# OpenSubtitles2016/ms/2003/285823/6279411.xml.gz
# OpenSubtitles2016/ze_en/2003/285823/5961265.xml.gz

(src)="2"> - Aku tak pernah mendengar namanya .
(trg)="1"> - I never heard of him .

(src)="4"> Pria yang kau tunjukkan itu .
(trg)="3"> The man you recommended .

(src)="5"> Ksatria bergitar ?
(trg)="4"> The guitar fighter ?

(src)="6"> Menyapu bersih beberapa kota seorang diri , benar-benar sinting , yeah .
(trg)="5"> Wiped out a couple towns single-handedly .

(src)="7"> Kau telah mendengar tentang dia , hanya kau tidak tahu dialah yang mereka bicarakan .
(trg)="8"> You heard of him .
(trg)="9"> You just didn 't know it was him they were talking about .
(trg)="10"> You should meet him .

(src)="9"> Aku , aku , pesananku .
(trg)="11"> Me .

(src)="10"> Paling tidak aku bukan orang yang suka mengada-ada .
(trg)="14"> As long as I 'm not the guy that has to make the introduction .
(trg)="15"> Were you in Mexico during the Barillo cartel massacre ?

(src)="12"> Tidak .
(trg)="16"> No .

(src)="13"> Saat itulah pertama kalinya aku mendengar tentang dia , dia seorang legenda .
(trg)="17"> That 's when I first heard about him .
(trg)="18"> He was a legend .
(trg)="19"> They used to say he was the biggest Mexican they 'd ever seen .

(src)="15"> Benar-benar omong kosong , kira-kira 5 ' 9 " , 5 ' 10 " , tingginya .
(trg)="20"> That was total bullshit .
(trg)="21"> He was 5 ' 9 " , 5 ' 1 0 " , tops .
(trg)="22"> That 's no record , but bigger than most of us .

(src)="17"> Tapi Marquez , itu cerita yang berbeda .
(trg)="23"> But MarQuez , that 's a different story .
(trg)="24"> Marquez .

(src)="19"> Marquez .
(trg)="25"> Marquez .

(src)="21"> Penguasa , berbahaya .
(trg)="27"> Powerful , dangerous .

(src)="22"> Marquez , dia termasuk saingan sang Mariachi ini , begitulah .
(trg)="28"> Marquez , he really had it in for this Mariachi , see .

(src)="23"> Mereka menyebutnya " Mariachi " karena dia sering membawa gitarnya .
(trg)="29"> They called him " " Mariachi " " because he used to carry this guitar .
(trg)="30"> A guitar ?

(src)="25"> Percayalah , dia juga benar-benar tahu cara memainkannya .
(trg)="31"> Believe me , he really knew how to play it too .

(src)="26"> Dengar , kisah ini telah menyebar kemana-mana .
(trg)="32"> Look , this story is well-traveled .

(src)="27"> Agaknya telah menjadi hiasan bibir sepanjang waktu .
(trg)="33"> It might have picked up some embellishments along the way .
(trg)="34"> Just read between the lines .

(src)="29"> Saat ini , mungkin dia takkan pernah lagi menjadi seorang Meksiko terhebat ...
(trg)="35"> Now , he may not have been the biggest Mexican ever ...

(src)="31"> ... Tapi ada lagi yang sama mematikan seperti kecantikannya .
(trg)="36"> - All right . - ... but she was as deadly ...
(trg)="37"> ... as she was beautiful .

(src)="32"> - Ada seorang wanita ?
(trg)="38"> - There 's a girl ?

(src)="34"> Ketika dia kehabisan amunisi , dia mengambil alih .
(trg)="41"> When he 'd run out of ammo , she 'd take over .

(src)="35"> Dialah wanita yang paling anggun yang pernah ada .
(trg)="42"> The most drop-dead gorgeous woman you 'll ever see .

(src)="36"> Disitulah asal muasal masalah dimulai , Marquez sangat menyukainya .
(trg)="43"> That 's where all the trouble began .
(trg)="44"> She was with MarQuez .
(trg)="45"> And when MarQuez saw that she was with the Mariachi , well , he went crazy .

(src)="38"> Dia memburu dan menzalimi Mariachi sampai mati , dan kemudian dia menempatkan peluru di jantungya .
(trg)="46"> He hunted him down and fought Mariachi to the death .
(trg)="47"> And then she ...
(trg)="48"> ... put a bullet in his heart .

(src)="39"> Cuma dia tidak mati .
(trg)="49"> Only he didn 't die .

(src)="40"> - Aku tak tahu apa yang terjadi setelah itu .
(trg)="50"> - I don 't know what happened after that .

(src)="42"> Tidak , mungkin Marquez terjebak dengan mereka , atau dengan kartel .
(trg)="52"> No .
(trg)="53"> Maybe MarQuez caught up with them , or the cartels .
(trg)="54"> But like I said , the man is a myth , a legend .

