# xml/en/1942/34583/3098261.xml.gz
# xml/eu/1942/34583/4229309.xml.gz

(src)="1"> With the coming of the Second World War many eyes in imprisoned Europe turned hopefully , or desperately ... ... toward the freedom of the Americas .
(trg)="1"> " Bigarren Mundu Gudaren helduerarekin ... "
(trg)="2"> " Europa gatibuak begiak itxaropenez edo itxaronpen gabe bihurtu zituen ... "
(trg)="3"> AEB-ren askatasunerantz . "

(src)="2"> Lisbon became the great embarkation point .
(trg)="4"> " Lisboa abiagune bihurtu zen . "

(src)="3"> But not everybody could get to Lisbon directly .
(trg)="5"> " Baina ezin zuten zuzenean Lisboara iritsi . "

(src)="4"> And so a torturous , roundabout refugee trail sprang up .
(trg)="6"> " Horrela jaio zen iheslarien bide gogorra . "

(src)="5"> Paris to Marseilles across the Mediterranean to Oran .
(trg)="7"> " Parisetik Marseilara . "
(trg)="8"> " Mediterraneoan zehar Oranerainok . "

(src)="6"> Then , by train or auto or foot , across the rim of Africa to Casablanca in French Morocco .
(trg)="9"> " Eta handik trenez , autoz edo ohinez Afrika inguratuz ... "
(trg)="10"> " Casablancarainok frantziar Marokon . "

(src)="7"> Here , the fortunate ones , through money or influence or luck might obtain exit visas and scurry to Lisbon .
(trg)="11"> " Hemen , zorionekoak , diruarekin , eraginez edo zortearekin ... "
(trg)="12"> " baimenak lortu ditzakete eta Lisboarantz irten . "

(src)="8"> And from Lisbon to the New World .
(trg)="13"> " Eta Lisboatik Mundu Berrira . "

(src)="9"> But the others wait in Casablanca .
(trg)="14"> " Baina besteek Casablancan itxaroten dute . "

(src)="10"> And wait and wait and wait .
(trg)="15"> " Eta itxaroten dute ... "
(trg)="16"> " Eta itxaroten dute ... "
(trg)="17"> " Eta itxaroten dute ... "

(src)="11"> To all officers :
(trg)="18"> " Ofizial guztiei :

(src)="12"> Two German couriers carrying official documents murdered on train from Oran .
(trg)="19"> Bi postari alemaniar agiri ofizialak dituztela ... erahilak Orango trenean .

(src)="13"> Murderer and possible accomplices headed for Casablanca .
(trg)="20"> Erahiltzailea eta ustezko laguntzaileak Casablancara zihoazen ..

(src)="14"> Round up all suspicious characters and search them for stolen document .
(trg)="21"> Atxilotu itzazue susmagarri guztiak eta bilatu itzazue lapurturiko agiriak .

(src)="15"> lmportant .
(trg)="22"> Garrantzitsua " .

(src)="16"> May we see your papers ?
(trg)="23"> Ikusi ditzaket zure paperak ?

(src)="17"> l don 't think l have them on me .
(trg)="24"> Ez daramatzat soinean .

(src)="18"> - ln that case , you 'll have to come along .
(src)="19"> - Wait .
(trg)="25"> Horrela bada , gurekin etorri beharko zara .

(src)="20"> It 's possible that l ... .
(src)="21"> Yes .
(trg)="26"> Badaiteke ...

(src)="22"> Here they are .
(trg)="27"> Bai .
(trg)="28"> Hemen daude .

(src)="23"> These papers expired three weeks ago .
(trg)="29"> Duela hiru aste iraungitu ziren .

(src)="24"> You 'll have to come along .
(trg)="30"> Gurekin etorri beharko duzu .

(src)="26"> Halt !
(trg)="31"> Geldik !

(src)="27"> - What on earth is going on there ?
(trg)="33"> - Zer gertatzen da ?

(src)="28"> - l don 't know , my dear .
(trg)="34"> - Ez dakit , maitea .

(src)="29"> Pardon , monsieur .
(trg)="35"> Barkaidazue .

(src)="30"> Pardon , madame .
(src)="31"> Have you not heard ?
(trg)="36"> Ez duzue jakin ?

