# OpenSubtitles2016/pt/1944/37017/5147890.xml.gz
# OpenSubtitles2016/ze_en/1944/37017/5962187.xml.gz

(src)="1"> É o barco número dois ?
(trg)="1"> Are you number two boat ?

(src)="3"> Somos quatro na balsa .
(trg)="2"> Faster !

(src)="5"> Ele estava no barco número um da última vez que o vi.
(trg)="3"> He was on number one last time I saw him .

(src)="7"> Não parece alguém que acabou de naufragar .
(trg)="4"> Lady , you don 't look like somebody that 's just been shipwrecked .

(src)="8"> Mas é assim que me sinto .
(trg)="5"> Man , I certainly feel like it !

(src)="9"> - Viu o Charcoal ?
(trg)="6"> Did you see anything of Charcoal ?

(src)="11"> Joe , o comissário de bordo .
(trg)="7"> - Who ?

(src)="12"> Ele colocou-me neste salva-vidas .
(trg)="9"> He helped me into the lifeboat with my things .

(src)="13"> - Pensei que estivesse abandonado .
(trg)="10"> I thought this boat was abandoned .

(src)="15"> Ele pareceu-me muito bom .
(trg)="11"> Not by me , it wasn 't .
(trg)="12"> It looked pretty good to me .
(trg)="13"> What part of the ship are you from , darling ?

(src)="17"> Da casa das máquinas .
(trg)="14"> Engine room .

(src)="18"> Mas estava de serviço no banheiro .
(trg)="15"> I was off duty in the washroom .

(src)="21"> Estava a lavar as mãos quando o torpedo nos atingiu .
(trg)="17"> Caught with my ...
(trg)="18"> I was washing my hands when the torpedo smacked us .

(src)="23"> Foi um pandemónio no convés .
(trg)="19"> Most of the crew were trapped like rats .
(trg)="20"> When they got to topside , it was a shambles .

(src)="25"> Lembrou-me o ataque aéreo em Chungking .
(trg)="21"> Quite a night !
(trg)="22"> Reminded me of a slaughterhouse I once worked at in Chicago .

(src)="29"> Eles também têm de nos bombardear .
(trg)="23"> Those Nazi buzzards in tin fish ain 't enough they 've got to shell us too !

(src)="30"> Agora posso aperfeiçoar a minha pancada .
(trg)="24"> Ha !

(src)="32"> Pode vir a ajudar .
(trg)="26"> Get that !

(src)="33"> O boné também .
(trg)="28"> Let 's have the cap too .

(src)="35"> Vamos procurar pelos outros antes que o submarino suba .
(trg)="29"> What are we worrying ' about this junk for ?
(trg)="30"> Let 's take a look for the others before
(trg)="31"> that U-boat surfaces again and sees us .

(src)="38"> - Tem a certeza ?
(trg)="32"> She won 't surface .

(src)="39"> - Foi atingido em cheio , querido .
(trg)="34"> Are you sure ?
(trg)="35"> She was killed dead , darling .
(trg)="36"> Went down like a rock .

(src)="41"> Está tudo aqui .
(trg)="37"> - Did you see it ?

(src)="43"> Ouvi dizer que estava a bordo .
(trg)="39"> You 're Constance Porter .

(src)="45"> - E que filme .
(trg)="41"> So you took pictures ?

(src)="47"> Fiz planos belíssimos no convés .
(trg)="42"> And what pictures .
(trg)="43"> Priceless !
(trg)="44"> Oh , I caught some wonderful shots on deck .

(src)="48"> Pessoas em volta dos barcos salva-vidas .
(trg)="45"> A little knot of people around one of the lifeboats .

(src)="49"> Pareciam lentas , pesadas e gordas com as bóias .
(trg)="46"> They look slow and heavy and fat with the life belts on , so lonesome .

(src)="52"> Saltaram todos para o mar .
(trg)="47"> Then a shell hit the lifeboat .

(src)="53"> Filmei os artilheiros a atirar no submarino , mas o melhor foi aqui no barco com o Joe .
(trg)="49"> I got a beautiful shot of the gun crew firing at the submarine .
(trg)="50"> But the best of all was in the boat , here , with Joe .

(src)="54"> Filmei o navio a afundar-se e um barco salva-vidas a ser sugado .
(trg)="51"> I got the freighter going down ,
(trg)="52"> one of the lifeboats caught in the suction and pulled under .

(src)="55"> Filmei a tripulação do submarino a saltar ao mar e ...
(trg)="53"> I got some of the U-boat crew jumping overboard and I also got ...
(trg)="54"> Look !
(trg)="55"> That 's a perfect touch !

(src)="59"> Porque não espera para filmar o bebé ?
(trg)="56"> What did you do that for ?
(trg)="57"> Why don 't you wait for the baby to float by and photograph that ?

(src)="60"> Saia da frente .
(trg)="59"> Ga ngwav !

(src)="62"> Porque não olha para o que está a fazer ?
(trg)="60"> You stupid , clumsy , son of a ...
(trg)="61"> Why don 't you look where you 're going ?

(src)="64"> O melhor filme que já fiz e foi para o fundo do mar .
(trg)="62"> Absolutely irreplaceable stuff .

(src)="65"> Antes o filme do que você .
(trg)="65"> Goes to the bottom of the sea !
(trg)="66"> That 's better than going there yourself !

(src)="66"> Eu não abriria mão dele por nada .
(trg)="67"> I wouldn 't have parted with that film for a million dollars !

(src)="67"> Quando conseguirei algo assim novamente ?
(trg)="68"> When will I ever get stuff like that again ?

(src)="69"> - Podemos arranjar outro naufrágio .
(trg)="70"> Maybe we can arrange another shipwreck for you sometime .

(src)="70"> - Sparks , chegaste a mandar um SOS ?
(trg)="71"> Sparks , did you have time to send out an SOS ?

(src)="72"> O primeiro torpedo atingiu a cabine de rádio .
(trg)="72"> Hardly the first shell from the U-boat did for the radio shack !
(trg)="73"> Keep going , Kovac , there 's more people out there !

(src)="75"> - De onde veio isto ?
(trg)="74"> - Where 'd this come from ?

(src)="78"> MacKenzie !
(trg)="76"> Miss MacKenzie !

(src)="79"> Stanley !
(trg)="77"> - Stanley !

(src)="82"> Vamos , Kovac .
(trg)="79"> She 's alive .

(src)="83"> - Está alguém ali .
(trg)="82"> There 's somebody , out there .

(src)="84"> À direita , Kovac .
(trg)="83"> To your right , Kovac !