# OpenSubtitles2016/eu/1976/74958/4228662.xml.gz
# OpenSubtitles2016/ze_en/1976/74958/5961883.xml.gz

(src)="1"> Hau Howard Bealen historia da , UBS kateko albistegi aurkezlea .
(trg)="2"> who was the Network News anchorman on UBS TV .
(trg)="3"> In his time , Howard Beale had been a mandarin of television .

(src)="2"> Howard Beale telbebistako elitearen kide zen , autoritate oso bat , ikusentzule mailak 16 puntukoak eta % 28-ko batazbestekoarekin
(trg)="4"> The grand old man of news , with a HUT rating of 16 and a 28 audience share .
(trg)="5"> In 1969 , however , his fortunes began to decline .

(src)="3"> 1969-an , horrela ere , bere zortea aldatzen hasi zen .
(trg)="6"> He fell to a 22 share .

(src)="5"> Hurrengo urtean , bere emaztea hil zen , alargun utziz , semealaba gabe eta % 12-ko ikusentzule kuotarekin .
(trg)="7"> The following year his wife died ,
(trg)="8"> and he was left a childless widower
(trg)="9"> with an 8 rating and a 12 share .

(src)="7"> 1975-eko irailak 22-an bere kaleratzea jakinarazi zioten .
(trg)="11"> And on September 22 , 1975 , he was fired
(trg)="12"> effective in two weeks .
(trg)="13"> The news was broken to him by Max Schumacher

(src)="8"> Albistea Max Schumacherren bidez iritsi zitzaion ,
(trg)="14"> who was the president of the news division at UBS .

(src)="9"> UBS-ko Albistegien Burua .
(trg)="15"> The two old friends got properly pissed .

(src)="10"> Bi lagunak elkarrekin mozkortu ziren .
(trg)="16"> I was at CBS with Ed Murrow

(src)="11"> Ni CBS-an nengoen Ed Murrowrekin 1951-n .
(trg)="17"> in 1951 .
(trg)="18"> Must 've been 1950 , then .

(src)="12"> Orduan 1950-ean izango zen .
(trg)="19"> I was NBC , uh , associate producer , Morning News .

(src)="14"> Goizeko albistegia .
(trg)="20"> I was just a kid , 26 years old .

(src)="17"> George Washington zubiaren beheko maila eraikitzen ari ziren .
(trg)="21"> Anyway , they were building the lower level of the George Washington Bridge .
(trg)="22"> We were doing a remote from there .

(src)="20"> Zazpiak eta hamarretan dei bat jasotzen dut .
(trg)="24"> Then after 7 in the morning , I get a call .
(trg)="25"> " Where the hell are you ?
(trg)="26"> You 're supposed to be on the George Washington Bridge . "

(src)="22"> George Washington zubian egon behar zenuen " .
(trg)="27"> I jump out of bed , throw my raincoat over my pajamas .

(src)="23"> Jaikitzen naiz , gabardina jazten dut ohejantziaren gainetik eta lasterka jeisten naiz .
(trg)="28"> I run down the stairs , I run out in the street ,
(trg)="29"> hail a cab.And I say to the cabby ,

(src)="24"> Kalera irteten naiz , taxi bat gelditzen dut , eta esaten diot gidariari : " Eraman nazazu George Washington zubira " .
(trg)="30"> " Take me to the middle of the George Washington Bridge . "
(trg)="31"> And the cabbie turns around and he says .
(trg)="32"> He says ,

(src)="25"> Eta gidaria itzulia ematen da eta esaten dit :
(trg)="33"> " Don 't do it , buddy .

(src)="26"> " Ez egin , lagun " .
(trg)="34"> You 're a young man .

(src)="32"> Buruan tiro egin behar diot neure buruari , zuzenean , zazpietako albistegian bertan .
(trg)="40"> Right in the middle of the 7 : 00 news .
(trg)="41"> Well , you 'll get a hell of a rating , I 'll guarantee you that .

(src)="34"> % 50-eko kuota lasai asko .
(trg)="42"> 50 share easy .
(trg)="43"> - You think so ?
(trg)="44"> - Well , sure .

(src)="36"> - Zihur .
(trg)="45"> We could make a series out of it .

(src)="41"> " Asteko terrorista . "
(trg)="51"> I love it .

(src)="42"> Atsegin dut .
(trg)="52"> Suicides .

(src)="44"> Erahilketak .
(trg)="54"> Mad bombers

(src)="45"> Terroristak .
(trg)="55"> Mafia hit men

(src)="47"> Errepide istripuak .
(trg)="56"> automobile smashups .
(trg)="57"> The Death Hour .

(src)="51"> - Lennonen atzerriratzea hirugarrenean .
(trg)="61"> That strong enough to bump ?

(src)="53"> Ba lehenengoan .
(trg)="63"> In one then , I 'll do a lead on Sara Jane Moore to Mayberry in San Francisco .

(src)="54"> Sarah Jane Mooreri buruzko idazburua egingo dut .
(trg)="64"> In the film I saw , it was the chief of detectives .

(src)="55"> - Ikerle buruaren adierazpena ikusi dut .
(trg)="65"> I think we 've got about 10 seconds on the shooting itself .

(src)="58"> - Zenbat guztira ?
(trg)="67"> - What does that come out ?

(src)="65"> San Franciscoko mapa bat jarriko dugu ?
(trg)="73"> Um , I prefer our news pics .

(src)="66"> - Argazki berriak nahiago ditut .
(trg)="74"> What have we got left ?

(src)="68"> Beste zer dugu ?
(trg)="75"> Gun control , Patty Hearst affidavit .

(src)="69"> Armak , Patty Hearsten adierazpena , Txadeko basagudariak , OPEC-a , Indiana .
(trg)="76"> Guerrillas in Chad , OPEC in Vienna .