(src)="32"> We hear very little , and we understand even less .
(trg)="37"> Gutxi entzun dugu eta ulertu gutxiago egiten dugu .

(src)="33"> Two German couriers were found murdered in the desert .
(src)="34"> The unoccupied desert .
(trg)="38"> Bi postari alemaniar erahilak izan dira basamortu okupatu gabean .

(src)="35"> This is the customary roundup of refugees , liberals ...
(src)="36"> ...and , of course , a beautiful young girl for Renault , the prefect of police .
(trg)="39"> Sarekada ohiko bat da , iheslari , liberal ... eta Renault , polizia buruarentzako neska ederren aurka .

(src)="37"> Along with these unhappy refugees ...
(src)="38"> ...the scum of Europe has gravitated to Casablanca .
(trg)="40"> Iheslariekin , Europako hondakina Casablancara etorri da .

(src)="39"> Some of them have been waiting years for a visa .
(trg)="41"> Batzuk urteak daramatzate baimenaren zain .

(src)="40"> l beg of you , monsieur , watch yourself .
(trg)="42"> Mesedez , jauna .

(src)="41"> Be on guard .
(trg)="43"> Kontu izan .

(src)="42"> This place is full of vultures .
(trg)="44"> Toki hau putrez beterik dago .

(src)="43"> Vultures everywhere .
(src)="44"> Everywhere !
(trg)="45"> Putreak daude toki guztietan .

(src)="45"> - Thank you .
(src)="46"> Thank you very much .
(trg)="46"> - Mila esker .

(src)="47"> - Not at all .
(trg)="47"> - Ez horregaitik .

(src)="48"> What an amusing little fellow .
(trg)="48"> Gizon barreragilea .

(src)="49"> Waiter .
(trg)="49"> Gelazaina .

(src)="50"> - Oh , how silly of me .
(trg)="50"> - Zein ergela naizen !

(src)="51"> - What , dear ?
(trg)="51"> - Zer gertatzen da , maitea ?

(src)="52"> l 've left my wallet in the hotel .
(trg)="52"> Kartera hotelean utzi dut .

(src)="53"> Perhaps tomorrow we 'll be on the plane .
(trg)="53"> Agian bihar hegazkinean joango gara .

(src)="54"> It is good to see you again , Major Strasser .
(trg)="54"> Pozten naiz zu ikusteaz , maiorra .

(src)="55"> Thank you , thank you .
(trg)="55"> Mila esker , mila esker .

(src)="56"> May l present Captain Renault , police prefect of Casablanca .
(trg)="56"> Renault kapitaina aurkezten dizut , polizia burua .

(src)="58"> Unoccupied France welcomes you to Casablanca .
(trg)="57"> Frantzia askeak agurtzen zaitu .

(src)="59"> Thank you , captain .
(src)="60"> It 's good to be here .
(trg)="58"> Mila esker .

(src)="61"> Major Strasser , my aide , Lieutenant Casselle .
(trg)="59"> Maiorra , nire laguntzailea , Casselle tenientea .

(src)="62"> Captain Tonnelli .
(src)="63"> The Italian service at your command .
(trg)="60"> - Tonelli Kapitaina , italiar zerbitzukoa .

(src)="64"> That is kind of you .
(trg)="61"> - Oso atsegina zure aldetik .

(src)="65"> You may find the climate of Casablanca a trifle warm .
(trg)="62"> Nabarituko duzu hemen giroa apur bat beroa dela .

(src)="66"> We Germans must get used to all climates , from Russia to the Sahara .
(trg)="63"> Alemaniarrok girora egokitu behar dugu , Errusiatik Saharara .

(src)="67"> Perhaps you weren 't referring to weather .
(trg)="64"> - Baina ez dut giroaz hitzegiten .

(src)="68"> What else ?
(trg)="65"> - Zertaz orduan ?

(src)="69"> The murder of the couriers .
(src)="70"> What has been done ?
(trg)="66"> Zer da erahilketez ?

(src)="71"> My men are rounding up twice the usual number of suspects .
(trg)="67"> Nire gizonak ohikoa dena baino susmagarri gehiago atxilotzen ari dira .