(src)="44"> Dan jika dia masih hidup , dialah yang kau inginkan .
(trg)="55"> And if he 's still living , he 's the one you want .
(trg)="56"> Well ...

(src)="45"> Wah itu benar-benar luar biasa .
(trg)="57"> ... that is truly unbelievable .

(src)="46"> Yah , aku tidak ahli dalam bercerita .
(trg)="58"> Well , I 'm not big on telling stories .

(src)="48"> itulah alasanku disini .
(trg)="59"> Where 's the money ?

(src)="49"> Aku tidak punya tas yang cukup kecil untuk $ 10.000 tunai .
(trg)="61"> I couldn 't find a briefcase small enough ...
(trg)="62"> ... for $ 1 0,000 in cash .

(src)="50"> Itu juga boleh .
(trg)="63"> It " ll do .

(src)="51"> Demi kelancaran , aku tawarkan kau 50 .
(trg)="64"> Just for my own edification , I offered you 50 .
(trg)="65"> - Why 'd you say no ?
(trg)="66"> - I 'm not a greedy man .

(src)="54"> Tidak ingin terlihat cepat kaya .
(trg)="67"> Not looking to get rich quick .

(src)="55"> Lagipula , 50.000 terlalu banyak untuk sesuatu yang ingin kau ketahui dariku , ya kan .
(trg)="68"> Besides , 50,000 is a lot for what you wanted me to find out , you know .
(trg)="69"> You may as just as well put a bullet in my head as cough it up , right ?

(src)="57"> Kalau 10 ?
(trg)="70"> But . 10 ?

(src)="58"> Sepuluh ribu tidak berlebihan .
(trg)="71"> Ten thousand is civilized .

(src)="59"> Sepuluh artinya sesuatu yang kita berdua bisa terima .
(trg)="72"> Ten is something we both can live with .

(src)="60"> Sepuluhpun bisa jadi masih terlalu banyak .
(trg)="73"> Ten might still be too much .

(src)="61"> Kau akan membunuhku dengan $ 10.000 ?
(trg)="74"> You 'd kill me over $ 1 0,000 ?

(src)="62"> Kau takkan berani .
(trg)="75"> You wouldn 't dare .

(src)="63"> Kau tidak akan berani .
(trg)="76"> You wouldn 't dare .

(src)="64"> Siapa bilang
(trg)="77"> Yes , I would .

(src)="65"> Maukah kau menerima kehormatan ini ?
(trg)="78"> Would you do me the honor ?

(src)="66"> Kau perlu belajar untuk memainkan .
(trg)="79"> You need to learn to play .

(src)="67"> Karena itulah kau disini .
(trg)="80"> That 's why you 're here .

(src)="68"> Kudengar tempat ini adalah kota perampok bersenjata .
(trg)="81"> I hear this is a town of Gunmen .

(src)="69"> Kami hanya membuat gitar disini .
(trg)="82"> We only make guitars here .

(src)="70"> Mariachi .
(trg)="83"> Mariachi .

(src)="72"> Aku tidak tahu siapa yang kau maksud .
(trg)="85"> I don 't know who you mean .

(src)="73"> Aku merasa terhormat berada di hadapanmu .
(trg)="86"> I 'm honored to be in your presence .
(trg)="87"> But there 's someone else who wants to meet you .

(src)="75"> Simpanlah , dia buat itu untukmu .
(trg)="88"> Keep it .

(src)="76"> Kau tahu , jika aku jadi kau , nak , aku berbalik dan kembali sekarang .
(trg)="90"> You know , if I was you , son , I 'd turn around and go back right now .
(trg)="91"> Go back to where I came from ...

(src)="77"> Kembali dimana aku berasal daripada menjual jiwa dan ragaku untuk para lintah darat .
(trg)="92"> ... instead of selling my mind and my soul to these cocksuckers .
(trg)="93"> You speak English ?

(src)="79"> Kupikir tidak .
(trg)="94"> I didn 't think so .

(src)="80"> Segala upaya telah dilakukan kartel padaku serta keluargaku .
(trg)="95"> Attempts have been made on me and my family by the cartels .
(trg)="96"> The same cartels that are threatening our freedom ...

(src)="81"> Lebih dari itu kartel telah mengancam kebebasan kita kebebasan yang seharusnya kita pertahankan sampai mati .
(trg)="97"> freedom which we must defend to the death .

(src)="82"> Aku hadir untukmu SeƱor Blascoe .
(trg)="98"> I present to you Senor Blascoe .

(src)="84"> Kami mendengar kau ingin bekerja untuk kami .
(trg)="100"> We hear you want to work for us .

(src)="85"> Aku juga siap untuk memulai hidup baru .
(trg)="101"> I too am ready to start a new life .

(src)="86"> Ini hari keberuntunganmu .
(trg)="102"> This is your lucky day .

(src)="87"> Kau sudah menerima pibil ( bayaran ) ?
(trg)="103"> Did you order my pibil ?