# xml/en/1940/32553/3080641.xml.gz
# xml/eo/1940/32553/5817939.xml.gz

(src)="2"> At the end of the World War Tomainia weakened ,
(trg)="5"> Fine de la milito , Tomenio ekmalfortighis .

(src)="3"> Revolution had broken out , her diplomats sued for peace while Tomainia 's army fought on , confident its war machine would smash the enemy 's lines ,
(trg)="6"> Revolucio ekestis .
(trg)="7"> Oni traktadis al paco .
(trg)="8"> Dume che la fronto , la armeo batalis , persvadita ke ghi venkos la malamikon .

(src)="4"> Big Bertha , able to fire 100 miles , was to make its appearance on the Western Front , and strike terror into the enemy ,
(trg)="9"> La " Dika Bertha " , potenca kanono , aperis sur la Okcidenta fronto por terurigi la malamikon .

(src)="5"> 75 miles away was her target :
(src)="6"> the cathedral of Notre-Dame ,
(trg)="10"> Ghia celo , 120 km for , la Pariza katedralo Nia-Damo .

(src)="7"> Range : 95,452 .
(trg)="11"> Pafon 107 km 233 m .

(src)="8"> Stand clear !
(trg)="12"> Atentu !

(src)="9"> Fire !
(trg)="13"> Pafu !

(src)="10"> Stand by your trigger !
(trg)="14"> Je via posteno .

(src)="11"> Range correction : 95,455 .
(trg)="15"> Pafa korekto 108 km 389 .

(src)="12"> Breach secured .
(trg)="16"> Kulaso blokita !

(src)="13"> Stand clear .
(trg)="17"> Atentu !

(src)="14"> Ready ...
(src)="15"> Fire !
(trg)="18"> Pafu !

(src)="16"> Defective shell .
(trg)="19"> Difektita obuso !

(src)="17"> We 'll examine it .
(trg)="20"> Ni ekzamenu ghin .

(src)="18"> Check the fuse .
(trg)="21"> Ni kontrolu la eksplodilon .

(src)="19"> Yes , the fuse .
(trg)="22"> La eksplodilon .

(src)="20"> Look out !
(trg)="24"> Atentu !

(src)="21"> Run !
(trg)="25"> Shirmu vin !

(src)="23"> - Air raid .
(trg)="26"> - Aviadiloj !

(src)="24"> - After Big Bertha .
(trg)="27"> - Ili celas Bertha-n !

(src)="25"> The anti-aircraft gun !
(trg)="28"> Al la Kontrau-aviada kanono !

(src)="26"> To the gun !
(trg)="29"> Rapidu !

(src)="27"> HaVe you gone crazy ?
(trg)="30"> Chu vi frenezas ?

(src)="28"> Come down !
(trg)="31"> Malsupreniru !

(src)="29"> What do you think you 're doing ?
(trg)="32"> Restaru !
(trg)="33"> Kion vi faris ?

(src)="30"> HaVe you gone crazy ?
(trg)="34"> Chu vi frenezighis ?

(src)="31"> Sir , the enemy have broken through .
(trg)="35"> La malamiko trapenetris !

(src)="32"> EVery man to the front .
(trg)="36"> Chiuj al la fronto !

(src)="33"> Muster the gun crew !
(trg)="37"> Kunigu la kanonistojn .

(src)="34"> Get your hand grenades , soldiers .
(trg)="38"> Prenu viajn grenadojn .

(src)="35"> Where 's your hand grenade ?
(trg)="39"> Kie estas viaj grenadoj ?

(src)="36"> Give him one .
(trg)="40"> Donu grenadon al li .

(src)="37"> Keep moving .
(trg)="41"> Nu , antauen .

(src)="38"> Come along , hurry up !
(trg)="42"> Rapidu .

(src)="39"> Pardon me , but to work this ...
(trg)="43"> Kiel tio funkcias ?

(src)="40"> Pull the pin , count to ten and throw it !
(trg)="44"> Malstiftu , kalkulu ghis 10 kaj jhetu !

(src)="41"> Let them have it !
(trg)="45"> Ataku !

(src)="42"> This is no time to scratch .
(trg)="46"> Chesu grati vin !

(src)="43"> Pull yourself together .
(trg)="47"> Memregu vin !

(src)="44"> Take this .
(trg)="48"> Prenu tion !

(src)="45"> Forward !
(trg)="49"> Antauen !

(src)="46"> Fall in !
(trg)="50"> Venu chi-ten !

(src)="47"> Hey you , come on !
(trg)="51"> Vi , tien-chi !

(src)="48"> Order arms !
(trg)="52"> Remetu armilojn !

(src)="49"> Prepare to attack .
(trg)="53"> Pretaj ataki ...