(src)="72"> But we know already who the murderer is .
(trg)="68"> - Badakigu nor den erahiltzailea .

(src)="73"> Good .
(src)="74"> ls he in custody ?
(trg)="69"> - Atxiloturik dago ?

(src)="75"> No hurry .
(src)="76"> Tonight he 'll be at Rick 's .
(trg)="70"> Gaur gauean Rick ' sera joango da .

(src)="77"> Everybody comes to Rick 's .
(trg)="71"> Mundu guztia doa Rick ' sera .

(src)="78"> l 've already heard about this café .
(trg)="72"> Entzun dut kafetegi horretaz .

(src)="79"> And also about Mr. Rick himself .
(trg)="73"> Baita Rick jaunaz .

(src)="80"> Waiting , waiting , waiting .
(trg)="79"> Itxaron , itxaron , itxaron .

(src)="81"> l 'll never get out of here .
(trg)="80"> Inoiz ez naiz hemendik irtengo .

(src)="82"> l 'll die in Casablanca .
(trg)="81"> Casablancan hilko naiz .

(src)="83"> But can 't you make it just a little more ?
(src)="84"> Please ?
(trg)="82"> Eman ahal didazu apur bat gehiago , mesedez ?

(src)="85"> Sorry , but diamonds are a drug on the market .
(src)="86"> Everybody sells diamonds .
(trg)="83"> Sentitzen dut , baina diamanteek gutxi balio dute .

(src)="87"> There are diamonds everywhere . 2400 .
(trg)="84"> Gehiegi dago .
(trg)="85"> Bi mila eta laureun .

(src)="88"> All right .
(trg)="86"> Ados .

(src)="89"> The trucks are waiting .
(trg)="87"> Kamioiak zain daude .

(src)="90"> The men are waiting .
(src)="91"> Everything- -
(trg)="88"> Gizonak zain daude .

(src)="92"> It 's the fishing smack Santiago .
(trg)="90"> " Santiago arrantzuntzia da . "

(src)="93"> It leaves at 1 tomorrow night , here from the end of La Medina .
(trg)="91"> Bihar goizeko ordu batetan irteten da .
(trg)="92"> Marinako amaieratik .

(src)="94"> Third boat .
(src)="95"> - Thank you .
(trg)="93"> Mila esker .

(src)="96"> Thank you .
(src)="97"> - And bring 1 5,000 francs in cash .
(trg)="94"> Ekarri itzazu 15.000 libera frantziar dirutan .

(src)="98"> Remember , in cash .
(trg)="95"> Gogora ezazu , dirutan .

(src)="99"> Cheerio .
(trg)="96"> Osasuna .

(src)="100"> - Open up , Abdul .
(trg)="97"> - Ireki , Abdul .

(src)="101"> - Yes , professor .
(trg)="98"> - Bai , irakaslea .

(src)="102"> - Waiter ?
(trg)="99"> - Gelazaina ?

(src)="103"> - Yes , madame ?
(trg)="100"> - Bai , andrea ?

(src)="104"> Will you ask Rick if he 'll have a drink with us ?
(trg)="101"> Eskatu ahal diozu Ricki gu laguntzeko ?

(src)="105"> He never drinks with customers .
(src)="106"> Never .
(trg)="102"> Andrea , inoiz ez du bezeroekin edaten .

(src)="107"> l have never seen it .
(trg)="103"> Inoiz .
(trg)="104"> Inoiz ez dut ikusi .

(src)="108"> What makes saloonkeepers so snobbish ?
(trg)="105"> Kafetegi jabeak oso snobak dira .

(src)="109"> Perhaps if you told him ...
(src)="110"> ...l ran the second-largest banking house in Amsterdam .
(trg)="106"> Agian esango bazenioke nik Amsterdameko bigarren banketxea zuzentzen nuela .

(src)="111"> Second largest ?
(trg)="107"> Bigarrena ?

(src)="112"> That wouldn 't impress Rick .
(trg)="108"> Ez luke Rick txundituko .

(src)="113"> The leading banker in Amsterdam is now the pastry chef in our kitchen .
(trg)="109"> Amsterdameko bankari garrantzitsuena gure opilgoxogilea da .