# OpenSubtitles2016/da/1938/29843/4256682.xml.gz
# OpenSubtitles2016/ze_en/1938/29843/5935264.xml.gz

(src)="3"> Leopold af Østrig har taget kong Richard til fange .
(trg)="1"> News has come from Vienna !
(trg)="2"> " Leopold of Austria has seized King Richard

(src)="4"> Det er alt , hvad vi ved .
(trg)="3"> on his return from the Crusades .
(trg)="4"> Our King is being held prisoner .
(trg)="5"> Nothing further is Known .

(src)="5"> Hans Højhed prins John udsender en proklamation i morgen !
(trg)="6"> His Highness Prince John will
(trg)="7"> make further public pronouncement tomorrow . "

(src)="6"> Hvordan reagerer sakserne på nyhederne , sir Guy ?
(trg)="8"> And how are

(src)="7"> - De er meget urolige , Deres Højhed .
(trg)="9"> the dear Saxons taking the news , Sir Guy ?
(trg)="10"> They 're even more worried than Longchamps , Your Highness .

(src)="9"> - Sætter De planen i værk nu ?
(trg)="11"> They 'll be more than worried
(trg)="12"> when I squeeze the fat out of their pampered hides .

(src)="11"> Tænk , at min bror går hen og bliver taget til fange og efterlader England i min varetægt .
(trg)="13"> You intend to act on your plans ?
(trg)="14"> What better moment than this , Sir Guy ?
(trg)="15"> Whoever would have thought

(src)="13"> - Det sørger jeg for , han ikke gør .
(trg)="18"> He may disapprove when he returns , Your Highness .
(trg)="19"> If he returns .
(trg)="20"> And I 'll see to it that he doesn 't .

(src)="14"> Lad os skåle på en gylden fremtid .
(trg)="21"> We must drink to this moment , Sir Guy .

(src)="16"> - Skål for i morgen !
(trg)="23"> I 'll assign tax districts to you tomorrow .

(src)="18"> - Betaler ?
(trg)="25"> - But who 's gonna pay me ?

(src)="19"> Det er til prins John !
(trg)="28"> That 's all you Saxons think about .
(trg)="29"> Didn 't I tell you it was for Prince John ,

(src)="21"> De kan ikke gøre en jordejer til slave !
(trg)="31"> Stop !
(trg)="32"> Stop !
(trg)="33"> This man is freeborn !

(src)="22"> Guy af Gisbourne har brug for hans mænd .
(trg)="35"> You can 't make a slave of him !
(trg)="36"> Didn 't he refuse to send his men to work

(src)="25"> - Noget bedre , end du gør !
(trg)="41"> - What 's your name , you Saxon dog ?

(src)="27"> - Rend og hop !
(trg)="43"> look to your manners !
(trg)="44"> This is Sir Guy of Gisbourne .
(trg)="45"> Sir Guy or the devil !

(src)="28"> Møller Much ...
(trg)="46"> There 's little to choose between them .

(src)="29"> Der er dødsstraf for at jage kongens hjorte !
(trg)="47"> - What 's your name ?

(src)="30"> Hvis jeg ikke jager , dør jeg af sult takket være jer normannere !
(trg)="49"> You Know it 's death to Kill the King 's deer ?
(trg)="50"> And death from hunger if I don 't .
(trg)="51"> thanks to you and the rest of you Norman cutthroats

(src)="31"> Slå mig ihjel , hvis I vil , men ikke før jeg har sagt min mening !
(trg)="52"> at Nottingham Castle .
(trg)="53"> - Be quiet , you .
(trg)="54"> - I won 't be quiet !

(src)="32"> I kan pine os saksere nu , men når Richard kommer , skal I få betalt !
(trg)="55"> You can Kill me if you like , but not until I 've had my say .
(trg)="56"> You can beat and starve us Saxons now ...
(trg)="57"> ... but when King Richard escapes ,

(src)="33"> - Dræber De folk for at tale sandt ?
(trg)="60"> - What the devil ?

(src)="34"> - Ja , hvis det morer mig ...
(trg)="62"> You 'd not Kill a man for telling the truth ?
(trg)="63"> If it amused me , yes .

(src)="35"> - De bremser kongens retfærdighed .
(trg)="64"> Be thankful my humor 's of a different sort .
(trg)="65"> By what right do you interfere with justice ?

(src)="36"> - Nej , det gør De og prins John !
(trg)="66"> By a better right than you have to misuse it .

