# OpenSubtitles2016/hr/1935/26393/6042042.xml.gz
# OpenSubtitles2016/ze_en/1935/26393/5942503.xml.gz

(src)="1"> FBI - odjel za obuku
(trg)="3"> FBI 训练科

(src)="2"> Gospodo , 1949. godina je 25 .
(src)="3"> obljetnica postojanja FBI-a .
(trg)="4"> Gentlemen , 1949 marks the 25th anniversary ...

(src)="4"> Kao i druge priče o uspjehu , ova je počela skromno .
(trg)="5"> ... of the FBI as it exists today .
(trg)="6"> Like many another success story , this one had humble beginnings .
(trg)="7"> [ G号特工 : 联邦调查局法律执行官 ]

(src)="5"> Prvi savezni agenti radili su u nemogućim uvjetima .
(trg)="8"> The first G-men worked under staggering disadvantages .

(src)="6"> Znate li da je ne tako davno otmičar ili pljačkaš u bijegu mogao samo prijeći državnu granicu i rugati nam se ?
(trg)="9"> Do you realize that not many years ago , a fleeing kidnapper or bank robber ...
(trg)="10"> ... could take one step across a state line and thumb his nose at us ?

(src)="7"> često smo morali uhititi ljude naoružane strojnicama , a mi nismo smjeli nositi oružje .
(trg)="11"> Often when we made an arrest we had to walk ...
(trg)="12"> ... into a rain of hoodlum machine-gun fire ...
(trg)="13"> ... though we were forbidden by law to carry a revolver .

(src)="8"> Ali FBI je imao svoja oružja :
(trg)="14"> But , gentlemen , the bureau did have as weapons ...

(src)="9"> istinu , motivaciju i vitalnost .
(trg)="15"> ... truth , drive and vitality .

(src)="10"> Prije nego što smo dobili oružje i zakone , u podzemlju se sa strahom govorilo o saveznim agentima .
(trg)="16"> Even before the government armed us with guns and laws ...

(src)="11"> Vratit ću vas u to doba i prikazati vam film o Bricku Davisu iz FBI-a .
(trg)="17"> ... G - men became a dreaded underworld whisper .
(trg)="18"> I 'm going to take you back to those days ...
(trg)="19"> ... and show you a motion picture about a man named " Brick " Davis .

(src)="12"> To je najbolji film o FBI-u .
(trg)="20"> It 's the daddy of all FBI pictures .

(src)="13"> U njemu su nas prvi put zvali saveznim agentima .
(src)="14"> Auti su stari i žene su odjevene staromodno .
(trg)="21"> It 's the first one that called us G-men .

(src)="15"> Ali vidjet ćete nešto što FBI nikad nije zaboravio .
(trg)="22"> The cars are old , you won 't see women wearing the new look ...
(trg)="23"> ... but you will see something that the bureau has never forgotten .

(src)="16"> Iako se vremena , navike i stilovi mijenjaju , jedna stvar se ne mijenja :
(trg)="24"> That while times change and habits change and styles change ...

(src)="17"> čovjek koji želi iz života izvući više nego što je uložio je lopuža .
(trg)="25"> ... one thing is constant :
(trg)="26"> The man who want to get more out of life than he puts into it ...

(src)="18"> Jednak je danas kao i onda .
(trg)="27"> ... the hoodlum ...
(trg)="28"> ... he 's the same today as he was then .

(src)="19"> Još je državni neprijatelj .
(src)="20"> Kreni , Vince .
(trg)="29"> He is still a public enemy .

(src)="21"> Dame i gospodo porotnici , znate što pravda znači čovjeku koji se ne može braniti jer nema novaca .
(trg)="40"> Now , ladies and gentlemen of the jury , you must know what justice can mean ...
(trg)="41"> ... to a man who is defenseless because he is poor .

(src)="22"> Kako biste se vi osjećali da vas velika korporacija natjera da prodate životno djelo , izum na kojem su zaradili milijune dolara ?
(trg)="42"> How would you feel if a huge corporation bulldozed you ...
(trg)="43"> ... into selling your life 's work ...

(src)="23"> Za što ?
(trg)="44"> ... an invention that has made them millions , and selling it for what ?

(src)="24"> Za bijednih 5000 dolara .
(trg)="45"> A paltry $ 5000 .