(src)="50"> Forward !
(trg)="54"> Ek !

(src)="51"> There you are .
(trg)="55"> Jen vi !

(src)="52"> The enemy !
(trg)="56"> Malamiko !

(src)="53"> Come on , let 's get him !
(trg)="57"> Ni kaptu lin !

(src)="54"> May I come in , sir ?
(src)="55"> - Who is it ?
(trg)="58"> Chu mi povas eniri ?

(src)="56"> - Friend .
(trg)="59"> Amiko .

(src)="57"> - What division ?
(trg)="60"> - Kia divizio ?

(src)="58"> - 21st artillery , sir .
(trg)="61"> - 21a Artileria .

(src)="59"> Take this and keep firing .
(trg)="62"> Prenu tion kaj tenu ilin for .
(trg)="63"> Daure pafu .

(src)="60"> I 'll be back .
(trg)="64"> Mi revenas .

(src)="61"> Comrade !
(src)="62"> Help !
(trg)="65"> Kamarado , helpon !

(src)="63"> What is it ?
(src)="64"> I 'm exhausted .
(trg)="66"> Mi estas elcherpita .

(src)="65"> Quick , help me to my plane .
(trg)="67"> Helpu min reeniri mian aviadilon .

(src)="66"> Thank you .
(trg)="68"> Dankon , amiko mia .

(src)="67"> I 'll see you get the Tomainian Cross for this .
(trg)="69"> Vi ricevos la Tomenian Krucon .

(src)="68"> Only too willing to oblige , sir .
(trg)="70"> Dankon , komandanto .
(trg)="71"> Tro felicha helpi vin .

(src)="69"> You saved my life .
(src)="70"> Thank you .
(trg)="72"> Vi savis mian vivon .

(src)="71"> I 'll strap you in .
(trg)="73"> Mi alligu vin .

(src)="72"> I can 't make it alone .
(trg)="74"> Mi estas tro malforta .

(src)="73"> You 'll have to stay with me .
(trg)="75"> Restu kun mi .

(src)="74"> Can you fly ?
(trg)="76"> Chu vi scias piloti ?

(src)="75"> I can try .
(trg)="77"> Ne , sed mi provu .

(src)="76"> Lift my hand to the stick .
(src)="77"> I haVen 't the strength .
(trg)="78"> Metu mian manon sur la stirilon , mi estas tro malforta .

(src)="78"> Take charge of that gun !
(trg)="79"> Prenu tiun armilon !

(src)="79"> The enemy !
(trg)="80"> La malamiko alvenas .

(src)="80"> Quick , lift my hand to the throttle .
(trg)="81"> Rapidu !
(trg)="82"> La mantenilon !

(src)="81"> We 'll fool ' em !
(trg)="83"> Ni venkos ilin !

(src)="82"> Hold on to these dispatches .
(trg)="84"> Prenu tiujn sendajhojn .

(src)="83"> If we get them to General Schmelloffel ,
(trg)="85"> Se Generalo Schmelloffel ricevos ilin

(src)="84"> Tomainia may yet win .
(trg)="86"> Tomenio povas venki !

(src)="85"> I 'm going to faint .
(trg)="87"> Mi tuj svenos .

(src)="86"> Don 't say that .
(trg)="88"> Ne diru tion .

(src)="87"> Sorry .
(trg)="89"> Mi bedauras .

(src)="88"> Where am I ?
(trg)="90"> Kie mi estas ?

(src)="89"> Don 't you know me ?
(trg)="91"> Chu vi rekonas min ?

(src)="90"> Yes , I feel better now .
(trg)="92"> Jes , bone nun .

(src)="91"> The blood 's returning to my head .
(trg)="93"> La sango iras al la kapo .

(src)="92"> What 's below ?
(trg)="94"> Kio estas sube ?

(src)="93"> The sun ?
(trg)="95"> La suno , shajne .

(src)="94"> Shining upwards .
(trg)="96"> Ghi supren lumigas .

(src)="95"> Strange .
(trg)="97"> Strange .

(src)="96"> How 's the gas ?
(trg)="98"> Kio pri la gasoj ?

(src)="97"> Kept me awake all night .
(trg)="99"> Terure !
(trg)="100"> Pro ili me ne dormis .

(src)="98"> No , the gasoline in the tank !
(trg)="101"> Ne , la gasoj , kiom da benzino ?

(src)="99"> Almost empty .
(trg)="102"> Preskau ne plu .

(src)="100"> We must be nearly there .
(trg)="103"> Ni devus alveni .

(src)="101"> What time is it ?
(trg)="104"> La kioma horo estas ?

(src)="102"> Approximately one minute to twelve .
(trg)="105"> Unu minuton antau tagmeze .