(src)="37"> Det skal jeg hilse ham og sige .
(trg)="67"> That goes for your master , Prince John .
(trg)="68"> I 'll give him that message at the baron 's meeting

(src)="39"> Han har brug for en formaning .
(trg)="69"> in Nottingham tonight .
(trg)="70"> thank you .
(trg)="71"> He does need a bit of a talking to .

(src)="41"> Det er mig , der har dræbt hjorten , han er i min tjeneste .
(trg)="72"> - Eh , Will ?
(trg)="73"> - Yes , he has been getting rather out of hand .
(trg)="74"> - Fetch him along .

(src)="42"> Det straffes med døden både for tjeneste - og herrefolk .
(trg)="80"> This man 's my servant .
(trg)="81"> I suppose you realize the penalty for Killing the King 's deer is death .

(src)="43"> Er der ingen undtagelser ?
(trg)="82"> - Whether for serf or noble .

(src)="44"> - Pas på , næste gang du går på jagt .
(trg)="85"> thanks , good master .

(src)="45"> - Nu følger jeg Dem !
(trg)="86"> Better look before you shoot next time .

(src)="46"> Alle saksere velsigner sir Robin af Locksley .
(trg)="87"> From this day , I follow only you .
(trg)="88"> There isn 't a poor Saxon in Nottingham shire ...

(src)="47"> Lad mig tjene Dem !
(trg)="89"> ... that doesn 't Know and bless Sir Robin of LocKsley .

(src)="48"> Jeg er den bedste jæger i skoven .
(trg)="90"> take me as your servant .
(trg)="91"> Why , in all the forest , there isn 't a hunter as good as me .

(src)="50"> Så hent hjorten .
(trg)="92"> I ask no pay .
(trg)="93"> Just to follow you .
(trg)="94"> Fetch the deer , then .

(src)="52"> Nu , da Richard er borte , må vi normannere støtte prins John , normannernes sande forkæmper .
(trg)="95"> While Richard is bent on adventure in foreign lands ...
(trg)="96"> ... it is our duty as Normans to preserve the realm ...
(trg)="97"> ... by giving loyal support to Prince John ,

(src)="53"> Vær hilset , prins John !
(trg)="98"> the only true defender of the Norman spirit .

(src)="55"> Sådan skal man have det :
(trg)="100"> My lords , I thank you .

(src)="56"> God mad og en smuk kvindes selskab .
(trg)="102"> Good food , good company ,

(src)="58"> Er det ikke en glæde at træffe vore venner i Nottingham ?
(trg)="103"> and a beautiful woman to flatter me , eh , Lady Marian ?
(trg)="104"> Was it worthwhile coming with me from London ...

(src)="59"> - Tag nu sir Guy af Gisbourne .
(trg)="105"> ... to see what stout fellows our Nottingham friends are ?
(trg)="106"> take Sir Guy of Gisbourne ,

(src)="60"> - Skal jeg tage ham , Deres Højhed ?
(trg)="107"> now .

(src)="62"> - Han er jo normanner ...
(trg)="109"> Must I take him , Your Highness ?
(trg)="110"> Why , you like him , don 't you ?

(src)="63"> - Kun derfor ?
(trg)="111"> Well , he 's a Norman , of course .

(src)="64"> - Jeg må jo adlyde min værge .
(trg)="112"> ls that the only reason for liking him ?
(trg)="113"> Isn 't that reason enough for a royal ward

(src)="65"> Jeg tvinger Dem ikke , men han er en mægtig ven og forelsket i Dem .
(trg)="114"> who must obey her guardian ?
(trg)="115"> Oh , nay , I 'd not force you , my lady .
(trg)="116"> But he 's our most powerful friend in these shires

(src)="66"> Et ægteskabsløfte ville gavne mine planer ...
(trg)="117"> and he 's already in love with you .
(trg)="118"> If I could promise him marriage to a royal ward ,

(src)="67"> - Måske når jeg kender ham bedre .
(trg)="119"> it might help my plans .
(trg)="120"> - Perhaps when I Know him better .
(trg)="121"> - Of course .

(src)="69"> Klager sakserne over de nye skatter ?
(trg)="122"> You 're a very wise young woman .
(trg)="123"> Any more objections to the new tax from our Saxon friends ?

(src)="71"> Der hænger en sakser i hver eneste galge !
(trg)="124"> Objections , Your Highness ?
(trg)="125"> With a Saxon dangling from every gallows tree between here

(src)="72"> Hæng nu ikke så mange , at vi ikke har nogen at opkræve skat fra !
(trg)="126"> and Charnwood ?
(trg)="127"> Well said , sir Knight .
(trg)="128"> But not too many , mind .