(src)="25"> Molim vas , dame i gospodo , pogledajte moga klijenta .
(trg)="46"> I ask you , ladies and gentlemen , to look upon my client .

(src)="26"> To je čovjek koji je šutke godinama radio , planirao , trudio se nešto ostvariti .
(trg)="47"> A man who has stood silently at a workbench for years ...

(src)="27"> G. James Davis , odvjetnik .
(trg)="48"> ... planning , working , striving to create ...

(src)="28"> Jeste li vi Davis ?
(src)="29"> - Jesam .
(src)="30"> Uđite .
(trg)="50"> - Are you Davis ?

(src)="31"> Drago mi je .
(trg)="51"> - Yeah , come in .

(src)="32"> Ja sam Joseph Kratz .
(trg)="52"> Glad to meet you .

(src)="33"> Iz šestog okruga .
(trg)="53"> My name is Joseph Kratz .
(trg)="54"> - Oh , yes .

(src)="34"> - Poznajete me ?
(trg)="55"> Sixth Ward .

(src)="35"> čuo sam za vas .
(trg)="56"> - Oh , you know me , eh ?

(src)="36"> Sjednite .
(trg)="57"> - Heard of you .

(src)="37"> Imam dobar slučaj za vas .
(trg)="58"> Sit down .
(trg)="59"> - Thanks .

(src)="38"> Steći ćete mnoge prijatelje ako prihvatite .
(trg)="60"> Got a good case for you , Davis .
(trg)="61"> One that 'll make you a lot of friends if you take it .

(src)="39"> Što vi dobivate ?
(src)="40"> - Ništa .
(trg)="62"> That 's fine .

(src)="41"> Moj prijatelj je u zatvoru zbog lažne optužbe .
(trg)="63"> What do you get out of it ?
(trg)="64"> Me ?
(trg)="65"> Nothing .

(src)="42"> Hoću da ga branite .
(trg)="66"> A friend of mine 's in jail on a bum rap .

(src)="43"> - Što je učinio ?
(trg)="67"> - I want you to defend him .

(src)="44"> - Napio se i pretukao svoju staru .
(trg)="68"> - What 'd he do ?
(trg)="69"> Why , he got drunk last night and beat up his old lady .

(src)="45"> Svoju majku ?
(src)="46"> - Da .
(trg)="70"> - His mother ?

(src)="47"> Simpatičan momak .
(trg)="71"> - Yeah .
(trg)="72"> - Nice fella .

(src)="48"> - Znate kako je .
(src)="49"> Drže ga zbog napada ?
(trg)="73"> - Well , you know how things like that are .

(src)="50"> - Ne , optužit će ga zbog nošenja oružja .
(trg)="74"> - They book him on assault and battery ?

(src)="51"> Jadnik je nosio pištolj .
(trg)="75"> - They 're gonna hook him on the Sullivan Act .

(src)="52"> Istukao ju je drškom .
(trg)="76"> The sap was carrying a gun and beat her with the butt of it .

(src)="53"> - Slučajno ?
(src)="54"> - Da .
(trg)="77"> - Accidentally ?

(src)="55"> Ali ako umre , optužit će ga za ubojstvo .
(trg)="78"> - Yeah , accidental .

(src)="56"> Mislite da bih branio takva čovjeka ?
(trg)="79"> But if she kicks off , he 's up for murder .

(src)="57"> Zašto ne ?
(trg)="80"> Do you think I 'd defend a guy like that ?

(src)="58"> - Prije bih ga prebio .
(trg)="81"> - Why not ?

(src)="59"> Ne želim taj slučaj .
(trg)="82"> - I 'd rather beat his brains out .

(src)="60"> Tu nešto smrdi .
(trg)="83"> I don 't want the case , Kratz .

(src)="61"> Samo malo .
(trg)="84"> It smells .
(trg)="85"> Now , wait a minute , just a minute , Davis , before you turn this down .

(src)="62"> Mnogi iz mog okruga surađivali bi s vama ako prihvatite .
(src)="63"> Ne trebate odvjetnika , nego pokvarenjaka .
(trg)="86"> There are a lot of boys around my ward who 'll play ball with you if you take it .

(src)="64"> Nosite svoj posao drugamo !
(trg)="87"> You don 't want a lawyer , Kratz , you want a crook .

