37"> just one little mistake .

(src)="36"> Ko je bilo treba najti morilca , si izbral napačnega .
(trg)="38"> When it came to picking the killer , you picked the wrong guy .

(src)="37"> Hočeš vedeti , kdo je ubil Dietrichsona ?
(trg)="39"> You want to know who killed Dietrichson ?

(src)="38"> Dobro primi svojo ceneno cigaro .
(trg)="40"> Hold tight to that cheap cigar of yours , Keyes .

(src)="40"> Walter Neff , zavarovalni agent .
(trg)="41"> I killed Dietrichson .
(trg)="42"> Me , Walter Neff , insurance salesman .

(src)="41"> Star 35 let , samski , brez vidnih brazgotin ...
(trg)="43"> 35 years old , unmarried , no visible scars ...

(src)="42"> Vsaj do nedavnega .
(trg)="44"> until a while ago , that is .

(src)="43"> Ja , jaz sem ga ubil .
(trg)="45"> Yes , I killed him .

(src)="44"> Zaradi denarja in ženske .
(trg)="46"> I killed him for money ...
(trg)="47"> and for a woman .

(src)="45"> Nisem dobil ne enega ne druge .
(trg)="48"> And I didn 't get the money and I didn 't get the woman .

(src)="46"> Lepo , kajne ?
(trg)="49"> Pretty , isn 't it ?

(src)="47"> Začelo se je lanskega maja .
(trg)="50"> It all began last May .

(src)="49"> Šel sem v Glendale s polico za mlekarske kombije .
(trg)="52"> I 'd been out to Glendale
(trg)="53"> to deliver a policy on some dairy trucks .

(src)="50"> Na poti nazaj sem se spomnil na stranko na Los Feliz .
(trg)="54"> On the way back
(trg)="55"> I remembered this auto renewal near Los Feliz Boulevard .

(src)="51"> Odpeljal sem se tja .
(trg)="56"> So I drove over there .

(src)="52"> Bila je ena tistih španskih hiš , ki so bile v modi pred 10 ali 15 leti .
(trg)="57"> It was one of those California Spanish houses ...
(trg)="58"> everyone was nuts about 10 or 15 years ago .

(src)="53"> Ta je nekoga stala okrog 30.000 $ .
(trg)="59"> This one must 've cost somebody about $ 30,000 .

(src)="54"> Če jo je kdaj sploh odplačal .
(trg)="60"> That is , if he ever finished paying for it .

(src)="57"> - Kdo ga želi ?
(trg)="61"> Is Mr. Dietrichson in ?
(trg)="62"> Who wants to see him ?
(trg)="63"> My name is Neff .

(src)="58"> - Walter Neff .
(trg)="64"> Walter Neff .

(src)="60"> Rad bi govoril z njim in ne gre za naročnino na revije .
(trg)="65"> If you 're selling something ...
(trg)="66"> Look , it 's Mr. Dietrichson I want to talk to ...

(src)="61"> G. Dietrichsona ni doma .
(trg)="67"> and it 's not magazine subscriptions .

(src)="62"> - Kdaj ga pričakujete ?
(trg)="68"> Listen , Mr. Dietrichson is not in .

(src)="63"> Doma bo , ko bo prišel .
(trg)="70"> He 'll be home when he gets here , if that 's any help to you .

(src)="66"> Dietrichsona je .
(trg)="71"> What is it , Nettie ?
(trg)="72"> Who is it ?
(trg)="73"> It 's for Mr. Dietrichson .

(src)="69"> Kaj pa je ?
(trg)="74"> I 'm Mrs. Dietrichson .

(src)="71"> Walter Neff , Pacific All Risk .
(trg)="76"> How do you do , Mrs. Dietrichson ?
(trg)="77"> I 'm Walter Neff , Pacific All Risk .

(src)="73"> - Zavarovalnica Pacific All Risk .
(trg)="78"> Pacific all what ?

(src)="75"> Že dva tedna skušam poklicati vašega moža .
(trg)="81"> I 've been trying to contact your husband
(trg)="82"> for the past two weeks ...

(src)="76"> Lahko jaz kako pomagam ?
(trg)="83"> but he 's never in his office .

(src)="78"> Nerad bi videl , da kaj razbijete ravno takrat , ko niste zavarovani .
(trg)="85"> The insurance ran out on the 15th .
(trg)="86"> I 'd hate to think of your having a smashed fender ...
(trg)="87"> or something while you 're not ...

(src)="79"> Mogoče vas celo razumem .
(trg)="89"> Perhaps I know what you mean , Mr. Neff .

(src)="81"> - Upam , da blizu ni golobov .
(trg)="90"> I 've just been taking a sunbath .