(src)="65"> - Ne izigravajte poštenog odvjetnika .
(trg)="88"> Take your dirty work to somebody else .
(trg)="89"> Now , don 't pull any of that honest lawyer stuff on me .

(src)="66"> Nije vas McKay bez razloga s ulice poslao na fakultet .
(trg)="90"> " Big Shot " McKay didn 't pick you out of the gutter ...

(src)="67"> Gubite se !
(src)="68"> - Dobro .
(trg)="91"> ... and send you through college for nothing .

(src)="69"> Ali ako se predomislite , nazovite me .
(trg)="92"> - Out .
(trg)="93"> - All right , all right .

(src)="70"> Nećete dospjeti daleko radeći za toga pokvarenjaka .
(trg)="94"> When you change your mind , let me know .
(trg)="95"> Call me up .

(src)="71"> Eddie !
(trg)="97"> Hey !

(src)="72"> - Da , Eddie .
(trg)="98"> - Eddie !

(src)="73"> Baš lijepo postupaš s mušterijama .
(trg)="99"> - Yeah , Eddie .
(trg)="100"> That 's a swell way to treat a customer .

(src)="74"> - To je bila lopuža .
(src)="75"> Vidi ti gospodina iz pravosuđa !
(trg)="101"> Just a greaseball !

(src)="76"> Kad si stigao ?
(src)="77"> - Jutros , iz Washingtona .
(trg)="102"> Well , if it isn 't old man Department of Justice himself .

(src)="78"> Poslom ?
(trg)="103"> - When 'd you get here ?
(trg)="104"> - Flew up this morning .

(src)="79"> - Da .
(trg)="105"> - Business ?

(src)="80"> - Sjedni .
(trg)="106"> - Yeah .

(src)="81"> Gdje ti je značka ?
(trg)="107"> Sit down .
(trg)="108"> Park yourself .
(trg)="109"> Well , well .

(src)="82"> - Nemamo ih vremena ulaštiti .
(trg)="110"> What , no brass button , no badge ?
(trg)="111"> What is this ?

(src)="83"> Imaš previše posla plašeći ljude tom značkom .
(trg)="112"> Nobody has any time to polish them .
(trg)="113"> Too busy going around with a big badge frightening people .

(src)="84"> Diplomirao si prije godinu dana i još imaš isti argument .
(trg)="114"> What a lawyer .

(src)="85"> Što će ti pravni fakultet ako se igraš policajaca i lopova ?
(trg)="115"> A year out of school , you 're using the same argument .
(trg)="116"> And it 's still good .
(trg)="117"> What 's the use of going to law school ...

(src)="86"> Da si otvorio ured , sad bi bio na vrhu i ne bi tumarao okolo .
(trg)="118"> ... if you 're gonna throw it over and play cops and robbers .
(trg)="119"> If you had gone into practice , you 'd be at the top now ...

(src)="87"> Zakon je divna igra , Eddie .
(trg)="120"> ... instead of flatfooting around .

(src)="88"> Možda , ali izgledaš smiješno za tim stolom .
(trg)="121"> Law 's a great game .
(trg)="122"> Maybe so .

(src)="89"> Pa moram te zabaviti dok si tu .
(trg)="123"> But you sure look funny sitting behind a desk .

(src)="90"> Ne još .
(trg)="124"> I suppose I have to entertain while you 're here .

(src)="91"> Imam sastanak s nekim Durfeejem .
(trg)="125"> Not for a couple of days .

(src)="92"> Poslije ćemo se zabaviti .
(trg)="126"> I have an appointment with a chap named Durfee .

(src)="93"> - Odlično .
(trg)="127"> - After that , okay .

(src)="94"> Pokušat ću riješiti posao da dobijem slobodan dan .
(trg)="128"> - That 's swell .
(trg)="129"> I 'll try to clean up most of my work .

(src)="95"> Imaš li dosta posla ?
(trg)="130"> I think I can get a whole day off .

(src)="96"> - Posao je odličan !
(trg)="131"> Are you getting much business ?

(src)="97"> Polovicu izbacujem van .
(trg)="132"> Business is terrific .

(src)="98"> Zašto muljaš , Brick ?
(trg)="133"> I have to throw half of it out .
(trg)="134"> What 's the use of kidding , Brick ?

(src)="99"> - Molim ?
(src)="100"> Moraš obrisati prašinu s knjiga .
(trg)="135"> Kidding ?